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a companyの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 17424


(14) In addition to what is specified in paragraph (3), the procedure for confirmation of the matters stated in a written application for tax exemption and any other matters concerning the submission of a written application for tax exemption, matters concerning a notice of the interest recipient information as well as preservation and management of such information provided in the notice, special provisions for omitting a notice in the case where there is no change in the interest recipient information provided in the previous notice, matters concerning the submission of an interest recipient confirmation document, matters concerning documents to be attached to a final return form which is filed by a person who has been subject to the collection of income tax pursuant to the provision of paragraph (2) with respect to interest on general foreign-issued company bonds, and other necessary matters concerning the application of the provisions of paragraph (1), paragraph (2), and paragraph (4) to the preceding paragraph shall be specified by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

14 第三項に定めるもののほか、非課税適用申告書に記載された事項の確認のための手続その他の非課税適用申告書の提出に関する事項、利子受領者情報の通知並びにその通知に係る情報の保存及び管理に関する事項、利子受領者情報の通知があつた場合において当該利子受領者情報に変更がないときにおけるその通知の省略の特例、利子受領者確認書の提出に関する事項、一般民間国外債の利子につき第二項の規定により所得税を徴収された者が確定申告書の提出をする場合に添付すべき書類に関する事項その他第一項、第二項及び第四項から前項までの規定の適用に関し必要な事項は、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(iii) The following income arising from the transfer (meaning the transfer prescribed in Article 280(2) (Income Arising from the Transfer of Assets Located in Japan); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) of shares issued by a domestic corporation (including the right to be a shareholder, the right to receive an allotment of shares, and the right to receive a share option and an allotment of share option) or any other equities of a contributory to a domestic corporation (excluding equities of a contributory to a special former specific purpose company prescribed in Article 230(1) (Transitional Measures upon Partial Revision of the Act for Partial Revision of the Act on Securitization of Specific Assets by Specific Purpose Companies) of the Act on the Development of Related Acts Associated with the Enforcement of the Companies Act; hereinafter such shares or any other equities shall be referred to as "shares, etc." in this paragraph and paragraph (4)): 例文帳に追加

三 内国法人の発行する株式(株主となる権利、株式の割当てを受ける権利、新株予約権及び新株予約権の割当てを受ける権利を含む。)その他内国法人の出資者の持分(会社法の施行に伴う関係法律の整備等に関する法律第二百三十条第一項(特定目的会社による特定資産の流動化に関する法律等の一部を改正する法律の一部改正に伴う経過措置等)に規定する特例旧特定目的会社の出資者の持分を除く。以下この項及び第四項において「株式等」という。)の譲渡(第二百八十条第二項(国内にある資産の譲渡による所得)に規定する譲渡をいう。以下この条において同じ。)による所得で次に掲げるもの - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(iii) The following income arising from the transfer of shares issued by a domestic corporation (including the right to be a shareholder, the right to receive an allotment of shares, and the right to receive a share option and an allotment of share option) or any other equities of a contributory to a domestic corporation (excluding equities of a contributory to a special former specific purpose company prescribed in Article 230(1) (Transitional Measures upon Partial Revision of the Act for Partial Revision of the Act on Securitization of Specific Assets by Specific Purpose Companies) of the Act on the Development of Related Acts Associated with the Enforcement of the Companies Act; hereinafter such shares or any other equities shall be referred to as "shares, etc." in this paragraph and paragraph (4)): 例文帳に追加

三 内国法人の発行する株式(株主となる権利、株式の割当てを受ける権利、新株予約権及び新株予約権の割当てを受ける権利を含む。)その他内国法人の出資者の持分(会社法の施行に伴う関係法律の整備等に関する法律第二百三十条第一項(特定目的会社による特定資産の流動化に関する法律等の一部を改正する法律の一部改正に伴う経過措置等)に規定する特例旧特定目的会社の出資者の持分を除く。以下この項及び第四項において「株式等」という。)の譲渡による所得で次に掲げるもの - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

6. a) Notwithstanding that a resident of a Contracting State may not be a qualified person, that resident shall be entitled to the benefits granted by the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 10, paragraph 3 of Article 11 or Article 12, 13 or 20 with respect to an item of income described in those paragraphs or Articles derived from the other Contracting State if: (i) that resident functions as a headquarters company for a multinational corporate group; (ii) the item of income derived from that other Contracting State either is derived in connection with, or is incidental to, the business referred to in clause (ii) ofsubparagraph b); and (iii) that resident satisfies any other specified conditions in those paragraphs or Articles for the obtaining of such benefits.例文帳に追加

