
「連合国」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(17ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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But the biggest rokosz in the Polish history is the Khmelnytsky Uprising in Ukraine, the territory of the Kingdom of Poland at the time, which continued from 1648 until 1657 and in which Cossacks (whose registration in the central government in Warsaw, the capital, officially made them local nobles in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) in the parliament (Sejm) who objected to the discriminatory policies on them raised a rebellion with the banner of the King raised, appealing for furthering of their rights including autonomy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Government of Japan and the Government of Bermuda, the Government of Bermuda having been duly authorised by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, desiring to conclude an Agreement for the exchange of information for the purpose of the prevention of fiscal evasion and the allocation of rights of taxation with respect to income of individuals, have agreed as follows:  - 財務省


At the signing of the Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of Jersey for the exchange of information for the purpose of the prevention of fiscal evasion and the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income of individuals (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement"), the Government of Japan and the Government of Jersey, the Government of Jersey having the right under the terms of its Entrustment from the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to negotiate and conclude a tax information exchange agreement, have agreed upon the following provisions, which shall form an integral part of the Agreement. - 財務省


The Government of Japan and the Government of Guernsey, the Government of Guernsey having the right under the terms of its Entrustment from the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to negotiate and conclude a tax information exchange agreement, Desiring to conclude an Agreement for the exchange of information relating to tax matters and the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income of individuals, Have agreed as follows:  - 財務省



At the signing of the Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of Guernsey for the exchange of information relating to tax matters and the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income of individuals (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement"),the Government of Japan and the Government of Guernsey, the Government of Guernsey having the right under the terms of its Entrustment from the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to negotiate and conclude a tax information exchange agreement, have agreed upon the following provisions, which shall form an integral part of the Agreement  - 財務省


ただし、次の事項を条件とする。出願が連合内における保護の出願から特許の場合は12 月以内、意匠の場合は6月以内に行われ、かつ、本条のいかなる規定も、特許権者又は意匠の専有権者に対し、特許の場合はバングラデシュ内でその者の出願が実際に受理された日以前に、意匠の場合はバングラデシュ内で実際に登録された日以前に発生した侵害に対して損害賠償を請求する権利を付与していないこと。例文帳に追加

Provided that- the application is made in the case of a patent within twelve months, and, in the case of design, within six months from the application for protection in the United Kingdom: and nothing in this section shall entitle the patentee or the proprietor of the design to recover damages for infringements happening prior to the actual date on which, in the case of a patent, his application is accepted, or, in the case of a design, the design is registered, in Bangladesh.  - 特許庁


The exclusive right shall not include biological material that is obtained by propagation or by multiplication of biological material that has been put on the market lawfully in the Netherlands or the Netherlands Antilles or in one of the Member States of the European Union or in another State that is party to the Agreement concerning the European Economic Area by the patent holder or with his consent if the propagation or multiplication necessarily ensues from the use for which the biological material has been put on the market, provided that the derived material is not subsequently used for other propagations or multiplications. - 特許庁

協議で得られた情報の提供、民的議論については、2 月から 3 月にかけて全地方新聞社連合会等が主催し、全 9 か所で開催された「TPP をともに考える 地域シンポジウム」に内閣官房・経済産業省・外務省・農林水産省から政務三役が参加した他、要望に応じ、政府から都道府県に説明員を派遣し、関心や懸念を表明している関係団体と TPP に関する意見交換を実施した。例文帳に追加

As part of the efforts to provide information obtained through the consultations, and to conduct domestic discussions, the ministers, senior-vice ministers and parliamentary secretaries from the Cabinet Secretariat, METI, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries participated in theRegional Symposium to Think TPP Together,” which was hosted by the Japan Regional Newspapers Association, etc. and was held in nine places nationwide from February to March; in other occasions, the government, upon request, dispatched to prefectures officers to explain the TPP, and exchanged opinions over TPP with the organizations that had expressed interest in or concerns over TPP. - 経済産業省


