
「貿易契約」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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a contract term of seaborne trade, called free alongside ship  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a contract concerning a future exchange rate, executed by a trader at the same time as a contract for importing and/or exporting goods  - EDR日英対訳辞書


of a trader, the action of setting an exchange rate before entering into an import and/or export contract  - EDR日英対訳辞書


As for Japan, this applies to insurance and insurance contracts provided by Nippon Export and Investment Insurance and Japan Bank for International Cooperation. - 経済産業省


ただし、契約締結代行、貿易クレーム及び法的紛争のようなKBC が法的性格上、支援できない事項はサービスから除外される。例文帳に追加

Items that cannot be supported by KBC in view of the legal nature, including substitute signing of contracts and solution to legal disputes, are excluded from its services. - 経済産業省



Transaction related to the buying and selling of goodspertaining to a Brokerage Transaction refers to a “transaction in which a resident is both a party to a selling contract and a party to a buying contract.  - 財務省

二 外国にある者に外国での加工を委託する委託加工貿易契約(当該委託加工貿易契約に係る加工の全部又は一部が経済産業大臣が定める加工(以下「指定加工」という。)に該当するものに限る。)による貨物(当該委託加工貿易契約に係る加工で指定加工に該当するものに使用される加工原材料のうち、経済産業大臣が指定加工の区分に応じて定める加工原材料で当該指定加工に該当する加工に係るものに限る。)の輸出例文帳に追加

(ii) Export of goods under a contract for processing deal trade whereby a contractor residing in a foreign country is entrusted with processing work in a foreign country (limited to the cases where the whole or part of the processing work under said contract for processing deal trade falls within the scope of processing works specified by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (hereinafter referred to as "designated processing works")) (such goods shall be limited to raw materials for processing to be used for processing works under said contracts for processing deal trade falling under the scope of designated processing works, which are specified by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry for the respective categories of designated processing works and pertain to the respective designated processing works).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 この政令の施行前に特定事業についての対象役務契約又は対象役務の提供につき外国為替管理令第十七条第二項の規定により許可を受けた者又は輸出貿易管理令若しくは輸入貿易管理令の規定により承認、許可若しくは認証を受けた者が、同項の規定による許可又は輸出貿易管理令若しくは輸入貿易管理令の規定による承認、許可若しくは認証を受けたところに従つてする対象役務契約又は対象役務の提供については、なお従前の例による。例文帳に追加

(4) With regard to a target service contract concluded or target services provided by a person who has obtained, prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, permission under Article 17, paragraph (2) of the Foreign Exchange Control Order or approval, permission or certification under the Export Trade Control Order or Import Trade Control Order for concluding a target service contract or providing target services with respect to a specified business, as permitted under the same paragraph or as approved, permitted or certified under the Export Trade Control Order or Import Trade Control Order, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 この政令の施行前に委託販売貿易契約の締結について改正前の輸出貿易管理令第二条第一項の許可を受けた者がその許可を受けたところに従つてする貨物の輸出又は輸入については、なお従前の例による。例文帳に追加

(2) With regard to export or import of goods conducted, as permitted, by a person who has obtained, prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, permission set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Export Trade Control Order prior to the revision with respect to the conclusion of a consignment sales trade contract, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2 改正後の対内直接投資等に関する政令第六条の四第二項の規定は、この政令の施行の日以後にする外国為替及び外国貿易法第三十条第一項に規定する技術導入契約の締結等(以下この項において「技術導入契約の締結等」という。)について適用し、同日前にした技術導入契約の締結等については、なお従前の例による。例文帳に追加

(2) The provision of Article 6-4, paragraph (2) of the Cabinet Order on Inward Direct Investment, etc. after the revision shall apply to the conclusion of a technology introduction contract, etc. prescribed in Article 31, paragraph (1) of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act which will be made after the date of enforcement of this Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to as "conclusion of a technology introduction contract, etc." in this paragraph), and with regard to the conclusion of a technology introduction contract, etc. which was made prior to said date of enforcement, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2 この政令の施行前に委託加工貿易契約の締結について改正前の輸出貿易管理令第二条第一項の規定による許可を受けた者がその許可を受けたところに従つてする貨物の輸出又は輸入であつて、改正後の同令第一条第一項又は輸入貿易管理令第四条第一項の規定の適用のあるものについては、なお従前の例による。例文帳に追加

(2) With regard to export or import of goods conducted, as approved, by a person who has obtained, prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, approval under Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Export Trade Control Order prior to the revision, with respect to the conclusion of a contract for processing deal trade, to which the provision of Article 1, paragraph (1) of the same Order after the revision or Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Import Trade Control Order applies, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


On October 15, 1865 in Brussels, Montblanc and NIIRO and GODAI exchanged the twelve-article contract to establish a trading company.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


By the Leaders' Meeting in November, we will complete seminars/workshops in the five priority areas . "Starting a Business", "Getting Credit", "Enforcing Contracts", "Dealing with Permits", and "Trading Across Borders" as the initial phase of the multi-year programme.  - 経済産業省

