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What part of Japanの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 13


What part of Japan are you living in? 例文帳に追加

あなたは日本のどの辺りに住んでいますか。 - Weblio Email例文集

For the most part of the Asuka period, the emperor (or okimi [great king]) of Yamato sovereignty (the ancient Japan sovereignty) had a palace in the area, that is, Asuka-kyo was what is now called the capital of Japan. 例文帳に追加

飛鳥時代の多くの期間は、この地域に天皇(大王(ヤマト王権))の宮が置かれており、今日的にいえば日本の首都であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The built-in table and staggered shelves in the northern part of the study are what remains of the oldest ornamental objects of the era and are extremely valuable to Japan as the source of the Shoinzukuri architectural style and the thatched tearoom. 例文帳に追加

書斎の北側に設けられた付書院と違棚は現存最古の座敷飾りの遺構であり、書院造や草庵茶室の源流として、日本建築史上貴重な遺構である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A good deal of knowledge was gained from the three-year mission and, after returning to Japan, many of the delegates played an important part in architectural circles, some became artists, while others became the first graduates of what is now known as the Tokyo Institute of Technology. 例文帳に追加

3年の留学の後、知識と技術を得た彼らのうち数人は後に現東京工業大学の第1期卒業生となり、ある者は美術家となるが、彼らの多くは日本国内の建築分野で活躍した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The final part of this chapter will study what type of social structures, including international business networks, should be created by Japan, given that country's contribution to Asian economic development; those networks will be ultimately geared toward the elimination of "poverty" in Africa, through its integration into the new global market.例文帳に追加

そして、アジアの経済発展に貢献してきた我が国が、アフリカの新世界市場への統合による「貧困」の解決に向け、国際事業ネットワークの構築を含めてどのような社会構造を構築するべきか、を考察する。 - 経済産業省


Japan made a proposal that the main island of Okinawa be a part of Japanese territory and that both the Yaeyama Islands and Miyako Island be a part of Chinese territory (Bunto revision plan, which literally means a plan to divide islands for a treaty revision) in the negotiation held in Beijing in 1880 with Qing, which had been opposing to what is known as the Ryukyu Annexation by the Meiji Government in 1879. 例文帳に追加

1879年明治政府のいわゆる琉球処分に際しても、それに反対する清との1880年北京での交渉において日本は沖縄本島を日本領とし八重山諸島と宮古島を中国領とする案(分島改約案)を提示した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the side of the Army (and a part of the Navy), however, since the imperial rescript was given by Emperor ahead of the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, there was an idea that the Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors secures their independence from the government and the parliament (Some members of the Army even interpreted 'Military men are neither perplexed at political opinions nor involved in politics.' as 'Military men need not care about what the government and statesmen say'). 例文帳に追加

ところが大日本帝国憲法に先行して天皇から与えられた「勅諭」であることから、陸軍(および海軍の一部)は軍人勅諭を政府や議会に対する自らの独立性を担保するものと位置づけていた(陸軍の一部には「政論に惑わず政治に拘わらず」について「政府や政治家が何を言おうと気にする必要はない、ということだ」という解釈すらあったという)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In recent years, however, a rise in the number of people who do not find employment immediately after graduating or who leave their jobs soon after being employed has resulted in a deepening employment problem among the young in the form of rising youth unemployment rates and growth in the numbers offreeters” (which is what job-hopping part-time workers have been dubbed in Japan) and “NEETs,” and a serious look needs to be taken at the use of younger people, including freeters.例文帳に追加

しかしながら、近年、学卒後すぐに職に就かない者や就職してもすぐに離職してしまう者の増加により、若年者失業率の上昇、フリーター・ニートの増加といった、若年層の雇用問題が深刻化しており、フリーターを含めた若年者の活用について真剣に考える必要がある。 - 経済産業省

According to a questionnaire survey carried out by JETRO of Japanese companies located in Asia, when asked what they intended to do as a response to the intensifying competition among Japanese companies in Asia, the majority or 51.9percent of the companies point outproducing high value-added items” (Fig. 2.3.2). This seems to indicate the ever-increasing importance of key components exported from Japan for Japanese companies operating in East Asia as part of their strategies for competitiveness and is expected to result in further increase in the exports of key components from Japan.例文帳に追加

日本貿易振興会が、アジアに立地している日本企業に対して実施したアンケート調査によれば、日本企業のアジア地域における競争激化に対する対応策として、「生産品目の高付加価値化」を挙げている企業が51.9%と最多となっており(第2-3-2図)、日本からのキーコンポーネントは、東アジアに展開した日本企業の競争戦略上一層重要になっていくものと考えられ、日本からのキーコンポーネントの輸出の一層の拡大が期待される。 - 経済産業省


I have one more question, which concerns your meeting with (SEC) Chairman Cox during your U.S. Trip. I understand that you discussed international accounting standards with him. Yesterday, the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (JICPA) expressed the view that Japan should adopt international accounting standards for application to the consolidated financial results of listed companies. For its part, the government plans for the moment to promote convergence (of Japanese standards toward international standards). What do you think of the JICPA's view? 例文帳に追加

