
「終枝」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 29



to finish to cut a branch or hair with scissors  - EDR日英対訳辞書


to finish cutting a branch or hair with scissors  - EDR日英対訳辞書


The running sewing data are created from the starting point to the ending point of a branch E12 as the ending point of embroidery of the running sewing data, the point to be linked from the ending point of the branch E11, is the ending point of the branch E12 and the thread color of the branch E12 is green. - 特許庁


(b) When transmission up to the branch being at the end is finished, transmission is performed from a branch branched from the branch to which transmission has been performed, towards a branch which stretches from that branched branch and is at an end. - 特許庁



For an intermediate twig in a route, the initial value becomes a shear flow at a tail of a twig which is close to an endpoint by one. - 特許庁



Running sewing data are created from the starting point to the ending point of a branch E11 as the thread color information on the branch E11 is green. - 特許庁


terminal branches of the hepatic veins that lie in the hepatic lobules and receive blood from the liver sinusoids  - 日本語WordNet


Then, irradiation with laser beam is finished, and a melted section is solidified to form the dendritic tissue. - 特許庁


The final sewing data from the starting point to the ending point of the branch E12 are created as the ending point of embroidery of the running sewing data, the starting point of the branch E12, is not linked to any points. - 特許庁



A flow network creation section 14 creates a flow network by setting the edges connected to the lattice points within wiring arrangement prohibition regions to a capacity "0" among the edges of the directed graph and the other edges to a capacity "1", and moreover by connecting an origin point or an end point to each of the lattice points of wiring ends shown by connection information. - 特許庁



This pruning method is characterized in that one end of a case for storing the saw is made watertight, water is stored in the case, whenever the pruning work is finished, the saw is stored in the case to make the teeth of the saw come into contact with water, namely, water content is stuck to the teeth of the saw and then next pruning work is performed. - 特許庁


tall leafy plant with erect branches ending in large yellow flower heads with downward-arching rays  - 日本語WordNet


Some branch waveguides define an internal path, are provided with a connection ends and a termination portion, and the connection end is coupled to the branch waveguide. - 特許庁


When the noise quantity detected by a noise detection part 32 is large, a threshold α of pruning when a beam search method is implemented is varied in a direction where the number of left branches becomes less and then arithmetic processing for speech recognition can be completed in its early stage when the noise quantity is large. - 特許庁


To provide a threshing apparatus having a function of excellently improving rachis-branch treatment function in a relay-feeding apparatus for sending second grain transferred from the end of a second recovery apparatus to a conveying apparatus for restoration. - 特許庁


To provide a combine harvester that shortly forms a second reduction conveyor and compacts the whole machine body in the combine harvester equipped with a branch-treating device that is communicated with the end of the second reduction conveyor and treats tailings, etc. - 特許庁


For each twig, each tip of the endpoint side and the stating point side is defined as a node and a tail respectively, and coordinates u is assumed, which extends from a node as an origin point to a tail. - 特許庁

年明けの 1 月 28 日、定期閣僚会議了後、初めて主要国閣僚が集まる機会となったダボスにおけるWTO 非公式閣僚会合には、野経済産業大臣及び筒井農林水産副大臣が出席した。例文帳に追加

In January of the next year, Mr.Edano, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Mr.Tsutsui, Senior Vice Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, attended to the WTO non-official ministerial meeting held in Davos, which was the first opportunity for ministers of major countries to gather after conclusion of the Periodical Ministerial Meeting. - 経済産業省


As soon as he had spoken, the Tin Woodman began to chop, and in a short time the tree fell over with a crash, whereupon the Scarecrow's clothes fell out of the branches and rolled off on the ground.  - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』


The playgame facility comprises having a tubular body in a curvilinear form or a branched form as fundamental means and passing the balls, when put into an upper port of the tubular body, through the inside of the tubular body of the curvilinear form or the branched form until finally the balls come out of the lower port of the tubular body. - 特許庁


When the cylinder flow-in air flow rate is calculated by the intake valve model after the completion of intake valve close stop control, the cylinder flow-in air flow rate is calculated based on the temperature of the inside of the intake branch passage calculated or detected by the branch passage temperature detection means without depending on the intake valve model. - 特許庁


On August 25, 1945, ten days after the war ended, Fusae ICHIKAWA and her allies organized the 'Women's Committee on Postwar Policy' and submitted a resolution to the government and the major political parties which consisted of five demands, including the revision of the electoral law for House of Representatives members and the abolition of the Security Police Law.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The center line in an area forming a flat land is calculated by an initial TIN, each height of the starting point, the ending point and the middle point of each center line branch B_1 forming the center line is obtained, and TIN is reconstructed using the above heights and the height of each break point on a contour line. - 特許庁


To provide a combine harvester compacting the whole machine body by a first grain lifting conveyor, a second reduction conveyor and arrangement in the combine harvester equipped with a branch-treating device that is communicated with the end of the second reduction conveyor and treats tailings, etc. - 特許庁


A pattern having a branch protruding from a linear trajectory is drawn by moving the workpiece such that the incident positions of the first laser beam and the second laser beam move from a start point to a finish point in a second direction intersecting the first direction, and simultaneously by continuously incoming the first laser beam from the start point to the finish point and by intermittently incoming the second laser beam. - 特許庁


The tree type hierarchical directory structure is so configured that every input of one character by a user can lead to a lower layer on a directory branch according to the input character, until naturally locating a target file describing all data matching a search key consisting of a plurality of characters input by the user. - 特許庁


The method for producing the crosslinked and branched organopolysilane involves reacting a halogensilane (P) with an elemental metal selected from an alkali metal and an alkaline earth metal wherein the reaction mixture just after the finish of the reaction is treated with a mineral (M) selected from a polysilicic acid, a silicate and an aluminosilicate at least at 50°C at least for 30 sec. - 特許庁


This method for producing the fiber-enriched snacks comprises a process of introducing to a final product 1-30 wt.% of branched maltodextrin having 1→6 glucosidic bond of 15-35%, reducing sugar content of less than 10%, molecular weight Mw of 4,000-6,000 g/mol and mean molecular weight of 2,000-4,000 g/mol. - 特許庁



When the branch node process is finished, the authenticity value of the evaluation result is evaluated and, in the tree structure information holding unit, the code processing object document corresponding to a partial tree leaf mode with the authenticity value 'True' of the evaluation result is encoded or decoded by a key, determined by a key ID obtained from definition unit information and obtained from the key management unit 5. - 特許庁


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