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National Research Councilの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 13


Data compiled by the National Research Council under the auspices of the International Research Council and the National Academy of Sciences.例文帳に追加

米国 National Research of Council が International Research Council および米国National Academy of Sciencesの後援で編集したデータ集。 - 経済産業省

The National Research Council studied encryption issues and published a very complete 1996 report.* 例文帳に追加

National Research Councilは、暗号問題について研究して、1996年に非常に充実した報告を発表した*。 - Electronic Frontier Foundation『DESのクラック:暗号研究と盗聴政策、チップ設計の秘密』

Contrary to the National Research Council recommendation that the FBI buy more computers and Bill Gates' suggestion to me that we upgrade our research and development 例文帳に追加

National Research Council はFBI にもっとコンピュータを買えとすすめますし、ビル・ゲイツはわたしに、FBIの研究開発をアップグレードしろといいますが、 - Electronic Frontier Foundation『DESのクラック:暗号研究と盗聴政策、チップ設計の秘密』

a) The national government shall promote hepatitis research based on the "7-year Strategy for Hepatitis Research", evaluate and validate research results and report these to the Council for Promotion of Hepatitis Measures.例文帳に追加

ア 国は、「肝炎研究7カ年戦略」に基づく肝炎研究を一層推進するとともに、その研究成果について評価、検証を行い、肝炎対策推進協議会に報告する。 - 厚生労働省


While some of the members were council members of the party, it included among it's members of the Dai Nihon Kyokai were lawmakers of the House of the Representatives, many of whom also belonged to other political parties that maintained cooperative relations with Dai Nihon Kyokai, including the Toyo Jiyuto (Oriental Liberal Party), the Kokumin Kyokai (National Association [Japan]), The Policy Affairs Research Council (a political party in the Meiji period), and the Domei Club (League Club). 例文帳に追加

同会専属の衆議院議員も存在したものの、協力関係にあった東洋自由党・国民協会_(日本)・政務調査会_(明治時代の政党)・同盟倶楽部などと掛け持ちであった議員が多かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the collaboration indicated in subsection b) is requested, the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY shall recognize and pay the professional fees corresponding to the category of Senior Researcher of the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL RESEARCH (CONICET) or of an equivalent institution, on the basis of an estimation of time assignment previously approved by the Commissioner of Patents. 例文帳に追加

(b)に表示する協力を求める場合は,国立産業財産機関は,当該専門家に対して,国立科学技術研究会議又は同等の機関の上級研究者の範疇に対応する手数料を,特許庁長官が先に承認した割当時間の見積りを基礎として,認可し支払う。 - 特許庁

Asada told not only Miki Furen, but also the Institute of Buraku Problem, which was closely tied to Miki and had their office in the Bunkakosei-kaikan Hall, and Zenkoku dowa kyoiku kenkyu kyogikai, the National Research Council for Dowa Education (Zendokyo) that the Kyoto Federation was temporarily in charge of the Hall, dismissing the staff from the Hall. 例文帳に追加

朝田は三木府連だけでなく、同様に文化厚生会館に事務局を置いており三木と関係の深かった部落問題研究所や全国同和教育研究協議会(全同教)にも、一時府連が会館を管理すると告げ、事務局員を退去させる挙に出た。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

East Liberal Party, Alliance Club, the Constitutional Progressive Party, National Association (Japan), and Policy Affairs Research Council (political party in the Meiji Period) were allied and advocated 'Opposition to the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation' and 'Quick Start of War against Qing' and form a united. 例文帳に追加

これに対して東洋自由党・同盟倶楽部・立憲改進党・国民協会_(日本)・政務調査会_(明治時代の政党)の5党派がこれに呼応して、「日英通商航海条約締結の反対」・「清国への早期開戦」を掲げて共闘を約した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Development Research Center of the State Council of the Republic of China predicts that the number of passenger cars produced and sold will increase 13-15% year-on-year in 2005, which means that the growth in the number of passenger cars produced will exceed that of 2004 (10%: data from the National Bureau of Statistics), and that consumer demand for passenger cars will remain stable.例文帳に追加

国務院発展研究中心は、2005年の乗用車生産・販売台数を前年比13~15%の増加で、昨年の乗用車生産台数の伸び(10%:国家統計局データ)を上回り、乗用車の消費需要は安定的に推移すると予測している。 - 経済産業省


According to a research by National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), while the income levels of Indian people are divided into several classes from the poor (annual income: 90,000 rupee or less) to the rich (10,000,000 rupee or more), the ratio that adds up the new middle class (90,000 to 200,000 rupee) and the middle class (200,000 to 1,000,000 rupee) increased from 27.6% of 2001 to 46.7% of 2009 (see Table 1-2-4-13).例文帳に追加

インド国立応用経済研究所(NCAER)の調査結果によれば、インドの所得層は貧困層(年間所得9 万ルピー以下)から富裕層(同1,000万ルピー超)までの各階層に分けられるが、新中間層(9~20 万ルピー)と中間層(同20~100 万ルピー)とを合わせた割合は、2001 年度の27.6%から、2009年度には46.7%にまで拡大している(第1-2-4-13表)。 - 経済産業省


(8) The principal investigator must register the research plan for the human stem cell clinical research in advance in a publicly accessible database (limited to those maintained by the National University Council of Japan, The Japan Pharmaceutical Information Center, and the Japan Medical Association).例文帳に追加

(8) 研究責任者は、あらかじめ、登録された臨床研究の計画の内容が公開されているデータベース(国立大学附属病院長会議、財団法人日本医薬情報センター及び社団法人日本医師会が設置したものに限る。)にヒト幹細胞臨床研究の実施計画を登録しなければならない。 - 厚生労働省

From Japan, as a representative organization, the Japan Industrial Standards Committee, under the Industrial Standardization Law Council (JISC), has joined ISO / IEC for each core area of international standards-setting discussions in TC (Technical Committee) and SC (Specialist Committee). In the actual meeting, the conferences and industry associations, national institutions, related companies and research institutions have joined under the name JISC and have participated.例文帳に追加

我が国からは代表団体として、工業標準化法に基づく審議会である日本工業標準調査会(JISC)が加入しているが、ISO/IECでの国際標準策定の議論の中心となる分野毎のTC(技術専門委員会)及びSC(専門分科会)の実際の会合には、学会や工業会等の国内審議団体から関係企業・研究機関等がJISCの名前で参加している。 - 経済産業省


Several organizations have reported ranking of carcinogenicity, which should be useful for classification (WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), classification results in Annex I of EU 7th Amendment to Council Directive, National Toxicology Program (NTP), carcinogens in "Recommendations for allowable concentrations" by Japan Society for Occupational Health, carcinogenicity notes in "TLV and BEIs" by ACGIH, US-EPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), carcinogenicity notes in "List of MAK and BAT values" by German DFG, etc.; see [3-1]).例文帳に追加

多くの機関から発がん性評価のランク付けが報告されているので分類の参考になる(WHO 国際がん研究機関(IARC)、EU 第7次修正指令AnnexⅠの分類結果、米国国家毒性プログラム(NTP)、日本産業衛生学会「許容濃度等の勧告」発がん物質、ACGIH "TLVs and BEIs" 発がん性注記、米国EPA Integrated Risk Information System(IRIS)、ドイツDFG "List of MAK and BAT Values" 発がん性注記など、[3-1]項参照のこと)。 - 経済産業省


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原題:”Cracking DES: Secrets of Encryption Research, Wiretap Politics, and Chip Design ”

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