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The history for 340 years of "Otokoyama" which was one of brands for Sessen Junigo and materials, literatures, sake drinking sets and so on during the Edo Period are exhibited to the public.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On November 29, 1815, Naosuke was born as the 14th son of Naonaka II, the 13th lord of the domain, at Hikone-jo Castle in Inukami County, Omi Province (present Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The family head of the current Konoe Family, Tadateru KONOE, who is the president of the Japanese Red Cross Society and other organizations, is the second son of Morisada HOSOKAWA (a child of Fumimaro's daughter, who has married into another family) and became an adopted child of the wife of Fumitaka KONOE, a child of Fumimaro, to inherit the Konoe Family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

そのうちの「神君家康公御遺」(慶長九年二月二五日付)に、「秀忠公御嫡 竹千代君 御腹 春日局 三世将軍家光公也、左大臣」と記されていることを根拠としている。例文帳に追加

YAKIRI's theory is based on an article within the book entitled, "Posthumous Writings of Ieyasu" (from March 25, 1614), where it is written that "Hidetada's eldest son was Takechiyo, born from Kasaga no Tsubone, and was the 3rd Shogun Iemitsu, Minister of the Left."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



However, he sent Tadahide back to his birthplace and requested the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) to designate his illegitimate son Sentaro (who later became Tadaaki) as his legitimate heir and his third son Yojuro (who later became Tadachika) as Sentaro's adopted son, which was finally approved in 1667.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The inscription on 'Suda Hachiman Shrine Mirror', a national treasure, once possessed by Sudahachiman-jinja Shrine says "癸未八月大王年男長寿二人二百" 'On August 10, year of Yin Water Sheep, when Otonokimi lived in Oshisaka no Miya Palace, Shima sent KAWACHI no Atai and AYAHITO Imasuri to make a mirror with 200 kan of high-quality copper to pray for his health.' (There are various theories as to the decipher and interpretation).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"In November 1274, the Mongol Empire attacked Tsukushi Province. People on Tsushima Island put up a defense, but Sukekuni SO and others escaped. As for the peasants, men were killed or captured. Women were gathered and hung on the ships' sides with their hands laced through, or captured. No one was spared. They also did the same at Iki Province."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1888, while still a student, Kojuro presented an article titled 'The method to establish the common writing style between men and women' with Naohiko (Masahiko) MASAKI, who was his close friend and later became the principal of Tokyo Fine Arts School (present Tokyo University of Arts) in the educational journals "Dainihon Kyoikukai Zasshi "(Vols. 73 and 74: March and April) and "Kyoshi no Tomo" (Vols. 10 and 11: March and April).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

この騒動のため晶子は「嫌戦の歌人」という印象が強いが、明治43年(1910年)に発生した第六潜水艇の沈没事故の際には、「海底の 水の明りにしたためし 永き別れの ますら」等約篇の歌を詠み、第一次世界大戦の折は『戦争』という詩のなかで、「いまは戦ふ時である 戦嫌ひのわたしさへ 今日此頃は気が昂る」と極めて励戦的な戦争賛美の歌を作っている。例文帳に追加

Although this dispute left her image as an anti-war poet, when Submarine No.6 sunk in 1910, she wrote about ten poems including 'At the bottom of the sea; writing under the light of water; for farewell; the letters from Japanese men;' and during World War I, she wrote a poem entitled "War" that encourages and praises the war: 'This is the time to fight; even I, who usually detests war; feel excited these days.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


3 月11 日に発生した東日本大震災の影響により、さいたま市、金沢市及び仙台市以外のフォーラムは中止となったが、3 回のフォーラムには、政府側から、玄葉光一郎・国家戦略担当大臣、海江田万里・経済産業大臣、平野達・内閣府副大臣、五彦・財務副大臣が出席したほか、農林水産業界、経済界、労働界、消費者等の各分野の有識者がパネリストとして出席し、国民から広く募った参加者も含めて議論が行われた。例文帳に追加

Although the forums except for those in Saitama, Kanazawa and Sendai cities were cancelled as a result of the effects of the March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake, the three forums were attended by the Minister for National Policy Koichiro Genba, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Banri Kaieda, Senior Vice Minister of Cabinet Office Tatsuo Hirano, and Senior Vice Minister of Finance Fumihiko Igarashi, as well as by expert panelists from fields such as the agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and the business, labor and consumer sectors. They, together with participants recruited from the general public, were engaged in the discussions. - 経済産業省



Sources: Nanbo OTA, 'Kansei 10 nen, Bogo, Edonin betsu' from vol. 26 of "Ichiwa Ichigen" (1820); Shigetami YAMASHITA, 'Edo shigai Tokei Ippan' from vol.1 (pp. 18-26) of "Edokai zasshi" (1889); Kaishu KATSU, 'Edo Jinko Shoki' from "Suijinroku" (1890); Yasusuke KOMIYAMA, 'Funai no Jinko' from vol. 2 (pp. 1923) of "Edo kyujiko" (1891) and vol. 9 (pp. 1210–1243) of "Nihon Zaise Keizai Shiryo" (1922); Juzo YUZUKI and Yasuzo HORIE, 'Honpo jinko hyo' from vol. 7 (pp. 188–210) of "Keizaishi Kenkyu" (1930); Shigetomo KODA, 'Edo no Chonin no Jinko' from vol. 8 (pp. 1–23) of "Shakai Keizai gakkaishi" (1938); Yasujiro TAKAMI, 'Edo no Jinko no Kenkyu' from the 7th conference (pp. 5983) of "Zenkoku Toshi Mondai kaigi" (1940); Bonsen TAKAHASHI, "Nihon Jinkoshi no Kenkyu" from Sanyusha publishing (1941), Naotaro SEKIYAMA, "Kinsei Nihon no Jinko Kozo" published by Yoshikawa Kobunkan Inc. (1958); Kazuo MINAMI, "Bakumatsu Edo Shakai no Kenkyu" published by Yoshikawa Kobunkan Inc. (1978).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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