第一条 この政令は、外国為替及び外国貿易法(以下「法」という。)第五章に規定する対内直接投資等及び技術導入契約の締結等に関する事項の管理若しくは調整又は報告に関し必要な事項を定めるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 This Cabinet Order shall provide for necessary matters concerning the management or adjustment or report of matters relating to inward direct investment, etc. and the conclusion of a technology introduction contract, etc. prescribed in Chapter V of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Act").  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第一条 この命令は、外国為替及び外国貿易法(以下「法」という。)第五章に規定する対内直接投資等及び技術導入契約の締結等について、報告及び届出の手続その他必要な事項を定めるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 The purpose of this Order shall be to provide for the procedures of reporting and notification and other necessary matters concerning inward direct investment, etc. and conclusion of a technology introduction contract, etc. prescribed in Chapter V of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Act").  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In addition to i. and ii. above, where there is a doubt about the truth of the content of a remittance or where careful confirmation is recognized as necessary as a remittance is deemed to violate the regulations on trade-related payment, does the Remittance Handling Financial Institution, etc. request the customer to present materials that give reasons for the remittance, such as a sales contract, to carry out confirmation?  - 財務省

(独)日本貿易保険(以下「NEXI」という)では、平成23 年4 月11 日に、被災者対策として、罹災した中小企業を対象とした①保険契約諸手続の猶予、②被保険者義務の猶予・減免、③被保険者の経済的負担の減免を発表した。例文帳に追加

On April 11, 2011, Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI) announced the following measures to assist SMEs affected by the earthquake: (1) postponement of insurance policy procedures, (2) deferment, reduction, and waiver of insured partiesobligations, and (3) reduction and elimination of the financial burden on insured parties.  - 経済産業省

NEXI と業務委託契約を締結する地域金融機関で構成する「地域企業海外ビジネス支援ネットワーク」の拡充を図ることを通じて、地域の中小企業の貿易保険へのアクセス改善等利便性の向上を図る。(継続)例文帳に追加

Trade insurance will be made more accessible and convenient for regional SMEs by expanding the “overseas business support network for regional enterprises”, which consists of regional financial institutions that have entered into a service agreement with NEXI. (Continuation) (See p. 202.)  - 経済産業省

第二条 改正後の対内直接投資等に関する政令第六条の四第二項の規定は、この政令の施行の日以後にする外国為替及び外国貿易法第三十条第一項に規定する技術導入契約の締結等(以下この条において「技術導入契約の締結等」という。)について適用し、同日前にした技術導入契約の締結等については、なお従前の例による。例文帳に追加

Article 2 The provision of Article 6-4, paragraph (2) of the Cabinet Order on Inward Direct Investment, etc. after the revision shall apply to the conclusion of a technology introduction contract, etc. prescribed in Article 31, paragraph (1) of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act which will be made after the date of enforcement of this Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to as "conclusion of a technology introduction contract, etc." in this Article), and with regard to the conclusion of a technology introduction contract, etc. which was made prior to said date of enforcement, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Meanwhile, Article 116 of the FIB Cabinet Office Ordinance allows over-the-counter financial futures business operators to solicit the customers with whom they have on-going transactions to sign contracts for financial futures transactions, and to solicit corporations engaging in foreign trade and foreign currency transactions to sign such contracts, in order to offset the possibility of losses that may be incurred by the corporations as a result of exchange rate movements related to their assets and liabilities.  - 金融庁

この取組の一環として、2009 年の APEC首脳会議において、世界銀行がまとめた世界各国のビジネス環境の現状に関する指標「Doing Business」のうち、5 分野(資金調達、起業、契約履行、建設許可取得、越境貿易)について2015 年までに 25%改善することが合意され、能力構築活動などが進められている。例文帳に追加

As part of these initiatives, APEC leaders in 2009 endorsed an improvement of 25% by 2015 in five key areas (Getting Credit, Starting a Business, Enforcing Contracts, Dealing with Permits and Trading Across Borders) under Doing Business, the World Bank’s indicators concerning actual status of each country’s business environment, and now capability building and other activities are underway. - 経済産業省

なお、Annex 602.3において留保及び特則ついて規定があり、天然ガス及び基本石油化品についての供給契約のための交渉を許可すきことや、原油・天然ガスの採掘、基本石油学品の生産、原油の貿易等の戦略的活動につてのメキシコによる留保、及びメキシコにおて企業は自家消費のための発電設備を設けるとができること等を規定している。例文帳に追加

Annex 602.3 prescribes reservations and special provisions including the following: each party shall allow its state enterprises to negotiate performance clauses in their service contracts; the Mexican State reserves to itself strategic activities such as exploration and exploitation of crude oil and natural gas; and an enterprise of another party may acquire, establish, or operate an electricity generating facility for independent power production in Mexico. - 経済産業省

