
「法的手続」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 301



The settlements of the disputes by the administrative and judiciary procedures shall comply with Section 115 and 117 of this law. - 特許庁

(2) 請求に関する決定は,法的扶助が求められる手続を管轄する部課が行う。例文帳に追加

(2) The decision on a request shall be made by the Section competent for the proceedings in respect of which legal aid is sought.  - 特許庁

(a) 法律家秘匿特権を理由に法的手続における提出を免じられる書類、及び例文帳に追加

(a) a document that would be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege; and - 特許庁


If proceedings are transferred from one court to another court under this section: all documents of record relevant to the proceedings are to be sent to the Registrar or other appropriate officer of the other court; and the other court must proceed as if: the proceedings had been started in that court; and the same steps in the proceedings had been taken in that court as had been taken in the transferring court.  - 特許庁



A court in which proceedings have been brought under this Act may transfer the proceedings to another prescribed court having jurisdiction to hear and determine the proceedings: if the court thinks fit; and upon application of a party made at any stage in the proceedings.  - 特許庁



Where a person files an address for service for the purposes of any proceedings before the Registrar, that address shall be treated as being in substitution for any address for service previously filed by that person for the purposes of those proceedings.  - 特許庁


Jurisdiction is, by this section, conferred on the Court to hear and determine an action or proceeding for the infringement of a trade mark, but this section does not deprive another court of jurisdiction which it possesses to hear and determine such an action or proceeding. - 特許庁

(1) 本法施行前に法的に完了していない意匠出願手続及び登録意匠に関する事項についての手続は,本法に従って進められる。期間の不遵守について容赦を求める請求に関する手続においては,現行の規則を適用する。例文帳に追加

(1) Proceedings on applications of industrial designs and proceedings on matters of registered industrial designs, which has not been legally concluded before the date of the effectiveness of this Act, shall be concluded pursuant to this Act. In the proceedings on the request for the remission of the period actual regulations shall apply. - 特許庁

所定の手続に基づいてラトビアにおいて効力を生じた国際意匠登録は, 本法に規定する手続に基づいて登録簿に記入された( 国内登録手続に基づいて登録された) 意匠登録と同じ法的効果を有する。例文帳に追加

The international registration of a design that in accordance with the specified procedures has come into effect in Latvia shall have the same legal effect as the registration of the design, which has been included in the Register in accordance with the procedures provided for by this Law (registered in accordancewith the national registration procedure). - 特許庁



Legal disputes concerning trade mark rights and cancellation proceedings (Sections 30 to 34 and Section 66), assignment proceedings (Section 30a) and proceedings for the establishment a posteriori of the invalidity of a trade mark (Section 69a) shall, on request, be recorded in the trade mark register (entry relating to disputes).  - 特許庁



The use of private process, on the other hand, enables financial costs and time requirements to be kept down, avoids triggering credit unease among suppliers and distributors, and allows more flexible recovery measures to be implemented. Legal processes tend to take a considerable time, and the negative image associated withbankruptcyarising from filing for commencement of proceedings risks handicapping the maintenance and expansion of an enterprise’s business dealings.  - 経済産業省


Legal claims that are based on provisions contained in Article 12(6) shall be deemed to be proceedings relating to a contract of employment unless the legal relationship between the parties involved is not governed by an employment contract. - 特許庁


A patentee joined as a defendant in the proceedings by an exclusive licensee is not liable for costs unless the patentee enters an appearance and takes part in the proceedings.  - 特許庁


The order of granting the legal protection to the inventions, industrial models and industrial designs recognized in the established order secret and the order of managing with the secret inventions, industrial models and industrial designs are established by legislation.  - 特許庁

次の者は,決定の再審理を請求することができる。 (a) ハンガリー特許庁における手続の当事者 (b) ファイルの閲覧を禁止又は制限された者 (c) 手続当事者としての法的地位を拒否された者例文帳に追加

Review of a decision may be requested by: (a) any party to the procedures before the Hungarian Patent Office; (b) any person excluded from, or limited in, the inspection of files; (c) any person whose legal status as a party to the procedure has been denied. - 特許庁


If the patent expires during the proceedings before the Nullity Division, the proceedings shall be terminated by decision unless the petitioner insists on completion of the proceedings and is able to substantiate a legal interest in such completion.  - 特許庁


Where legal proceedings in respect of the right to a patent have been instituted before a competent organ, the Office shall suspend the procedure with respect to the application concerned.  - 特許庁


If the legitimate applicant files a request to continue the procedure within three months from the date on which the decision on the right to a patent becomes final, the priority right shall be maintained.  - 特許庁


Judicial nullity proceedings of the registration shall be filed within the Federal Court system, and the INPI, when not the plaintiff, shall participate in them.  - 特許庁

