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該当件数 : 27



Crime of Fake Payment  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


a prohibited act in commercial transactions called borrow-and-deposit  - EDR日英対訳辞書


the ratio of money deposited by a commercial bank in a central bank to the total deposits of the commercial bank  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a receipt issued when a United States bank receives a foreign bill  - EDR日英対訳辞書


一 当該使用済自動車について再資源化託金等が資金管理法人に対し託されていない場合例文帳に追加

(i) When a Recycling Deposit, etc. for said End-of-Life Vehicles has not been deposited with a Deposit Management Entity  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(1) 託財産の評価額が託必要額(当該商品取引員の保全対象財産の額から他の委託者資産保全措置を講じている額を控除した額をいう。)を超過する場合に、当該超過額に相当する金額の範囲内で託財産の払出しを行おうとする場合例文帳に追加

1. when the appraised amount of the Deposited Property exceeds the Necessary Amount for the Deposit (the amount calculated by deducting the amount for the other Measures for Customer Assets Preservation from the amount of the Property Subject to Preservation of said Futures Commission Merchant), the case where there is an intention to withdraw the Deposited Property within the scope of the amount equivalent to said excess portion;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(1) 託財産の評価額が託必要額(当該商品取引員の保全対象財産の額から 他の委託者資産保全措置を講じている額を控除した額をいう。)を超過する場合 に、当該超過額に相当する金額の範囲内で託財産の払出しを行おうとする場 合例文帳に追加

1. when the appraised amount of the Deposited Property exceeds the necessary amount for the trust (the amount calculated by deducting the amount for the other Measures for Customer Assets Preservation from the amount of the Property Subject to Preservation of said Futures Commission Merchant), the case where there is an intention to withdraw the Deposited Property within the scope of the amount equivalent to said excess portion;  - 経済産業省


A depository receipt is a certificate issued by a domestic depository (e.g. , a bank) in the country as a substitute for the original stock stored in its home country to facilitate the circulation of foreign company stocks in the domestic market. - 経済産業省


He associated himself with pigeon-fanciersbought, begged, kept, and observed every breed that he could obtain.  - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』


2 相互会社が株式会社となる組織変更をする場合において、前条第三項に規定する者が、第九十二条の規定による募集に係る株式の払込みを仮装するため預合いを行ったときも、前項と同様とする。預合いに応じた者も、同様とする。例文帳に追加

(2) When any of the persons prescribed in the preceding Article, paragraph (3), in the case of an Entity Conversion from a Mutual Company into a Stock Company, has made a fake payment to give a false appearance of payment for shares pertaining to subscription under the provision of Article 92, the same punishment as in the preceding paragraph shall apply. The same shall apply to any person who has acted as a party to such fake payment.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


十二 第百一条の九の規定により発行する株式の払込みを仮装するため預合いを行つた会員金融商品取引所の役員若しくは事業に関するある種類若しくは特定の事項の委任を受けた使用人又は当該預合いに応じた者例文帳に追加

(xii) an Officer of a Membership-Type Financial Instruments Exchange or an employee of a Membership-Type Financial Instruments Exchange that received delegation for certain kinds or specified items concerning the business, who has borrowed and deposited money for disguising the payment of shares to be issued under the provisions of Article 101-9, or a person who has participated in said disguise by borrowing and depositing money; or  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

四 第百二十九条の規定により発行する株式の払込みを仮装するため預合いを行つた会員商品取引所の役員若しくは事業に関するある種類若しくは特定の事項の委任を受けた使用人又は当該預合いに応じた者例文帳に追加

(iv) An officer of a Member Commodity Exchange or an employee to whom authority has been delegated with regard to a certain kind of or specified matters concerning the business who has borrowed and deposited money for disguising the payment for shares to be issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 129, or a person who has participated in said disguise by borrowing and depositing money  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(iv) An officer of a Member Commodity Exchange or an employee to whom authority has been delegated with regard to a certain kind of or specified matters concerning the business who has borrowed and deposited money for disguising the payment for shares of stock to be issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 129, or a person who has participated in said disguise by borrowing and depositing money  - 経済産業省

第三百二十六条 第三百二十二条第一項第一号から第八号までに掲げる者が、基金の拠出に係る払込み又は株式の払込みを仮装するため預合いを行ったときは、五年以下の懲役若しくは五百万円以下の罰金に処し、又はこれを併科する。預合いに応じた者も、同様とする。例文帳に追加

Article 326 (1) When any of the persons listed in Article 322, paragraph (1), items (i) to (viii) inclusive has made a fake payment to give a false appearance of payment pertaining to fund contributions or payment for shares, he/she shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than five years or a fine of not more than five million yen, or both. The same shall apply to any person who has acted as a party to such fake payment.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 株式会社が相互会社となる組織変更をする場合において、前条第四項に規定する者が、第七十八条第三項において準用する第三十条の三第一項の払込みを仮装するため預合いを行ったときも、第一項と同様とする。預合いに応じた者も、同様とする。例文帳に追加

(3) When any of the persons prescribed in the preceding Article, paragraph (4), in the case of an Entity Conversion from a Stock Company into a Mutual Company, has made a fake payment to give a false appearance of payment set forth in Article 30-3, paragraph (1), as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 78, paragraph (3), the same punishment as in paragraph (1) shall apply. The same shall apply to any person who has acted as a party to such fake payment.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三百六条 第三百二条第一項第一号から第七号までに掲げる者が、特定出資又は優先出資の発行に係る払込みを仮装するため預合いを行ったときは、五年以下の懲役若しくは五百万円以下の罰金に処し、又はこれを併科する。預合いに応じた者も、同様とする。例文帳に追加