(1) The Registration of United Kingdom Patents Act 1951 [Act 215], the Patents Ordinance of Sarawak [Sarawak Cap. 61], the Registration of United Kingdom Patents Ordinance of Sabah [Sabah Cap. 124] and the Patents (Rights of Government) Act 1967 [Act 53 of 1967] are repealed: [Am. Act A648: s.36] Provided that: (a) any subsidiary legislation made under the repealed laws shall in so far as such subsidiary legislation is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act continue in force and have effect as if it had been made under this Act and may be repealed, extended, varied or amended accordingly; (b) any appointment made under the repealed laws or subsidiary legislation made thereunder shall continue in force and have effect as if it had been made under this Act unless the Minister otherwise directs; (c) any certificate or grant issued or made, in respect of a patent, under the repealed laws and in force immediately prior to the coming into force of this Act shall remain in force - (i) so long as the original patent remains in force in the United Kingdom; or (ii) until the expiration of twenty years from the date of application, whichever is the earlier.[Subs. Act A863: s.45] - 特許庁


総督は命令により次のとおりとすることができる。 大臣及び厚生大臣の勧告があったときは,多くの開発途上及び後発発展途上を悩ます公共の健康問題,特にHIV/エイズ,結核,マラリアその他の疫病から発生する問題に対処するために使用することのできる特許製品の名称を加えることにより,並びに,総督が適切とみなす場合は,特許製品について次の事項,即ち,投薬形態,強度及び投与経路の1又は2以上を加えることにより,並びに (ii) 附則1に列挙した記入を削除することにより, 同附則を修正することができ, (b) 外務大臣,際通商大臣及び際協力大臣の勧告により,連合により後発発展途上として認められているであって次のとおりであるものの名称を加えることにより,附則2を修正することができる。例文帳に追加

The Governor in Council may, by order, (a) on the recommendation of the Minister and the Minister of Health, amend Schedule 1 (i) by adding the name of any patented product that may be used to address public health problems afflicting many developing and least-developed countries, especially those resulting from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other epidemics and, if the Governor in Council considers it appropriate to do so, by adding one or more of the following in respect of the patented product, namely, a dosage form, a strength and a route of administration, and by removing any entry listed in it; (b) on the recommendation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister for International Trade and the Minister for International Cooperation, amend Schedule 2 by adding the name of any country recognized by the United Nations as being a least-developed country that has,  - 特許庁


第一条 この法律は、地球の広範な部分を占める海洋が人類をはじめとする生物の生命を維持する上で不可欠な要素であるとともに、海に囲まれた我がにおいて、海洋法に関する連合条約その他の際約束に基づき、並びに海洋の持続可能な開発及び利用を実現するための際的な取組の中で、我が際的協調の下に、海洋の平和的かつ積極的な開発及び利用と海洋環境の保全との調和を図る新たな海洋立を実現することが重要であることにかんがみ、海洋に関し、基本理念を定め、、地方公共団体、事業者及び民の責務を明らかにし、並びに海洋に関する基本的な計画の策定その他海洋に関する施策の基本となる事項を定めるとともに、総合海洋政策本部を設置することにより、海洋に関する施策を総合的かつ計画的に推進し、もって我がの経済社会の健全な発展及び民生活の安定向上を図るとともに、海洋と人類の共生に貢献することを目的とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 The purpose of this Act is, with regard to the oceans, to stipulate the basic principles, to clarify the responsibilities of the State, the local governments, business operators and the citizens as well as to formulate the basic plan with regard to the oceans and other basic matters with regard to the measures on the oceans, by establishing the Headquarters for Ocean Policy in order to promote measures with regard to the oceans comprehensively and systematically, through contributing to the sound development of the economy and society of our State and to improve the stability of the lives of citizenry as well as to contribute to the coexistence of the oceans and mankind, in consideration of the fact that the oceans, occupying broad portion of the globe, is an indispensable factor for maintaining the lives of the living beings including mankind, and the fact that it is important to realize a new oceanic State in harmonization of the peaceful and positive development and use of the oceans with the conservation of the marine environment, under the international cooperation, as our State surrounded by the oceans, based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other international agreements as well as on the international efforts on the realization of the sustainable development and use of the oceans.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百七十七条 連合会が前条の規定により行う業務(以下「介護保険事業関係業務」という。)については、民健康保険法第八十六条において準用する同法第二十九条の規定にかかわらず、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、規約をもって議決権に関する特段の定めをすることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 177 With regard to business that an Association conducts pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Article (hereinafter referred to as "Business Relevant to A Long-Term Care Insurance Project"), notwithstanding the provisions of Article 29 of the National Health Insurance Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 86 of the same Act, a special provision concerning voting rights shall be provided by the constitution.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百九十八条 連合会について民健康保険法第百六条及び第百八条の規定を適用する場合において、これらの規定中「事業」とあるのは、「事業(介護保険法(平成九年法律第百二十三号)第百七十七条に規定する介護保険事業関係業務を含む。)」とする。例文帳に追加