(2) (1)2)に基づく場合は,第41条に定める異議申立手続の間又は特許の無効に関する法的手続が行われている間は,当該請求を提出することはできない。例文帳に追加

(2) In accordance with Paragraph one, Clause 2 of this Section, the request may not be submitted during the procedure of opposition specified in Section 41 of this Law or during the time period when the legal proceedings regarding the patent invalidation take place. - 特許庁

⑩ 本組合の事業に関連する法令等を遵守するための費用又は本組合の事業に係る法的手続に要する費用(訴訟その他の裁判手続及び行政機関による検査・調査に要する費用を含む。)例文帳に追加

(x) Expenses incurred to comply with laws relating to the business of the Partnership or the expenses necessary for legal proceedings relating to the business of the Partnership (including expenses for lawsuits or other legal proceedings and administrative agency’s inspections or investigations);  - 経済産業省


a legal proceeding in which the appellant resorts to a higher court for the purpose of obtaining a review of a lower court decision and a reversal of the lower court's judgment or the granting of a new trial  - 日本語WordNet


By then it was also a requirement to go through legal procedures in order to leave, and those who left without it were charged with desertion.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Industrial designs acquire legal protection by registration in the register of industrials designs (hereinafter also register) pursuant to the procedure provided for in this Act.  - 特許庁


He may also lay down specific procedures and requirements to facilitate the operation of the Institute and guarantee the legal security of individuals. - 特許庁


The administrative inquest or judicial proceeding may be brought officially or at the request of interested party.  - 特許庁


Any of the co-authors shall have the right to initiate legal proceedings in case of infringement of copyright.  - 特許庁

(5) 更なる手続の請求を庁が認めた場合は,期限を遵守しなかったことの法的効果は生じなかったものとみなされる。例文帳に追加

(5) If the Office grants the request for further proceedings, legal consequences of having failed to observe the time limit shall be deemed not to have occurred. - 特許庁


The right to the legal protection of a trademark (hereinafter referred to astrademark protection”) shall belong to the person who has made the trademark registered according to the procedure prescribed by this Act. - 特許庁


Any legal dispute between the intervener and the party concerned may not be decided in the course of the proceedings. - 特許庁


The settlements of disputes relating to the intellectual property against the infringement of the intellectual property owner shall be proceeded by administrative and judiciary procedures. - 特許庁

(3) 手続の続行に関する請求が認められた場合は,期間の不遵守は,如何なる法的効果も有さない。例文帳に追加

(3) If the request regarding the continuance of the processing is satisfied, the non-observance of the time periods shall not have any legal consequences. - 特許庁

(2) 被告人が意図をもたずに行為したことを立証した場合,それは本条(1)違反に対する法的手続において抗弁となる。例文帳に追加

(2) It is a defence in proceedings for an offence against Subsection (1) if the defendant proves that he acted without intent to defraud. - 特許庁

(2) 被告人が不正行為を行う意図なく行為したことを立証した場合,それは本条(1)違反に対する法的手続において抗弁となる。例文帳に追加

(2) It is a defence in proceedings for an offence against Subsection (1) if the defendant proves that he acted without intent to defraud. - 特許庁

(b) 国際保護商標としての商標に関連する、又はその保護の補正又は停止を求める過去、現在又は予定の法的手続例文帳に追加

(b) any past current or proposed legal proceedings relating to the trade mark as a protected international trade mark or seeking amendment or cessation of its protection; - 特許庁


To make trading procedures efficient by electronizing property of goods and merchantises without electronizing a bill of lading, and transferring this property of goods and merchantises accompanied by a legal effect. - 特許庁

14 民事再生法や会社更生法申し立てによる法的再生手続きに至った企業に対して融資を行う制度のこと。DIPとはDebtor in Possessionの略。例文帳に追加

14) Debtor in possession, a system whereby financing is provided to enterprises under legal reorganization procedures through petition under the Civil Rehabilitation Law or the Corporate Reorganization Law. - 経済産業省

本法に基づく法的手続き(法廷における法的手続きではない)の当事者である者が当該手続きの係属中に死亡した場合,登録官は次のようにすることができる。 (a) 要請に基づき,かつ,死亡者の権益移転につき登録官の納得できる証拠がある場合,当該手続きにおいて権益譲受人を死亡者の代わりとすることができる。又は, (b) 登録官が死亡者の権益は生存当事者により十分に代理されると考える場合,権益譲受人を代置することなく当該手続きを継続させることができる。例文帳に追加

If a person who is party to a proceeding under this Act (not being a proceeding in a court) dies pending the proceeding, the Registrar may - (a) on request, and on proof to his satisfaction of the transmission of the interest of the deceased person - substitute in the proceeding his successor in interest in his place; or (b) if he is of opinion that the interest of the deceased person is sufficiently represented by the surviving parties - permit the proceeding to continue without the substitution of his successor in interest. - 特許庁


