該当件数 : 45件
彼は機敏に立ち廻り, みんなの注意を引いた.例文帳に追加
His promptness caught everybody's attention. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
Also, according to operation input from an input device, the information retrieval display device independently rotates each key ring in clockwise or counterclockwise. - 特許庁
The parasitic rotational motion around the axis in the focusing direction and around the tangential axis in translation motion is minimized by adjusting a relative rotation around the focusing direction (Y axis) when a lens actuator is assembled and combined. - 特許庁
He established a wage system in which the company paid wages to all the actors from lead to utility. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He had a talent for playing stirring roles with brilliant movement which led him to be called "Dashing Tosshi." - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
There are four kinds of hataraki-goto that are played on nohkan, kotsuzumi, and otsuzumi: 'kakeri' (a type of action piece in Noh, hataraki danced about the ghosts of warriors, shura-mono or mad people, kyoran-mono to depict suffering or distraction), 'iroe' (shosa, a conduct of Noh, short dance of the shite, a main role making the circuit of the stage silently before kuse), 'kirikumi,' and 'tachimawari' (also called hataraki and the stick drum is used in some tachimawari). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
There are daisho-tachimaeari ("Kayoi Komachi," "Hyakuman" [A Million, a woman who went crazy with grief when she was separated from her child]) and tachimawari with taiko music ("Yamanba" [Mountain Witch]), and they are usually made up of no act and one melody part or one act and two melody parts, and the tsuzumi player plays noribyoshi and the fue player, Ashirai. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A power cutting blade is attached to the opening side of a U-shaped frame extended on both the sides of the clod around the roots of the standing tree, and the bottom side of the clod around the standing tree is cut off with the power cutting blade to separate the clod. - 特許庁
In October, 1995, Kichiroku won a Special Award of the National Theatre of Japan for his Tachimawari (stylized fight scene) performance in the scene of the sea (Kikai ga shima Island) in the play "Heike Nyogo ga shima" (literally, the Taira clan [and] the legendary island of women). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
According to action input from an input device, one of the key rings is selected and each key ring is independently rotated clockwise or counterclockwise. - 特許庁
Also, according to operation input from an input device, the device selects one key ring to independently rotate each key ring in clockwise or counterclockwise. - 特許庁
Ascetic Buddhist monks from Tate-yama Mountain traveled across the nation to encourage people to climb sacred mountains, and built sanpai ko (ko for temple or shrine visits) at various locations. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The holding mechanism 4 is equipped with a rotation positioning mechanism 11 which rotates the column 3 held in an erected state about its axis. - 特許庁
乗篭1の内部に複数の独立状椅子2…を配設し、各々の椅子2を鉛直軸心廻りに 360°回転自在としたものである。例文帳に追加
A plurality of independent chairs 2, etc., are disposed within the cars 1 and the respective chairs 2 are made freely rotatable 360° around the perpendicular axes. - 特許庁
The simply shaped lock washer 35 having the protruded portion 36d facing into the shaft insertion hole 33 and the simply shaped engagement portion 29 cut at the pinion shaft 26 are used to produce the rotation stop of the pinion shaft 26, resulting in easy work for assembly. - 特許庁
To provide a reinforcing structure capable of reinforcing strength- shortage around the front part structure of a substantially bonnet type cab of which front end is supported by a mounting structure in one place on a chassis frame, improving durability by dispersing stress, facilitating assembling workability, and reducing cost and weight. - 特許庁
Though mai-goto is mostly performed by single performer such as the Noh shite (main role) or the tsure, hataraki-goto contains performances by many performers around the shite such as in 'kirikumi' (many samurai killing each other using a blade) and 'tachimawari' (a type of action piece, hataraki in Noh, in which the dancer circles the stage to the left to noncongruent instrumental music, the stick drum may be used in the accompaniment). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
However, we have to be careful when we use these names as they are called in different ways according to traditions or styles and kirikumi is sometimes called kakeri, or kakeri and tachimawari are included in iroe. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Unlike other mai-goto and hataraki-goto, there is no fixed pattern of movement but each music has its different movement and, virtually, for classification of hataraki-goto, those that do not fall other categories are gathered together and called collectively tachimawari. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In hataraki-goto played with nohkan, kotsuzumi, otsuzumi, and taiko, there are 'maibataraki,' 'uchiai-bataraki' (one scene in which the shite, a main role fighting with the tsure or the waki, a supporting role of maibataraki, dance with hayashi), 'inori' (in scenes in which a monk or Yamabushi, the waki uses magic to fend off an crazed witch, shite, inori, or prayer, refers to the movement in which the witch submits to the prayers of the monk or Yamabushi, a movement of the hayashi), and 'tachimawari' (see above). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
But it is thought that these days, because Toshiie served as a Horo-shu or Umamawari (general's mounted guard) whose main role was a guard of Nobunaga and liaison officer, there were no opportunities to make the greater military exploits than those of one fighting samurai. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Also, attention should be paid to the fact that in the Edo Period, people who were engaged in the profession called keizushiri made their living by visiting villages and drawing for local residents genealogical tables showing that they came from a distinguished historical family. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a self-supporting SIP terminal easy to manufacture, capable of restraining its manufacturing cost from rising, and capable of restraining an electronic component from inclining because solderability of a solder material is made excellent. - 特許庁