Article 198 In a case when the provisions of Article 106 and Article 108 of the National Health Insurance Act apply to an Association, the term "business" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "business (including Business Relevant to A Long-Term Care Insurance Project that is as prescribed in Article 177 of the Long-Term Care Insurance Act (Act No.123 of 1997)."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 水産物の供給に当たっては、水産資源が生態系の構成要素であり、限りあるものであることにかんがみ、その持続的な利用を確保するため、海洋法に関する連合条約の的確な実施を旨として水産資源の適切な保存及び管理が行われるとともに、環境との調和に配慮しつつ、水産動植物の増殖及び養殖が推進されなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) Propagation and aquaculture of aquatic plants and animals shall, in view of fishery resources being a component of ecosystem and limited, be promoted to secure its sustainable utilization by adequate preservation and management of fishery resources and harmony with the environment aiming at the correct implementation of United Nations Convention on the Act of the Sea.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

六 、地方公共団体、弁護士会、日本弁護士連合会及び隣接法律専門職者団体、弁護士、弁護士法人及び隣接法律専門職者、裁判外紛争解決手続を行う者、被害者等の援助を行う団体その他の者並びに高齢者又は障害者の援助を行う団体その他の関係する者の間における連携の確保及び強化を図ること。例文帳に追加

(vi) Ensure and strengthen coordination and alliances among the national government, local governments, local bar associations, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, the associations of related legal experts and specialists, attorneys at law, legal professional corporations and related legal experts and specialists, persons involved in alternative dispute resolution procedures, organizations and other persons providing assistance to victims and family members, organizations providing assistance for the aged or disabled persons and other related persons  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

五 単位労働組合にあつては、その役員は、組合員の直接無記名投票により選挙されること、及び連合団体である労働組合又は全的規模をもつ労働組合にあつては、その役員は、単位労働組合の組合員又はその組合員の直接無記名投票により選挙された代議員の直接無記名投票により選挙されること。例文帳に追加