In an action or proceeding relating to a trade mark, evidence is admissible of the usages of the trade concerned and of any relevant trade mark, trade name or get-up legitimately used by other persons. - 特許庁


In determining the extent of legal protection, due account shall be taken of any statement limiting the scope of the claims made by the applicant or by the patent owner during the examination procedure for grant of a patent or during invalidation proceedings.  - 特許庁


If a party to any legal proceedings under this Act does not reside, and does not carry on business, in New Zealand, the Commissioner or the Court, as the case may be, may require the person to give security for the costs of the proceedings. - 特許庁

(2) 本法の施行前に法的に終結していない発明出願に関する手続及び特許に関する手続は,本法に従って終結される。ただし,発見,発明,合理化提案及び意匠に関する法令集法律No.84/1972に基づいてされた発明出願については,庁が職権により実体審査を行う。例文帳に追加

(2) Proceedings on applications of inventions and proceedings on patents which were not lawfully concluded before this Act comes into effect, shall be concluded pursuant to this Act, where in the case of application of inventions filed pursuant to Act No. 84/1972 Coll. on discoveries, inventions, rationalization proposals and industrial designs the Office shall perform substantive examination ex officio. - 特許庁


A request for review brought against an order imposing procedural fine or ruling on the amount of procedural costs and their payment shall have no delaying force with respect to any other provisions of the decision not contested in the request for review, and shall not prevent them from taking legal effect. - 特許庁

(1) 法又は本規則に基づいて提出される司法手続外誓約書又は宣誓供述書は,パプアニュー ギニアの何れかの場所において法律により法的手続の目的で宣誓をさせる権限を付与されている公務員の下で作成されなければならない。例文帳に追加

(1) Any statutory declaration or affidavit filed under the Act or these Regulations shall be made before any officer authorized by law in any part of Papua New Guinea to administer an oath for the purpose of any legal proceedings. - 特許庁


Where the court proceedings have been suspended on account of proceedings pending before the Patent Office, the court shall, after the decision on the preliminary question has come into full legal force, resume the proceedings at the request of one of the parties on the basis of the decision on the preliminary question.  - 特許庁

第三の類型は、この中間的な存在である。具体的には、第二の類型のように、加盟国政府の 代表者から構成される機関を第一の紛争解決機 関としつつ、そこで解決されない紛争について、 第一の類型と同様に、仲裁手続等の司法的な紛 争解決手続を設けるとする、いわば「ハイブリ ッド型」の手続である。例文帳に追加

The third category is the "hybrid-type" procedure, wherein, similar to the second "council" type, the disputed matter is first referred to a body consisting of representatives of the contracting parties' governments, but similar to the first "arbitration" type of dispute settlement procedure, for disputes which the body has failed to settle, certain quasi-judicial dispute settlement procedures (for example, an arbitration procedure), are available. - 経済産業省

「第133A条 一定の法的手続における証拠第131条に対する違反行為についての法的手続においては,裁判所は,第1審における聴聞の方法によるか又は上訴その他の方法によるかを問わず,著作権の存在又は所有権についての証拠として宣誓供述書を受領することができる。法的手続の当事者は,宣誓供述書による証拠を提出した者を反対尋問のために出廷させるよう,裁判所に申請することができる。また裁判所は,それに従って命令を出すことができる。」例文帳に追加

133A. Evidence in certain proceedings In proceedings for an offence against section 131, whether by way of a hearing in the first instance or by way of appeal or otherwise, the court may receive an affidavit as evidence of the existence and ownership of copyright. A party to the proceedings may apply to the court to require a person whose evidence has been given by affidavit to attend the proceedings for the purposes of cross-examination; and the court may make an order accordingly. - 特許庁


Any party in a hearing before the Registrar, or any witness or expert called to give evidence by such party, may use a language other than the language of the proceedings on condition that, at least 1 month before the date laid down for the hearing, the party gives to the Registrar and to the other parties notice of his intention to use, or to call a witness or expert who intends to use, a language other than the language of the proceedings.  - 特許庁


If in any legal proceeding in which the validity of the registration of a trademark comes into question, a decision is given in favour of the proprietor of the trademark, the Tribunal may grant a certificate to that effect, and if such a certificate is granted, then in any subsequent legal proceeding in which the said validity comes into question, the said proprietor on obtaining a final order or judgment in his favour shall, unless the said final order or judgment for sufficient reason directs otherwise, be entitled to his full cost, charges and expenses as between legal practitioner and client.  - 特許庁



If any proceeding is taken in respect of an infringement of the patent committed after a failure to pay any fee within the prescribed time, and before any enlargement thereof, the Court before which the proceeding is taken may, if it thinks fit, refuse to award any damages in respect of such infringement.  - 特許庁


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