6(a)一方の締約国の居住者は、適格者に該当しない場合においても、他方の締約国内から取得する第十条3、第十一条3、第十二条、第十三条又は前条に定める所得に関し、次のからまでに掲げる要件を満たすときは、これらの規定により認められる特典を受ける権利を有する。(i)当該居住者が多国籍企業集団の本拠である法人として機能すること。(ii)当該所得が(b)(ii)に規定する事業に関連し、又は付随して取得されるものであること。(iii)当該居住者がこれらの規定により認められる特典を受けるためにこれらの規定に規定する要件を満たすこと。 - 財務省


Article 4 (1) A Specified Multinational Enterprise that intends to newly engage in Research and Development Business in Japan and establish a Domestic Affiliated Company for conducting said new Research and Development Business (excluding those Specified Multinational Enterprises any of whose Subsidiary Corporations or Other Similar Entities (meaning a juridical person in which such Specified Multinational Enterprise has the majority of the Voting Rights of All Shareholders or Others or which is otherwise prescribed by an ordinance of the competent ministry as having a close relationship with said Specified Multinational Enterprise; hereinafter the same shall apply in Article 6, paragraph (1)) has already been engaged in said Research and Development Business in Japan) may prepare a plan concerning said Research and Development Business (hereinafter referred to as a "Research and Development Business Plan") and submit the same to the competent minister as prescribed by an ordinance of the competent ministry, and may receive a certification to the effect that said Research and Development Business is appropriate. 例文帳に追加

第四条 我が国において新たに研究開発事業を行うため、当該研究開発事業を行う国内関係会社を設立しようとする特定多国籍企業(その子法人等(当該特定多国籍企業がその総株主等の議決権の過半数を保有していることその他の当該特定多国籍企業と密接な関係を有する法人として主務省令で定める法人をいう。第六条第一項において同じ。)が既に我が国において当該研究開発事業を行っている場合における当該特定多国籍企業を除く。)は、当該研究開発事業に関する計画(以下「研究開発事業計画」という。)を作成し、主務省令で定めるところにより、これを主務大臣に提出して、その研究開発事業計画が適当である旨の認定を受けることができる。 - 経済産業省


Article 183 (1) The provisions of Article 1-3 to Article 5 inclusive (Registry Office; Delegation of Affairs; Suspension of Affairs; Registrar; Disqualification of Registrar), Article 7 to Article 15 inclusive (Prohibition on Carrying Out of Registries and Other Documents; Loss and Restoration of Registries; Prevention of Loss of Registry, etc.; Issuance of Certificate of Registered Matters; Issuance of Documents Specifying Extract of Matters Registered; Inspection of Annexed Documents; Certificate of Seal Impression; Certification of Matters Required for Verification of Measures to Identify the Creator of Electromagnetic Records and Other Matters; Fees; Registration Upon Application by Party; Registration upon Commission), Article 17 to Article 27 inclusive (Method of Application for Registration; Document to Be Attached to Written Application; Electromagnetic Records to be Attached to Written Application; Submission of Seal Impression; Acceptance of Applications; Receipt; Order of Registration; Identity Confirmation by Registrar; Dismissal of Application; Registration to Be Made After Lapse of Period for Filing Action; Change in Administrative Zone, etc.; Prohibition on Registration of Identical Trade Name at Same Location), Article 33 (Cancellation of Registration of Trade Name), Article 34 (Registration of Trade Name of Company), Article 44 and Article 45 (Registration of Company's Manager), Article 46 (excluding paragraph (4)) (General Rules on Documents to be Attached), Article 47(1) (Registration of Incorporation), Article 48 to Article 55 inclusive (Registration to Be Made at Location of Branch Office; Registration of Relocation of Head Office; Registration of Change of Directors and Other Officers; Registration of Change of Person Who is to Temporarily Perform Duties of Accounting Auditors), Article 64 (Registration of Change Due to Share Option Issue), Article 71 (Registration of Dissolution), Article 73 to Article 75 inclusive (Registration of Liquidator; Registration of Change Related to Liquidator; Registration of Completion of Liquidation), and Article 132 to Article 148 inclusive (Correction; Application for Cancellation; Ex Officio Cancellation; Exclusion from Application of the Administrative Procedure Act; Exclusion from Application of the Act on Access Information Held by Administrative Organs; Exclusion from the Application of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information Held by Administrative Organs; Request for Review; Handling of Request for Review Case; Exclusion from Application of the Administrative Appeal Act; Delegation to Ordinance of the Ministry) of the Commercial Registration Act (Act No. 125 of 1963) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the registration of a Specific Purpose Company. In this case, the phrases "to Article 50 inclusive (including the cases where they are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 95, Article 111 and Article 118)" and "Article 51, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 52, Article 78, paragraphs (1) and (3), Article 82, paragraphs (2) and (3), Article 83, Article 87, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 88, Article 91, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 92, Article 132" in Article 15 of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "to Article 50 inclusive" and "Article 132," respectively, the phrase "a document evidencing authority delegated to a privately appointed agent or a transferor's written approval prescribed in Article 30, paragraph (2) or Article 31, paragraph (2)" in Article 24(vii) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "a document evidencing authority delegated to a privately appointed agent," the term "company registry" in Article 34(1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specific Purpose Company Registry," the phrase "the items of Article 930, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act" in Article 48(2) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the items of Article 930(2) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 22(4) of the Act on Securitization of Assets (hereinafter referred to as the 'Asset Securitization Act')," the phrase ", representative director or special director (in the case of a company with committees, a director, committee member, executive officer or representative executive officer)" in Article 54(1) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "or representative director," the phrases "Article 333, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act" and "Article 337, paragraph (1) of said Act" in Article 54(2)(iii) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 71(1) of the Asset Securitization Act" and "Article 73(1) of the Asset Securitization Act," respectively, the phrase "Article 346, paragraph (4) of the Companies Act" in Article 55(1) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 76(4) of the Asset Securitization Act," the phrases "Article 478, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Companies Act" and "Article 483, paragraph (4) of said Act" in Article 71(3) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 167(1)(i) of the Asset Securitization Act" and "Article 171(4) of the Asset Securitization Act," respectively, the phrase "Article 478, paragraph (1), item (ii) or (iii) of the Companies Act" in Article 73(2) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 167(1)(ii) or (iii) of the Asset Securitization Act," the phrase "Article 928, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Companies Act" in Article 73(3) and Article 74(1) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 928(1)(ii) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179(1) of the Asset Securitization Act," the phrase "Article 507, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act" in Article 75 of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 507(3) of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179(1) of the Asset Securitization Act," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

