
「鼻咽頭」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 37



pharyngeal cancer includes cancer of the nasopharynx (the upper part of the throat behind the nose), the oropharynx (the middle part of the pharynx), and the hypopharynx (the bottom part of the pharynx).  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


cancer is found in the nasopharynx (the upper part of the throat behind the nose) only.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


cancer that forms in tissues of the nasopharynx (upper part of the throat behind the nose).  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


Radiation therapy is effective for nasopharyngeal cancer.  - Weblio英語基本例文集



a tube inserted into the trachea through the nose and pharynx  - 日本語WordNet



the upper part of the throat behind the nose.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


a type of cancer that begins in the tissues covering the nasopharynx (the upper part of the throat behind the nose).  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


either one of the two posterior openings at the back of the nasal cavity leading to the nasopharynx  - 日本語WordNet


any of the openings to the nasal cavities that allow air to flow through the cavities to the pharynx  - 日本語WordNet



chronic secretion of mucus from the rear of the nasal cavity into the nasopharynx  - 日本語WordNet



in stage iia, cancer has spread from the nasopharynx (the upper part of the throat behind the nose) to the oropharynx (the middle part of the throat that includes the soft palate, the base of the tongue, and the tonsils), and/or to the nasal cavity.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


examination of the nasal passages (either through the anterior nares or with a rhinoscope through the nasopharynx)  - 日本語WordNet


a muscular flap that closes off the nasopharynx during swallowing or speaking  - 日本語WordNet


abnormal cells are found in the lining of the nasopharynx (the upper part of the throat behind the nose).  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


for example, a nasogastric tube is inserted through the nose, down the throat and esophagus, and into the stomach.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


a collection of lymphatic tissue in the throat behind the uvula (on the posterior wall and roof of the nasopharynx)  - 日本語WordNet


The obstructive sleep apnea syndrome dissolving tube is inserted from a nostril through a nasal cavity so as to push and widen the airway of a pharyngeal region. - 特許庁


cancer that forms in tissues of the pharynx (the hollow tube inside the neck that starts behind the nose and ends at the top of the windpipe and esophagus).  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


To provide a mouthpiece for an endoscope permitting peroral insertion of a nasotracheal endoscope without gag reflex. - 特許庁


The invention also relates to NTHi genes which are upregulated during or in response to NTHi infection of the middle ear and/or the nasopharynx. - 特許庁


To provide a vaccine which is administered through the nasal cavity, the oral cavity or the pharyngeal mucous membrane, and is hardly dangerous, safe and effective. - 特許庁


To obtain a composition for application to mucous membranes (a nasal drop, an eye drop or a pharyngeal agent) effective in relieving and removing leakage of a mucilage caused during hyperemia symptoms of especially various mucous membranes such as nasal mucous membranes, ocular mucous membranes or pharyngeal mucous membranes among inflammatory symptoms of the various mucous membranes. - 特許庁


To provide a balloon catheter for dysphagia treatment, which can reduce a pain and discomfort during insertion, can eliminate the pressing of internal wall surfaces of the oral cavity, the nasal cavity and the esophagus and can reliably prevent the displacement of a balloon when inflating the balloon in the cricopharyngeal muscle in the pharynx of the esophagus. - 特許庁


cancer (1) is found in the nasopharynx and has spread to lymph nodes on both sides of the neck; or (2) has spread into the soft tissues (oropharynx and/or nasal cavity) and to lymph nodes on both sides of the neck; or (3) has spread beyond the soft tissues into areas around the pharynx and to lymph nodes on both sides of the neck; or (4) has spread to nearby bones or sinuses and may have spread to lymph nodes on one or both sides of the neck.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


The insertion length L1 of the nose tube 14 is set within the size range which is longer than a path length LA from the nostril 13a to the narrowest part 21a of the middle nasal meatus 21, and shorter than a path length LB from the nostril 13a to the epipharynx 24 (LA<L1<LB). - 特許庁


the combined organs and tissues of the respiratory tract and the upper part of the digestive tract (including the lips, mouth, tongue, nose, throat, vocal cords, and part of the esophagus and windpipe).  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


A specimen, sampled from an organism for inspecting influenza, such as pituita, phlegm, and a pharynx wiping liquid, is treated by a pretreatment liquid containing a nonionic surface active agent and 0.3M alkali metal ions. - 特許庁


A stimulation electrode is brought into contact with a mucous membrane of the pharynx through the nasal cavity, and a current having a suitable value is supplied to the stimulation electrode to correctly trains and treat the dysphagia patient for the deglutition. - 特許庁


This vaccine contains MCP-1 having an action for reinforcing the production of an antibody against a simultaneously or separately administered antigen by an administration through the nasal cavity, the oral cavity or the pharyngeal mucous membrane. - 特許庁


The method and device include the use of osteogenic proteins and are useful in repairing defects in the larynx, trachea, interarticular menisci, intervertebral discs, ear, nose, ribs, or other fibrocartilaginous tissues in a mammal. - 特許庁


To provide a nasal cavity insertion device that can sufficiently widen the pharyngeal region, does not take time to set, and does not force operation labor on a user. - 特許庁


In the respiratory information detection method, a detector and/or a pump is connected to one end of a medical tube having a first lumen provided with at least one hole on a part to be indwelled near the pharynx of a patient by inserting the other end through a nasal cavity or an oral cavity, and respiration information is detected on the basis of pressure variation near the pharynx part of the patient by the detector. - 特許庁


To obtain a composition for mucosa application (nasal drop, eye drop, stream medicine and inhalant) having excellent effect of alleviating or removing excessive leakage of mucilaginous solution caused by congestive symptoms of mucosas such as particularly nasal mucosa, ocular mucosa, pharyngeal mucous membrane, etc., among inflammatory symptoms of mucosas. - 特許庁


For example, the high-affinity folate receptor is a tumor marker that is overexpressed in a variety of neoplastic tissues, including breast, ovarian, cervical, colorectal, renal and nasoparyngeal tumors, but is expressed to a very limited extent in normal tissues. - 特許庁


The animal anesthetization tube gives a dental and surgical treatment to the oral cavity by pernasally inserting the anesthetization tube into an animal whose naris or nasal cavity is curved and constricted, a rodentia for example, without damaging the mucous, delivering the anesthetization gas supply hole in the tip of the tube to an intended site and efficiently supplying the anesthetization gas to the pharynx. - 特許庁


in stage ivb, the cancer either: (1) surrounds the main artery in the neck or has spread to bones in the jaw or skull, to muscle in the side of the jaw, or to the upper part of the throat behind the nose, and may have spread to nearby lymph nodes; or (2) has spread to a lymph node that is larger than 6 centimeters and may have spread to tissues around the oropharynx.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版



To provide a method for easily and efficiently recovering analysis components contained in a sample in pharynx, nasal cavity, external ears, cervical section, and urethra by a specimen sampling tool, by sampling them in a technical field for qualitatively or quantitatively analyzing whether the specimen sampling tool, where there is doubt of the analysis components adhering, contains the analysis components or not. - 特許庁


PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
Copyright ©2004-2024 Translational Research Informatics Center. All Rights Reserved.
財団法人先端医療振興財団 臨床研究情報センター
Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
日本語ワードネット1.1版 (C) 情報通信研究機構, 2009-2024 License. All rights reserved.
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.License
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