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With the growth of empirical research after World War II, Shosaku TAKAGI pointed out in 1976 that Katsumoto was both the chief retainer of the TOYOTOMI and one of TOKUGAWA's national bugyo, and that is important to study the political situation around the time of the Battle of Sekigahara.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Among one hundred and several tens of denpon (existent books of transcription and published books) of "The Tale of the Heike," transcription and published books of the 'Kakuichi-bon Text' line as narration books for "The Tale of the Heike" assume an important role, and especially those based on Takano bon (Takano book) formally owned by Tatsuyuki TAKANO and currently by the Laboratory of Japanese, the University of Tokyo have been popularly distributed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hitsuki Shinji is the Divine Revelation that Tenmei OKAMOTO (1897-1963), a painter and a Shintoist, claimed to have received from a holy spirit called 'Kuninotoko Tachinokami' (国常立尊 or ) by automatic writing.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Until World War II, studies focused on ancient and medieval shrine and temple architecture, but since the War, the scope of research widened to include shrines and temples of the Edo period and modern structures from and since the Meiji period (studies during and after the Meiji period included the study of structures left behind by ex-colonies that were constructed by Japanese architects).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Recent years, comparative studies on the Chikama clan in the West and the Ando clan in the East, both of which were Tokuso's bureaucrats taking charge of the respective peripheral border in the east and in the west of the medieval nation, have developed and it is revealed that both of them had a huge extension of the territory compared with the samurai groups in the center, and their territories were even reaching outside the national territory.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



At the meeting, an opinion was expressed that it may be necessary to take into consideration basis swap spreads that constitute an important factor for decision-making by the overseas investors, who are one of the potential principal investors of the ultra-long-term bonds.  - 財務省

二国間の協力関係としては、現在、米国(NIST:国国立国標準・技術研究所)、EU(欧州委員会企総局、CEN(欧州標準化委員会)、CENLEC(欧州電気標準化委員会))、韓国(KATS:韓国技術標準)、中国(SAC: 中国国標準管理委員会)、ASEAN(ACCAQ-METI)と定期協議を実施。例文帳に追加

Cooperation between two countries are as follows; the United States (NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology), EU (European Commission Directorate General Company, CEN (European Committee for Standardization), CENLEC (European Electrical Standards Committee)), South Korea, (KATS: Korean Agency for Technology and Standards), China (SAC: Commission of the Chinese national standard), ASEAN (ACCAQ-METI) and regular consultations have been conducted. - 経済産業省


In such "houses with diaries," beyond simply having the family head of each successive generation record and then maintain ownership of a diary, family members would also make manuscript copies, abridged versions, and indices (by topic or category) of the house diary, and gain a thorough understanding and knowledge of court practices through research into what was recorded therein; moreover, such families also tried to guard against the possibility of losing their house diaries by setting up a governmental system in which they themselves could serve the Imperial Court as officials or the Sekkanke (the line of regents and advisors) as keishi (clerks and household superintendents) and karei (house retainers), thereby aiming to keep their family name stable and secure.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the committee meetings, active discussions were seen along with various views expressed. Among those views there were opinions that should be analyzed and studied on a consistent basis by taking more time due to data constraints, etc., even though it was deemed theoretically desirable to reflect such opinions on the model. Also, there were some conceptions that are not necessarily disseminated among the general investors at this time in the market, as revealed in the questionnaire to the JGB Market Special Participants and the investors comprising the Meeting of JGB Investors.  - 財務省



A more recent study in Minnesota compared biological assessments made by volunteers in the Scenic Rivers Stream Quality Monitoring Program with Index of Biotic IntegrityIBI)and Invertebrate Community IndexICIassessments made by the Environmental Protection Agency water quality specialists. - 英語論文検索例文集


