
「貢献する」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(48ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 2440



We agreed on specific actions we will take to develop, use, and strengthen implementation of good regulatory practices, including by ensuring internal coordination of rule-making, assessing the impact of regulations, and conducting public consultations, as a critical contribution to our work to advance regulatory convergence and cooperation in the region, and submitted it to Leaders for their consideration.  - 経済産業省


Efforts to meet severe specifications for the lightening and upgrading of products required by downstream manufacturers have eventually worked to enhance energy-saving and resource-saving effects of final products. The company's performances can be cited as some of the best practices that show success in promoting the return of products manufactured overseas into the Japanese market through active technology development. - 経済産業省


The company has hubs in Asian countries such as China, Taiwan and South Korea and has contributed much to the protection of the global environment. The company’s contribution consists of: its manufacturing system that produces ultra pure water, which is essential for manufacturing semiconductors and liquid crystal; its selling of such pure water to local semiconductor plants; and its provision of products and services of treatment and waste water recycling. - 経済産業省


In Asia where small- and medium-sized companies, which tend to be more financially leveraged201 than businesses in the West, comprise a large part of the industries, traditional commercial banking continues to be important. This may leave the potential for Japan to provide its expertise that has been cultivated over the years and to contribute to the further progress of its neighbors. - 経済産業省


被提訴国が 金銭的貢献を行わず、引き続き労働行政の実 施を怠っているとパネルが判断したときは、 パネルは、アメリカ及びメキシコについては、 支払うべき金額の範囲内(最高2,000万ドル) でNAFTA の恩恵を停止し、一方、カナダに ついては、支払いと行動計画の実施を行うよ うカナダ連邦裁判所に提訴することができ る。例文帳に追加

If the panel determines that such state has not made the required monetary contribution and continues to refrain from implementation of the action plan, the panel can stop the payment of benefits under NAFTA within a certain amount (maximum of USD 20,000,000) when the case relates to the United States and Mexico, or file a suit in a Canadian court to implement the payment and action plan when the case relates to Canada. - 経済産業省



We also welcomed the valuable contributions of the Life Sciences Innovation Forum in identifying ways to take advantage of health innovations, enhancing the investment environment for the life sciences to drive growth, advancing regulatory harmonization, goals and target dates and addressing the challenges of the aging population, and of chronic, infectious and re-emerging diseases in the region. - 経済産業省


Next, a breakdown of the contribution rate by item to the growth rate in order to determine growth factors in household income reveals that in the U.S. contribution to growth is well balanced between employment remuneration, interest, and dividends while in Japan employment remuneration is substantially negative in contribution and interest income is also negative, reflecting the low level of interest rates in Japan (see Figure 2-2-52). - 経済産業省

1948 年に発足した関税と貿易に関する一般協定(GATT)の体制及びその後を受けて1995年に発足した世界貿易機関(WTO)は、多角的交渉(ラウンド)を通じた関税など貿易障壁の削減・撤廃だけでなく、国際取引の安定と予見可能性の確保のための通商ルールの強化、充実を図り、多角的貿易体制の強化と保護主義の抑制に大きく貢献してきた。例文帳に追加

The world has seen not only trade barriers reduced and eliminated through multilateral negotiations (“Rounds”), but also trade rules strengthened and enhanced to stabilize international trade and secure its predictability, made possible the initiatives of the GATT system, founded in 1948, and WTO, started in 1995 based on the achievements of GATT. - 経済産業省


ERIA is also conducting reviews concerning major pillars of: receiving advice on study themes from ASEAN, ASEAN+3, East Asia Summit and other entities in interactive communication; and seeking capacity building in programs to foster policy study capabilities as a way of contributing to correcting intra-regional gaps (Figure 4-3-5 and Figure 4-3-6). - 経済産業省



In short, absorbing such overseas demand can attribute to A) development of advanced medical after more example case was gathered. B) Re-investment to the domestic medical service including advanced medical care after medical organizations accumulated enough capital. C) reinforcement of global competitiveness involving medical equipment or drug related industry due to the expansion of domestic/overseas market, which shall be worked out by the entire Japan. - 経済産業省



