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Ryuzaburo UMEHARA, "Shuzan Enkei"(秋山烟景) (Hazy Autumn Mountain), 1959 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The sun was on his face, the dew was steaming from his wet clothes. - D. H. Lawrence『プロシア士官』
「満月秋風 独り悵然として高丘に上れば、烟は都下幾万の家ににぎはう。」例文帳に追加
"Feeling disappointment, I go up to the top of the hill at full moon in an autumn breeze and see smoke coming from millions of bustling houses in downtown." - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The example of the Kamata clan was at the early stage, but the Kamata clan itself was a branch family of the Kagoshima clan branch family that deviated from the Hitachi Daijo clan, and this could be interpreted that its estate had a few, but four villages. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Additionally, according to the "Ryuenzakki" [柳烟雑記] (Miscellaneous Records of Smokey Willow), the samurai population as of May 1723 (Kyoho 9) comprised of 264 daimyo (Japanese feudal lord), 5,205 hatamoto (bannermen), 17,004 subordinates, 30,909 of those including yoriki (police sergeant), doshin (police constable), rokushaku (servant) and genan (houseboy), and 487 others. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Yasusuke KOMIYAMA (1891) estimated based on the statistics from "柳烟雑記" that the total population of samurai households was around 260,000; 121,110 of domain-retained samurai and their family, 83,403 of hatamoto and their family, and 58,936 of their retainers and servants. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
According to Engi shoryo-shiki (codes and procedures on national rites for mausoleums), the name of the mausoleum was 'Narayama no higashi no misasagi' (literally, Mt. Nara east mausoleum), the graveyard size being '3-cho (approximately 327.3 meters wide) in an east-west direction, and 5-cho (approximately 545.5 meters long) in a north-south direction,' which was provided with five Shuko households (the term Shuko refers to grave keepers) and the mausoleum was counted as an Enryo (a mausoleum of emperor or empress distantly related to the present Emperor). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Its earliest example was Hidemoto KAMATA of the Hitachi Daijo clan, who passed his estate of four villages over to his legitimate child, Tomohide in 1234. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In the paragraph on Shoryoryo (the Bureau for managing imperial mausoleums) of "Engishiki" (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers), it is written that 'Mozu no mimihara no naka mausoleum is located in Otori County, Izumi Province. The area spans about 900 m from east to west, and 900 m from north to south. There are five guard houses,' and the mausoleum is identified with the Daisenryo Tumulus (a large keyhole-shaped tumulus, total length 486m, also called as Daisen Tumulus or Oyama Tumulus), located in Daisen Town, Sakai Ward, Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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原題:”The Prussian Officer” 邦題:『プロシア士官』 | This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide. Copyright (C) Yusuke Inatomi 2006 版権表示を残すかぎり、上の翻訳は自由に利用していただいて構いません。 |
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