もう一点、訪米に絡んでコックス委員長と会談なされて、いわゆる国際会計基準の関係で話合いがあったと思うのですが、昨日日本公認会計士協会が、日本も上場企業の連結決算については、国際会計基準を採用すべきではないかというふうな意見も出しているわけですが、今のところ政府はコンバージェンス(収斂(しゅうれん))で対応していくお考えですけれども、その意見等についてはどのようにお考えでしょうか。 - 金融庁


This is a rather difficult task, and as I have said over and over again, although it might be easy to restore the postal businesses, whose foundations were shaken by Mr. Koizumi (former Prime Minister), to their former status, that is not what we are going to do. As we are undertaking a grand project of considering how to make use of Japan Post, which we may say is the biggest in the world, for the benefit of the whole of Japan and the entire world, this is a rather challenging task. We are now seeking public opinions and advice from far and wide. We are undertaking this project in the hope of achieving it together with the people, as I have been saying. If you ask me whether our study is proceeding smoothly, I can only say that a plan like this does not take a clear shape until the very last moment. In any case, everyone is doing his part in his own position, so we will be able to set forth a direction by around the end of this month. 例文帳に追加

なかなか、これは大変な話で、何度も言っているように、小泉(元総理)さんがガタガタにしてしまった郵政事業をその前の姿に戻すというのであればわりと簡単かもしれませんが、そうではないのです。地域のため、また日本全体のため、世界のために、世界一と言っても良い日本郵政株式会社をどうしていくか、という一大事業でありますので、なかなか大変でありますけれども、現在、国民の方々の声を幅広く聞かせていただく、またアドバイスもいただく。そうした、国民の皆さん方と一体となった中でこの事業を成し遂げたいという、かねがね皆様方に申し上げているそうした方針で、現在、取り組んでおります。順調に行っているかどうかと言われると、こういうのは最後の最後にならないと、きちんとした形というのは作れないわけでありますが、それぞれの立場で頑張ってくれておりますので、大体、月末までには一つの方向性を出せるのではないかなと考えております。 - 金融庁

Today, I do not have anything particular to report to you.Today, I do not have anything particular to report to you. However, at the informal meeting of cabinet ministers, Prime Minister Kan mentioned what might be called a “1.5th” supplementary budget. For example, in relation to the double loan problem, concerning which I take questions in the Diet as the Minister for Financial Services, plans for dealing with this problem have been presented by the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and New Komeito. On the part of the government, the FSA, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism are cooperating with each other to deal with the problem under the leadership of the Cabinet Secretariat, as you know - at the FSA, staff members have been working very hard - and we are working on our plan. 例文帳に追加

今日は別にありませんけれども、閣僚懇の中で菅総理が、1.5次補正予算というか、当然、皆さん方、色々な大臣から聞いていると思いますが、例えばいつも(国会で)金融(担当)大臣に(質問が)当たります二重ローン・二重債務の問題、これなどはまさに民主党、自民党、公明党から案が出てきましたし、政府の方でも、ご存じのように内閣官房を中心に、金融庁・財務省、それから経産省・農水省・国土交通省を中心に、金融庁は事務方が大変頑張ってくれまして、今、まとめつつあるところでございます。 - 金融庁


I am aware that there are various reports appearing in newspapers. On a related note, it was announced at the Cabinet meeting today that Japan's unemployment rate is 5.1%. As it was, if I remember right, 5.0% last month, which means that there are approximately 3.3 million unemployed people, it is obvious that the economy, particularly employment, is in a situation not to be complacent about. Excuse me for repeatedly saying this but I, as part of my effort to determine how to deal with this Act, met with four SME business groups in Nagoya and Osaka and groups of small- and medium-size regional banks as well as shinkin banks, credit associations, etc. in the Nagoya and Osaka regions to listen firsthand to them frankly voice what they had to say. As I heard that SMEs are particularly in a grim business condition due to the high yen and other factors, we are in the process of examining the matter with the extension of the Act in mind as well. 例文帳に追加

色々新聞に載っているということは知っておりますけれども、特に今日、閣議で完全失業率が5.1(%)という発表がございました。先月は確か5.0(%)でございましたから、約330万人の完全失業者がおりまして、景気というのは、特に雇用は予断を許さない状況にあるということは、よくご存じだと思います。何度も申しますけれども、大阪、名古屋でこの法律をどうすればよいかというようなことで、名古屋、大阪の中小企業4団体、あるいは名古屋、大阪地域の中小の地方銀行、あるいは信金、信組などにもお集まりいただきまして、率直な生の声も色々聞かせていただきました。なかなか円高の影響もこれあり、特に中小企業は非常に業況が厳しいというような話も聞いておりますので、しっかり延長も視野に入れて検討しているところでございます。 - 金融庁


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