(v) in the case of a local union, that the officers shall be elected by direct secret vote of the union members, and, in the case of a federation or a labor union having national scope, that the officers shall be elected by direct secret vote either of the members of the local unions or of delegates elected by direct secret vote of the members of the local unions;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四十三条 外法事務弁護士は、所属弁護士会又は日本弁護士連合会が、第二十二条各号又は第二十三条各号に掲げる事項についての会則の制定又は改廃を審議すべき総会を召集するときは、その総会に出席し、意見を述べ、及び議決に加わることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 43 In cases where the bar association to which a registered foreign lawyer belongs or the Japan Federation of Bar Associations convenes a general meeting to deliberate on the establishment, revision or abolition of the articles of association, in regard to the matters listed in each item of Article 22 or Article 23, the registered foreign lawyer may attend such meeting, express his/her opinions and participate in the resolution.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Originally the Sect officially insisted as the policy that, 'in Hoke-kyo it is said a woman cannot become a Buddha due to five obstacles,' but they changed their policy completely that 'it is only Hoke-kyo which taught that women can become a Buddha' after the defeat in 1945, when there was a movement at General Headquarters (GHQ) to eliminate the feudalistic atmosphere (Note that there is Shoman-kyo (Shri-mala Sutra) which taught the theory that women become a Buddha).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The application of human waste to agriculture lost its utility value and disappeared during the high economic growth period, because of the raw diet custom of salad and so on brought by American soldiers of the Allied Forces who occupied Japan, the prevention of parasitic infection such as roundworms and so on for hygienic reasons, and popularization of the other fertilizers such as chemical fertilizers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Shin Saigoku 33 Kannon Temple Pilgrimage consists of 33 sacred Kannon sites that were selected in 1932 based on the joint popularity votes submitted by readers of the three city newspapers Osaka Jiji Shinpo Newspaper, Kobe Shinbun Newspaper and Kyoto Nichinichi Shinbun Newspaper, with five additional sites being added in 1967 to create the current total of 38.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the Emperor Showa saw the draft of prime minister Kijuro SHIDEHARA led by the General Headquarters of the Allied Powers (GHQ) for the first time, the Emperor said 'it is fine, but to show that the Imperial Family has never been dictatorial, it that possible to add Charter Oath of Five Articles of the Emperor Meiji?' and it was added in haste under permission from GHQ.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Japanese force consisted of the flagship 'Matsushima' led by Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet Lieutenant General Yuko ITO and another eight warships as well as the flagship 'Yoshino' led by the commander of the first commando unit Major General Kozo TSUBOI and other four warships, while the Qing consisted of the'Dingyuan' and the 'Chen Yuen' led by Adminaral Jyosho TEI and other 14 torpedo boats.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, as operations by the German and Austrian navy to destroy sea traffic with U-boats and armed merchantmen grew in intensity and Germany and Austria began unrestricted submarine warfare in January 1917, navy ships of the Allies were made to suffer serious damage, so that Britain requested Japan to dispatch a destroyer fleet to the Mediterranean and a cruiser fleet to the Cape of Good Hope.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While the allied force of Nobuo and Ieyasu was superior in the battle, Nobuo whose territory of Ise and Iga Provinces were occupied by Hideyoshi succumbed to the condition of peace, then Ieyasu losing the cause of the battle had an audience with Hideyoshi at Osaka-jo Castle on December 7, 1586 to show Hideyoshi their subordinate-superior relationship since Kiyosu Alliance, under several situations including the division between Ieyasu's vassals, Kazumasa ISHIKAWA changing side of Hideyoshi, and conciliation by Hideyoshi himself.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They not only participated in the battle, but also in patrols, defense construction, fire extinguishment, rescuing of casualties, and conducted secret communication with the outside (allied forces), and even Goro SHIBA reflected, 'if there were no Christians to rescue us, we could not have maintained the government of Prince Su with our small number of soldiers' and 'the mission succeeded due to the trust of many Chinese'.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If the foregoing understanding is acceptable to the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, I have the honour to suggest that the present note and Your Excellency’s reply to that effect should be regarded as constituting an agreement between the two Governments in this matter, which shall enter into force at the same time as the Convention.  - 財務省


A supplementary protection certificate may be granted for a medical product enjoying protection by a valid basic patent, for which the first authorization to place it on the market as a medical product has been obtained after 1 January 2000, provided that the certificate request is filed within 6 months following the date of accession of the Republic of Bulgaria to the European Union.  - 特許庁


A supplementary protection certificate may be granted for a plant protection product enjoying protection by a valid basic patent, for which the first authorization to place it on the market as a plant protection product has been obtained after 1 January 2000, provided that the certificate request is filed within 6 months following the date of accession of the Republic of Bulgaria to the European Union.  - 特許庁


The holder of the right in a design may not prohibit the use of the products mentioned in the registration, in which the registered design is incorporated or to which it is applied, where the products are put on the market in the territory of the member States of the European Union, respectively the European Economic Area, by him or with his consent.  - 特許庁

ただし、特許の場合は次を条件とする。当該出願には完全な明細書を添付し、かつ連合における保護を求めて出願した日から18 月以内に当該出願が受理されない場合、その明細書は併せて提出された図面(もしあれば)と共に、その期間が満了した時点において公衆の閲覧に供せられる。例文帳に追加

Provided that, in the case of a patent,- the application shall be accompanied by a complete specification; and if the application is not accepted within eighteen months from the date of the application for protection in the United Kingdom, the specification shall with the drawings (if any) supplied therewith, be open to public inspection at the expiration of that period.  - 特許庁

(2) 第117条(3)により有効とされる特許に関する情報につき,次の時に関する請求もまた行うことができる。 (a) 登録証が発行された時 (b) 当該特許が法に基づいて最初に更新された時,及び (c) 既に廃止された連合特許登録法に基づいて,特許登録簿にある記入が行われた時例文帳に追加

(2) As regards information relating to any patent in force by virtue of section 117(3), a request may also be made as to when -- (a) a certificate of registration was issued; (b) the patent was first renewed under this Act; and (c) an entry was made in the Register of Patents under the repealed Registration of United Kingdom Patents Act. - 特許庁


