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Descendants 2の部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 35


Times for terminated children (and their descendants) are added in at the moment wait (2) 例文帳に追加

終了する子(及びその子孫)プロセスの時間はwait (2) - JM

On April 7, 715, her sons became imperial descendants. 例文帳に追加

和銅8年(715年)2月25日に、息子達が皇孫待遇になる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kohata-jinja Shrine San za (three za) (two ronja (shrines considered to be descendants of a shikinai-sha) 例文帳に追加

許波多神社三座(論社2社。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In phase two, XtDestroyWidgetperforms the following on each entry in the destroy list: Calls the destroycallback procedures registered on the widget (and all descendants) in post-order (it calls children callbacks before parent callbacks).例文帳に追加

.LPフェーズ2では、XtDestroyWidgetは破棄リストの各エントリーに対して次の処理を行う。 - XFree86


Kuioka-jinja Shrine (two of ronja [shrines considered to be descendants of a shikinai-sha], Oaza Inooka, Kyotanabe City,Kusauchi Miyanoato, Kyotanabe City) suki-yugi (spade and arrow case) 例文帳に追加

咋岡神社(論社2社。京田辺市大字飯岡、京田辺市草内宮ノ後)鍬靫) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, regarding the descendants and consorts of descendants of Imperial Princes and Princes who are renouncing their Imperial status mentioned in above clauses 2 and 3, the Imperial Household Council can use their discretion to allow these members to retain their Imperial status (Article 13 of the Imperial House Act). 例文帳に追加

但し、(2)と(3)の皇族の身分を離れる親王・王の子孫とその妃については、皇室会議の判断で、皇族の身分を離れないものとすることができる(皇室典範13条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In general, directories are visited two distinguishable times; in pre-order (before any of their descendants are visited) and in post-order (after all of their descendants have been visited). 例文帳に追加

一般にディレクトリは、pre-order (正方向:下の階層のディレクトリをたどる前) とpost-order (逆方向:下の階層のディレクトリをすべてたどった後) という、異なる方向で 2 回たどられる。 - JM

Kagami no Okimi may have been a member of the ozoku (kozoku (the Imperial Family) who are second- to the fifth-generation descendants of an emperor) judging by the title '' (O, which was used by male descendants of emperors up to the fifth generation), although his name does not appear in any other historical source; moreover, according to one theory, he may have been a great-grandson of Emperor Senka. 例文帳に追加

鏡王は他史料に見えないが、「王」称から2世-5世の皇族(王族)と推定され、一説に宣化天皇の曾孫という。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later in 902, Emperor Daigo made the temple as a temple for prayer for 'the Imperial Court with comfort, home land protection, and long lives of descendants,' so it was given a title of 'Chogosonshi-ji Temple' from the Emperor ('Cho' is for the Imperial Court, 'go' is for protection, 'sonshi' is for descendants) by the Imperial Court. 例文帳に追加

その後、902年(延喜2年)に醍醐天皇が、「朝廟安穏・守護国土・子孫長久」の祈願寺としたことから、「朝護孫子寺」の勅号を賜った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, descendants of Yoshitaka are said to include: the Otaki clan, 2 Inamori clans (same sounding name written with different characters), the Kurosawa clan, and others, but this matter and details are not entirely clear. 例文帳に追加

その他、義隆の子孫には大滝氏、稲守氏、稲森氏・黒沢氏などがいるというものの、成否及び詳細は定かではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 698, it was decided that only the direct descendants of Fuhito would have the right to succeed the FUJIWARA clan and hold the post of Daijokan (Grand Council of State). 例文帳に追加

文武天皇2年(698年)には、不比等の子孫のみが藤原氏を名乗り、太政官の官職に就くことができるとされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They were the descendants of Prince Takamune, the first son of Imperial Prince Kazurawara who was named TAIRA no Takamune when a surname was conferred in 825. 例文帳に追加

葛原親王の長男で、天長2年(825年)に賜姓を受けて平高棟となった高棟王の子孫。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The following members of the Imperial family lose their Imperial status upon an Imperial Prince or Prince renouncing his Imperial status: 1. Consort of Imperial Prince or Prince renouncing his Imperial status; 2. descendants of Imperial Prince or Prince renouncing his Imperial status; and 3. consorts of the descendants of Imperial Prince or Prince renouncing his Imperial status (excluding women who marry other members of the Imperial family and her children). 例文帳に追加

