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該当件数 : 17229



On the request of the owner of the title of protection, or of a licensee if he has requested the owner to institute court proceedings for a specific relief and the owner has refused or failed to do so, the Court may grant an injunction to prevent infringement, an imminent infringement, or an unlawful act referred to in Sections 32(2) and 33, award damages and grant any other remedy provided for in the general law.  - 特許庁


Originally, unions of niwanushi, known as Shinno Associations, were formed by groups of mediators who secured spots for and looked after peddlers and travelers, but these days, most are affiliated with criminal gangs, with some 'niwanushi' completely ignoring the 'taking care of' part, which was originally the most important, and while claiming to be the 'n-th niwanushi of such-and-such society' or from 'a branch of so-and-so kumi' or 'the such-and-such family of so-and-so society,' they threaten and exclude rivals and demand gifts and money in the name of chakuto (gifts for caretakers of the area when merchants arrived, in a sign of greeting) from newly-arrived merchants seeking their services.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, soaring food and fuel prices together with the global financial market turmoil triggered by subprime mortgage crises have made it difficult for developing countries to steer their economies both in terms of fiscal and financial policies.They also inflict damage to the lives of the poor who are the most vulnerable to such exogenous shocks, and threaten to destroy the achievements of years of development efforts.  - 財務省


A job management section interrupts print processing related to a later priority job under processing while giving priority to print processing related to a late-coming job when determined to the effect that a print job under processing at present is the later priority job related to later priority print setting and that the print job accepted after the later priority job is set to high priority compared to the later priority job. - 特許庁


統計情報の収集や管理、提供を行うことは、事業者団体における重要な役割の一 つであるが、「事業者団体の情報活動を通じて、競争関係にある事業者間において、 現在又は将来の事業活動に係る価格等重要な競争手段の具体的な内容に関して、相互間での予測を可能にするような効果を生ぜしめる」(事業者団体ガイドライン) 場合には、競争法上の疑義を招くおそれがある。例文帳に追加

Collecting, managing and sharing of statistical data is an important role of trade associations. However, if "as a result of the information activities of trade associations, businesses in a competitive relationship are able to make predictions among themselves concerning specific details of important means of competition, such as prices relating to current or future business activities" (Trade Association Guidelines), there is a risk of inviting suspicion under competition law. - 経済産業省



It is important that individual financial institutions successively implement measures such as recognizing losses, raising funds if they face a capital shortfall and separating distressed assets from their balance sheets, so as to reduce the risk of additional losses arising in the future. Indeed, such measures are actually underway at the moment. Furthermore, governments have unveiled public sector initiatives and policy measures in order to prepare for cases in which private sector entities find it difficult to do these things on their own  - 金融庁

例えば、現在、東アジア諸国においては、通貨危機に二度と巻き込まれないように、危機に対するいわば「自己保険」として外貨準備を積み上げるとともに、「マルチの保険」であるIMF の役割を補完する取組として、「地域的な保険」である「チェンマイ・イニシアティブ」を推進していますが、こうした動きが、アジア通貨危機時におけるIMFの対応、すなわち「マルチの保険」を通じた資金及び信認が十分にかつ適切迅速な形で供与されなかったという認識を契機としていることに留意すべきです。例文帳に追加

In this connection, in order to avoid currency crises, Asian countries have been accumulating foreign reserves asself insuranceagainst such crises, and promoting a “regional insurancemechanism called the Chiang Mai Initiative, as a complement to theglobal insuranceprovided by the IMF.It should be noted here that these developments were triggered by the recognition that the IMF was not prepared to provide sufficient financing or confidence through “global insurancein an appropriate and expeditious manner at the time of the Asian crisis.  - 財務省


The display data creation part 67 of the radar system comprises: the ordinary target display data creation part 671 for creating and outputting the tracking target display data; the modified display data creation part 672 for outputting the hypothesis target display data and intermediate display data positioning between the target and hypothesis target; and the display data synthetic part 673 for synthesizing the outputted display data. - 特許庁


In a transmitter device, a busy signal is received by a predetermined busy signal time slot of a current frame, with busy signal having information that depends on interference power related to a receiver or payload signal receiving power; the transmission power is adjusted based on the information; and the payload signal is transmitted with the power adjusted in the payload signal time slot related to the busy signal time slot in the next frame. - 特許庁



