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Kinugasa-Utano-sen, Kyoto City Road 183 is a major local road that extends from Rokuon-ji mae Intersection (Kita Ward, Kyoto City) to Fukuoji Intersection (Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition to these two groups that led the movement, many people from various social backgrounds, including city bourgeoisie, the poor, and gamblers, who shared the opposition to the government, joined the movement.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Not only does the area along the Tozai Line up to Rakusai New Town, including Umezu and Kamikatsura areas, lack a large population, but this area would also compete against the Hankyu Kyoto Main Line.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Katabiranotsuji Station - Tokiwa Station (Kyoto Prefecture) - Narutaki Station - Utano Station - Omuro-Ninnaji Station - Myoshinji Station - Ryoanji Station - (to/from Kitano Hakubaicho Station)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In the modern period, guest rooms of inns in urban areas came to be built on the second floor to make land space available and to be used more effectively.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Leading up into the Edo period, there were many cases where the most outstanding private civilian doctors in Kyoto and the other provinces were given office and rank and appointed as Tenyakuryo physicians (goteni); candidates--both young and old--for official posts of Tenyaku Taijo (Senior Secretary of the Bureau of Medicine) rank or lower were chosen from among the teni (doctors) either due to their superior skills or due to a long record of distinguished service.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Many people of all ages in the city enjoy a wide variety of fishing, with many visitors from other prefectures due to the following reasons: first, farm ponds are scattered around the city due to the many rice fields; second, the city boasts the Nakayama-ike Pond, one of the best fishing spots from old times; and third, large dams such as Hitokura Dam (Hyogo Prefecture), Hiyoshi Dam, Ono Dam and Wachi Dam (Kyoto Prefecture) as well as rivers such as the Yura-gawa and Hozu-gawa Rivers, also being some of the best fishing spots, are situated nearby,  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The reasons for this, which have also caused many other time-honored customs and events to disappear, include: concern about unexpected bush fire, lack of straw caused by a decrease in the farming population, changing life style of young men who are busy as office workers, construction of dams which drive villagers out of mountainous regions, depopulation and modernization.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Shodaibu (Samurai who receiving higher than the Fourth or Fifth Court Rank), , who had often dealt with the Choshu Domain, were arrested and sent to the Kyoto City Magistrate's office being suspected of doing favors for the Choshu Domain until 1866, Emperor Komei was furious about Prince Taruhito under these circumstances, the Prince lost his position as a general affairs official of the Imperial Household in charge of State affairs, and both Prince Taruhito and Takahito were ordered to refrain from making public appearances and were placed in confinement at home.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


政府は曩に一の帝国大学を京に新設し、天下学問の中心を東西二に置くの制を採れり、蓋し東西二大学の競争をして学問進歩の動機たらしめんとするに在るべし、而して東京には帝国大学の外各種の官私学校ありて各般学生の志望に充つることを得、青年の志を立つる者此に集合し自ら既に天下学問の中心たり、然るに京に在りては帝国大学新たに設置せられ関西の学術大に振るわんとし青年の志を有して京に集まり来るもの頗るきも、大学の門戸は未だ高等学校卒業生以外の志望者を迎ふるにらず、大学以外に在りて高等の学術を修めんとするも其機関あることなし、是れ頗る恨事なり、爰に於てか有志の者相図り京法政学校を新設し、講義を京帝国大学教授及其他博学知名の諸氏に嘱託し、政治法律経済に関する高等の学術を広く社会に紹介するの一機関たらしめんとす、是れ蓋し、一は政府か学問の中心を東西の二に置かんとするの趣意に賛同の意を表し、又一は帝国大学か広く門戸を開放して高等学校卒業生以外の志望者を迎ふる能はさるの欠点を補はんとするの微意に出つるものなり (「立命館大学沿革略」『立命館学報』二 一九一五・大正4年3月)例文帳に追加

The government established one campus of Teikoku (Imperial) University in Kyoto. It had been decided that there would be two universities (in the east and west, respectively) as the center of the best education, and that the two universities would compete with each other as motivation for progress in education; and in Tokyo, several public and private schools as well as Teikoku (Imperial) University already began accepting various applicants; thus the students who had youthful resolution gathered, which is the center of education. However, there were many good, enthusiastic young students gathered at Teikoku (Imperial) University, which was newly established in Kyoto, but the university couldn't accept the applicants who had not graduated from high school, so there was no school to study high education without status as a university, which was the problem of greatest concern, so volunteers who were of the same mind gathered and established the Kyoto Hosei School, entrusting the lectures to the professors of Kyoto Imperial University and other well-known teachers; thus the institution could provide higher education in politics, law and economics to society. Certainly, a reason for that was to demonstrate the government's approval concerning the establishment of education in two places (east and west), and another reason was to make up for the flaw in the educational system whereby Teikoku (Imperial) University was not widely open to applicants who had not graduated from high school ('A Brief History of Ritsumeikan University,' "Ritsumeikan Gakuho," March 1915).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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