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Although concerned comments of each family were chosen depending on Kukai's own point of view, all sentences cited were written by Chinese men of literature. 例文帳に追加

取り上げられている諸家の評論の取捨選択に空海の主観が入っているとはいえ、そこに引用されている文章はすべて唐土の文人のものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kukai's intention was, as he wrote in the general introduction appended to the volume of Heaven, 'the volumes are titled after the universe and because they are so everlasting as the sun and the moon are, they are collectively called hifuron (important theory).' 例文帳に追加

これについて空海は、天の巻に付された総序において「配巻軸於六合、懸不朽於兩曜、名曰秘府論。(巻軸を六合に配し、不朽を両曜に懸け、名づけて秘府論という)」とその意図を述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He compared it to Mandala and assumed that Kukai should have imagined a Mandala-like configuration with Heaven and Earth in the center and East, South, West, and North surrounding them clockwise. 例文帳に追加

彼は、これを曼荼羅に擬え、空海の脳裏にあったのは、天・地を中心としてそれを東・南・西・北が時計回りに取り巻く曼荼羅的構図であったと考察する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Kukai's Shingon sect of Buddhism attracted Jingu-ji Temples of various countries as a central large temple because it had magical essence, which was easy to combine with Jingi belief, as well as preaching a story, providing protection for the nation, universality, and abstractness. 例文帳に追加

しかし神祇信仰と習合しやすい呪術的要素を持ちながら国家護持や普遍性・抽象性を備えた教説を整えた中央の大寺院として諸国神宮寺の心を捉えたのが空海の伝えた真言宗であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Buddhist thought and culture, introduced by Kukai, Saicho, and others, had a great influence on Japanese art, so the Mandala of Esoteric Buddhism, and the full-blown Esoteric Buddhism statues, which could not be seen in the Nara period, were made in this period. 例文帳に追加

空海、最澄らが伝えた仏教思想や文物は美術の面でも大きな影響をもたらし、密教曼荼羅や、奈良時代には見られなかった本格的密教彫像がつくられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In his works 'Himitsu Mandala Jujushinron' and 'Hizohoyaku,' Kukai expressed appreciation for another Buddhist sect, Dharma, which was at that time established to some extent, and built that thinking into a rating system of 1 to 10 by placing the Shingon sect above the Dharma. 例文帳に追加

空海は著作「秘密曼荼羅十住心論」(ひみつまんだらじゅうじゅうしんろん)、「秘蔵宝鑰」(ひぞうほうやく)で、空海が執筆していた当時に伝来していた仏教各派の教学に一応の評価を与えつつ、真言宗を最上位に置くことによって十段階の思想体系の中に組み込んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The founder of the sect, Kukai (774-835) was born at Byobu-ga-ura Sanuki-no-kuni (讃岐屏風) (current Zentsu-ji City, Kagawa Prefecture); and as a thinker, writer and talented calligrapher from among the Sanpitsu (the three great calligraphers of history), as well as a Buddhist, he had a strong influence on Japanese culture in later years. 例文帳に追加

宗祖・空海(774-835年)は、讃岐国屏風浦(現・香川県善通寺市)の出身で、仏教者であるとともに思想家、著述家、また「三筆」の1人に数えられる能書家として、後の日本文化に多大な影響を与えた人物である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 816 Kukai obtained the land of Koyasan (Koya-cho, Itogun, Wakayama Prefecture) and founded Kongobu-ji Temple there; later (in 823), the Emperor Saga gave him To-ji Temple, which was a national temple of Heian-kyo, and he made these temples the fundamental dojo of Shingon Mikkyo. 例文帳に追加

弘仁7年(816年)には高野山(和歌山県伊都郡高野町)の地を得て、ここに金剛峯寺を開創、弘仁14年(823年)には、平安京の官寺であった東寺を嵯峨天皇より下賜され、これら両寺を真言密教の根本道場とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The following works of Kukai are considered to be ronso: 'Himitsu-Mandala-Jujushinron (Jujushinron),' 'Hizo-Hoyaku,' 'Benkenmitsu-Nikyoron,' 'Sokushinjobutsu-gi,' 'Shojijisso-gi,' 'Un-jigi' and so on. 例文帳に追加