After the construction of the administration building for the field practice forest was completed in 1923, the following facilities were built one after another: facilities such as work sites in the forest and fields for seedlings were established, a road for vehicles from Deai (a point branching from the present Kyoto Prefectural Road No.38 Kyoto Hirogawara Miyama Route) to the administration building in the field practice forest was laid out in 1925, the engineering work for laying out rails for a forest tramline from the administration building to Nanase, along the uppermost flow of the Yura-gawa River, was started in 1927, and rails were laid out between the administration building and Akazaki in 1934.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



While the position of the chief abbot became in rotation from Hachihonzan in the period as Nichiren Honmon Sect, it broke away from the sect under the official allowance of the branch temples of Taiseki-ji Temple to be independent, and called themselves Fuji School of Nichiren Sect in 1900, then renamed Nichiren Shoshu Sect in 1912 up to the present, however, it was apparent that they called themselves Shoshu Sect, which supposably meant shoshubun (the main part) of Hoke-kyo (Lotus Sutra), until at least the middle of the Edo period, according to the book of Kanazawa local history (it has 'Shoshu no Daimoku' (Chant of Shoshu)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Cloistered Emperor Shirakawa had supreme power, but it was said he mented that, he has no control over the following three things: 1. Waters of the Kamo River (tributary of the Yodo River)(due to its flow and frequent flooding); 2. Dice used in sugoroku (different from current sugoroku, close to western backgammon), which was popular way of gambling at that time, with spots on the dice selecting winners/losers; and 3. Yamaboshi (monk soldiers from Mt. Hie Enryaku-ji Temple), which show that SHIRAKAWA had absolute control apart from these three things.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Tokyo Agreement, it was agreed that (1) major differences identified in EU's equivalence assessment (26 items) are to be eliminated by the end of 2008 as a general rule; (2) the remaining differences other than the aforementioned major differences are to be removed by 30 June 2011; and (3) accounting standards currently being developed at the IASB that are scheduled to become effective after June 30, 2011, are to be worked to ensure the acceptance of the international approach in Japan, when new standards become effective.  - 金融庁


The ratio of women among newly recruited employees is increasing, as well as the number of female executive members at companies, although only slightly in the latter (Table 3.2.9). However, reasons raised for having only a few or no female management level employees in the Basic Survey on Employment Management of Working Women of 2003 includes, "lack of female employees with necessary knowledge, experience, decision making power, etc. (48.4%)," "the length (years) of service of women is short and they resign before reaching management level positions (30.6%)," and "there are female employees likely to assume a management level position in the future, but who currently do not have enough years of service to qualify them for such a position (27.6%)," among others. - 経済産業省


The amount of tourism consumption in the city, including both consumption by Japanese and foreigner visitors, amounts to ¥77.1 billion, accounting for 22.8% of gross city product,82 and the economic ripple effect derived from an induced production coefficient (2.33 times) tentatively calculated by the city is ¥181.9 billion. The proportion of foreigners to the total number of guests at accommodation facilities has been increasing year after year, and nowadays one out of twelve guests is non-Japanese. Such facts suggest that continuance of commitments for capturing foreign tourists would positively impact the city’s economy in material terms. - 経済産業省

デフォルトのフォントとリソースによって設定されたいくつかの選択肢に加え、メニューは Set Font エスケープシーケンスを用いて最後に指定したフォント(ドキュメント Xterm Control Sequences を参照すること) および現在のセレクション (PRIMARY セレクションがある場合) をフォント名として解釈したものを選択肢として提供する。 tekMenuは Tektronix エミュレーションにおけるさまざまなモードを設定するもので、``control'' キーとポインタボタン 2 が Tektronix ウィンドウで押されたときにポップアップする。例文帳に追加

In addition to the default font and a number of alternatives that are set with resources, the menu offers the font last specified by the Set Font escape sequence (see the document Xterm Control Sequences) and the current selection as a font name (if the PRIMARY selection is owned).The tekMenu sets various modes in the Tektronix emulation, and is popped up when the ``control'' key and pointer button two are pressed in the Tektronix window. - XFree86


On the other hand, there were cases in which station names were distinguished through means of adding company names or some other words; in the case of Joshu Dentetsu in Gunma, 'Joshu' is added to Tomioka Station and the station name is made to 'Joshu Tomioka Station'; the reason for this naming lied in that if the provincial name of 'Kozuke' is added, there is a possibility of being confused with 'Ueno' (Taito-ward in Tokyo) or 'Ueno' of Ueno City; Japanese National Railways and East Japan Railway Company used neither 'Kozuke' nor 'Joshu,' following the examples cited above and made a new station name by adding the current prefecture name Gunma.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Assuming that Japan must conduct a strategic review of IFRS application in face of the trend of developments in accounting standards, IFRS will most likely be accepted as developed by the IASB (translated into Japanese), following a thorough study into IFRS both as it is at present and as it will be in the near future, accompanied by active involvement in the standard-setting process to voice Japan's opinions and the surveillance of due process.  - 金融庁


