
「薬剤名」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 49



least expensive statin drug (trade name Lescol)  - 日本語WordNet


the brand name of a drug, called Lugol  - EDR日英対訳辞書


To obtain a drug management system capable surely managing drug in a hospital, especially dangerous drug such as powerful drug by previously obtaining drug usage permission and managing information on a drug user, the name of the drug, a dosage, a use time, etc., in a database. - 特許庁

いくつかの薬剤は商品が非常に似ていますのでご注意下さい。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

Please note that some drug names are very similar.  - Weblio Email例文集



the trade name for a drug used to treat upper respiratory congestion  - 日本語WordNet



an antihypertensive drug (trade name Apresoline) that dilates blood vessels  - 日本語WordNet


To solve the problem in which medicine names may be frequently erroneously read to result in assortment error of medicines when the medicine names shown in a display section of a medicine preparing table are shown to an operator in a reverse direction. - 特許庁


A worker such as a pharmacist in charge checks the picking to reveal whether picked medicine names and amounts are correct or not (S5). - 特許庁


The devices 20 have the information in the numbers of each version of each medicine name and medicine identifying information respectively specifying each medicine information installed into devices 10 by device. - 特許庁



A drug use scheduled person previously obtains the drug use permission by transmitting information on the name of using drug, the use dosage, the use time, etc., to a drug management responsible person through intra-hospital LAN. - 特許庁



The medicine 3 are packaged in portion packaging paper 1 printed with the medicine information 2 consisting of the names, effects, side effects, notes, etc., of the medicines 3 on its front surface. - 特許庁


To positively prevent a preparation error in medicine picking work and inspection work by very easily and positively recognizing the name of medicine printed on a package or container of the medicine. - 特許庁


a drug (trade name Capoten) that blocks the formation of angiotensin in the kidneys resulting in vasodilation  - 日本語WordNet


In addition, a clam was described as 'Umuki no kahi' in "Wamyo-sho" (a dictionary compiled in the Heian period) and used as medication through the ages.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To perform printing with an appropriate expression depending on difference in name of disease, medicine or patient. - 特許庁


To provide a medicine delivery apparatus for delivering medicine to a conveyed carrier including a writing device of a display member, writing patient's name information on a display member supported on the side of a medicine carrier to be writable/erasable, and automatically attaching and detaching the display member to and from the carrier. - 特許庁


To easily retrieve a name of a possible disease and medicine that is favorable in performing preventive treatment of the disease with the name from subjective symptoms, etc. - 特許庁


To solve the problem that it is difficult for a pharmacist to know a patient's disease name correctly because there is no description of a disease name on a prescription. - 特許庁


it lists many things about each drug, including the drug name, lot number, expiration date, the amount of drug received, used, returned, or thrown away, and the amount left.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版

処方された薬剤を収納するとともに表面に患者や前記薬剤の情報などが印刷された薬袋 1,1a,1bにおいて、患者毎にそれぞれ異なる色のマーク2,2a,2bを印刷する。例文帳に追加

In medicine bags 1, 1a and 1b for keeping prescribed medicines and with the surface on which patients' names and information about the medicines are printed, markings 2, 2a and 2b with different colors are printed for every patient. - 特許庁


The label 1 to be attached to the container of a drug is composed of a substrate label 2, and a small label piece 3 which is stuck inside a partial area of the substrate label and on which the name of the drug is indicated. - 特許庁


Second, there is provided the computer system which automatically takes a step not to display a medicine in the advertisement frame even when the advertisement is reserved, when a medicine is incompatible with a disease name or a medicine. - 特許庁


The electronic medical record device 10 performs access to the medicine information DB 13 and the food information DB 14 to retrieve the first attention food information and the second attention food information on the basis of diagnosed disease names included in the medical records or the prescription content of the medicine. - 特許庁


A arranging screen on which an arranging figure of the medicine container 11 is correlated with names of the medicines is displayed on a displaying means 4 based on storing data in the storing means 63 and 65. - 特許庁


When it is decided that attention is to be paid to the combined use of medicines, the case information leading to the combination of medicine names acquired from the medicine case information DB is retrieved. - 特許庁


The data server refers to the medicine basic information DB, and decides whether or not the combination of medicine names acquired from prescription information is the combination of generating interaction. - 特許庁


under the brand name totect it is used to treat the toxic effects of an anticancer drug that leaks from a vein into surrounding tissue and causes tissue damage.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


Names of certified doctors, registered nurse, or pharmacists are recorded as a certificate person together with operation record which has been conducting as needed. - 特許庁


A medicine name and the like containing the same contents as those of the laminated part of the second layer label 14 are printed on the first layer label 12. - 特許庁

調剤報酬明細書 ……… 年齢、処方せん受付回数、調剤行為別点数・回数及び薬剤の使用状況(薬品・使用量等)等例文帳に追加

Health insurance claims of dispensing fee: age, number of prescriptions, points and times by dispensing activity, and use of drugs (name and dose of drug, etc.) - 厚生労働省