空海の著作、秘密曼荼羅十住心論(ひみつまんだらじゅうじゅうしんろん)(「十住心論・じゅうじゅうしんろん)・「秘蔵宝鑰」(ひぞうほうやく)・「辦顕密二教論」(べんけんみつにきょうろん)・「即身成仏義」(そくしんじょうぶつぎ)・「声字実相義」(しょうじじっそうぎ)・「吽字義」(うんじぎ)なども論疏としている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Further, as Enchin pointed out 5 defects in Kukai's 'Jujushinron' (Ten Stages of Mind Development) and refuted it as 'there is no superiority or inferiority between Tendai and Shingon,' the views held by sects which deem Nichiren to be the real Buddha that Ennin and Enchin distorted Tendai by incorporating Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, is completely denied by the above fact. 例文帳に追加

また円珍は、空海の「十住心論」を五つの欠点があると指摘し「天台と真言には優劣はない」と反論しており、日蓮を本仏とする宗派の、円仁・円珍は天台に真言密教を取り入れ謗法化したなどという見解はここにおいても完全に否定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Seiryu Gongen isn't described in Kyoki (sutra), but according to Kukai's Goyuigo (written will) it was Zennyo Ryuo, (Dragon King Zennyo) the third (also said to be fourth) daughter of Shakara (Sakara, Shagara), one of the Hachidai Ryuo (the eight dragon kings of Indian myth), and lived in Munetsuchi (無熱) (a legendary pond that is said to be located in the Himalayas). 例文帳に追加

清瀧権現は経軌には説かれておらず、空海の御遺告によると、インド神話に登場する八大竜王の一、沙掲羅(しゃから、シャガーラ)の第三王女(一説には第四王女とも伝えられる)である善女(善如)龍王で、無熱地に住していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is commonly believed that Kukai created Godai Bosatsu by himself based on Kongocho-kyo Sutra (or Vajrasekhara Sutra, one of the basic sutra of Esoteric Buddhism) and Nio-kyo Sutra (or the Sutra of Benevolent Kings, a sutra that advocates guarding the nation by Buddhism), but there is also a view that it is traceable to Esoteric Buddhist art during the period of the Tang Dynasty in China. 例文帳に追加

金剛頂経(密教の根本経典の1つ)、仁王経(仏教による国家鎮護を説いた経)などをもとに空海が独自に発案したものとも言われ、中国の唐時代の密教美術にその源を求める説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He also made a base of San-lun (Three Shastras) Teachings by establishing Tonanin Temple in Todai-ji Temple, which should not be overlooked by the two following viewpoints; Shobo's high evaluation of Chugan (Intermediate) or Hannya-ku (the truth that nothing is substantial, void, taught in the Heart Sutra) and Kukai's adjusting ceremonies to Shingon Esoteric Buddhism at major temples at Nanto. 例文帳に追加

一方で東大寺に東南院を建立して三論教学の拠点を築いたが、これは聖宝の中観/般若空重視の態度という観点からだけではなく、宗祖空海によって実施された南都大寺における儀礼の真言密教化という観点からも見落とすべきではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This word began to be used in the Edo Period and it has been suggested that there were numerous incidents where ordinary ashes were sold as ashes from the goma fire ritual performed by Kukai (Kobo Daishi) whereby the term 'magirakasu' (to disguise) evolved to 'gomakasu' (to disguise) consisting of 'goma' and the same conjunction 'kasu' used in 'magirakasu.' 例文帳に追加

この言葉は江戸時代以降から見られる言葉であるが、これはただの灰であるのに、空海(弘法大師)の修法した護摩の灰と称し偽って売り歩いた輩が横行したことから、紛(まぎ)らかすと同じ接続詞である「かす」がついて「誤魔化す」となったという説である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mountain Buddhism, a form of Buddhism for the practitioner of austerities who seeks an ascetic practice place in mountains, was begun by Saicho (767-822), the founder of the Tendai sect, Kukai (774-835), the founder of the Shingon sect, and others against the secularization of Nara Buddhism (Nanto rokushu), which had strengthened its ties with the government. 例文帳に追加