Overseas economic assistance, provided by Japan for Asian countries, has been based on a scheme for assisting them to generate new ways of adding value and developing peripheral industries; it has been applied mainly to the economic sector and service industry. - 経済産業省


More specifically, CSR is understood to call for companies, in a way compatible with their pursuit of economic profits, to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, corporate philosophy and corporate governance, accountability and information disclosure, sincerity in attitudes toward customers, nurturing of and support for human resources, securing of fair conditions for competition, respect for human rights, consideration for the environment, contributions to local communities and so on. - 経済産業省

このため、シルバー人材センター事業や老人クラブ活動の一層の活性化、教育・環境・防災・防犯 等の地域貢献活動への地域住民の積極的参画等の取組みを進めていくとともに、地域における文化芸術・スポーツの振興やそうした機会を広げるまちづくり等を推進することも重要である。例文帳に追加

To this end, the government should implement programs to further invigorate Silver Human Resources Centers and activities at elderly club and those to encourage local residents to play an active role in community activities to contribute to education, environmental conservation, and disaster and crime prevention. It is also important to promote programs to foster regional culture, arts, and sports and those to improve local communities in a way that provides people with more opportunities to participate in cultural and other activities. - 厚生労働省


It can do truth no service to blink the fact, known to all who have the most ordinary acquaintance with literary history, that a large portion of the noblest and most valuable moral teaching has been the work, not only of men who did not know, but of men who knew and rejected, the Christian faith.38  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


Until now, the FSA (Financial Services Agency) has consistently participated in the FSF's working groups as the representative of Japan, making active contributions to the adoption of a landmark FSF report issued in April last year, debate about the establishment of a supervisory college, the drafting of proposals concerning procyclicality (the effect of amplifying economic cycles), and the adoption of international principles on crisis management. From now on, the FSB's Steering Committees that I mentioned are expected to function as the organization's working groups. As a member of these Steering Committees, the FSA intends to continue its active contributions to debate about international cooperation in financial regulation and supervision.  - 金融庁

6.我々は、EWGと EGEDAに対し、完全、正確、かつ適時な石油・天然ガスデータ の収集を継続し、必要に応じて他の関連する組織と協力しつつ、石油データ共同イニシアティブ(JODI)に貢献すること、関心を有するエコノミーを対象としたエネルギー統計に関する能力構築を拡大すること、及びより透明性が高く流動性の低いエネルギー商品市場のための国際的イニシアティブを支援することを指示する例文帳に追加

6. We instruct the EWG and EGEDA to continue collecting complete, accurate and timely oil and gas data for contribution to the Joint Oil Data Initiative (JODI) in cooperation with other relevant bodies where necessary, to extend their capacity building in energy statistics to interested economies, and to support multilateral initiatives for more transparent and less volatile energy commodity markets.  - 経済産業省

第一条 この法律は、国際的に協力して生物の多様性の確保を図るため、遺伝子組換え生物等の使用等の規制に関する措置を講ずることにより生物の多様性に関する条約のバイオセーフティに関するカルタヘナ議定書(以下「議定書」という。)の的確かつ円滑な実施を確保し、もって人類の福祉に貢献するとともに現在及び将来の国民の健康で文化的な生活の確保に寄与することを目的とする例文帳に追加

Article 1 This Act shall have the purpose of ensuring the precise and smooth implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity (hereinafter referred to as "the Protocol"), thereby contributing to the welfare of humankind and helping to assure healthy cultural lives for the people now and in the future, by devising measures to regulate the use of living modified organisms in order for the conservation and the sustainable use of biological diversity through international cooperation.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) 特許出願において一群の発明がクレームされている場合は,発明の単一性に関して本法第 19条第 1段落に規定する条件は,それらの発明の間に 1又は 2以上の同一又は対応する特別な技術的特徴が含まれている場合に限り,満たされるものとする。「特別な技術的特徴」という表現は,クレームされている発明の各々が,全体として考えるとき,技術水準に対して行う貢献を明示する技術的特徴を意味するものとする例文帳に追加

(2) Where a group of inventions is claimed in the patent application, the condition stipulated in Art. 19 paragraph (1) of the Law on the unity of invention shall be fulfilled only when there is a technical relationship among these inventions involving one or more identical or corresponding special technical features; the expression "special technical features" shall mean those technical features which define a contribution which each of the claimed inventions, considered as a whole, makes over the state of the art. - 特許庁