On the underlayer of a basic picture which is drawn on the design, surrounding sceneries 5 and 6 which become the background for the fireworks are dyed and drawn by using paints, a metallurgy powder or a fluorescent coating paint in advance in a manner to make the fireworks stand out. - 特許庁
To provide a detent structure of a tappet in a fuel system, capable of reducing the number of components, the number of processing of components and the management items in an assembling process. - 特許庁
A penetrating member 6 and a cover member 11 are secured previously to the top plate 2 of the sink 1, and the cover member 11 is removed and a supply fitting A is disposed in upright by utilizing the penetrating member 6 when the water related equipment is set up. - 特許庁
Thereby, the holding means 6 is erected at all times, turning in company with the cap and the tamper-evident band, and receives an extraction force of the cap as a compressive stress, becoming excellent in resistivity against pressure as the holding means. - 特許庁
To attractively and securely fix a wind screen to a front panel with a small parts count, to improve assembling performance around the wind screen, and to save a manufacturing cost. - 特許庁
To provide a pinion shaft assembling structure for a planetary gear having simple construction and superior assembling workability for producing reliable rotation stop and positioning function of a pinion shaft. - 特許庁
To provide an anchor device for mounting a handrail on a place with a narrow width such as a wall (parapet) erected around the roof of a concrete structure and a balcony or the like. - 特許庁
A disk 8 for cutting a standing face of levee has a disk angle and an oblique angle θ2 and the disk 8 is rotated around an oblique horizontal shaft 9 and levee is cut by a blade edge 8A of the disk 8. - 特許庁
To provide a guide rail device for an elevator which can easily realize a slide function in a vertical direction and a prescribed position hold function in a horizontal direction between a fixed body and a guide rail, and in which a fastener, bracket, etc., is not conspicuous around the vertically provided guide rail. - 特許庁
A time axis t and X-axis and Y-axis orthogonally cross around the time axis t are taken to make the t axis, X-axis, and Y-axis displayed stereoscopically three dimensional. - 特許庁
Also, the arrangement of a living and dining room LD and a small room R partitioned in the multi living room space 3 and the layout of a kitchen K, a bathroom BR, and a toilet WC can be easily changed by changing the erected positions of partition panels 7. - 特許庁
To provide a wall erecting structure capable of eliminating restriction on travel of wire and pipe in the lateral direction due to a structure of a sole plate part when wiring and piping in the inside of a hollow wall and dispensing with repetitive construction work of wiring and piping in remodeling construction work or the like accompanied with travel of water-related facility. - 特許庁
This invention is composed of a steel frame beam material 1, a connecting material 15 for connecting this steel frame beam material 11 at a specific interval, a reinforcement 11 arranged around the steel frame beam material 11 and concrete 13, and can construct a bridge without assembling the timbering in a river by assembling a form 12 by suspending a work scaffold 10 by the steel frame beam material 1. - 特許庁
To provide a junction structure and a junction joint capable of smoothly combining drain water in a connected drain vertical pipe with drain water from an apparatus drain pipe without causing collision between the drain water in the drain vertical pipe and the drain water from the apparatus drain pipe, which can be incorporated to a new building system and is effective for extension of an water-related apparatus in remodeling. - 特許庁
To provide a lead frame laminate wherein outer-side terminal portions can be protruded during a plastic molding process and three-dimensional sealing effect is achieved on so small terminals that infiltration of resin cannot prevented only by adhesive force, to provide a heat-resistant sheet for use therefor, and to provide a manufacturing method for a semiconductor device using them. - 特許庁
The curing device 1 around a pit opening has a tabular curing body 3 covering the pit opening, an opening/closing lid means 5 rotatably attached to the curing body, erected in the substantially vertical direction to form the curing body to open/close a gateway, and a positioning means 6 positioning the curing body according to the dimension of the pit opening 2 in the curing body. - 特許庁
This hanger rack comprises a base 1 with a circular opening, a rotor 3 placed rotatably in the circular opening of the base 1, a column 4 erecting at the middle of the rotor 3, a plurality of axially and circumferentially spaced openings 5 in the column 4, and plate members releasably fitted in the openings 5. - 特許庁
The method comprises steps of evaluating (S4) image formation performances of an assembled projection optical system, and carrying out optical adjustment (S6) of at least one of the plurality of crystalline permeable members by having it turned about an optical axis based on the evaluation of the image formation evaluation step. - 特許庁
This drain pipe remodeling system is switched into the siphon drainage system when remodeling, a hanging-down part 13A of a siphon drain pipe 13 is connected with the joining part joint 5B on a floor at a story lower by one story, and the existing drainage stack 1 is reused as a drainage stack in the siphon drainage system after remodeling. - 特許庁
The extending direction of the chute 16 is the same direction as the direction of the grass discharging passage 13 when viewed in a plan. - 特許庁
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