山岳仏教(さんがくぶっきょう)とは、天台宗開祖最澄(767年~822年)、真言宗開祖の空海(774年~835年)などにより政治と結びつきの強くなった奈良仏教の世俗化などに対する形で始められた山岳に行場を求めんとする修行者の仏教である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This temple is reported to have originated in bo (a priest's lodge) where Chii Daitoku, who had come from Tang (China) in 754, performed his ascetic practices, and later, where Saicho built a temple during the period from 782 through 806, and where Kukai entered the temple as a priest from 810 to 824. 例文帳に追加

この寺は、754年(天平勝宝6年)唐から日本へ渡来した智威大徳が修行した坊に始まるとされ、その後延暦年間(782年~806年)最澄がこの地に寺を建立したと伝えられ、弘仁年間(810年~824年)空海が入寺したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the Shugei Shuchiin school was a private facility established by Kukai on January 27, 829, at the residence in Sakyo Kujo in Kyoto, which had been received from FUJIWARA no Mimori, for the purpose of educating the common people and providing comprehensive education in various liberal arts. 例文帳に追加

綜芸種智院(しゅげいしゅちいん)は、天長5年12月15日(旧暦)(829年1月23日)、空海が庶民教育や各種学芸の綜合的教育を目的に、藤原三守から譲り受けた京都の左京九条の邸宅に設置した私立学校といわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For example, Nichiren says, 'There is nothing superior to sansho (three norms to be used for discrimination between right and wrong in religion), and thinking of Zenmui and Ichigyo who suffered onan (横難) oshi (横死), and the ways Kukai and Ennin died, I wonder how true practitioners of shobo (the true teachings of Buddha) could be like them' (in his "Kyogyosho gosho," Kyogyosho-writings or letters of superior) and so on, and denies founders of the Singon Sect and so forth. 例文帳に追加

たとえば、「一切は三証には如かず善無畏・一行が横難横死・空海・円仁が死去の有様・実に正法の行者是くの如くに有るべく候や」(教行証御書)などと述べて、真言宗などの祖師を否定している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The letter started with the greeting at the beginning, followed by an expression of thanks for giving Kukai "Makashikan" (Mahayana Practice of Cessation and Contemplation) and an apology for not being able to go to Mt.Hiei; additionally it says, 'I would like to get together with you (Saicho) and Shuen (presumably) to talk over the principal issues of Buddhism and spread the Buddhism movement in gratitude for the grace of Buddha. 例文帳に追加

文面は、冒頭の挨拶、『摩訶止観』のお礼、比叡山には行けない旨を告げたあとに、「あなた(最澄)と修円(推定)と私の3人が集まって、仏教の根本問題を語り合い仏教活動を盛んにして仏恩に報いたい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, while Saicho studied under Kobo Daishi (Kukai) who visited the Tang dynasty likewise and deepened his understanding on Mikkyo (Esoteric Buddhism), he created the construction plan of Rikusho Toto-in Temple (centering on Hieizan-ji Temple (later, Enryaku-ji Temple)) and in 814 went to Kyushu and in 817 to Togoku and energetically maintained his activities. 例文帳に追加

最澄はさらに同じく入唐した空海に師事して、密教への理解を深める一方、六所宝塔院(比叡山寺(後の延暦寺)を中心とする)の造立計画を立て、弘仁5年(814年)には九州へ、同8年には東国へ赴くなど精力的に活動する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Saicho tried to heighten the status of new religious school by incorporating the elements of Mikkyo into Tendai sect, but allegedly the break with Taihan and Kukai deepened his isolation and drove him to be more antagonistic towards Nanto sects. 例文帳に追加

天台宗に密教の要素を取り入れ、新たな宗派としての地位を高めようとしていた最澄にとって、泰範・空海との訣別により孤立感が深まったことで、南都諸宗に対してより敵対的な姿勢に駆り立てられたともいわれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The traditional Saitogoma is said to have been held for the first time by Shobo Rigen Daishi, a disciple of a disciple of Kukai, who established the Shingonshu sect, and it is mostly held by the temples inheriting the lineage of the Tozan school of Shugendo (Japanese mountain asceticism-shamanism incorporating Shinto and Buddhist concepts) including Daigo-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