第百八十三条 商業登記法(昭和三十八年法律第百二十五号)第一条の三から第五条まで(登記所、事務の委任、事務の停止、登記官、登記官の除斥)、第七条から第十五条まで(登記簿等の持出禁止、登記簿の滅失と回復、登記簿等の滅失防止、登記事項証明書の交付等、登記事項の概要を記載した書面の交付、附属書類の閲覧、印鑑証明、電磁的記録の作成者を示す措置の確認に必要な事項等の証明、手数料、当事者申請主義、嘱託による登記)、第十七条から第二十七条まで(登記申請の方式、申請書の添付書面、申請書に添付すべき電磁的記録、印鑑の提出、受付、受領証、登記の順序、登記官による本人確認、申請の却下、提訴期間経過後の登記、行政区画等の変更、同一の所在場所における同一の商号の登記の禁止)、第三十三条(商号の登記の抹消)、第三十四条(会社の商号の登記)、第四十四条、第四十五条(会社の支配人の登記)、第四十六条(第四項を除く。)(添付書面の通則)、第四十七条第一項(設立の登記)、第四十八条から第五十五条まで(支店所在地における登記、本店移転の登記、取締役等の変更の登記、一時会計監査人の職務を行うべき者の変更の登記)、第六十四条(株主名簿管理人の設置による変更の登記)、第七十一条(解散の登記)、第七十三条から第七十五条まで(清算人の登記、清算人に関する変更の登記、清算結了の登記)及び第百三十二条から第百四十八条まで(更正、抹消の申請、職権抹消、行政手続法の適用除外、行政機関の保有する情報の公開に関する法律の適用除外、行政機関の保有する個人情報の保護に関する法律の適用除外、審査請求、審査請求事件の処理、行政不服審査法の適用除外、省令への委任)の規定は、特定目的会社に関する登記について準用する。この場合において、同法第十五条中「第五十条まで(第九十五条、第百十一条及び第百十八条において準用する場合を含む。)」とあるのは「第五十条まで」と、「第五十一条第一項及び第二項、第五十二条、第七十八条第一項及び第三項、第八十二条第二項及び第三項、第八十三条、第八十七条第一項及び第二項、第八十八条、第九十一条第一項及び第二項、第九十二条、第百三十二条並びに」とあるのは「第百三十二条及び」と、同法第二十四条第七号中「書面若しくは第三十条第二項若しくは第三十一条第二項に規定する譲渡人の承諾書」とあるのは「書面」と、同法第三十四条第一項中「会社の登記簿」とあるのは「特定目的会社登記簿」と、同法第四十八条第二項中「会社法第九百三十条第二項各号」とあるのは「資産の流動化に関する法律(以下「資産流動化法」という。)第二十二条第四項において準用する会社法第九百三十条第二項各号」と、同法第五十四条第一項中「取締役、監査役、代表取締役又は特別取締役(委員会設置会社にあつては、取締役、委員、執行役又は代表執行役)」とあるのは「取締役、監査役又は代表取締役」と、同条第二項第三号中「会社法第三百三十三条第一項」とあるのは「資産流動化法第七十一条第一項」と、「同法第三百三十七条第一項」とあるのは「資産流動化法第七十三条第一項」と、同法第五十五条第一項中「会社法第三百四十六条第四項」とあるのは「資産流動化法第七十六条第四項」と、同法第七十一条第三項中「会社法第四百七十八条第一項第一号」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百六十七条第一項第一号」と、「同法第四百八十三条第四項」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百七十一条第四項」と、同法第七十三条第二項中「会社法第四百七十八条第一項第二号又は第三号」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百六十七条第一項第二号又は第三号」と、同条第三項及び同法第七十四条第一項中「会社法第九百二十八条第一項第二号」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百七十九条第一項において準用する会社法第九百二十八条第一項第二号」と、同法第七十五条中「会社法第五百七条第三項」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百七十九条第一項において準用する会社法第五百七条第三項」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