The vehicle navigation system having a vehicle navigation device and a robot performing guide while displaying a map on a display outputs an action command to the robot on the basis of guide information concerning a route of a position relation of one's own current position and a destination to the destination, and informs a user of the vehicle navigation system of the guide information by allowing the robot to perform action corresponding to the action command. - 特許庁


A handover control means 7c executes control related to handover, and when the signal intensity detected by the means 7b is reduced from a previously set threshold, successively allocates a spread code sequence allocated to a base station device other than the base station device received at present to searchers 3a to 3d, newly detects a communicatable base station device and opens a new communication link. - 特許庁


The game machine 1 includes a liquid crystal display 5 for displaying animated images and a TV broadcast screen 5TV, a hard disc 100 for storing the TV broadcast, a subcontrol circuit 72 which controls to store the TV broadcast presently shown on the TV broadcast screen 5TV into the hard disc 100 when the bonus game state is presented and an interface circuit 96 for getting a battery of a mobile phone 92 charged. - 特許庁


To provide specific peptide virus antigens that immunologically react using a serum from a patient infected with a parenterally infected non-A, non-B hepatitis (PT-NANBH) virus, which is now referred to as hepatitis C virus(HCV), polynucleotides sequences encoding these proteins, an expression system capable of producing these peptides, and a method for using the peptides for detecting PT-NANBH infection in a human serum. - 特許庁


Due to severe price-cutting wars, the few surviving companies had to shift their production bases to other countries where personnel expenses were lower, which enhanced decline, and with respect to raw silk which was the specialty of Fukuchiyama, only one silk-raising farmer now remains in Oe-machi in the city; this is due to the fact that Gunze, one such company, withdrew from Fukuchiyama in September 2001, leading to the almost complete extinction of raw silk from Fukuchiyama much like the aforementioned case of indigo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The IOSCO is currently planning to establish principles with regard to hedge fund portfolio valuations so as to encourage good practices.The report covers clarifications of procedures and valuation processes, the maintaining of consistency of evaluation policies and regular reviews of the evaluation policy so as to secure the transparency of hedge funds portfolios.The report aims at forming practical principles, by taking into account opinions within the industry.  - 金融庁


The plan to establish a comprehensive exchange, which combines the functions of securities, financial, and commodities exchanges, is included in the New Growth Strategy, and it is under consideration by the study team on a comprehensive exchange, which comprises the Vice Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries of the FSA, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. This team is now holding hearings with users, investors and other parties concerned.  - 金融庁


This switch device is provided with a first slide switch piece 4 and a second slide switch piece 5 slidably disposed orthogonally to the sliding direction of the first slide switch piece on the first slide switch piece. - 特許庁


To provide a replica ornament of a medical device for making a patient raise awareness so that dislocation, loosening, or the like often experienced by patients after operation can be prevented and second replacement surgery can be delayed or avoided by replicating and processing a medical device related to an artificial joint currently used by a patient as an accessory, figurine and the like to produce a replica ornament of the medical device. - 特許庁


When the object is moving to the external area of the sensing plane, a second cursor motion signal which differs from the first cursor motion signal is generated, wherein the second cursor motion signal which moves the cursor a distance by increasing a selected distance to a certain direction on the display screen shows the difference between a fixed datum point on the sensing plane and the the present position of the object on the sensing plane. - 特許庁


To provide a receiver that can be immediately started even during a dormant period and does not have to reestablish initial synchronization even though the receiver is started immediately like that. - 特許庁


A method includes accessing data streams from a first group of physiological sensors monitoring a person, a second group of deconfounding sensors monitoring the person, and a third group of sensors monitoring a stressor, analyzing data sets collected from the person when the person is exposed and not exposed to the stressor, and determining a current stress factor for the stressor with respect to the person based on the analysis. - 特許庁

今後、我が国は、これまで締結したEPAを着実に活用していくことはもとより、①現在交渉中のインド、韓国、豪州、GCC、そして2009 年5 月に交渉を開始したペルーとのEPAの早期締結に向けて取り組むとともに、②東アジア及びアジア太平洋地域における広域の経済連携への積極的な参加及び貢献を行っていく、③我が国にとって経済的存在感の大きいEUなどの大市場圏との間で、我が国の国益を踏まえ、経済関係の更なる発展を促す方策について真剣に検討を進める。例文帳に追加