伝統的な柴燈護摩は真言宗を開いた空海の孫弟子に当たる聖宝理源大師が初めて行ったといわれており、醍醐寺をはじめとする真言宗の当山派修験道の法流を継承する寺院で行われる事が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Koyasan Shingon sect is one of Shingon sect that was founded in the early Heian Period by Kobo Daishi (a posthumous title of the priest Kukai) who visited China and studied Esoteric Buddhism with Keika (also called Eka) in Qinglongsi Temple (in Xian City) in Changan (Xian City) during the Tang Dynasty (China). 例文帳に追加

高野山真言宗(こうやさんしんごんしゅう)は、平安時代初頭に弘法大師(空海)が入唐し、唐(中国)・長安(西安市)の青龍寺(西安市)で恵果(けいか・えか)から密教を学び、日本に帰国後、開いた真言宗の一宗派。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Residing in the Chuin (located outside the Naiin) of Mount Koya, Meizan drew a large number of monks wishing to learn jiso from him, due to his extensive knowledge of the hiketsu (esoteric secrets, namely, the methods of learning and protocols related to such methods) that had been handed down from the monk Kukai (Kobo Daishi) to Shinzen. 例文帳に追加

高野山の中院(弘法大師御住坊)に住して、空海(弘法大師)より真然に相承(受け継がれた)された秘訣(修法の方法や修法に関する決まりごとなど)に精通していたため、多くの僧侶が事相などの修学のために明算のもとを訪れたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This was a admonition to Saicho, who tried to understand Esoteric Buddhism superficially by making a handwritten copy of Sutra, not mastering the method in esoteric Buddhism; Kukai declined to lend the scriptures insisting that Esoteric Buddhism laid importance not only on scriptures but on ascetic practices and Face to Face Transmission. 例文帳に追加

これは、修法の会得をしようとせず、経典を写して文字の表面上だけで密教を理解しようとする最澄に対して諌めたもので、空海は密教では経典だけではなく修行法や面授口伝を尊ぶことを理由に借経を断ったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later on Kukai reorganized To-ji Temple as the complete Esoteric Buddhism temple, and prohibited Buddhist monks other than Shingon Esoteric Buddhists from entering; and he made a strict regulation that only disciples selected by him could study only Buddhist scriptures and originals selected by him; however, "Rishu-kyo" was not included even in these. 例文帳に追加

空海は、その後東寺を完全に密教寺院として再編成し、真言密教以外の僧侶の出入りを禁じて、自分の選定した弟子にのみ、自ら選んだ経典や原典のみで修行させるという厳しい統制をかけたが、その中にさえ『理趣経』はないといわれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Heian period, Esoteric Buddhism became popular in accordance with the introductions of the Tendai sect by Saicho and the Shingon sect by Kukai, and Mappo-shiso (the "end of the world" belief) and Jodo-shinko (the Pure Land faith) were in full flourish, and as a result, more and more nobles and people around the capital came to believe in Buddhism. 例文帳に追加

平安時代には最澄による天台宗、空海による真言宗の導入による密教の流行、末法思想・浄土信仰の隆盛などの契機を経験し、貴族層や都周辺の人々による仏教信仰は拡大しつつあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The calligraphy of Kukai and that of ONO no Tofu are exquisite, if asked whether they are exquisite or not, and are like being written by god, if asked whether they are like being written by god or not, but when viewing their works minutely, it is found that they were only imitators of calligraphy in Tang and did not worship what they understood as the origin of calligraphy in the Tang period. 例文帳に追加

「空海・小野道風の書、妙は則ち妙なり、神は則ち神也、然れども之れを細観し来る時は唯唐書の盲従者たるに過ぎずして、唐代の書を遡源的に解釈して之れを崇拝したるものにあらざるが如し。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was in the summer of 859, one year after Emperor Seiwa came to power, when a monk named Gyokyo from Nanto Daianji Temple, a disciple of Kobo-Daishi Kukai visited Usa Jungu Shrine and received a message from God informing him to move the God to near Kyoto City, on the top of Mt. Otokoyama, to guard the nation. 例文帳に追加