In subsection (1), reference to the published specification of an existing registered patent is a reference to that specification as amended or treated as amended according to the law of the United Kingdom at the commencement date, regardless of whether a request has been made to the Registrar under section 9 of the repealed Ordinance in relation to such amendment.  - 特許庁


To provide a system for submission information preexamination and representative submission business that examines request information for nursing benefit submitted monthly to the national health insurance confederation of each prefecture from a home nursing service proprietor and a home care nursing support proprietor and benefit management slip information in advance and representatively performs a results report, correction guidance and submission. - 特許庁


In view of this, Societies and Chambers of Commerce and Industry across the country and prefectural Federations of Societies of Commerce and Industry provide support for management improvements and innovations at SMEs (programs for management improvements) by, among other things, providing detailed consultations to SMEs and dispatching experts according to their needs, and promoting human resource development and regional development projects. - 経済産業省


Publicity, guidance, and other activities will be implemented in order to facilitate the special business advice program under which external specialists at the "special business stability advice centers" (established by major Chambers of Commerce and Industry and prefectural Federations of Societies of Commerce and Industry throughout Japan) provide advice on business stability to SMEs. (continuation) (\\41 million budget) - 経済産業省

同会議では、中小企業の更なる海外展開ニーズの高まりを受け、2012 年3 月9 日に「中小企業課海外展開支援大綱」を改訂し、日本弁護士連合会、際協力機構(JICA)、海外貿易開発協会(JODC)、海外技術者研修協会(AOTS)を新たな参加者として迎え、オール・ジャパンでの支援体制を強化している。例文帳に追加

With the increasing needs for SMEs to expand overseas, the said conference has been strengthening an "all Japan" support system through revising the "Framework for Supporting SMEs in Overseas Business" on March 9, 2012 and allowing new participants, namely Japan Federation of Bar Associations, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan Overseas Development Corporation (JODC), and Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS). - 経済産業省

2008 年4 月15 日付社団法人日本経済団体連合会の「グローバルな投資環境の整備のあり方に関する意見―わが海外投資の法的基盤の整備等に向けて」や2008 年3 月19 日付社団法人日本貿易会の「投資協定の締結促進への要望」においても同様に投資に関する質の高い法的基盤の早急な整備を求めている。例文帳に追加

Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), issued on April 15, 2008, "Opinion on the state of developing the global investment environment - improvement of legal basis for foreign investment in Japan" and Japan Foreign Trade Council, issued on March 19, 2008, "Agreements to promote investment demand", are as well looking for the immediate improvement of high quality legal basis for the investment. - 経済産業省


4. We welcome the participation in the meeting of the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) and the APEC Secretariat, as well as Rufus Yerxa, Deputy Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Viktor Khristenko, the Chairman of the Commission’s Board of the Eurasian Economic Community. - 経済産業省


according to the International Telecommunication Union, although the prevalence rate of mobile phone use in Africa was 27%—far below the world average of 49%, as of the end of 2007—the average rate of increase in African subscribers has been the highest in the world, at 39%, since 2005. A total of 260 million people in Africa are mobile phone subscribers, and the market is expanding rapidly. - 経済産業省


51. We acknowledge the efforts of those G20 and non-G20 countries committed to nationalcoordination platforms and strategies for financial inclusion under theG20 Financial Inclusion Peer Learning Program” and encourage similar efforts to advance effective implementation of the G20 Principles for Innovative Financial Inclusion such as the commitments to concrete actions to promote financial inclusion made by developing and emerging countries under the Maya Declaration, recognizing the ongoing efforts and the support by the World Bank Group and the Alliance for Financial Inclusion, and other stakeholders including the United Nations (UN), and bilateral donors to foster financial inclusion.  - 財務省


After the date of accession of the Republic of Bulgaria to the European Union, the owner or user of a patent or supplementary protection certificate for a pharmaceutical product, for which an application has been filed in a member State at a time when such protection could not be obtained for such product in the Republic of Bulgaria, may invoke the rights granted by that patent or supplementary protection certificate in order to prevent the import and circulation of such product in the member State or in the countries in which the product is enjoying patent or supplementary protection, even if the product was placed for the first time on the market in the Republic of Bulgaria by him or with his consent.  - 特許庁