Also, on the signing of the Japan-Mexico EPA at the Joint Statement of the summits, it was affirmed that, following execution thereof: i) necessary actions would be taken by both governments to eradicate counterfeit products and pirated goods infringing intellectual property rights, and ii) the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks contributes to effective and global protection of trademarks. With respect to the latter, Mexico’s willingness to undertake every effort to ratify such Protocol was reaffirmed. - 経済産業省


" At the annual meeting last year, the Government of Japan announced to contribute "a maximum of 5 million U.S. dollar over three years" to support the efforts in natural disaster prevention by the IDB group. I am pleased to announce that, as part of this contribution, the Government of Japan has decided to contribute 3 million U.S. dollars to the Multi-donor Disaster Prevention Trust Fund and will sign the agreement today here in Guatemala. We will also provide our accumulated know-how to the project.  - 財務省


Where the employer assumes ownership or reserves the right of exploitation of an invention, the worker shall be entitled to equitable economic compensation determined in relation to the industrial and commercial significance of the invention, due account being taken of the value of the means or knowledge made available by the undertaking and the contributions made by the worker himself; in the event of the employer licensing the invention to third parties, the inventor may claim payment from the owner of the patent of up to 50% of the royalties actually charged by the latter.  - 特許庁

従業者は,公正な対価を取得する権原を有するものとし,当事者間で合意が成立しない場合は,第L615条 21によって設立される労使調停委員会又は第1審裁判所により決定される。同委員会又は同裁判所は,提出されるすべての要素,特に使用者及び従業者によって提出されるものを考慮し,両者各々の当初の貢献並びに発明の工業的及び商業的実用性の双方に応じて,公正な対価を算定するものとする例文帳に追加

The salaried person shall be entitled to obtain a fair price which, failing agreement between the parties, shall be stipulated by the joint conciliation board set up by Article L615-21 or by the First Instance Court; these shall take into consideration all elements which may be supplied, in particular by the employer and by the employee, to compute the fair price as a function of both the initial contributions of either of them and the industrial and commercial utility of the invention.  - 特許庁


The aquatic resource-activating structure inexpensively and greatly facilitating fixation of seaweeds, effective for aquaculture of seaweeds themselves, contributing to activation of fishery resources and thereby substantially contributing to industries, is obtained by an aquatic resource-activating method which is simple and includes using the aquatic resource-activating structure. - 特許庁


To greatly increase a recovery rate of plastic products for re-recycling, to feed recovered waste plastic immediately to the material for re-recycled articles without requiring complicated processes such as analyses or classifications, to increase the work efficiency and the reduction of the cost, and in addition, to contribute to the acceleration of the re-using of waste plastic and the environmental improvement. - 特許庁


To enable using a single polishing disc to polish the notch end faces and a notch bevel face, for eliminating the troublesome control of two polishing discs in a mirror-surface polisher or a mirror-surface polishing method for wafer notches and contribute a wide area of the disc to polishing, thereby dispersing the polishing load, to improve the service life of the polishing disc and the polishing efficiency. - 特許庁

成長戦略は財政再建と矛盾するものであってはならない。民間資金を活用した社会資本整備、世界最高水準の電子政府の実現、医療の徹底したICT 化や大学改革など成長戦略に盛り込まれた施策を着実に実施することは財政健全化にも貢献するものであり、また、それは経済成長の実現を通じて、企業所得や国民所得を向上させ、歳入の増大という形で財政再建にも寄与するものである。例文帳に追加

The Growth Strategy must not conflict with fiscal rehabilitation. The steady implementation of measures which were incorporated into the Growth Strategy, including social infrastructure development by making use of private sector funds, the achievement of a world-leading e-Government system, the acceleration of ICT use in medical care, and university reform, will also contribute to the realization of fiscal soundness. Furthermore, the achievement of economic growth will increase corporate incomes and national incomes, and contribute to fiscal rehabilitation in the form of increased revenue.  - 経済産業省