清和天皇が即位した翌年の貞観(日本)元年(859年)の夏、弘法大師空海の弟子であった南都大安寺の僧行教が宇佐神宮に参詣した折に「われ都近く男山の峰に移座し国家を鎮護せん」との神託を受けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The meaning represented by these 21 statues has been explained as a Karma Mandala based on the Ninnogyo sutra, or as a fusion of the Ninnogyo and the Kongokaiho, but there is no agreement among the various interpretations of the true meaning intended by Kukai. 例文帳に追加

これら21体の仏像の表す具体的意味について、かつては仁王経に基づく羯磨曼荼羅であると説明され、仁王経と金剛界法とを融合したものとも説かれるが、空海の真意が何であったかについてはさまざまな解釈があり、定説をみない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sanjutcho Sasshi and Hosoge Karyobinga Makie Soku Sasshibako - Sanjutcho Sasshi are 30 small Sasshi scriptures that Kukai brought back from Tang China (size of each is 10x10cm), including some that he transcribed by himself. 例文帳に追加

三十帖冊子・宝相華迦陵頻伽蒔絵ソク冊子箱(ソク=土へんに「塞」)(ほうそうげ かりょうびんが まきえ そく さっしばこ)-「三十帖冊子」は、空海が唐から持ち帰った写経の小冊子(サイズは縦横とも十数センチ)30冊で、一部に空海自筆を含む。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Further within the precinct are the other halls including the Kon-do main hall (housing the principal image Diamond Realm Vairocana and, in the basement level, a set of two mandalas depicting both the Five Wisdom Buddhas of the Diamond Realm as well as the Five Wisdom Kings of the Womb Realm), Myoo-den (relocated main hall of Daiun-in Temple, housing the principal image of Acala), Daishi-do (constructed in 1789 and dedicated to Kukai) and Mitsugon-do (constructed in 1667 and dedicated to Shingi Shingon Sect founder, Kakuban). 例文帳に追加

境内奥には金堂(本尊金剛界大日如来、地下に両界曼荼羅大日如来)、明王殿(大雲院本堂を移築したもの、本尊不動明王)、大師堂(1789年築、空海を祀る)、密厳堂(1667年築、新義真言宗の祖・覚鑁を祀る)などが建つ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While going up the stone steps, there is the main hall (Kanjodo) (built in the Kamakura period, national treasure) whose principal image is Nyoirin Kannon and, above it, the five-storied pagoda (built in the early Heian period, national treasure), and the stone steps lead to the inner temple: Miedo hall (built in the first half of the Muromachi period, important cultural property) which enshrines Kukai. 例文帳に追加

さらに石段を上ると如意輪観音を本尊とする本堂(灌頂堂)(鎌倉時代、国宝)、その上に五重塔(平安時代初期、国宝)があり、石段は空海を祀る奥の院御影堂(みえどう、室町時代前期、重文)へと続いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Included in the collection are eight important cultural artifacts such as "Sango shiki chu shu" (written by Kukai, annotated "Sango shiki"); "Shunki" (the diary of FUJIWARA no Sukefusa, a noble of the Heian period); "Senchakuhongan nenbutsu shu" (a collection of Buddhist invocations written by Honen); and "Yuasa Kagemoto Kishinjo" (a letter signed by Myoe, a Japanese Buddhist monk). 例文帳に追加

収蔵品には、『三教指帰注集』(空海著『三教指帰』の古注釈)、『春記』(平安時代の貴族藤原資房の日記)、『選択本願念仏集』(法然著)、「湯浅景基寄進状」(明恵の自筆署名あり)などの国の重要文化財8点が含まれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to this version of legend, Shuten Doji was born in the Province of Echigo in the early Heian Period, a contemporary of the famous Japanese Buddhist leaders Denkyo Hoshi (Saicho) and Kobo Daishi (Kukai), and became a page of Kokujo-ji Temple (Tsubame City, Niigata Prefecture) (there is a path called 'Chigo Do,' or literally Page's Path, at the foot of Mt. Kugami, which is believed to have been used by Shuten Doji). 例文帳に追加