(a)「民」とは、次の者をいう 。 (b)日本については、日本籍に関する法律にいう日本民インドについては、インドの籍を有する者「法令」とは、次のものをいう 。 (c)2日本については、次条1に掲げる日本の年金制度に関する日本の法律及び規則インドについては、次条2に掲げる法律及び規則「権限のある当局」とは、次のものをいう 。 (d)日本については、次条1に掲げる日本の年金制度を管轄する政府機関インドについては、海外インド人問題担当大臣「実施機関」とは、次のものをいう 。 (e)日本については、次条1に掲げる日本の年金制度の実施に責任を有する保険機関(その連合組織を含む 。 2インドについては、被用者積立基金機構「保険期間」とは、一方の締約の法令による保険料納付期間及び当該法令において給付を受ける権(f)利の確立に際して考慮されるその他の期間をいう 。 ただし、社会保障に関する他の協定であってこの協定と同種のものにより、当該法令による給付を受ける権利を確立するために考慮することとされた期間は、含めない 。 3「給付」とは、一方の締約の法令による年金その他の現金給付をいう 。 (g)2 この協定の適用上、この協定において定義されていない用語は、適用される法令において与えられている意味を有するものとする 。例文帳に追加

For the purpose of this Agreement:(a) The termIndiameans the Republic of India;(b) The termnationalmeans,as regards Japan,a Japanese national within the meaning of the lawon nationality of Japan,as regards India,a person of Indian nationality;(c) The termlegislationmeans,as regards Japan,the laws and regulations of Japan concerning theJapanese pension systems specified in paragraph 1of Article 2,as regards India,the laws and regulations specified in paragraph 2of Article 2;(d) The termcompetent authoritymeans,as regards Japan,any of the Governmental organizations competentfor the Japanese pension systems specified inparagraph 1 of Article 2,as regards India,the Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs;2(e) The termcompetent institutionmeans,as regards Japan,any of the insurance institutions, or anyassociation thereof, responsible for theimplementation of the Japanese pension systemsspecified in paragraph 1 of Article 2,as regards India,the EmployeesProvident Fund Organization(EPFO);(f) The termperiod of coveragemeans a period ofcontribution under the legislation of aContracting State and any other period taken intoaccount under that legislation for establishingentitlement to benefits,however, a period which shall be taken intoaccount, for the purpose of establishingentitlement to benefits under that legislation,pursuant to other agreements on social securitycomparable with this Agreement shall not beincluded; and(g) The termbenefitmeans a pension or any othercash benefit under the legislation of aContracting State . - 厚生労働省

(1) 特許出願が, (a) 先の出願において,又は,既に付与された特許の明細書において開示された事項に関して出願されたものであり,かつ, (b) 本法に基づいて出願された先の出願,又は1977年連合特許法に基づいて出願された出願,若しくは連合が指定されて欧州特許条約に基づいて欧州特許庁に出願されて,出願日及び優先権の基礎とすることが求められる出願であって,出願時でのものにおいて,又は,出願時での当該特許出願において開示された事項を超える追加の事項が開示されるものであるときは, 第20条(3)若しくは第47条(4)若しくは特許法(Cap. 221, 1995 Ed.)第116条(6)に基づいて,又は第26条(11)にいうように,出願することはできるが,補正により当該追加事項を除去しない限り,手続を進めることは認められない。例文帳に追加

(1) An application for a patent which -- (a) is made in respect of matter disclosed in an earlier application, or in the specification of a patent which has been granted; and (b) discloses additional matter, that is, matter extending beyond that disclosed in the earlier application made under this Act or in the application made under the United Kingdom Patents Act 1977 or the application under the European Patent Convention designating the United Kingdom filed at the European Patent Office from which the filing date and right of priority is sought to be derived, as filed, or the application for the patent, as filed, may be filed under section 20(3) or 47(4) or section 116(6) of the Patents Act (Cap. 221, 1995 Ed.), or as mentioned in section 26(11), but shall not be allowed to proceed unless it is amended so as to exclude the additional matter. - 特許庁