第五十五条 厚生労働大臣は、対象労働者等の職業生活と庭生活との両立の促進等に資するため、これらの者の雇用管理、職業能力の開発及び向上その他の事項に関し必要な調査研究を実施するものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 55 (1) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall, for the purpose of contributing to the promotion, etc. of balancing work life and family life of Subject Workers, etc., implement research and study required for the employment management, development and improvement of vocational capability and other matters with regard to the subject workers, etc.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 裁判所職員総合研修所教官は、上司の指揮を受けて、裁判所職員総合研修所における裁判所書記官、庭裁判所調査官その他の裁判官以外の裁判所の職員の研究及び修養の指導をつかさどる。例文帳に追加

(2) Professors of the Training and Research Institute for Court Officials shall, under the direction of their supervisors, take charge of guiding research and training in the Training and Research Institute for Court Officials for court clerks, family court research law clerks, and other court officials except for judges.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Academic or artistic activities that provide no income, or activities for the purpose of pursuing specific studies on Japanese culture or arts, or activities for the purpose of learning and acquiring Japanese culture or arts under the guidance of experts (except for the activities listed in the right-hand column of the "College Student", "Pre-college Student" and "Trainee" columns of Appended Table (4)).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


On April 1st, 1173 (according to the solar calendar, May 21st), Shinran was born the first son of Arinori HINO, whose title was Daishin of the emperor's mother, near the present Hino Tanjo-in in the Hokai-ji Temple (Hino, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Based on postwar research, it was once believed that he had returned to secular life and become a merchant, but currently it is generally believed that he had been a Buddhist monk throughout his life because of the discovery of "Yamashinake raiki" (diary of Hisamori OSAWA, zassho (a person in charge of miscellaneous tasks) of the Yamashina family), which was written in the year when Juko was 64 years old, in which he was referred to as 'Jukobo' (monk Juko).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the prevailing view, Tenshin OKAKURA (the forerunner of Japanese art educators and researchers) and Ernest Fenollosa (an American philosopher and an art historian), who visited Horyu-ji Temple in 1884 (or 1886), opened the door of the zushi by brushing aside the opposition from Buddhist priests; this is how the Kannon statue came into view for the first time in hundreds of years.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 'Daini Geijutsu' (Second-Class Art) ('Sekai' Magazine, 1946), Takeo KUWABARA, a scholar of French Literature, denounced haiku as being 'a hobby enjoyed by the members of a special world they create themselves. It is merely a second-class art that is incapable of distinguishing the experts from the amateurs.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, further study has made it clear that there are many differences when compared with the manuscripts copied by Teika and the Meiyurinmo-bon and other manuscripts equivalent to Teika's, and many of the differences are considered to be an influx from the text of the Kawachi-bon.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the latest study, the original text before the revisions looks overall like a good-quality text of the Aobyoshi-bon line similar to the manuscript written in Sadaie's own hand and others, except for the chapter "Hatsune" (The First Warbler), which was considered to be a text of the Beppon line (outside the Aobyoshi-bon and Kawachi-bon lines) in the first place.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since she died in the volume of 'Usugumo' (Wisps of Cloud), she was called 'Usugumo no Nyoin' after taking vows by the readers of later eras (Fujitsubo is never called 'nyogo' and 'nyoin' in the book and the opinions of researchers on Fujitsubo's position are divided).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At first, the presumed location was not Goryeong-gun, Gyeongbuk but Chuncheon, Gangwon Province, the place which some researchers prior to WWII designated as a candidate for Soshimori, Shiragi (ancient Korean kingdom) where Susanoo stopped by, and it is today famous for a location site of Korean TV show "Fuyu no Sonata."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Due to the progress of study after the late twentieth century, it is speculated that the Kano family was somehow related to the Nagao clan in Ashikaga, Shimotsuke Province (Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture); and "Waterfall," an ink painting that remains at Chorin-ji Temple in Ashikaga City, is considered a relatively early work by Masanobu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Many of Tanyu's copies of ancient paintings (called 'Tanyu Reduction') are existent, which are now part of museums and collections around the nation, and they include many copies of ancient paintings whose originals are now lost, so they are valuable as data for the study of Japanese art history.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Among daimyo (Japanese territorial lords) Shigemura DATE, Shigehide SHIMAZU, and Naritoki MATSUDAIRA, are famous as devotees of Taka-gari and especially the books which Naritoki MATSUDAIRA collected for research are housed in Tokyo National Museum, Shimane prefectural library, etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There are various other aikido practitioners and independent factions that study the possibilities of aikido as an art of self-defense, and since there are techniques and movements in mixed martial arts and karate that are common to those of aikido, some consider it useful as an art of self-defense.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Handwriting researcher Kiyoshi WATABE wrote that the reason sogana was used at such a time is 'it may have been used for the original and just been copied, or copied from a little older calligraphic style with more formal attitude.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, among European and US researchers one theory is dominant, which says that instantaneous discharge matchlocks in Europe were introduced into Japan and improved, Holland bought them from Japan and exported them to Southeast Asia and the Japanese model spread across Southeast Asia as an example.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Japanese old gun researchers say that 'matchlock guns in Sri Lanka' exhibited in the Portugal Pavilion of Tsukuba EXPO was 'Sakai tsutsu (hinawaju made in Sakai) for export' which was a Japanese gun that had a gunstock decorated with marquetry, the locals' favorite, which is considered as historical material supporting the theory.