i) The amount of income or loss calculated, with regard to the income of a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. in its settlement of accounts for the relevant business year, in accordance with the provisions of Part II, Chapter I, Section 1, Subsections 2 to 10 of the Corporation Tax Act (excluding Article 23, Article 26(1) to (4), Article 28, Article 38 to Article 41, Article 55(3), Article 57, Article 58, Article 59, and Article 61-11 to Article 61-13 of the said Act) and the provisions of Article 43, Article 45-2, Article 52-2, Article 57-5, Article 57-6, Article 57-8, Article 57-10, Article 61-4, Article 65-7 to Article 65-9 (limited to the part pertaining to item (xix) of the table in Article 65-7(1) of the Act), Article 66-4(3), Article 67-12 and Article 67-13 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "provisions of the laws and regulations of Japan" in this item) (where the provisions of paragraph 68-88(1) or Article 66-4(1) of the Act are applied to a transaction with a consolidated corporation listed in the items of Article 68-90(1) of the Act (including other consolidated corporations which have the consolidated full controlling interest with the said consolidated corporation) or a domestic corporation listed in the items of Article 66-6(1) of the Act that is related to the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc., the amount of income or loss calculated in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations of Japan by deeming that the transaction was carried out at the arm's length price prescribed in these provisions 例文帳に追加

一 当該各事業年度の決算に基づく所得の金額につき、法人税法第二編第一章第一節第二款から第十款まで(同法第二十三条、第二十六条第一項から第四項まで、第二十八条、第三十八条から第四十一条まで、第五十五条第三項、第五十七条、第五十八条、第五十九条及び第六十一条の十一から第六十一条の十三までを除く。)の規定並びに法第四十三条、第四十五条の二、第五十二条の二、第五十七条の五、第五十七条の六、第五十七条の八、第五十七条の十、第六十一条の四、第六十五条の七から第六十五条の九まで(法第六十五条の七第一項の表の第十九号に係る部分に限る。)、第六十六条の四第三項、第六十七条の十二及び第六十七条の十三の規定(以下この号において「本邦法令の規定」という。)の例に準じて計算した場合に算出される所得の金額又は欠損の金額(当該特定外国子会社等に係る法第六十八条の九十第一項各号に掲げる連結法人(当該連結法人との間に連結完全支配関係がある他の連結法人を含む。)又は法第六十六条の六第一項各号に掲げる内国法人との間の取引につき法第六十八条の八十八第一項又は第六十六条の四第一項の規定の適用がある場合には、当該取引がこれらの規定に規定する独立企業間価格で行われたものとして本邦法令の規定の例に準じて計算した場合に算出される所得の金額又は欠損の金額) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) For the purpose of applying the provisions of Article 185, paragraph (6); Article 186, paragraph (3); Article 191; Article 197; Article 97, Article 97-2, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 98 to 100-2 inclusive, Article 112, and Article 114 to 122 inclusive as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 199; Article 210; Part II, Chapter X (excluding Articles 262, 265-2, 265-3, 265-6 and 265-42); Part III; and Part IV (including the penal provisions pertaining thereto), the Underwriting Members of a Licensed Specified Juridical Person shall be deemed as a Foreign Insurance Company, etc., or a Foreign Life Insurance Company, etc. or Foreign Non-Life Insurance Company, etc. in accordance with the type of license issued under Article 219, paragraph (2). In this case, the term "Article 190" in Article 197 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 223"; the term "Article 185, paragraph (2)" in Article 97, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 199 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 219, paragraph (2)"; and the terms "In the case where the license of Article 185, paragraph (1) of the Insurance Business Act is canceled pursuant to the provision of Article 205 or 206 of that Act, or in the case where the license of Article 185, paragraph (1) of that Act loses its effect pursuant to the provision of Article 273 of that Act" and "Article 185, paragraph (1) of the Insurance Business Act pursuant to the provision of Article 205 or 206 of that Act" in Article 99, paragraph (8) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 199 shall be deemed to be replaced with "In the case where the license of Article 219, paragraph (1) of the Insurance Business Act is canceled pursuant to the provision of Article 231 or 232 of that Act, or in the case where the license of Article 219, paragraph (1) of that Act loses its effect pursuant to the provision of Article 236 of that Act" and "Article 219, paragraph (1) of the Insurance Business Act pursuant to the provision of Article 231 or 232 of that Act," respectively. 例文帳に追加

