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該当件数 : 96



a continuous line has no gaps or breaks in it  - 日本語WordNet


This took the Ming army by surprise, so they broke ranks and retreated in a second.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a protection sheet hardly broken even with use for a long period of time. - 特許庁

多分 エマの計画を見破れなかった 彼女が仲と 取り組んでるから例文帳に追加

Maybe I couldn't find out emma's plan because she's working with a partner. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


誰もこのコードを破れなかった 理由はだね これは人の頭脳の 産物ではないからだ例文帳に追加

The reason that no one has been able to break those protocols, mr. bold, is that they were not created by a human brain. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



To provide a fuel cell with an inside seal between a fuel tank and a vaporizing chamber hard to be broken, and yet with an outside seal between the fuel tank and an outer package case hard to be broken. - 特許庁


The lower space has a height sufficient to reserve the low-temperature liquefied gas when the inner tank is broken. - 特許庁


The battle with artillery and guns continued for as long as 16 hours, but the Satsuma army was unable to defeat the government army after all and retreated to Sueyoshi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the tubular member 31, there is provided a film body that is preferentially broken when the internal pressure of the element-housing space has become greater than specified pressure. - 特許庁



The relatively soft cap reduces the possibility of breakage of the rear coating film during cleaning up cortex and polishing the coating film. - 特許庁



To reduce a bulge in a sheet bundle by forming a flat surface in the spine part of the sheet bundle in a short period of time without generating wrinkles nor tears. - 特許庁


To provide interphase insulating paper exhibiting sufficient strength without requiring paper shift, paper tear or boring with respect to the press-molding of coil end. - 特許庁


Fortunately the leaf gave way and Wendy woke, thinking it was bath-time, and swam back.  - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』


To provide a frame-shaped concrete block allowing construction by a break joint method, allowing construction at uniform vertical reinforcement intervals of 200 mm, and easily securing integration with a load bearing wall orthogonal to an inside partition wall. - 特許庁


To realize a semiconductor device, in which a semiconductor element is hermetically and completely sealed up with a resin covering material to operate stably for a long term, by firmly bonding an insulating base and the resin covering material together, and to surely connect the electrodes of the semiconductor element to prescribed outer circuits. - 特許庁


To provide an incombustible or quasi-incombustible wall backing material interposed or bonded between a walled and wallpaper for preventing breaking of the wallpaper even in the event that the wall bed cracks. - 特許庁


To provide a method for culturing cornea cells, allowing a cell membrane to be easily released without breaking by controlling the adhesion force between the surface of a culture substrate and cornea cells and by a low-temperature treatment after the culture. - 特許庁


To provide a rule forming member capable of firmly forming a rule to a corrugated cardboard material while preventing rupture of cardboard materials without requiring fine adjustment of a distance between male and female mold rule rings. - 特許庁


To prevent a resin coating material from peeling off an insulating substrate under thermal stress, resulting in breakage of sealing of a semiconductor element, for stable operation of the semiconductor element in a long period. - 特許庁


To provide a manufacturing method of a case for a storage element in which the case for the storage element can be manufactured without bringing about a tear or a pin hole at a part between a plurality of storage element housing parts. - 特許庁


Low pressure air not breaking the sealing plate 14 is fed from the tip part of the nozzle 4 of the pressure powder fire extinguisher into the extinguishing chemical discharge pipe 9 through a sholenoid valve 23 for a prescribed time and pressurization is performed. - 特許庁


To prevent a window foil from melting and breaking due to the overheat of it because interstices between crosspieces are widened by the unsettled direction of thermal deformation in a grid window of an irradiation window used for an electron beam irradiator. - 特許庁


To provide a phase-to-phase insulating paper of a rotary electric machine which can prevent a coil end from being torn or shifted in coil end molding compression, and a rotary electric machine. - 特許庁


Even if the film 32 is damaged during the observation or inspection, contamination inside the device can be prevented by restoring the space in the device to the atmospheric pressure when one of the no less than two layers configuring the film is detected to be broken. - 特許庁


To provide an input setter for automatic vending machine hardly causing the breakage of a cover even by repetitive use and capable of realizing a reliable operation over a long period. - 特許庁


A reinforcing member is installed at a shifting section between a section for folding the lens having a tapered shape and the nozzle of the cartridge, and the reinforcing member assists so as to prevent the cartridge from being cracked, torn or broken. - 特許庁


To solve the problem that a convexed sheet is caught between a plate member and a rib and torn due to the dropping and the like in an ink tank which makes a shifting force interact to the convexed sheet through the plate member and makes a negative pressure interact in an ink storage chamber. - 特許庁


