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She eats lots of vegetables and exercises for her health.  - Weblio Email例文集


The Governors-General appointed from 1919 to 1937 included Kenjiro DEN, Kakichi UCHIDA, Takio IZAWA, Mitsunoshin KAMIYAMA, Eizo ISHIZUKA, Masahiro OTA, Hiroshi MINAMI and Kenzo NAKAGAWA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Besides Itagaki and Soejima, Shojiro GOTO, Shinpei ETO, Shinobu KOMURO, Kosei YURI, Kenzaburo OKAMOTO and Shigeru FURUSAWA signed the statement.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In April 1967, "Fukuzawa Yukichi - Ikitsuzukeru Shisoka" (Yukichi FUKUZAWA - Living Theorist) (published by Kodansha) by a scholar of Western History of Ideas Kenji KONO was published.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Young bureaucracy such as Masahito SAKAMOTO and Kenzaburo OKAMOTO convinced Shibusawa that he should play a main role of creating the system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To provide a pearl which is provided with gloss of a surface and a color tone coming from the pearl itself and which shows a function of health promotion or treatment/healing in addition. - 特許庁


To provide a tool for polishing a nail providing no unhealthiness, capable of helping polish the nail to put a uniform and minute gloss on and being simply and conveniently housed, held and carried. - 特許庁


Due to the achievements of SHIBUSAWA, the Saitama Prefecture awards the 'Eichi SHIBUSAWA Award' to business owners who perform sound company activities and contribute to society.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Cornus kousaとC.nuttalliiとの種間雑種は、強な性質及びC.nuttallii植物の強な性質及び大きな、白い苞葉の花ディスプレイ及びC.kousa植物の暗い光の緑色の葉および耐病性および昆虫耐性を示す。例文帳に追加

This invention relates to the interspecific hybrid of Cornus kousa x C. nutlallii which exhibits the vigorous nature and the floral display of large, white bracts of plants of C. nuttallii and the dark, glossy green foliage and disease and insect resistance of plants of C. kousa. - 特許庁



On June 3, 10 ronin (Serizawa, Kondo, Keisuke YAMANAMI, Soji OKITA, Shinpachi NAGAKURA, Hajime SAITO, Kenji NOGUCHI, Genzaburo INOUE, Kai SHIMADA and Hirayama) went down to Osaka City, as it is known today, in order to clamp down on outlaw ronin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



There is an episode where he assisted Kenji NOGUCHI, a member from Serizawa faction, in his Seppuku (suicide by disembowelment), and then directly went to Yagi's house to help them in rice-making on the day of his entry to the Shinsengumi in January, 1864.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He acknowledged a need for the enactments of factory acts from the perspective of 'the development of healthy citizens', and he strongly insisted on his opinion in front of those who were against the acts including Eichi SHIBUSAWA (who later changed his position to the consenting party) in a meeting of the Superior Council of Agriculture, Industry, and Commerce held in 1896.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


By the way, Shigefumi MATSUZAWA, governor of Kanagawa Prefecture, and Kensaku MORITA, who has become governor of Chiba Prefecture advocating 'Constructing a maglev between Haneda and Narita' as an election pledge, are investigating the initiation of a maglev investigation committee.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Under such circumstances, the president of the university, Sawayanagi, was driven into a corner and was forced to resign from his post in April of the same year (Kenjiro YAMAKAWA, the president of Tokyo Imperial University, was concurrently appointed as a successor).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The himuro hut is filled with snow (readying the himuro) on the last Sunday of January, taken out on June 30 (himuro-opening) and then in Kanazawa City and surrounding areas, people eat himuro manju (a bun with a bean paste filling), which is said to imitate ice, as they pray for good health on July 1.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a negative-ion building material which promotes the generation of a natural minus ion from a surface layer part of the building material, which can bring about the effects of environmental improvement and health promotion, and which is excellent in the glossiness and slip resistance of a surface. - 特許庁


To provide a water-based coating composition capable of forming coating film having high gloss and capable of improving decontamination ability, highly curable and capable of reducing the health hazards of coating workers or the like and reducing air pollution. - 特許庁