一 第百八十五条第六項、第百八十六条第三項、第百九十一条、第百九十七条、第百九十九条において準用する第九十七条、第九十七条の二第一項及び第二項、第九十八条から第百条の二まで、第百十二条並びに第百十四条から第百二十二条まで、第二百十条、第二編第十章(第二百六十二条、第二百六十五条の二、第二百六十五条の三、第二百六十五条の六及び第二百六十五条の四十二を除く。)、第三編並びに第四編の規定(これらの規定に係る罰則を含む。)の適用については、免許特定法人の引受社員を外国保険会社等又は第二百十九条第二項の免許の種類に応じ外国生命保険会社等若しくは外国損害保険会社等とみなす。この場合において、第百九十七条中「第百九十条」とあるのは「第二百二十三条」と、第百九十九条において準用する第九十七条第一項中「第百八十五条第二項」とあるのは「第二百十九条第二項」と、第百九十九条において準用する第九十九条第八項中「第二百五条若しくは第二百六条の規定により同法第百八十五条第一項の免許が取り消された場合若しくは同法第二百七十三条の規定により同法第百八十五条第一項」とあるのは「第二百三十一条若しくは第二百三十二条の規定により同法第二百十九条第一項の免許が取り消された場合若しくは同法第二百三十六条の規定により同法第二百十九条第一項」と、「第二百五条又は第二百六条の規定により同法第百八十五条第一項」とあるのは「第二百三十一条又は第二百三十二条の規定により同法第二百十九条第一項」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 125 The provisions of Article 680 to Article 701 (excluding Article 684(4) and (5)) (Bondholders of Bonds for Subscription; Bond Registry; Delivery of Documents Stating Matters to Be Stated in Bond Registry; Manager of Bond Registry; Keeping and Making Available for Inspection of Bond Registry; Notices to Bondholders; Exercise of Rights by Co-owners; Perfection of Assignment of Bonds; Presumption of Rights; Stating or Recording Matters to be Stated in Bond Registry without Request from Bondholders; Stating or Recording Matters to Be Stated in Bond Registry as Requested by Bondholders; Pledges of Bonds with Issued Certificates; Perfection of Pledge of Bonds; Entries in Bond Registry Regarding Pledges; Delivery of Documents Stating Matters to Be Stated in Bond Registry Regarding Pledges; Issuing of Bond Certificates; Matters to Be Stated on Bond Certificates, Conversions Between Registered Bonds and Bearer Bonds; Loss of Bond Certificates; Redemption of Bonds Where Coupons Missing; Extinctive Prescription of Right to Claim Redemption of Bonds) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Specified Bonds, Specified Bondholders, Specified Bond Certificates, or the Specified Bond Registry in cases where a Specific Purpose Company issues Specified Bonds. In this case, the phrases "Matters to Be Specified in Bond Registry," "Bond-issuing Company," and "bearer bonds" in said provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Matters to Be Stated in the Specified Bond Registry," "Company Issuing Specified Bonds," and "Specified Bonds in bearer form," respectively, the phrase "Bonds for subscription" in Article 680 of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified Bonds for Subscription," the phrase "the preceding Article" in Article 680(ii) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 124 of the Asset Securitization Act," the phrase "items (iii) through (viii) of Article 676" in Article 681(i) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 122(1)(vi) to (xi) inclusive of the Asset Securitization Act," the phrase "a manager of Bond Registry" in Article 683 and Article 684(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "an Administrator of the Specified Bond Registry," the phrase "paragraph (1) of Article 720" in Article 685(5) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 720(1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 129(2) of the Asset Securitization Act," the phrase "item (vii) of Article 676" in Article 698 of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 122(1)(x)" of the Asset Securitization Act, and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