3 前項に規定する場合のほか、外国にある者に外国での加工を委託する委託加工貿易契約による貨物の輸出について輸出貿易管理令(昭和二十四年政令第三百七十八号)第二条第一項第二号の規定による承認を受けた者がその承認を受けたところに従つて輸出した貨物を加工原材料として加工された貨物の経済産業省令で定めるところによりする輸入については、第一項の規定にかかわらず、同項の規定による輸入の承認を受けることを要しない。例文帳に追加

(3) In addition to the cases prescribed in the preceding paragraph, where a person intends to import, pursuant to the provision of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, goods processed by using as materials such goods that have been exported, as approved, by another person who has obtained approval under Article 2, paragraph 1, item 2 of the Export Trade Control Order (Cabinet Order No. 378 of 1949) for import of goods based on a contract for processing deal trade whereby a contractor residing in a foreign country is entrusted with processing work in a foreign country, import approval prescribed in paragraph 1 shall not be required to be obtained, notwithstanding the provision of the same paragraph.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 輸出貿易管理令(以下「令」という。)第二条第一項の規定により経済産業大臣に輸出の承認を申請しようとする者 別表第一の二で定める様式による輸出承認申請書(同項第二号に該当する場合にあっては、別表第二で定める様式による委託加工貿易契約による輸出承認申請書)三通(経済産業大臣が別に定める場合にあっては、二通)例文帳に追加

(ii) a person who intends to apply for export approval pursuant to the provision of Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Export Trade Control Order (hereinafter referred to as the "Order") to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry: three (or, in the case where it is specified separately by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, two) sets of a written application for export approval following the form prescribed in Appended Table 1-2 (or, in the case where it falls under item (ii) of the same paragraph, of a written application for approval of export under a contract for processing deal trade following the form prescribed in Appended Table 2); and  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

十一 外国貿易その他の対外取引に関する文書又は商品の売買その他の国内取引に係る契約書、貨物引換証、船荷証券若しくはこれらに準ずる国内取引に関する文書の作成(港湾運送事業法第二条第一項第一号に掲げる行為に附帯して行うもの及び通関業法(昭和四十二年法律第百二十二号)第二条第一号に規定する通関業務として行われる同号ロに規定する通関書類の作成を除く。)の業務例文帳に追加

(xi) work to prepare documents concerning foreign trade and other external transactions or documents concerning domestic transactions, such as contracts for the buying and selling of commodities, railway bills of landing, shipping bills of landing or other documents equivalent thereto (excluding incidental work performed with the acts listed in item (i) of paragraph (1) of Article 2 of the Port Transport Business Act and work to prepare customs documents prescribed in (b) of item (i) of Article 2 of the Customs Business Act (Act No. 122 of 1967) performed as customs work prescribed in the same item);  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 この政令の施行前にイラン以外の外国の地域からのイランを仕向地とする貨物の移動を伴う貨物の売買契約を締結することについて輸入貿易管理令第二十一条第一項の規定による許可を受けた者又は同項に規定する債権の発生等の当事者となることについて第二条の規定による改正前の同令第二十一条第六項の規定により認められた者が、同条第一項の規定による許可を受け、又は同条第六項の規定により認められたところに従つて同条第一項に規定する債権の発生等の当事者となることについては、なお従前の例による。例文帳に追加

(3) Where a person who has obtained, prior to the enforcement of this Cabinet Order, permission under Article 21, paragraph 1 of the Import Trade Control Order for concluding a sales contract of goods involving the transfer of goods to Iran from a foreign region other than Iran or approval under Article 21, paragraph 6 of the same Order prior to the revision by Article 2 for becoming a party concerned with the generation of a claim, etc. prescribed in paragraph 1 of the same Article, becomes a party concerned with the generation of a claim, etc., prescribed in paragraph 1 of the same Article as permitted under paragraph 1 of the same Article or approved under paragraph 6 of the same Article, provisions then in force shall remain applicable.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


また、顧客から得た必要情報の真偽に疑いがある場合又は貿易に関する支払規制に抵触することが考えられ慎重な確認が必要であると認められる場合(以資産凍結 20下「必要情報の真偽に疑いがある場合等」という。)には、売買契約書、輸入許可書又は船荷証券等送金の理由となる資料の提示等を求め、確認を行っているか。なお、必要情報の真偽に疑いがある場合等の確認については、電話回線、インターネット等(以下「電話回線等」という。)を経由して顧客から仕向送金を受け付ける場合においても、同様に適用されることに留意する必要がある。例文帳に追加

In addition, where there is a doubt about the truth of the Necessary Information obtained from a customer or where careful confirmation is recognized as necessary as a remittance could violate the regulations on trade-related payment (hereinafter referred to asWhere There Is a Doubt about the Truth of the Necessary Information”), does the Remittance Handling Financial Institution, etc. request the customer to present materials that give reasons for the remittance, such as a sales contract, an import permit, and a bill of lading, to carry out confirmation? Incidentally, it is necessary to keep in mind that confirmation in cases Where There Is a Doubt about the Truth of the Necessary Information applies in the same manner to cases of receiving a request for an outgoing remittance from a customer via a phone line, the Internet, etc. (hereinafter referred to asPhone Line, etc.”).  - 財務省


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