該当件数 : 3件
Thereby, the intrinsic flavor of the coffee and a new characteristic flavor can be produced. - 特許庁
To provide a production method suitable for mass production of pure liquor distilled from sweet potato by using a potato koji produced by a simple method not requiring specific pretreatment such as parching and removal of liquid for reducing water contained in potato. - 特許庁
The method for producing the coffee extract by drip type extraction includes showering an extraction solvent with a shower orifice-having nozzle used for supplying the extraction solvent and having more total shower orifices than those of conventional shower orifice-having nozzles, in a process for extracting crushed roasted coffee beans with the extraction solvent, thereby mildly contacting the crushed roasted coffee beans with the extraction solvent to reduce loads to the coffee beans. - 特許庁
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