第百二十五条 会社法第六百八十条から第七百一条まで(第六百八十四条第四項及び第五項を除く。)(募集社債の社債権者、社債原簿、社債原簿記載事項を記載した書面の交付等、社債原簿管理人、社債原簿の備置き及び閲覧等、社債権者に対する通知等、共有者による権利の行使、社債券を発行する場合の社債の譲渡、社債の譲渡の対抗要件、権利の推定等、社債権者の請求によらない社債原簿記載事項の記載又は記録、社債権者の請求による社債原簿記載事項の記載又は記録、社債券を発行する場合の社債の質入れ、社債の質入れの対抗要件、質権に関する社債原簿の記載等、質権に関する社債原簿の記載事項を記載した書面の交付等、信託財産に属する社債についての対抗要件等、社債券の発行、社債券の記載事項、記名式と無記名式との間の転換、社債券の喪失、利札が欠けている場合における社債の償還、社債の償還請求権等の消滅時効)の規定は、特定目的会社が特定社債を発行する場合における特定社債、特定社債権者、特定社債券又は特定社債原簿について準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「社債原簿記載事項」、「社債発行会社」及び「無記名社債」とあるのは、それぞれ「特定社債原簿記載事項」、「特定社債発行会社」及び「無記名特定社債」と、同法第六百八十条中「募集社債」とあるのは「募集特定社債」と、同条第二号中「前条」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百二十四条」と、同法第六百八十一条第一号中「第六百七十六条第三号から第八号まで」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百二十二条第一項第六号から第十一号まで」と、同法第六百八十三条及び第六百八十四条第一項中「社債原簿管理人」とあるのは「特定社債原簿管理人」と、同法第六百八十五条第五項中「第七百二十条第一項」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百二十九条第二項において準用する第七百二十条第一項」と、同法第六百九十八条中「第六百七十六条第七号」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百二十二条第一項第十号」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(v) the acts which are listed in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (vi) of the Act, and in which a Financial Instruments Specialist (limited to a juridical person engaged in a Type II Financial Instruments Services and whose amount of stated capital or total amount of contribution is 50 million yen or more; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) conducts the acts listed in item (i), paragraph (6) of that Article at the time of the public offering or private placement of the rights listed in item (v), paragraph (2) of that Article (limited to the rights under a Silent Partnership Contract (limited to those of which the proprietor is a stock company all of whose issued shares are held by said Financial Instruments Specialist), for which the Business Subject to Investment pertaining to said rights is a business to make goods or articles such as machines available for use); 例文帳に追加

五 法第二条第八項第六号に掲げる行為のうち、金融商品取引業者(第二種金融商品取引業を行う法人であって、資本金の額又は出資の総額が五千万円以上であるものに限る。以下この号において同じ。)が、同条第二項第五号に掲げる権利(匿名組合契約(当該匿名組合契約の営業者が当該金融商品取引業者によりその発行済株式の全部を所有されている株式会社であるものに限る。)に基づく権利のうち、当該権利に係る出資対象事業が機械類その他の物品又は物件を使用させる業務であるものに限る。)の募集又は私募に際し、同条第六項第一号に掲げるものを行う行為 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 270-8 (1) Limited to cases in which the membership of the corporation is a Specified Insurance Company, the loan of funds of Article 265-28, paragraph (2), item (ii) may be made to any person who is a Policyholder, etc. pertaining to the insurance contract specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance of the membership, etc. and who is a person entitled to the Right to Insurance Claims and other rights specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as "Qualified Person" in this Article), within the extent of the amount specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance as the amount which they deem said Qualified Person will receive based on said rights, based on the application of said Qualified Person. 例文帳に追加

第二百七十条の八 第二百六十五条の二十八第二項第二号の資金の貸付けは、機構の会員が特定保険会社であるときに限り、当該会員の内閣府令・財務省令で定める保険契約に係る保険契約者等であって保険金請求権その他の内閣府令・財務省令で定める権利を有する者(以下この条において「有資格者」という。)に対して、当該有資格者の申請に基づいて、当該有資格者が当該権利に基づき支払を受け得ると見込まれる金額として内閣府令・財務省令で定める金額の範囲内において行うことができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 158 In cases where a Specific Purpose Company is to acquire, within two years of its incorporation, property that has existed since before its incorporation and which it will use continuously for its business, it shall obtain approval for the contract of such acquisition through a resolution made at a general meeting of members by the day prior to the day when said acquisition takes effect; provided, however that this shall not apply to cases where the ratio of the amount listed in item (i) to the amount listed in item (ii) does not exceed one-fifth (if a smaller ratio is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such a ratio) or where the property acquired under said contract is a Specified Asset prescribed in the Asset Securitization Plan: 例文帳に追加

第百五十八条 特定目的会社は、その成立後二年以内に、その成立前から存在する財産であってその事業のために継続して使用するものの取得をする場合には、当該取得がその効力を生ずる日の前日までに、社員総会の決議によって、当該取得に係る契約の承認を受けなければならない。ただし、第一号に掲げる額の第二号に掲げる額に対する割合が五分の一(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)を超えないとき、又は当該契約により取得する財産が資産流動化計画に定められた特定資産であるときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(iii) In cases where the verification of an attorney, a legal professional Company, a Certified Public Accountant (including a foreign certified public accountant as defined in Article 16-2(5) of the Certified Public Accountant Act (Act No. 103 of 1948). The same shall apply hereinafter.), an auditing firm, a tax accountant or a tax accountant corporation (in cases where the Properties Contributed in Kind consist of any real estate, referring to such verification and appraisal by a real property appraiser; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) is obtained with respect to the reasonableness of the value specified or recorded in the articles of incorporation with respect to the Properties Contributed in Kind: Matters listed in item (i) and item (ii) of Article 28 (limited to those relating to the Properties Contributed in Kind so verified). 例文帳に追加