In this regard, as we are at the initial stage of negotiations, this paper is intended to present necessary materials towards reaching agreement on modality through suggesting issues of interest shared by many WTO Members, including Japan. Subsequently, Japan reserves the right to submit additional proposals, along with any evolvement in the negotiations and is prepared to make actively further contributions to the negotiations. Japan also urges other Members to swiftly submit their proposals.  - 経済産業省

3. 両国の閣僚は、この協定の効果的な実施の重要性を再確認した。また、この協定は日本とマレーシアの間の物品、サービス及び資本の国境を越えた流れや相互に関心のある分野での二国間協力を促進することに貢献するとの見解を共有した。両国の閣僚は、この協定は、両国が有する経済的な相互補完性を最大限に活用することを可能にし、各々の経済発展を促進し得ることを強調した。例文帳に追加

3. The Ministers reaffirmed the importance of the effective implementation of the Agreement. They shared the view that the Agreement will contribute toward enhancing the cross-border flow of goods, services and capital between Japan and Malaysia, as well as bilateral cooperation in fields of mutual interest. They underscored that the Agreement will enable both countries to make the most of their economic complementarity and further promote the development of their respective economies.  - 経済産業省

4. 両国の閣僚は、両国の民間部門が、この協定の発効前から、様々な分野において新たな貿易・投資の機会を探求してきたことに、喜びを持って留意する。両国の閣僚は、この協定が発効することにより、このような民間部門の活動が更に加速し、両国間の経済関係の強化に貢献することを期待する。両国の閣僚は、この協定は、日本とマレーシアとの間の戦略的パートナーシップのための強固な基礎を築くものであることを強調した。例文帳に追加

4. The Ministers are pleased to note that, even before the entry into force of the Agreement, the private sectors of both countries have been exploring new trade and investment opportunities in various fields. The Ministers expect that, with the entry into force of the Agreement, these activities of the private sectors will be further accelerated and contribute to enhancing the economic ties of both countries. The Ministers also stressed that the Agreement constitutes a solid basis for the strategic partnership between Japan and Malaysia.  - 経済産業省

温室効果ガス排出量を「見える化」することで、事業者によるサプライチェーン全体の温室効果ガス削減を促し、事業者と消費者とが一体となって低炭素社会の構築に貢献するために、製品のライフサイクル全体(原材料調達~廃棄・リサイクル)を通して排出される温室効果ガス排出量をCO2 量に換算し表示する「カーボンフットプリント制度」にて、制度参加事業者への専門家派遣や全国で説明会を開催するなど、制度の構築・理解促進等の取組を進めた。例文帳に追加

Action was pursued to develop and promote understanding of the Carbon Footprint System by dispatching experts to participating businesses and organizing explanatory events around the country. The Carbon Footprint System is a system for converting emissions of greenhouse gases throughout the product lifecycle (from procurement of raw materials through to disposal and recycling) to carbon dioxide equivalents, and is designed to contribute to the development of a low-carbon society through concerted action by businesses and consumers by making it easier for them to visualize greenhouse gas emissions and so encourage cuts in such emissions by businesses along the entire supply chain.  - 経済産業省


Specific actions for greater transparency, stronger accountability, improved institutional governance deeper country ownership, more decentralization and use of country systems where appropriate, and enhanced procurement guidelines, new ways of managing and tracking results and financial contributions, strengthen knowledge management, ensuring the right human resources with appropriate diversity, better implementing environmental and social safeguards, sound risk management, and ensuring financial sustainability with pricing linked to expenses, and a commitment to continue to reduce administrative expenses and make them more transparent.  - 財務省

今後ともPRGFはIMFにとって最貧国支援に不可欠な機能を有すると考えられ、各国の更なる貢献が困難なことにも鑑みれば、2001年以降2005年に自己完結的な仕組みに移行する(準備金勘定が十分に積みあがりこれにより新規融資の貸付資金が賄える)までのInterim PRGFの貸付原資については、一般資金勘定(GRA)から拠出することが適当であると考えます。例文帳に追加

The PRGF is expected to continue to perform an essential function of supporting the poorest developing countries. The PRGF will become self-sustainable in 2005, as the reserve for the PRGF Trust will reach a level where it can finance the whole PRGF operation. Until then, further resources will be necessary for the PRGF loans, and serious discussions should begin. Given that additional contributions from members are unlikely, we believe it would be appropriate to finance the loan resources for the interim PRGF from the General Resources Account(GRA).  - 財務省