For example, as efforts to reduce trade/investment barriers among developed countries, the annual meeting of the Japan-EU Business Dialogue Round Table held in June2007 proposed to set up a task force to examine the feasibility of a Japan-EU Economic Integration Agreement (EIA), with the support of the industrial sector. - 経済産業省


Today, the following are known as effects caused by kosa, but it is not known clearly how kosa works completely: When being placed over forests or sea, kosa grains provide the so-called umbrella effect to prevent the penetration of the sunlight (cooling effect); When being placed on snow areas or glaciers, they provide the effect of warming the air through absorbing sunlight (heating); Being able to become nuclei of generating clouds, they provide the effect of controlling the distribution of clouds above the earth; Because substances included in kosa affect the growth of plants and planktons, kosa also provides the effect of affecting the carbon cycle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Upon reception of the bandwidth assigning request, the particular information processor determines, moreover, the communication bandwidth to be assigned to the relevant bandwidth assigning request by comparing the priority included in the relevant bandwidth assigning request with the stored priority of the other communication and transmits the determined communication bandwidth to the information processor having transmitted the request. - 特許庁


The JP-DRP provides that a third party applicant may seek, as a remedy, the cancellation of the registrant's domain name registration or the assignment of the domain name registration to the applicant (Part i, Article 4 of the JP-DRP). The regulations provide that when an award is issued by a dispute settlement agency (presently, JIPAC is the only one) certified by JPNIC, the Japan Registry Service Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "JPRS") shall take steps for the assignor cancellation of the domain name registration (Article 3 and Part k, Article 4 of the JP-DRP).  - 経済産業省


Foods meeting the provisional regulation values are generally considered to have no health impact, and their safety as food is secured. However, in pursuit of further safety and reassurance of foods, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has considered reduction of the maximum permissible dose of radioactive cesium in foods from 5 mSv/year to 1 mSv/year and discussed the establishment of new standard limits in the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council. - 厚生労働省


Any person may request the Registrar on FormTM4A to cause a search to be made in respect of specified goods or services classified in any one class of the Third Schedule to ascertain whether any trade mark is on record at the date of the search which resembles a trade mark of which duplicate representations shall accompany the Form and the Registrar shall cause such a search to be made and the person making the request to be informed of the result of the search. - 特許庁

外務省は、全ての在外公館(大使館、総領事館等)に対し震災関連の情報発信を強化するよう指示を行い、4 月20 日からは、世界各地における在外公館とJETRO 等の協力による説明会を開催している(6 月3 日現在、北京・ロンドン・上海・ロサンゼルス・バンコク・ソウル・パリ・デュッセルドルフ・台北(交流協会主催)・メキシコシティー・香港・ミラノ・シンガポール・ニューヨーク・ブリュッセルの12 か国・地域、15 都市で開催済み)(第4-3-2-5 図)。例文帳に追加

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave direction to all diplomatic missions abroad (embassies, consulate generals, etc.) to enhance transmission of earthquake disaster-related information, and held briefing sessions all over the world from April 20 with the cooperation of Japan's overseas diplomatic missions, JETRO and (as of June 3, sessions were held in Beijing, London, Shanghai,Los Angeles Bangkok Seoul Paris Dusseldorf and Taipei sponsored by the International Exchange Association), 12 countries/regions including Mexico City, Hong Kong, Milan, Singapore, New York and Brussels, and 15 other cities) (Figure 4-3-2-5). - 経済産業省


Even after the system for the trains providing through-service between the Uji Line and the Keihan Main Line was divided in 2000 with Chushojima as the boundary, this track was used for the trains returning for Sanjo Station or Demachiyanagi Station at this station; however, after the train schedule was changed in the autumn of 2003, only one train returning at this station was operated on a weekday, and then, when the train schedule was changed in the spring of 2006, the operation for the trains returning at this station was abolished; accordingly, today only a few trains on the Uji Line use this track in the early morning (two trains a day in the weekday and a train on holidays).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Building on our achievements to date, we have agreed to work further on macroprudential policy frameworks; better reflect the perspective of emerging market economies in financial regulatory reforms; strengthen regulation and oversight of shadow banking; further work on regulation and supervision of commodity derivatives markets;improve market integrity and efficiency; enhance consumer protection; pursue all outstanding governance reform issues at the IMF and World Bank; and build a more stable and resilient international monetary system, including by further strengthening global financial safety nets.  - 財務省