三 現物出資財産等について定款に記載され、又は記録された価額が相当であることについて弁護士、弁護士法人、公認会計士(外国公認会計士(公認会計士法(昭和二十三年法律第百三号)第十六条の二第五項に規定する外国公認会計士をいう。)を含む。以下同じ。)、監査法人、税理士又は税理士法人の証明(現物出資財産等が不動産である場合にあっては、当該証明及び不動産鑑定士の鑑定評価。以下この号において同じ。)を受けた場合 第二十八条第一号又は第二号に掲げる事項(当該証明を受けた現物出資財産等に係るものに限る。) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) In cases where a Company with Class Shares intends to create, as a feature of a certain class of shares, a provision in the articles of incorporation with respect to the matters listed in Article 108(1)(iv) or (vii), such amendment to the articles of incorporation shall not become effective unless a resolution is passed at a Class Meeting constituted by the following Class Shareholders (in cases where there are two or more classes of shares relating to such Class Shareholders, referring to the respective Class Meetings constituted by Class Shareholders categorized by the class of such two or more classes of shares. This shall apply hereinafter in this Article.); provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where there is no Class Shareholder who can exercise his/her voting right at such Class Meeting: 例文帳に追加

2 種類株式発行会社がある種類の株式の内容として第百八条第一項第四号又は第七号に掲げる事項についての定款の定めを設ける場合には、当該定款の変更は、次に掲げる種類株主を構成員とする種類株主総会(当該種類株主に係る株式の種類が二以上ある場合にあっては、当該二以上の株式の種類別に区分された種類株主を構成員とする各種類株主総会。以下この条において同じ。)の決議がなければ、その効力を生じない。ただし、当該種類株主総会において議決権を行使することができる種類株主が存しない場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) A person who intends to submit a statement set forth in the preceding paragraph for a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities to which the main clause of paragraph (1) or the main clause of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article applies, of which the total issue price or the total distribution price is less than 500 million yen and which is specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance for this purpose (such a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities is referred to as "Small Amount Public Offering, etc." in Article 24(2)), may state, among the matters set forth in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph, only those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as the matters pertaining to the company, instead of descriptions on all of the matters listed in Article 24(2)(ii), unless the person falls under any of the categories of persons specified in the following items: 例文帳に追加

2 前条第一項本文又は第二項本文の規定の適用を受ける有価証券の募集又は売出しのうち発行価額又は売出価額の総額が五億円未満のもので内閣府令で定めるもの(第二十四条第二項において「少額募集等」という。)に関し、前項の届出書を提出しようとする者のうち次の各号のいずれにも該当しない者は、当該届出書に、同項第二号に掲げる事項のうち当該会社に係るものとして内閣府令で定めるものを記載することにより、同号に掲げる事項の記載に代えることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) In a case where a designation under the provisions of Article 34-10-4(1) has been made and a notice under the provisions of paragraph (4) of the same Article has been given (including the case where a designation is deemed to have been made pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (6) of the same Article; the same shall apply in the following paragraph and paragraph (6)), if an unlimited liability audit corporation is unable to pay fully with its assets the liabilities that are to be borne against an audit client company, etc. with regard to the designated attestation, designated partners (including persons who were formerly designated partners; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) shall be jointly and severally responsible for the payment, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1); provided, however, that this shall not apply to the case where a withdrawn designated partner has proved that such liabilities have arisen from a cause which occurred after his/her withdrawal. 例文帳に追加

4 第三十四条の十の四第一項の規定による指定がされ、同条第四項の規定による通知がされている場合(同条第六項の規定により指定したものとみなされる場合を含む。次項及び第六項において同じ。)において、指定証明に関し被監査会社等に対して負担することとなつた無限責任監査法人の債務をその無限責任監査法人の財産をもつて完済することができないときは、第一項の規定にかかわらず、指定社員(指定社員であつた者を含む。以下この条において同じ。)が、連帯してその弁済の責任を負う。ただし、脱退した指定社員が脱退後の事由により生じた債務であることを証明した場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) Foreign affiliated company: A foreign corporation in which the ratio of the sum of the number or amount of shares, etc. held through direct and/or indirect ownership by residents, domestic corporations and specially-related nonresidents (meaning nonresidents who have a special relationship specified by a Cabinet Order with residents or domestic corporations; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) to the total number or total amount of issued shares or capital contributions (excluding the shares, etc. held by the foreign corporation) (in the case where the foreign corporation is a corporation listed in (a) to (c): the said ratio or the ratio listed in (a) to (c), whichever is larger) is more than 50 percent: 例文帳に追加

