該当件数 : 27件
terrestrial worm that burrows into and helps aerate soil - 日本語WordNet
layer of sand or gravel used to expose sewage effluent to air and the action of microorganisms - 日本語WordNet
He put a nightcrawler on the hook. - Weblio英語基本例文集
The lacquer liquid used for lacquering has a property to be harden when it is exposed to air for a long time, so when you preserve it, it should be covered with the paper stick to the surface without exposing lacquer liquid to air. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A combustion product from the first combustion stage is exposed to high temperature in a short time under overall stoichiometrical air conditions of 135 to 200%. - 特許庁
When performing the burn-in test to the wafer to be measured, the wafer can be exposed to a circulating and convecting air. - 特許庁
When the wafer is subjected to burn-in, it can be exposed to the convecting air. - 特許庁
To provide a sample conveying device which can convey samples held under a high vacuum to a surface analyzing device, etc., without exposing them to air. - 特許庁
To ensure a function of controlling an air flow by assembling a valve in an ink storage container without exposing a valve disc to thermal affection. - 特許庁
The sterilizing cleaning method of the indoor unit of the air conditioner includes a process of forming a thin film of hydrogen peroxide water by spraying mist of hydrogen peroxide water to the indoor unit of the air conditioner, and a process of exposing the indoor unit of the air conditioner with the thin film of the hydrogen peroxide water to ozone containing gas in this order. - 特許庁
When the detection element 103a is exposed to the air including unsaturated hydrocarbon gas such as 1,3-butadiene, an optical characteristic of the detection element 103a is changed. - 特許庁
To provide an injection device and injection method which can inject an infusion into a space between two substrates which are pasted together in a short time without letting it exposed to the air, and a dye sensitize solar cell manufacturing method using the injection device and injection method. - 特許庁
In this device 100, as the substrate 101 is carried from the chamber 1 to the chamber 3 through the through-holes 42, the substrate 101 during the formation of the film will not be exposed to the external air. - 特許庁
These existing layers include a porous outer layer 2, a layer 3 impregnated with cleaning agent, and a heat generating layer 4 including a material generating heat when exposed to air or water. - 特許庁
In manufacturing the electrode with the carbonaceous material put under the surface treatment bonded with a binder, a process of transferring the carbonaceous material into rare gas without exposing it in air and bonding it with the binder in the rare gas is provided after the surface treatment. - 特許庁
The method for preparing the agarwood comprises (a) a step for making an artificial wound on the wood part of Aquilaria group trees or for making an artificial wound on the wood part of Gonystylus group trees and (b) a step for giving a means for aerating the artificial wound. - 特許庁
An inspection method for a filter includes a humidification step for exposing a porous filter to the air including humidity and a detection step for introducing water particles to the inside of the filter made into a wet state through the humidification step, detecting the water particles that pass through the inside of filter to flow out, thereby detecting the defect of a filter. - 特許庁
To provide methods and compositions for antisepsis, disinfection or sterilization, More particularly, to provide methods and compositions that remain inactive as packed for storage, becomes active on exposure to air as an antiseptic, disinfectant or sterilizer when dispensed for use. - 特許庁
Further, the bacteria and mildews contained in the air can be separated and made to adhere to the surface of an inner wall in the ultraviolet irradiation space by centrifugal force generated in the vortex 9 in the interior of the device, so that the bacteria and mildew and the like can be exposed to ultraviolet irradiation for long time to enhance the sterilizing effect. - 特許庁
To prevent the separation of a composite plated film among respective areas by continuously treating in one composite plating bath to change eutectoid dispersion ratio without exposing a material to be plated to air, to prevent the reaggregation of particles in the composite plating bath to uniformalize the eutectoid dispersion ratio and to freely control the quantity of the eutectoid dispersion of the particles in the composite plated film. - 特許庁
To provide a dispenser device uniformly injectable of agents simultaneously mixed with at least two or more contents, and controlling injection direction easily and accurately by turning, without exposing the contents in air while having high power with a high product yield, easiness of assembly, reduced manufacture cost, and convenient maintenance. - 特許庁
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