(2) Where a patent has been granted under the United Kingdom Patents Act 1977 not earlier than twenty-four months before the coming into force of this Act, the owner of the patent may, within a period of twelve months from the coming into force of this Act, make an application for a certificate or a grant and the Registrar may issue a certificate or make a grant on such application as if the Act or Ordinance repealed under section 89 had not been repealed, and such certificate or grant shall remain in force - [Am. Act A863: s.46] (a) so long as the original patent remains in force in the United Kingdom; or (b) until the expiration of twenty years from the date of the application, whichever is the earlier. - 特許庁

2 弁護士会は、所属の外法事務弁護士について、懲戒の事由があると思料するとき、又は前項の請求があつたときは、懲戒の手続に付し、弁護士法第七十条第一項の規定によりその弁護士会に置かれた綱紀委員会に調査をさせることができる。この場合において、その綱紀委員会が当該外法事務弁護士を懲戒することを相当と認めたときは、その綱紀委員会の調査結果及び意見を添えて日本弁護士連合会に懲戒の請求をしなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) In cases where a bar association believes that there are grounds for disciplining a registered foreign lawyer who belongs to it or where there has been a request set forth in the preceding paragraph, it shall commence disciplinary procedure against the registered foreign lawyer and have the discipline enforcement committee investigate the case pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 70 of the Attorney Act. If, the discipline enforcement committee deems it appropriate in order to discipline the registered foreign lawyer, the bar association shall request disciplinary action to the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, with the statement of the results of the examination by the discipline enforcement committee and its opinion.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Later, ironic histories were repeated, which means that Tshuyoshi INUKAI, who became Prime Minister tried to do disarmament, was killed by an officer who rose in revolt at the May 15th Incident, then the party government came to an end, and Ichiro HATOYAMA who was confined during the war by the military pressure was accused by the General Headquarters of the Allied Powers and purged as a militarist cooperated the rise of the military just before the assumption of the Prime Minister after the war.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Convention between Japan and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income signed at Tokyo on 10th February1969 as amended by the Protocol signed at Tokyo on 14thFebruary 1980 (“the prior Convention”) shall cease to be effective from the date upon which this Convention has effect in respect of the taxes to which the Convention applies in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article.  - 財務省

契約が商業的性質のものであるか否かを決定するに当たって,連邦裁判所は,次に掲げる事項を考慮しなければならない: (a) 許可の所有者が人道的な取組みに継続して参加することを維持するために十分である合理的な収益を上げる必要性 (b) 総会決議1(a)に定義される医薬品に係わる商業契約のカナダにおける利益性の普通のレベル,及び (c) 人道目的のための当該製品の供給について連合が報告する際価格動向例文帳に追加

In determining whether the agreement is commercial in nature, the Federal Court must take into account (a) the need for the holder of the authorization to make a reasonable return sufficient to sustain a continued participation in humanitarian initiatives; (b) the ordinary levels of profitability, in Canada, of commercial agreements involving pharmaceutical products, as defined in paragraph 1(a) of the General Council Decision; and (c) international trends in prices as reported by the United Nations for the supply of such products for humanitarian purposes.  - 特許庁


In special cases the director of the Office may also allow persons other than those referred to in the first paragraph to represent the Office if such persons do not make such representation their profession or if they are authorised to act as counsel in patent cases in a Member State of the European Union or in another State that is a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and they represent the Office only on an occasional basis. - 特許庁


(6) 次の何れかに該当する者は,職業特許弁護士登録簿から除外する。 1) 職業特許弁護士登録簿から自らを除外すべき旨の請求書を提出した者 2) もはやラトビア又は他の欧州連合加盟民ではなくなった者 3) 法律に定める手続に従って行動する資格を有さないと認定された者 4) 死亡した者又は行方が知れない者 5) 裁判所の判決に従って特許弁護士として行動することが禁じられている者 6) (4)1),2)又は3)にいう情報を偽って表示した者例文帳に追加

(6) Such person shall be excluded from the register of professional patent attorneys: 1) who submits a written request to exclude him or her from the register of professional attorneys; 2) who is not any more a citizen of Latvia or of another European Union Member State; 3) who has been recognised as not having the capacity to act, according to the procedures specified by the law; 4) who has died or whose whereabouts are not known; 5) to whom it is prohibited to act as a patent attorney, in accordance with a court judgement; or 6) who has falsely indicated the information referred to in Paragraph four, Clause 1, 2 or 3 of this Section. - 特許庁


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