伝教法師(最澄)や弘法大師(空海)が活躍した平安初期(8世紀)に越後国で生まれた彼は、国上寺(新潟県燕市)の稚児となった(国上山麓には彼が通ったと伝えられる「稚児道」が残る)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kosho's existing masterpieces include the statue of Kuya Shonin (a collection of Rokuharamitsu-ji Temple), which is one of the most famous masterpieces of all image statues in Japan, and the statue of Kobo Daishi (a posthumous title of the priest Kukai) in Mieido hall of To-ji Temple, which became the model for the statues of Kobo Daishi in later years. 例文帳に追加

現存する康勝の作品としては、日本の肖像彫刻として屈指の著名作である空也上人像(六波羅蜜寺蔵)、後世の弘法大師像の規範となった東寺御影堂の弘法大師(空海)像などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He is also known for his enthusiastic engagement in new Noh dramas and has ever premiered 'Yume no Ukihashi' (The Floating Bridge of Dreams) originally written by Jakucho SETOUCHI, 'Kurenai Tennyo' (Crimson Goddess) by Suzue MIUCHI, 'Kukai' (founder of Shingon sect) by Masaki DOMOTO, 'Garasha' (Garasha HOSOKAWA) and 'Osakajo' (Osaka-jo Castle) by Tojiro YAMAMOTO, 'Nukata no Okimi' (an empress of the seventh century) by Akiko BABA, and so on. 例文帳に追加

また新作能に意欲的に取り組んでいることでも知られ、これまでに瀬戸内寂聴原作「夢浮橋」、美内すずえ原作「紅天女(くれないてんにょ)」、堂本正樹作「空海」、山本東次郎作「伽羅沙(がらしゃ)」「大坂城」、馬場あき子作「額田王」などの初演を行っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The eight Buddhist monks who went to Tang called "nitto hasso" (also called "nitto hakke"), namely Saicho, Kukai, Eun, Engyo, Jogyo, Soei, Ennin and Enchin, made a catalogue of imported items (shorai mokuroku) in which they recorded the list of books which they brought back from Tang. 例文帳に追加

まず、唐に留学していた「入唐八僧」(「入唐八家」とも、最澄、空海、恵運、円行、常暁、宗叡、円仁、円珍)と呼ばれる僧侶達が帰国した際に持ち帰った書物などを記録した将来目録(請来目録)が作成された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Its collection of ancient documents includes the 'To-ji Hyakugo Monjo Document,' a National Treasure, which had been handed down at To-ji Temple (also known as Kyogokoku-ji Temple) that is associated with Kukai, a well-known Buddhist priest, in Minami-ku Ward of Kyoto City, and 'Ancient documents and books of Kanchiin Temple' that had been handed down at Kanchiin Temple, a sub temple of To-ji Temple, and 'Kawashimake Bunsho' (the Kawashima family documents), which are both designated as Important Cultural Properties. 例文帳に追加

古文書関係では、京都市南区にある空海ゆかりの寺院・東寺(教王護国寺)に伝来した国宝の「東寺百合文書」をはじめ、東寺の子院・観智院に伝来した「観智院伝来文書典籍類」、「革嶋家文書」が重要文化財に指定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, because Saicho mainly studied the Tendai Doctrine but did not do so with Mikkyo, Mikkyo was introduced more properly by Kukai (Kobo-daishi), who studied it at Shoryuji Temple, Qinglongsi Temple (the basis of Chinese Mikkyo), Engyo, Ennin (Jikaku Daishi), Eun, Enchin (Chisho Daishi) and Shuei. 例文帳に追加

しかし、天台教学が主であった最澄は密教を本格的に修学していた訳ではなかったので、中国密教の拠点であった唐の青龍寺で本格的に修学した空海(弘法大師)、円行、円仁(慈覚大師)、恵運、円珍(智証大師)、宗叡によって、密教がより本格的に日本に紹介された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Among the traditional Buddhist sects in Japan, the Shingon sect (whose teachings Kukai learned from Eka) and the Keika of Shoryuji Temple (Xian City) in China (Tang), thus systematized as Shingon Mikkyo (Toumitsu; Shokushin Jobutsu and the guard of the nation being two aspects), and the Nihon Tendai sect (called Daimitsu in some cases), which was begun by Saicho and established by Ennin, Enchin and Annen, are incorporated into Mikkyo. 例文帳に追加