A menu of a jog dial window 300 is displayed on a liquid crystal display, any one of plural menu items of the displayed menu is selected and the display state of the selected menu item is changed to an orange color, so that the menu item selected at present can be easily recognized only by allowing a user to check the menu item whose display state is changed. - 特許庁


Finance and Central Bank Deputies representing Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, People's of China, Hong Kong SAR of China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and the United States met in Tokyo on 26-27 March 1998 to review progress in addressing the present crisis, and preparing the ground for sustainable growth in the future. High-level representatives form the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank also attended the meeting.  - 財務省


To ratify or accede, and fully implement the UNCAC by G20 countries as soon as possible,to invite non-G20 states to ratify or accede the UNCAC and to strengthen the individual reviews in line with the current Terms of Reference of the Mechanism for the Review of Implementation of the UNCAC, by ensuring that our individual reviews, under the new implementation review mechanism, are conducted in an effective and thorough manner, and endeavor to enhance the level of transparency and inclusivity.  - 財務省


The purpose of investment in China is therefore shifting from the establishment of a base to serve the Japanese and world markets as in the past, to the establishment of production operations nearer to the target market, as occurred in the case of investment in North America in the 1980s, and there is at the same time emerging a growing recognition of ASEAN countries, such as Thailand and the emerging Vietnamese economy, in the role of supply centers as counterweights to the risk of over-investing in China (Fig. 2-2-9).  - 経済産業省


Using MIC’s Employment Status Survey to look at the ratios of employees who want to continue with the job they are in at present and employees who want to change to another job, it can be seen that 11.8% of permanent employees in large enterprises, and 13.3% of permanent employees in SMEs feel that they “want to change jobs.” Among non-permanent employees, the ratio in large enterprises is 19.8% and in SMEs is 17.9%. This shows a trend in that regardless of enterprise scale, it is the non-permanent employees who tend towant to change jobs” (Fig. 3-1-24). - 経済産業省


To provide a vehicle collision prediction apparatus configured to perform simple collision determination on the basis of a current motion state of an object before detailed collision prediction calculation, and to identify an obstacle that is less likely to collide without performing collision prediction on the obstacle, thereby reducing computational complexity, while deciding the time and interval for the prediction by use of a collision timing calculated by the simple collision determination. - 特許庁


A user terminal device 3 holds a 1-bit transaction identification flag indicating whether a current transaction processing is being conducted or has been completed, does not transmit a commit message in each transaction processing except the last one among continuous multiple transaction processings, and transmits the transaction identification bit in place of the omitted commit message during transmission of second and subsequent request messages. - 特許庁


The oxygen concentrator to generate oxygen-enriched air for home oxygen therapy wherein a patient continuously inhales the oxygen-enriched air is characterized by comprising (1) a display part for displaying information on the operation of the oxygen concentrator including information stored in the past and/or real-time information detected right now and (2) an operation part for executing the display. - 特許庁


A CPU 35 extracts one of the exposure condition data which registers light measuring data with the value nearest to the light measuring data of image data output from an imaging unit 13 according to the current shutter speed and sensitivity established in the imaging unit 13 out of the plurality of exposure condition data memorized in the memory 33, and decides the shutter speed and sensitivity to set the predetermined exposure amount based on the exposure condition data. - 特許庁

現在、海外展開を中心に提言の具体化を進めているところであり、平成23 年度においては、我が国の最先端のクリエイティブ産業を見せることにより現地で大きな話題をつくり、日本のファンを増やすとともに、コンテンツやファッション、地域産品など関連産業が現地で継続的ビジネス展開を行う仕組みを構築することを目的として、クール・ジャパン海外展開支援プロジェクトを実施した。例文帳に追加

Currently, the proposal is being put in action mainly through overseas development. In fiscal 2011, Cool Japan overseas development support projects were implemented for the purpose of: attracting people's attention greatly by introducing advanced Japanese creative industries to increase the number of fans of Japan; and establishing a structure in which the related industries (such as those for contents, fashion and local specialties) develop business continuously in the overseas areas. - 経済産業省



Therefore, when requiring Financial Instruments Business Operators, etc., to submit reports and other materials, supervisory departments must make sure to limit the volume of the required reports and materials to the minimum necessary for the supervisory purpose and strive to improve the efficiency of supervision by, for example, constantly reviewing the necessity of existing supervisory processes and the method of implementing them and by making improvements as necessary.  - 金融庁


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