To provide a fuel activating device to contribute to environmental countermeasures such as improvement of combustion efficiency of various internal combustion engines and combustors or reduction of toxic substance content in burned exhaust gas, by amplifying magnetic flux density by a magnetic aggregate piled up with permanent magnets to generate magnetic field of high intensity, and effectively activating fuel flow to be fed to the combustors or internal combustion engines by the action of magnetic field of high intensity. - 特許庁


This fluid coupling A1 is an elbow-type fluid coupling, and has a support 11 and bellows 12 of a pulsation absorbing member, as the pulsation absorbing means for absorbing the pulsation of the fluid from one connecting part j1 side, on an elbow part E. - 特許庁


To control and improve the impurity of materials and fuels and safety and accuracy of products on the basis of absorption of CO_2 and tangible TQC by predicting a global-scale large disaster, while paying attention to the substances (new energy, new raw materials and new catalysts) by efficiently using the illegally wasted soil and water quality causing pollution and substances badly influencing the environment if emitted. - 特許庁

したがって,我々は 2012 年の信頼できるサプライチェーンの確立に関する議論を評価し,既存の問題及び地域エコノミー間での運輸対話に関する将来的発展分野の議論に重要な貢献をした 2011 年 9 月にアメリカのサンフランシスコで開催された第 7 回運輸閣僚会合とともに, 2012年 8 月にロシアのサンクトペテルブルクにおいて開催されたAPEC特別運輸閣僚会合の結果を歓迎する例文帳に追加

Thus we appreciate the discussion on establishing reliable supply chains in 2012 and welcome the results of the APEC Special Transportation Ministerial Meeting held in August 2012 in St. Petersburg, Russia together with the 7th APEC Transportation Ministerial Meeting held in September 2011 in San Francisco, USA, which made a significant contribution to the discussion of existing issues and future areas of development of the transportation dialogue among the economies of the region. - 経済産業省


Convenience stores have gone far beyond the role of mere "stores for buying products," and become a part of the infrastructure (including crime prevention, disaster preparedness, financial services, distribution, administrative functions) and an essential aspect of the lifestyles of Japanese citizens. In order to consider means of overcoming new industry challenges, and draw up comprehensive measures to contribute to communities, regional economies and consumers, in fiscal 2008 the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) implemented the Research Committee on the Role of Convenience Stores as an Element of Infrastructure.  - 経済産業省


Report by the study group on the ideal way of convenience stores as a social infrastructure (convenience stores evolving with the society under competition and collaboration) (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, April 2009) Summarizes the result of examinations on the environment, safety and security, vitalization of local communities, improvement of convenience for consumers, and so forth in order to examine the measures to contribute to the society by convenience stores corresponding to various challenges and constantly providing convenient services to the nationals  - 経済産業省

・ 日本に基盤を置く製薬企業として、国内又はアジアのニーズにより合った医薬品の開発及び供給について取り組んでいくことは評価されるべきであり、政府の取組と同様に極めて重要である。さらに、医薬品アクセスの悪い発展途上国に対する人道的支援や、新型インフルエンザや災害、バイオテロ等の不測の事態の発生に対する危機管理等について、社会的・国際的に貢献することも期待されている。例文帳に追加

As a company whose base is placed in Japan, approach to develop and supply the pharmaceutical products better suiting the domestic or Asian needs as pharmaceutical company is regardable and is very important same as the approach by the government. Furthermore, it is also expected to conduct social and international contributions such as humanitarian support to developing countries with poor access to pharmaceutical products and risk management on onset of unanticipated occurrences including new flu, disasters and bio terrorism, etc. - 厚生労働省


On June 26 and 27, the inaugural meeting of the Financial Stability Board (FSB) was held in Basel, Switzerland. This organization was established based on the Financial Stability Forum with an expanded membership. Could you tell us how the Japanese financial authorities will contribute to its management and debate concerning future financial regulation? Also, what do you expect the FSB will report to the G-20 summit (Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy) scheduled for September?  - 金融庁