日本の伝統的な宗派としては、空海が中国(唐)の青龍寺(西安市)恵果に受法して請来し、真言密教として体系付けた真言宗(東密。即身成仏と鎮護国家を二大テーゼとしている)と、最澄によって創始され、円仁、円珍、安然らによって完成された日本天台宗(台密とも呼ばれる)が密教に分類される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In response to this, Hiroshi KOZEN explained that evidently pairs were made, as the titles of the volume corresponded to each other such as East against West, and North against South (particularly the volumes of East and West were noticeable because they had small prefaces in the beginning), and concerning the format, in the volumes of East and West Kukai selected each family's comments on his own discretion, while in the volumes of South and North they were cited as they were. 例文帳に追加

これに対して興膳宏は、東・西、と北・南で巻題の命名に対応関係が見られること(とくに東・西の巻ではそれぞれ巻頭に小序が付されていてそれが顕著である)、また体裁の面でも東・西の巻が諸家の論を空海自身の裁量で取捨しているのに対し、南・北の巻ではそのままの形で引用されていることが多いなど、対になっているのは明らかだとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Jichie's master Kukai, one of the three famous ancient calligraphers of ancient Japan, was also of the same clan), they took on the role of myogyo-do teachers and Sakemaro's son SAEKI no Toyoo also held the position of engraving official seals (regulations under the "Engishiki" (codes and procedures on national rites and prayers) Department of State codes and Ministry of Central Affairs codes) following the statement that 'owing to his fine seal engraving, he was made a member of the Tengaku Kan' ("Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku" (sixth of the six classical Japanese history texts), December 20, 861). 例文帳に追加

また、実恵の師である三筆の1人空海も同族であった)ように、明経道の教員の一員同然となり、酒麻呂の子佐伯豊雄も「以彫虫之小、忝学館之末員」(『日本三代実録』貞観(日本)3年11月11日条)と評されるように官印の刻印を担当する職務(『延喜式』太政官式・中務省式に規定がある)が主となっていくようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In a passage in the 'Shugei Shuchiin-shiki' written when the priest Kukai founded the Shugei Shuchiin school in 829, the 'Nikyo-in' of KIBI no Makibi and Untei-in of ISONOKAMI no Yakatsugu are mentioned as the school's predecessors, with the current state of Untei described as 'having a beginning and unending, abandoned by people, in devastation,' suggesting that it no longer existed in his times. 例文帳に追加

なお、829年(天長5年)に空海が綜芸種智院を設置した際に書かれた「綜芸種智院式」の文中に、自分の学校の先駆として吉備真備の「二教院」とともに石上宅嗣の「芸亭院」を挙げたうえで、芸亭の現状を「始めありて終りなく、人去って跡あれたり」と記しており、この時には既に消滅していたことが窺える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As for the naming of mandala, both Taizokai-mandala and Garbha-mandala are used in Japan but Motohiro YORITOMI, a researcher of Esoteric Buddhism, wrote in his book titled "Architectures of mandala-centering on mandala at To-ji Temple" as 'the name of mandala were created in consideration of both Dainichi-kyo Sutra and Kongocho-kyo Sutra, collectively called Ryobu Sutra and both are the source of mandala, and Kukai used only this name (note: Ryobu-mandala),' 'because Kongocho-kyo Sutra clearly uses Vajradhatumandala, Dainichi-kyo Sutra does not use the name of Taizokai-mandala though it uses Daihitaizosho mandala or Garbha-mandala.' 例文帳に追加

なお、通常日本に取り入れられた曼荼羅の呼称について胎蔵界曼荼羅・胎蔵曼荼羅の2つが併用されているが、密教学者・頼富本宏は『曼荼羅の美術東寺の曼荼羅を中心として』において「曼荼羅の典拠となった大日経と金剛頂経のいわゆる両部の大経を意識したものであり、空海もこの用語(注両部曼荼羅)のみを用いている」「即ち金剛頂経には、明確に金剛界曼荼羅を説くのに対して、大日経では大悲胎蔵曼荼羅もしくは胎蔵生曼荼羅を説くのにかかわらず、胎蔵界曼荼羅と言う表現は見られないからである」と書いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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