Article 306 When any of the persons listed in Article 302(1)(i) to (vii) inclusive borrow and deposit monies for disguising a payment related to the issuance of Specified Equity or Preferred Equity, such person shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than five years, a fine of not more than five million yen, or both. The same shall apply to any persons who accept the borrowing and depositing of monies.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第九百六十五条 第九百六十条第一項第一号から第七号までに掲げる者が、株式の発行に係る払込みを仮装するため預合いを行ったときは、五年以下の懲役若しくは五百万円以下の罰金に処し、又はこれを併科する。預合いに応じた者も、同様とする。例文帳に追加

Article 965 When any one of the persons listed in Article 960(1)(i) to (vii) borrows and deposits money for disguising the payment relating to a share issue, such person shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than five years or a fine of not more than five million yen, or both. The same shall apply to any person who accepts such borrowing and depositing of money.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二百三十一条 第二百二十八条第一項第一号から第六号までに掲げる者が、投資口の発行に係る払込みを仮装するため預合いを行つたときは、五年以下の懲役若しくは五百万円以下の罰金に処し、又はこれを併科する。預合いに応じた者も、同様とする。例文帳に追加

Article 231 When any of the persons listed in Article 228, paragraph (1) item (i) through item (vi) have borrowed and deposited monies to disguise a payment related to the issue of Investment Equity, they shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than five years, a fine of not more than five million yen, or both. The same shall apply to any person who has accepted such borrowing and depositing.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


As Okamoto insisted that he would like to shoot the movies even though they would not be publicly released and only screened on his house's fusuma (sliding doors), she tried all she could to raise the fund for film shooting, by not only mortgaging the house, but also by temporarily keeping the fixed deposit certificates of her acquaintances to borrow the money on them.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


- Asset assessment refers to examining individual loan assets held by a financial institution and categorizing them according to the degree of risk of default and impairment of the asset value. Asset assessment enables judgment with regard to the degree of safety secured by the quality of assets for funds deposited by customers and, in other words, with regard to the degree of risk to which the institution is exposed due to possible deterioration of the quality of its assets.  - 金融庁

・ 資産査定とは、金融機関の保有する資産を個別に検討して、回収の危険性又は価値の毀損の危険性の度合いに従って区分することであり、金者の金などがどの程度安全確実な資産に見合っているか、言い換えれば、資産の不良化によりどの程度の危険にさらされているかを判定するものであり、金融機関自らが行う資産査定を自己査定という。例文帳に追加

- Asset assessment refers to examining individual loan assets held by a financial institution and categorizing them according to the degree of risk of default and impairment of the asset value. Asset assessment enables judgment with regard to the degree of safety secured by the quality of assets for funds deposited by customers and, in other words, with regard to the degree of risk to which the institution is exposed due to possible deterioration of the quality of its assets.  - 金融庁

一 当該銀行持株会社が金保険法第六十五条に規定する適格性の認定等に係る同法第五十九条第二項に規定する合併等を行った同条第一項に規定する救済銀行持株会社等に該当する場合例文帳に追加

(i) in cases where said bank holding company corresponds to a relieving bank holding company, etc. prescribed in Article 59, paragraph (1) of the Deposit Insurance Act, which conducted a merger, etc. prescribed in paragraph (2) of the same Article pertaining to confirmation of eligibility, etc. prescribed in Article 65 of the same Act;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Moreover, the level of subordination was also different and it was noted in "Jikata Hanreiroku" (a guide to regional governance) that there were various forms, for example, people who lived with their wives, people who were de facto kosakunin (a tenant farmer) given land by their masters, people who were forced to live in their masters' houses and cultivated fields under orders from their masters and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a method and a system for intuitively and simply displaying each ratio or whole of business activity, investment activity, financial activity, currency exchange, etc., which are the most significant in a cash flow account, affecting the net increased/decreased amount of a cash equipment account. - 特許庁


Both banks have many stakeholders, including shareholders, borrowers and depositors, so I hope that their negotiations will be concluded successfully. I would say that this merger plan is predicated on hopes that a merger would lead to rational and efficient management by reducing the number of branches.  - 金融庁


Also in relation to what you just stated, if Mr. Kimura (former Chairman of the Incubator Bank of Japan) became a consultant to the FSA in order to do this, he may be deemed to have served as a consultant in meetings with no minutes that are not based on laws. Please investigate this and disclose the findings to the public, given that the Incubator Bank problem has arisen in such a way that might impose a burden on depositors.  - 金融庁



As for the first question, the general rule of the financial bankruptcy processing system is actually fixed-amount protection, as I explained last week. Exceptions to this rule are cases in which there is a possibility of systemic risk arising, as you know. The examples I brought up the other day were the Incubator Bank of Japan and Ashikaga Bank: the Incubator Bank of Japan had about 400 billion yen in loans, and Ashikaga Bank had 4 trillion yen in loans. In particular, Ashikaga Bank is a financial institution designated by the Tochigi Prefectural Government, and its share in the regional community was extremely high, so as an exception, we convened the Financial Crisis Response Council for Ashikaga Bank. The Council is chaired by the Prime Minister, and its members include the Minister for Financial Services, the Chief Cabinet Secretary, FSA Commissioner, the Minister of Finance, and the Governor of the Bank of Japan. Exceptions are cases in which a systemic risk exists. In the present case, we determined that there is no such systemic risk. As I explained last week, the Bank only dealt in fixed-term deposits, meaning that there was no settlement system in its business model in the first place. We determined that the impact in the event of bankruptcy would not be broad because of the lack of transfers and the products being limited to fixed-term deposits. In that sense, we abided by the general rule and applied fixed-amount protection.  - 金融庁


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