(1)皇族の身分を離れる親王・王の妃(2)皇族の身分を離れる親王・王の子孫(3)皇族の身分を離れる親王・王の子孫の妃は、その親王・王と同時に皇族の身分を離れる(他の皇族と婚姻した女子とその子孫を除く)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Takum-Uesugi family declined early, and the Inukake-Uesugi family dropped out from the main lineage after the Uprising of Zenshu UESUGI, therefore, from the mid-15th century the 2 families of the Yamanouchi-Uesugi, descendants of Noriaki, and the Ogigayatsu-Uesugi, descendants of Noriaki's cousin, became dominant, with the Kanto Kanrei position being dominated by the head of the Yamanouchi-Uesugi family. 例文帳に追加

宅間上杉家は早くに衰え、犬懸上杉家は上杉禅秀の乱により主流派から脱落したので、15世紀半ばからは憲顕の子孫山内上杉家と、憲顕の従兄弟の子孫扇谷上杉家の2家が有力となるが、関東管領の職はもっぱら山内上杉家の当主が独占した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are specifically two such families: that of Hisamitsu SHIMAZU, who was not the Lord of the Shimazu domain but had a great influence on the domain at the end of Edo Period as a guardian, and his descendants, and that of Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA, who transferred the headship of the family to an adopted child, Iesato TOKUGAWA, and lived in seclusion after Taisei Hokan (the transfer of power back to the Emperor), and his descendants. 例文帳に追加

具体的には、藩主ではなかったがその後見人として幕末の薩摩藩に大きな影響を与えた島津久光とその子孫、大政奉還後養子の徳川家達に家督を譲って隠棲した徳川慶喜とその子孫の2家である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the two men prayed, the sky cleared and the three Tengu (long-nosed demon) masters Nichiryo of India, Zenkai of Tang (China) and Tarobo of Japan appeared atop a large cedar tree leading tens of thousands of each of their descendants. 例文帳に追加

2人が祈祷を行うと、天は晴れ、大杉の上に天竺(インド)の日良、唐(中国)の善界、日本の太郎房という天狗の統領たちがそれぞれの眷属数万を率いて出現した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1289, he gave his domain to three of his descendants, or his son Kagemune KOBAYAKAWA, his adopted son Nagamasa, and his granddaughter Himeishime, and transferred the headship of his family to Kagemune, but a family conflict over who takes the headship between his daughter Kakushoni and Kagemune started to leave the family members in turmoil. 例文帳に追加

正応2年(1289年)、子の小早川景宗・長政(養子)と孫娘・姫石女の三人に所領を分配し、景宗に家督を譲るが、娘・覚生尼と景宗の家督争いとなり、家中は混乱することとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in the same month, March, descendants of TAIRA no Koremoto and a group including sons of TAIRA no Koremitsu respectively raised a rebellion in Iga and Ise and Tsunetoshi, serving as the shugo in both the provinces, traveled to quell the rebellions, but he was attacked without having any talks and ran away lamely. 例文帳に追加

しかし同2月、伊賀で平維基の子孫らが、伊勢で平度光の子息らが蜂起し、両国の守護の経俊が赴いたが問答無用で襲撃され、無勢の経俊は逃亡した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Despite being direct descendants of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan, the family only provided two Regents - subsequent generation getting no further than Councilor or, at best, Dainagon (chief councilor of state) - and was quickly discontinued in the Warring States period (Japan). 例文帳に追加

それは藤原北家嫡流でありながら、摂関は2人でその後は大体が参議、出世しても大納言がやっとで、戦国時代(日本)に早くも断絶してしまったからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although it was a branch family of Koga-kubo (descendants of one of the Ashikaga families that held the office of the Kanto region administrator), the both families battled each other for supremacy, but it was inherited through two generations from Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA to Yorizumi ASHIKAGA and became the foundation for the Kitsuregawa clan in later years. 例文帳に追加

古河公方の分家で本家と覇権を争ったが、足利義明・足利頼純の2代にわたって受け継がれ、後の喜連川藩の元となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Around the year of 977, the clan was given the surname of Miyoshi Ason, and among the members of the clan, Shigeaki MIYOSHI was appointed as Shuzeiryo (a position in Bureau of Taxation) in addition to Sanhakase (a position with responsibility for teaching mathematics and looking after mathematicians), the position that his descendants inherited for generations. 例文帳に追加

貞元(日本)2年(977年)頃に三善朝臣の姓が授けられ、その1人であった三善茂明が主税寮兼算博士に就任し、その子孫は代々算博士を継いだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Descendants of Masanori, Hiromoto's elder brother, remained as officials of the Imperial court and called themselves the Kitakoji family from the end of the Muromachi period and, during the Edo Period, three families (two as kurodo - chamberlain and one as Shodaibu [aristocracy lower than Kugyo] of the Konoe family) appeared as Jige-ke (family status of non-noble retainers who are not allowed into the Emperor's living quarters in the imperial palace). 例文帳に追加