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was Shigemoto TACHIBANA who made the transcription called the Tachibana book, the original book of many "Nanboroku" copies currently in circulation; today's research has proposed the view that "Nanboroku" could be a compilation of materials which Jitsuzan (a pseudonym as a priest of Shigemoto TACHIBANA) collected in Hakata and Sakai (a city in Osaka Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Zhao Kuang-yin and Song Taizong, emperors of the dynasty, also liked to study and collect calligraphy works themselves, and ordered Wang Zhu, who was a court calligrapher in the Hanlin Academy and on the list of Chinese calligraphers, to compile a 10-volume calligraphy book named "Chunhua ge Tie" featuring new and old calligraphy works, especially those by Wang Xi-zhi, in 992.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kimimori SARASHINA, a researcher of a native town wrote in his book entitled "Hikaru tori, Hitodama, Hibashira" (shining bird, disembodied soul, pillar of fire) about many firsthand accounts of those grey herons and young night herons shining in pale blue like aosagibi (blue heron fire), including a story in which a young night heron was seen to shine in pale blue in Ibaraki Prefecture in around 1928.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Toshitaro YAMAGUCHI, a scholar of specters, referring to a ritual of amagoi (praying for rain) called Sunakake festival held at Hirose-jinja Shrine where sand is used as a symbol of rain or regional festivals where people throw sand at each other while calling out "sunakake-babaa," suggests that such rituals and events have led to the survival of legends about Sunakake-babaa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Tsuyoshi SHIGA, a researcher of shrines listed in the Engishiki Jinmyocho (register of shrines and deities in the book of regulations of the Engi era), believes Shimo Goryo-jinja Shrine to be Izumoinoheno-jinja Shrine (classified as a Taisha) listed in the Engishiki Jinmyocho but its history is unclear and there is no mention of Izumoinoheno-jinja Shrine in the history records held at Shimo Goryo-jinja Shrine.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Drafts of Constitutional revision by the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, by Mr. Hatoyama of the Democratic Party of Japan, by Mr. Ozawa of the Democratic Party of Japan, and by the Institute for International Policy Studies, which has 6 government offices as its authorities in charge and in which former Prime Minister Nakasone belongs, suggests the Emperor to become to be the head of the nation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But in the 1980s, the possibility that the creation of "Joguki" which records the origin of Keitai would go back to the reign of Empress Suiko (Hiromichi MAYUZUMI 'A Denealogical Study of Emperor Keitai' "Ritsuryo kokka seiritsushi no kenkyu"[Study of the establishment of the Japanese nation under the ritsuryo codes] Yoshikawa Kobunkan Inc. 1982), was brought to light and the collateral line royal family theory regained momentum.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the study of the Shito religion, a conclusion has not been reached whether one is not qualified to become the Emperor unless one is a man with the Imperial Family blood line (unbroken imperial line) or theoretically, any powerful person with the Three Sacred Treasures of the Imperial Family can become the Emperor (note that this is not the official point of view of Shinto).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then, in 1927, he broke away from the old-fashioned study group of his faction and formed the Kayokai faction with KIDO and Iesato TOKUGAWA, establishing a political base in the House of Peers, and at the same time, he gradually broke away from Saionji, becoming a central figure among the House of Peers' reformers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Later, a theory claiming that this painting was drawn by Eitoku, ordered by Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA and completed in 1565 (when Eitoku was 23 years old) became dogmatic due to the research of the historian Katsuya SETA, and Hideo KURODA who wrote "Nazotoki Rakuchu Rakugaizu" (Unraveling the mysteries of Rakuchu Rakugai-zu).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He is understood to have accumulated knowledge by self-education such as by visiting places throughout Japan to see directly wind-up dolls and devoted himself to restore wind-up dolls which had been hoarded up in various places; however, he sometimes 'repaired' wind-up dolls to change the original model, which, it is said, has made him not necessarily highly evaluated by wind-up doll researchers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to Masahiro TAKAHASHI, a researcher of medieval Japanese history living in Tottori City, Takeda Buzen no kami was at Tottori-jo Castle when he was involved in the murder of Nobumichi YAMANA plotted by Suketoyo YAMANA of Tajima Province ("Sanin Sengokushi no Shomondai: jo" [Issues in the Sengoku History of Sanin region: first volume], written by Masahiro TAKAHASHI in 1993).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Retsudo Gisen left his name in the history since he was the last son of Munenori YAGYU and the founder of his family temple, but few studies from academic points of view such as historical science and so on have been made, and there are many parts in his history and legends which are not fully known.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They not only learned classical literature and ideas ('hakka') from Atsutane but also had deep interest in the underworld like their teacher, and each of them evolved theories of mysterious things based on their own views.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Great-grandchildren include Kenichi YOSHIDA (scholar of American and English literature; writer), Toshiaki OKUBO (administrative director of a radiation influence research institute, former president of an industrial medical university), great-great-grandchildren include Princess Nobuko, the wife of Imperial Prince Tomohito; Tsutomu MAKINO (deputy secretary of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry), Taro ASO (prime minister) and Keizo TAKEMI (former member of the House of Councilors).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Many researchers on gishi (loyal retainer) think it is unlikely for Kira to do such things because Kira was responsible for Naganori's failure and there are many questionable point considering that it was Asano's second time as a person in charge of the entertaining Imperial envoy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This "The Biography of the Miyake Clan" is an important and rare family book to studies of Takanori KOJIMA, but whether it is accurate or not is still questionable from the point of the rightness of this material itself; therefore the dates of his birth and death should remain as unknown.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