Agreement on the framework of Basel III will be reported at the Seoul Summit to be held in November 2010, and the detailed provisions will be put together by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. This specifically translates into Cabinet Orders and Ministerial Ordinances. The FSA will continue to make contributions proactively, based on the view that the new rules will help improve the soundness of the financial system in the medium and long run, and that it is important to give due consideration to the real economy.  - 金融庁


The Japan Special Fund (JSF) is the largest bilateral trust fund in the Bank. To date, we have made some 26 billion yen in contributions through the JSF, to support the preparation and implementation of the Bank projects. There is also the JSF Poverty Reduction Program, a window to support grassroots-poverty alleviation activities in the region. In addition, Japan has also launched the Japan Program to strengthen links between Latin America and the Caribbean and Asia, by promoting the exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices in development.  - 財務省


I would also like to announce that Japan has decided to contribute an additional one billion US dollars to the Poverty Reduction Growth Facility so that the IMF can respond in a timely and adequate manner to short-term difficulties that the poorest countries may have to overcome.  - 財務省


MDBs can also make an important contribution to poverty reduction in emerging market and/or middle-income countries. MDB activities in countries with access to private capital should be more selective in order not to supplant private capital. At the same time, in case of temporary closure of emerging market countries' access to capital markets, MDBs should stand ready to respond quickly by helping to cushion the effects of exceptional shocks on the poorest and most vulnerable groups.  - 財務省


The TK pillar-shaped surface planting construction method prevents attachment of advertisement destroying the scenery, greening innumerable utility poles, etc., with timbers and flowering plants so as to reincarnate a town area having excellent landscape and contributing to reduction in carbon dioxide. - 特許庁


Nakamuraya has decided to close their restaurant and focus on product sales via the Internet and department stores. President Nakamura says with confidence, “We were able to continue our business under harsh conditions thanks to the encouragement of our customers and trading partners. As a result, we are forming new ties with our customers. By making products with even more heart than in the past and maintaining a Sanriku brand with workman’s pride, we will contribute to the recovery of the Sanriku fisheries industry over the middle to long-term.”  - 経済産業省


Providing a higher, commercially useful, baseline de minimis value is a significant and measurable contribution to APEC Leaderscommitment to achievean APEC-wide target of a ten percent improvement in supply-chain performance by 2015, in terms of reducing the time, cost, and uncertainty of moving goods and services through the Asia-Pacific region, taking into consideration individual economy’s circumstances”.  - 経済産業省


For example, in 2008, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC), an independent administrative agency, entered into an agreement with Vale, the largest resource major in the world, in regard to mineral resource exploration technology based on analysis of satellite imagery. Under the agreement they will cooperate with each other as strategic partners in SADC countries,100 including Botswana, which are rich in rare metals such as platinum, cobalt and nickel. JOGMEC is expected to contribute to finding solutions to natural resource issues by taking advantage of Japanese technologies. - 経済産業省


Second, when we think of issues such as employability, education and training, and employment, we must ensure that young people do not enter into careers that will only lead them into a dead end. In order to ensure that young people, who may need to work for 30 years or 40 years to come, can continue meaningful work throughout their lifetime, and that they can make contributions to society and realize their potential in their own way, we must focus particularly on careers for youth, careers that progress into the future, not the careers of the past. - 厚生労働省


5カ年計画は治験・臨床研究を実施する医療機関、臨床研究機関のみならず製薬 企業・医療機器企業、国の関係者がその役割に従って、計画的に協働する実施体制を必要としており、製薬企業・医療機器企業等においても、引き続き重点的取組事項(アクションプラン)の実施に積極的に貢献すべきであり、その実現に向けては、必要に応じ検討会の設置等を行い、迅速かつ確実な成果に結びつけられるべきである。例文帳に追加

The 5-Year Plan requires an implementation system in which the medical institutions and clinical research institutions implementing the clinical trials and clinical research as well as pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies, and government officials do their part and collaborate systematically. Pharmaceutical companies and medical device companies, etc., should also continue to actively contribute to the implementation of priorities (action plan), and in order to realize this system, investigative commissions, etc., should be established as needed, so that their efforts lead to prompt and reliable results. - 厚生労働省


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