該当件数 : 21件
a person who watches for a chance then quickly steals another person's belongings - EDR日英対訳辞書
a person who steals things from people's pockets, especially in a crowd - EDR日英対訳辞書
Therefore, excessive enlargement of the wall thickness reduction part 50 can be restrained, and an elastic body 40 can be almost a true circle even when the weight of the elastic body 40 is reduced by the wall thickness reduction part 50, and torque transmission performance of the elastic coupling 1 can be improved while reducing the weight of the elastic body 40. - 特許庁
逆に、ある関数呼び出しで、あるオブジェクトへの参照を呼び出される関数に渡す際には、二つの可能性: 関数がオブジェクトへの参照を盗み取る (steal) 場合と、そうでない場合があります。例文帳に追加
When no ownership is transferred, the caller is said to borrow the reference.Nothing needs to be done for a borrowed reference.Conversely, when a calling function passes it a reference to an object, there are two possibilities: the function steals a reference to the object, or it does not. - Python
It also sharply criticized, 'They are the men who have no humane feelings such as shame or mercy and have no interest in anything other than stealing (looting) as much as possible.' - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To suitably cope with an act of stealing authentication data such as a user password by installing a skimming unit in a terminal by opening the terminal so that a sensor circuit for illegal opening may not operate, or by watching the terminal and analyzing the circuit and software in the terminal. - 特許庁
By forming the gear 5 on valve side integrally using resin by integral molding in a shaft part 4 of a throttle valve and providing a stepped recessed part 32 which is a wall thinned part in the vicinity of a part where the gear 5 on valve side is integrated with the shaft part 4, shrinkage in each part of the gear 5 on valve side due to thermal shrinkage can be made substantially uniform. - 特許庁
To provide an automatic vending machine capable of preventing an act of stealing articles by inserting the fingers in an article ejecting port from the article pickup port, realizing excellent visual recognition of ejecting the article to an article receiving part from the article ejecting port, of picking up the article from the article ejecting port, and of the ejected article. - 特許庁
これらの関数は、リストやタプルの中に新たに作成されたオブジェクトを入れていく際の常套的な書き方をしやすくするために、参照を盗み取るように設計されています; 例えば、(1, 2, "three") というタプルを生成するコードは以下のようになります (とりあえず例外処理のことは忘れておきます;もっとよい書き方を後で示します):例文帳に追加
These functions were designed to steal a referencebecause of a common idiom for populating a tuple or list with newly created objects; for example, the code to create the tuple (1,2, "three") could look like this (forgetting about error handling for the moment; a better way to code this is shown below): - Python
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