These influences led Kengyo YOSHIZAWA to learn and research the oldest koto pieces, known as 'kumiuta,' and gagaku (ancient Japanese court music) under Shuraku HAZUKA, a gagaku musician, to devise a new tuning based on that of the Japanese harp, and to compose many koto-oriented pieces including 'Kokin-gumi' and 'Shinkokin-gumi.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In order to satisfy the favor he put his efforts into the study in Kyoto, collecting a wide range of articles related to fauna and flora that were found in 174 books from China to organize, compile and classify: Jakusui began writing in 1697, and passed away at his home in Kitaoji, Kyoto in 1715, after writing up 362 volumes.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The head family of the Toshima clan went to ruin in the Muromachi period and the genealogy was restored more than two hundred years later, with confusion in identification of the people, and in recent study, Asatsune was believed to be a son of Aritsune who was described as his son in the genealogy, and their parent-child relationship was reversed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the beginning it was too difficult even for Tenmei himself to read, but most of it has been decoded little by little, with cooperation of his fellow Shintoists and efforts of his wife Minori OKAMOTO after his death.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Although the dynasty system is usually placed as having existed during the end of ancient times, it is also possible to place it during the early years of the middle age having a decentralized system and it is generally accepted as a transient period from the ancient period to the middle age (the expression 'Chuko' (literally, middle old) is used in the historical study of Japanese literature).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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