また、広元の兄匡範の子孫は宮廷官人として残り、室町時代後半からは北小路家を称し、江戸時代は地下家として3家(蔵人2家、近衛家諸大夫1家)を輩出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though the specific origins of the Bon festival are unkown, it is believed that twice a year, once in early spring and once in early fall (said to be a remnant of when one year was counted as two six-month years), there were events held at the time of the full moon to celebrate the souls of the dead coming to visit their descendants 例文帳に追加

盆の明確な起源は分かっていないが、1年に2度、初春と初秋の満月の日に祖先の霊が子孫のもとを訪れて交流する行事があった(1年が前半年と後半年の2年になっていた名残との説がある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In fact, through the deaths of these two he had reached the highest court rank at the age of just 35, retaining that rank for 35 years until he passed away; moreover, due to his longevity (considered impressive for the time) Tadahira and his descendants became the direct line of descent in place of Tokihira and succeeded to the posts of regent and chancellor until the beginning of the Meiji period. 例文帳に追加

実際前述の2人の死により、早くも35歳にして臣下最高位となり、死去するまで35年間その地位を維持したが、当時としては長寿を全うした事で忠平とその子孫は時平に代わって嫡流となり、摂関職を明治時代開幕まで継承することとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kuniji YASHIRO says that both of them were written as a comment or suggestion by Yasunobu MIYOSHI, which is evidence that "Azuma Kagami" was compiled in later ages, and he conjectured that the leading compilers of "Azuma Kagami" were the descendants of the Miyoshi clan, Machino and the Ota clan. 例文帳に追加

八代国治はこの2件とも、三善康信の評、または献策として書かれており、『吾妻鏡』が後年の編纂物である証拠であって、またそしてこのことからも、三善氏の子孫たる町野、大田氏が『吾妻鏡』編纂の中心に居たのではないかと推測する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the Imperial Family Law (Showa 22, Law No. 3), Clause 11, one Imperial Prince, ten Emperors, and three Princesses were demoted from nobility to subject, based upon Clause 13 of Imperial Family Law, five Empresses of Emperors and lineal descendants (16 Emperors and nine Empresses) and their two Empresses did the same, based upon Clause 14, No. 1 of Imperial Family Law, five mistresses of former Emperors left the Imperial Family. 例文帳に追加

内親王1名、王10名及び女王3名については皇室典範(昭和22年法律第3号)第11条により、離脱する王の妃5名並びに直系卑属(王16名及び女王9名)及びその妃2名は皇室典範第13条により、寡妃5名は皇室典範第14条第1項により、それぞれ離脱した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to Imperial Family Law, expanded regulation Article No.1 issued by the Emperor February 11, 1907, and Article No. 25 of the regulation of Imperial rank, for the Princes of the descendants of a great-great grandchild of the Imperial Family, if the Prince does not appeal entreat, they will be forced to become nobles by receiving surnames by the Emperor's order excluding eldest son's grandchildren's line up to four generations. 例文帳に追加

皇玄孫ノ子孫タル王明治40年2月11日勅定の皇室典範増補第1条及ヒ皇族身位令第25条ノ規定ニヨリ情願ヲ為ササルトキハ長子孫ノ系統4世以内ヲ除クノ外勅旨ニ依リ家名ヲ賜ヒ華族ニ列ス - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the historical epic, Taiheiki (The Record of the Great Peace), these descendants of Masakane fought for the Akamatsu against the Yamana clan and then, as the Kanke-to party together with Emperor Godaigo, who had escaped from exile on Okinoshima Island, they fought against Rokuhara army of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) including the Takeda clan and others in the Battle of Inokuma in Kyoto on April 29, 1330. 例文帳に追加

太平記では山名氏と赤松方として争い、また隠岐島から脱出した後醍醐天皇と共に菅家党として、元徳2年(1330年)4月3日、京都猪熊合戦で武田ら鎌倉幕府の六波羅軍と戦った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

TOGO's descendants include Minoru TOGO, his son, who was the 40th alumni of the Imperial Japanese Naval Academy to become major general (of the Imperial Japanese Navy), Ryoichi TOGO, his grandson, (who, boarding on the heavy cruiser Maya, was killed in the Battle of Leyte Gulf, and became next two ranks up from lieutenant to captain), and his great grandson, who was a line officer of the Maritime Self Defense Official, who graduated from National Defense Academy. 例文帳に追加