When the pop corns 4 are expanded, the flat sheet 6 is ruptured, it is held only for a certain period while its inner pressure is being changed, resulting in that pop corns of high quality can be produced. - 特許庁


To provide an inexpensive sheet treatment device with high binding performance capable of preventing a cover from tearing or getting wrinkled regardless of an intersheet friction coefficient. - 特許庁


Thus, such a step as of press forming a functional member sandwiched between nonwoven fabrics is made unnecessary and so are the measures to prevent a functional member from falling away and from breaking a nonwoven fabric. - 特許庁


To provide a water-disintegrable nonwoven fabric which has excellent water disintegration can be dispersed in a water flow in a short time, also when flushed in a toilet, has an excellent strength, and is not broken and opened, even when swollen in water and used. - 特許庁


To provide a shelf board for closet which are free from troubles such as rupture of adhesion at the bent portion between the shelf portion and front end portion of style or breakage of decorative sheet. - 特許庁


To provide an electric warmer, capable of preventing a facing material from being broken even if a hard drop material collides with the corner of a top face and the surface material is caught between an equalizing plate and a drop material. - 特許庁


Thereby, even if the plate member 12 is moved toward the corner region upon the reception of the acceleration by strong impact, it can inhibit that the film 13 is interposed between the plate member 12 and the rib 50 to be broken. - 特許庁


To provide a processing system for a garbage sack furnished with a measure against crows in which the garbage sack will not be broken even if it is pecked by a crow to allow recycling of the resource for vinyl materials, and thereby it is possible to manage without nighttime collection of garbage, etc. - 特許庁


To easily perform an exchanging work for only a boot in a short time when the boot of a shaft of an automobile is broken, to unnecessitate an assembly exchange for exchanging the whole of the shaft and to make the cost required for the exchange inexpensive. - 特許庁


To provide a protective sheet for a field crop growth that can prevent a strip film piece from being torn and separated even when a connection between slits is broken, by intermittently providing one line of the slits on a sheet body that extend in a longitudinal direction. - 特許庁


To provide a white laminated polyester film for a reflecting plates which is free from the releasing between laminated layers, and is less prone to breaking and which can be produced with high productivity, while having a high reflectance and high hiding property. - 特許庁


Since even when a unit body 1 is drawn out with a paper sheet 7 positioned astride a space between the unit and other unit, a partial pull load is hardly applied to the paper sheet 7, even when the paper sheet is broken, the breakage extent of the paper sheet 7 is relieved. - 特許庁


The falling-off-preventing member 16 is formed of a hollow pipe so that the fall-off-preventing member and the covering material get in touch with each other in line contact and thereby the covering material is hard to be broken. - 特許庁


To easily carry out replacement work of only a boot in a short time when the boot of a shaft of an automobile is torn, eliminate the need for assembly replacement of replacing the whole shaft, and reduce expense required for replacement. - 特許庁


To provide a substrate alignment method capable of preventing the phenomenon of breakage of a substrate by eliminating a primary alignment method of the substrates using a guide pin, for shorter alignment time of the substrates. - 特許庁


To provide a mat for a rest room with an increase in strength hard to be torn, excellent in water absorbency and waterproofness, capable of easily covering a floor around a toilet bowl without gaps while keeping easiness of use. - 特許庁


To provide an interphase insulation sheet for a rotary electric machine, capable of preventing breakage during forming a coil end, as well as excellent in permeability for varnish dripped at the coil end. - 特許庁


To provide a mud guard capable of preventing shrinkage from occurring on the designed surface of a guard part and also making breakage less occur at a joining portion between a mounting part and the guard part. - 特許庁


The bandage is wound around or put on the affected part to keep the affected part dry for many hours, and the bandage excels in strength without coming off or getting torn and gives no pain in contact with the skin. - 特許庁


Thus, when the paper base material 12 is peeled from the thermoplastic resin layer 14 in a state where the adhesive layer 16 is stuck to a material to be adhered, the paper base material 12 can be certainly prevented from being broken by delamination. - 特許庁


To provide a wall substrate material capable of preventing a wall paper from being broken and having non-combustibility required for a building material even when a crack occurs in a wall basic material by providing and bonding the wall substrate material between the wall basic material and the wall paper. - 特許庁


With this structure, the release paper 83 can be surely peeled without a failure such as a snag of the rust-proofing film 81, and the time to be required to peel the release paper 83 can be shortened. - 特許庁



To provide a water-disintegrable nonwoven fabric which has excellent water disintegrability, can be dispersed in a water flow in a short time, also when flushed in a toilet, has an excellent strength, and is not broken and opened, even when swollen in water and used. - 特許庁

日本語ワードネット1.1版 (C) 情報通信研究機構, 2009-2025 License. All rights reserved.
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.License
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