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Deflation riskの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 11


Many employees have thus become hypersensitive to risk under conditions of prolonged deflation, and attitudes toward starting up in business have become more conservative.例文帳に追加

このように、被雇用者の多くは長引いたデフレ不況の中でリスクに対して過敏になっており、起業に関する意識は、より保守的になってきている。 - 経済産業省

The core consumer prices index also continued to be picked up despite its low level, and the deflation risk, which was previously anticipated, seemed to have retrogressed.例文帳に追加

コア消費者物価指数も低位ながらも持ち直しが続いており、これまで懸念されていたデフレリスクは後退しているとみられる。 - 経済産業省

Assuming that the problem of deflation is steadily overcome, it is important that such changes in attitudes to risk be accurately monitored in order to promote entries.例文帳に追加

今後、デフレからの脱却を確実にすることを前提として、このような人々のリスクに対する態度にどのような変化が見られるかをよく把握していくことが、今後の開業促進に当たって重要である。 - 経済産業省

In view of Japan’s departure from deflation, the government will hold discussions on the promotion of portfolio diversification, including diversification of the types of assets to invest in, and strengthening of governance such as risk management structure, bearing in mind the sizes and characteristics of the respective funds. The results of the discussions willbe compiled by the end of November 2013.例文帳に追加

各資金の規模や性格を踏まえつつ、デフレからの脱却を見据え、運用対象の多様化を含め分散投資の促進や、リスク管理体制等のガバナンスの強化について検討を行い、本年11月までに取りまとめを行う。 - 経済産業省


Among the reasons for this are the noticeably more difficult economic environment, as evidenced by the rise in corporate and individual bankruptcies, changes in the labor market, such as growing restructuring and declining incomes, and the reduced risk tolerance of household finances due, for example, to asset deflation.例文帳に追加

その原因としては、倒産企業が増え、破産者等の厳しい現実を目の当たりにしてきたこと、企業におけるリストラの進行や所得の低下等の労働市場の変化が進んだこと、さらには資産のデフレの進行などにより、家計のリスク許容度が低下したことなどが挙げられる。 - 経済産業省


On the other hand, the fact that many SMEs experienced business difficulties following the collapse of the bubble economy and the economy has still not escaped the grip of deflation may continue to make people more averse to risk in their decision-making.例文帳に追加

他方、近年のバブル経済崩壊以後、多くの中小企業が苦しい経営状況を経験してきたこと、及び現在もまだデフレからの脱却が実現していないことは、今後もなお、人々の意思決定をリスク回避的にさせる要因となる可能性がある。 - 経済産業省

Indeed, Japan is not only carrying out postearthquake reconstruction but also tackling many challenges, such as responding to an aging society, coupled with a decline in population, overcoming deflation, promoting growth, and implementing fiscal consolidation.We hope that the coming Annual Meetings in Tokyo will act as a catalyst for strengthening solidarity among countries around the world in order to overcome various challenges by providing an opportunity for active discussions on a broad range of issues, from fiscal and financial policies to development and disaster risk management. 例文帳に追加

我が国は、震災からの復興だけでなく、少子高齢化・人口減少への対応、デフレからの脱却、成長の促進、財政健全化、といった多くの課題に取り組んでおり、財政・金融から開発、防災まで多岐にわたる課題について、活発に議論する場を提供することを通じ、諸課題の解決に向け、世界が連帯して歩を進めるきっかけとなることを期待しています。 - 財務省

The incomes of the self-employed are more susceptible to the direct impact of macro-economic trends than employees' incomes, and during the 1990s, when there was serious sustained deflation, many self-employed suffered a decline in their incomes, and there were many exits and bankruptcies. There is consequently a strong possibility that there has been a rise in the number of people who consider it unlikely that they will be able to earn as much in self-employment as would as employees after changing jobs even if they take the risk of entering business during a time of recession.例文帳に追加

自営業者の収入は被雇用者の収入よりマクロ経済動向に直接影響を受けやすく、深刻なデフレが継続した1990年代には多くの自営業者の収入が減少し、廃業・倒産が多かったため、「不景気の中でリスクを取って開業しても、転職に比較してそれに見合う収入を得られる可能性は低い。」と考える人が増えた可能性が高い。 - 経済産業省

The continuation of deflation (1) tends to make new entries by entrepreneurs more difficult by shrinking the market, and (2) raises real interest rates, placing a particular financial burden on entrepreneurs with limited fundraising capabilities, thus inhibiting entries. This, combined with greater sensitivity to business management risk as of late, creates an environment that (3) makes people strongly aware of the relative stability of employees' incomes, and there is a strong likelihood that it is this that has increased the subjective risk of entry described above.例文帳に追加

デフレの継続は、〔1〕市場の縮小傾向により開業者等の新規参入を困難にする傾向があり、〔2〕実質金利を上昇させ、特に資金調達力が弱い開業者の資金負担を重くすることによって、開業を抑制するとともに、最近のように事業経営リスクが意識されやすい環境では、〔3〕被雇用者の収入の相対的な安定性をより強く意識させ、上記のような開業の主観的なリスクをより高めた可能性が強いと考えられる。 - 経済産業省


(11) What this means in concrete terms is that, based on a platform of overcoming deflation and stable management of the macro-economy, action should be taken to increase the dynamic mobility of Japanese society and further accumulate and use human resources in society as a whole by promoting vocational training in the broad sense, lowering the barriers to entry ensuring the neutrality of various social systems toward different types of employment and family structure, such as enterprise systems and labor systems, and developing various conditions to ensure that risk-takers do not find it difficult to make a comeback after severe failure.例文帳に追加

〔11〕このため具体的には、まずデフレを克服しマクロ経済の安定的な運営を図ることを前提としつつ、広い意味での職業教育の促進を図ること、企業制度、労働制度等の各種社会制度において、開業に際しての障壁を低くし、就業形態や家族形態に対する中立性を確保すること、リスクに挑戦する者が過酷な結果に直面し再起が困難となることのないように各種の条件整備を図ることで、日本社会の動的な流動性を高め、社会全体として人的資源の一層の蓄積と活用を図っていくことが望まれる。 - 経済産業省


The self-employed are not a closed class: as we shall see in Chapter 3, the still large numbers of people entering self-employment despite the recent continuing downward trend in the entry rate are playing an important part in creating jobs; entrepreneurs utilizing their experience in one industry to enter another are creating particularly many jobs; over the past decade, the number of self-employed business owners has declined by more than one million due to the outflow of middleaged entrepreneurs; the principal causes of the decline in self-employment are deflation and the decline in incomes compared with those of employed persons (increasing entry risk), and not government regulations curbing entry to the ranks of the self-employed; and businesses move frequently between size categories, with self-employed businesses increasingly incorporating in the medium and long-term. This is consistent with the position that, due to the low barriers to entry and active competition, entries, withdrawals and size movements are common.例文帳に追加

第3章で述べるように、最近は開業率の低下傾向が続いている中で依然多くの開業者が雇用創出等で重要な役割を果たしていること、特に異業種での経験を活かして他業種に参入し多くの雇用を創出している開業者も見られること、この10年間を見ると中堅世代の流入が減少したことを主因として自営業主が100万人以上減少していること、自営業減少の主因はデフレと対雇用者比での所得低下(開業リスク上昇)によるものであり自営業層への流入を抑制するような政府規制等によるものでないこと、規模間の上昇・下降は多く見られ自営業の中でも中長期的には法人化が進んでいること等は、自営業が閉じられた階層ではなく、参入障壁の低さと活発な競争を背景として、多数の参入、退出、規模移動が行われているとの見方と整合的である。 - 経済産業省


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