子孫には海軍兵学校(日本)40期生で少将になった息子の東郷実(海軍軍人)、その子で72期生の東郷良一(少尉で重巡洋艦摩耶に乗組み、比島沖海戦で戦死し2階級特進で大尉になった)、曾孫には防衛大学校卒の幹部海上自衛官がいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the donation was already made by Yoshitomo in April 1145, Tsunetane offered money for festivals to the feudal lord Masatomi of the Ise priest family, a Shinto priest of the Ise-naiku (inner shrine), in accordance with 'a deed of father Tsuneshige,' and offered the Ise-jingu Shrine a deed stating that kajishi and the position of a local official to manage a shoen estate would be inherited by his children and descendants. 例文帳に追加

すでに天養2年(1145年)3月、義朝による寄進があったが、常胤は「親父常重契状」の通り、領主・荒木田神主正富(伊勢内宮神官)に供祭料を納め、加地子・下司職を常胤の子孫に相伝されることの新券を伊勢神宮へ奉じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Choroku no hen was an incident that occurred on December 27, 1457 during the Muromachi period when former retainers of the Akamatsu family attacked angu (emperor's temporary palace) of Gonancho (Second Southern Court), made a surprise assault on the brothers of Sonshuo and Chugio who were descendants of the Southern Court emperor (the latter was a seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians" of the Southern Court), and took away Shinji (the sacred jewel). 例文帳に追加

長禄の変(ちょうろくのへん)は、室町時代の長禄元年12月2日(旧暦)(1457年12月27日)に赤松家遺臣らが後南朝の行宮を襲い、南朝の皇胤である尊秀王と忠義王(後南朝の征夷大将軍である)の兄弟を騙し討って、神璽を持ち去った事件。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Together with Hiromitsu OGAWA, gozoku (powerful kin group) in Yamato Province, the retainers attacked the angu of the Gonancho, based in Kitayama and Kawakami deep in Yoshino, on December 27, 1457, they defeated the brothers of Jitenno and Chugio who were descendants of the Southern Court emperor (the latter was a seii taishogun of the Gonancho), and took away the Shinji. 例文帳に追加

大和国の豪族・小川弘光とともに、吉野の奥で北山・川上に本拠を置いていた後南朝の行宮を長禄元年12月2日_(旧暦)(1457年12月27日)に襲撃、南朝の皇胤である自天王と忠義王(後南朝の征夷大将軍である)の兄弟を討ち倒して、神璽を持ち去った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On May 20, 922, after being reinstated as Udaijin from the Junii rank Dazai Gon no sochi and posthumously granted the Shonii rank, and was granted additional posthumous posts of the Shoichii rank Sadaijin and then the Daijo-daijin in 993 (it is believed that his honor was restored in this way partly because Tokihira, who had accused Michizane, died young leaving no descendants and therefore, descendents of his younger brother, FUJIWARA no Tadahira, who was an aide to Emperor Uda and friendly to Michizane, became the Fujiwara clan's direct-line descendants). 例文帳に追加

延喜22年4月20日(913年6月2日)、従二位大宰権帥から右大臣に復し、正二位を贈ったのを初めとし、正暦4年(993年)には贈正一位左大臣、同年贈太政大臣(こうした名誉回復の背景には道真を讒言した時平の早死にで子孫が振るわなかったために、宇多天皇の側近で道真にも好意的だった時平の弟・藤原忠平の子孫が藤原氏の嫡流となった事も関係しているとされる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 901 (1) The share in inheritance of a lineal descendant who becomes an heir pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) or paragraph (3) of Article 887 shall be the same as the share that person's lineal ascendant would have received; provided that if there are two or more lineal descendants, their shares in inheritance shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Article. 例文帳に追加

第九百一条 第八百八十七条第二項又は第三項の規定により相続人となる直系卑属の相続分は、その直系尊属が受けるべきであったものと同じとする。ただし、直系卑属が数人あるときは、その各自の直系尊属が受けるべきであった部分について、前条の規定に従ってその相続分を定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Furthermore, the following families received the title of Baron: the Oshikoji family and the Mibu family, whose social standings were particularly high among the Jige-ke (family status of non-noble retainers who are not allowed into the Emperor's living quarters in the imperial palace); the Tamamasu family (Kanin-ryu, one of the Fujiwara faction); the descendants of Misao TAMAMATSU, who was from court nobility and made a great contribution to the Meiji Restoration; and the Nishitakatsuji family, who served as Guji (chief of those who serve shrines, control festivals and general affairs) of Dazaifu Tenman-gu Shrine and who were a branch family of the Takatsuji family. 例文帳に追加

さらにいわゆる地下家の中でも殊に家格が高かった押小路家、壬生家の2家、及び公家出身で明治維新に功績のあった玉松操の子孫である玉松家(閑院流出身)、太宰府天満宮宮司で高辻家傍流とされる西高辻家にも特に男爵が与えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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