To provide a sheet-like cosmetic which can impart a dry touch to the skin, can cover the drabness, small wrinkles and grooves of the skin, can impart a suitably lustrous (fashionable) healthy skin color and is convenient to carry. - 特許庁


To provide tin alloy for accessories and the accessories using the same, which consist mainly of white tin, and have a health enhancement effect, treatment and cure function by far infrared rays as well as accessory function with silver-gray luster and beauty. - 特許庁


To provide a silver alloy for jewelry provided with deep luster equivalent to that of platinum and having excellent corrosion resistance and discoloration resistance at a low cost, and with which the promotion of health by the acceleration of bloodstream or the like and curing effect for the stiff shoulders or the like can be obtained at the time when it is worn as jewelry. - 特許庁


To solve the problem that it is sometimes difficult for a person who has poor eyesight or an intellectually handicapped user to find and operate a changeover key for switching a display picture of a display operation part of an image forming apparatus where many keys are arranged. - 特許庁


The members from the Mito clan; Kamo SERIZAWA, Nishiki NIIMI (Iori TANAKA), Jusuke HIRAMA, Goro HIRAYAMA, Shingoro KASUYA, Jusuke HIRAMA, Kenji NOGUCHI, the members from Shieikan training hall; ABIRU, Isami KONDO, Keisuke YAMANAMI, Toshizo HIJIKATA, Shinpachi NAGAKURA, Sanosuke HARADA, Soji OKITA, the members who joined in Kyoto including Genzaburo INOUE, Hajime SAITO and Matasaburo SAEKI, and NEGISHI force including Yuzan NEGISHI and Goichi SHIMIZU came together.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On January 17, 1874, five days after establishing the Aikokukoto Party, eight people, Taisuke ITAGAKI (former Sangi councilor), Shojiro GOTO (Former Sangi councilor), Shinpeo ETO (Former Sangi councilor), Taneomi SOEJIMA (Former Sangi councilor), Kimimasa YURI (Former Governor of Tokyo Prefecture), Kenzaburo OKAMOTO (Former Okura-sho Taijo [Senior Secretary of the Ministry of the Treasury]), drafter Shigeru FURUSAWA and Shinobu KOMURO presented the 'Minsen Giin Setsuritsu Kenpaku Sho' to the Council of the Left in their joint names.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

第三条 知的財産の創造、保護及び活用に関する施策の推進は、創造力の豊かな人材が育成され、その創造力が十分に発揮され、技術革新の進展にも対応した知的財産の国内及び国外における迅速かつ適正な保護が図られ、並びに経済社会において知的財産が積極的に活用されつつ、その価値が最大限に発揮されるために必要な環境の整備を行うことにより、広く国民が知的財産の恵を享受できる社会を実現するとともに、将来にわたり新たな知的財産の創造がなされる基盤を確立し、もって国民経済の全な発展及び豊かな文化の創造に寄与するものとなることを旨として、行われなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 3 Measures for the creation, protection and exploitation of intellectual property shall be promoted with the objective of realizing a society in which the public can enjoy the benefit of intellectual property and establishing a foundation for the creation of new intellectual property in the future, thereby contributing to the sound development of the national economy and the creation of rich culture, through developing an essential environment to develop human resources that are rich in creativity, effectively exercise such creativity, achieve prompt and appropriate protection of intellectual property in response to the progress in technical innovation at home and abroad, actively exploit intellectual property in the economy and society, and utilize its value to the maximum.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



In Japan as well, then-Deputy Governor Yutaka Yamaguchi of the Bank of Japan pointed out regarding the current financial system wherein globalization and diffusion of IT are progressing, that the depth and ample liquidity of markets created by technological innovation and globalization in normal times could be immediately lost in times of a financial crisis accompanied by enormous stress, and there is an inherent risk that it would further amplify the crisis.He also added, “Under such circumstances, we should not suppress, by regulation, the development of technology and innovation in the market. Rather, we should strive to provide a supportive market infrastructure, including regulation and supervision, market practices, disclosure, and accounting methods, in a broad context and to make it more robust. The systematic improvement of market infrastructure will contribute to reducing the risk of financial crises, which is the most serious uncertainty.” 13 - 経済産業省


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