The system is also provided with a means which is capable of specifying the name of the adverse effect giving drug causing the adverse effect to output it to the user side and obtaining adverse effect related information with respect to the adverse effect giving drug from the information storage means to output it to the user side. - 特許庁


Commercial names of supplements and medical product names are inputted to entry columns 112 of the commodity retrieval part 110 and entry columns 122 of the drug product retrieval part 120, respectively, and an intake combination retrieval button 134 is clicked, whereby intake combination information of supplements and drugs can be obtained. - 特許庁


When one drug name is selected from the list form of the candidates, the CPU receives the selection (S15) and reads out related data, defined in association with the selected drug name, from a drug database (S16). - 特許庁


After the notification is provided, in registering the acquired use information as content, the name of a doctor who has instructed to use the drug or instrument, which is different from the drug or instrument specified by schedule information, and the circumstances of the instruction are registered, while associated with the practice content. - 特許庁


It is confirmed whether a medical act fundamental code and a prescribed medicine fundamental code corresponding to each disability name code coincide with medical act codes and prescribed medicine codes of patients or not by collation, and combinations having high frequencies in coincidence are stored as a pattern table 15 in the memory 8. - 特許庁


If the prescription order information is for a medicine for dosing, a corresponding disease name decision section 13 stores a correspondence disease name designated by a user in the prescription order database 10. - 特許庁


The second display part 4 is constituted of a patient information part 12 wherein patient information including the name of a patient is described and a prescription information part 13 wherein prescription information including the name of a medicine prescribed to the patient is described. - 特許庁

診療報酬明細書 ……… 年齢、傷病、診療実日数、診療行為別点数・回数及び薬剤の使用状況(薬品・使用量等)等例文帳に追加

Health insurance claims of medical/dental fee: age, name of disease, number of days of medical care, points and times of medical treatment by medical care activity, and use of drugs (name and dose of drug, etc.) - 厚生労働省


under the brand name zinecard it is used to reduce heart damage in women given doxorubicin for breast cancer that has spread.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


When registering the input of medicine names to be prescribed for a patient in a client terminal, prescription information is added to inquiry information, and transmitted to a data server. - 特許庁


A table 10 for analysis wherein main disability name codes, medical act codes, and prescribed medicine codes are recorded per patient is generated from medical bill data by a CPU 7 and is stored in a memory 8. - 特許庁


The respective labels 4 and 6 have thin sheet-like label base materials 14 and 20 provided with medicine names by printing, etc., and tacky adhesive layers 10 and 12 formed on the under surfaces of the label base materials 14 and 20. - 特許庁


In the medical service support system 100, a receipt computer 101 extracts a combination of disease name and medicine from receipt data R, and updates the correlation value of the extracted combination held in a correlation DB 130. - 特許庁

II型糖尿病の内服治療、代謝性症候群(死の四重奏、X 症候群ないしインシュリン抵抗性症候群というでも知られる)の危険因子にたいする対抗策として用いられる薬剤製造のため、コーティゾル拮抗薬であるケトコナゾール、またはケトコナゾール類似体の使用。例文帳に追加

Ketoconazole of a cortisol antagonist, or an analogue of the ketoconazole is used for the production of the medicament usable for the treatment of type II diabetes by internal use or as a counterplot to the risk factor of the metabolic syndrome (which is known as the name of death quartet or insulin resistant syndrome). - 特許庁


When the drug name written in the prescription issued by a doctor is input to a personal computer, the fact that the drug is present in NO4 of the group A or the like is displayed, immediately printed and discharged, and a pharmacist immediately starts dispensing work with the memo. - 特許庁


The first layer label 12 and the second layer label 14 are provided with sheet- like label base materials 18 and 26 which are printed with information inclusive of the same contents, for example, drug names, capacity, etc., and tacky adhesive layers 32 which are formed on the rear surfaces of the label base materials 18 and 26. - 特許庁


Third, there is provided the computer system in which, when a certain period of time passes with no input, until a next input event of any kind is generated, the electronic medical record screen is switched to display an advertisement of medicine, medical material, and examination which are not conscious of a disease name of a specified patient. - 特許庁


The first layer label 12 and the second layer label 14 have sheet label bases 18, 26 having the same content information such as a name of medication or a capacity printed thereon and adhesive layers 24, 32 respectively formed on under surfaces of the label bases 18, 26. - 特許庁



The drug for treating or preventing hypertension and serum hyperuricemia and/or hypercholesterolemia has 2-propyl-3-{[2'-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)biphenyl-4-yl]methyl}-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrocycloheptaimidazol-4(3H)-one, its prodrug or its salt (generic name: pratosartan) as an active ingredient. - 特許庁


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Copyright © Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, All Right reserved.
PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
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