一 外国関係会社 外国法人で、その発行済株式又は出資(その有する自己の株式等を除く。)の総数又は総額のうちに居住者及び内国法人並びに特殊関係非居住者(居住者又は内国法人と政令で定める特殊の関係のある非居住者をいう。以下この号において同じ。)が有する直接及び間接保有の株式等の数の合計数又は合計額の占める割合(当該外国法人が次のイからハまでに掲げる法人である場合には、当該割合とそれぞれイからハまでに定める割合のいずれか高い割合)が百分の五十を超えるものをいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) Foreign affiliated company: A foreign corporation in which the ratio of the sum of the number or amount of shares, etc. held through direct and/or indirect ownership by residents (meaning residents prescribed in Article 2(1)(i)-2; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item and item (vi)), domestic corporations and specially-related nonresidents (meaning nonresidents prescribed in Article 2(1)(i)-2 who have a special relationship specified by a Cabinet Order with residents or domestic corporations; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) to the total number or total amount of issued shares or capital contributions (excluding the shares, etc. held by the foreign corporation) (in the case where the foreign corporation is a corporation listed in (a) to (c): the said ratio or the ratio listed in (a) to (c), whichever is larger) is more than 50 percent: 例文帳に追加

一 外国関係会社 外国法人で、その発行済株式又は出資(その有する自己の株式等を除く。)の総数又は総額のうちに居住者(第二条第一項第一号の二に規定する居住者をいう。以下この号及び第六号において同じ。)及び内国法人並びに特殊関係非居住者(居住者又は内国法人と政令で定める特殊の関係のある同項第一号の二に規定する非居住者をいう。以下この号において同じ。)が有する直接及び間接保有の株式等の数の合計数又は合計額の占める割合(当該外国法人が次のイからハまでに掲げる法人である場合には、当該割合とそれぞれイからハまでに定める割合のいずれか高い割合)が百分の五十を超えるものをいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) In the case where a domestic corporation, which is a specially-related shareholder, etc. prescribed in Article 66-9-8(1) of the Act, holds the taxed amount of retained income prescribed in the said paragraph that pertains to a specified foreign corporation related to the said domestic corporation and the taxed amount of retained income prescribed in Article 66-8(1) of the Act that pertains to a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. prescribed in Article 66-6(1) of the Act (limited to a foreign corporation that is the same as the said specified foreign corporation) related to the said domestic corporation, the amount calculated as specified by a Cabinet Order prescribed in Article 66-9-8(1) of the Act shall not exceed the amount calculated pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph based on the remaining amount after deducting the amount to be included in deductible expenses pursuant to the provisions of Article 66-8(1) of the Act from the amount specified in the items of Article 66-9-8(1) of the Act. 例文帳に追加

3 法第六十六条の九の八第一項に規定する特殊関係株主等である内国法人が当該内国法人に係る特定外国法人に係る同項に規定する課税済留保金額及び当該内国法人に係る法第六十六条の六第一項に規定する特定外国子会社等(当該特定外国法人と同一の外国法人に限る。)に係る法第六十六条の八第一項に規定する課税済留保金額を有する場合には、法第六十六条の九の八第一項に規定する政令で定めるところにより計算した金額は、同項各号に定める金額から法第六十六条の八第一項の規定により損金の額に算入される金額を控除した残額を基礎として前項の規定により計算した金額を限度とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) The sum of the amount of a dividend of surplus, etc. by deeming the relevant business year to be the base business year (meaning the business year including the base day for paying a dividend of surplus, etc.; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) (such amount of a dividend of surplus, etc. shall be limited to that for which the payment obligation was fixed by the final day of the consolidated business year of a consolidated corporation related to the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc., which includes the day on which two months have elapsed after the day following the final day of the relevant business year; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) (where the whole or a part of the amount of a dividend of surplus, etc. by deeming the relevant business year to be the base business year has been paid to any person listed as follows, the said sum shall be deemed to be zero): 例文帳に追加

二 当該各事業年度を基準事業年度(剰余金の配当等の支払に係る基準日の属する事業年度をいう。以下この号において同じ。)とする剰余金の配当等の額(当該各事業年度終了の日の翌日から二月を経過する日を含む当該特定外国子会社等に係る連結法人の連結事業年度終了の日までに支払義務が確定したものに限る。以下この号において同じ。)の合計額(当該各事業年度を基準事業年度とする剰余金の配当等の額の全部又は一部が次に掲げる者に支払われた場合には、当該合計額は零とする。) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) In the case where a consolidated corporation, which is a specially-related shareholder, etc. prescribed in Article 68-93-8(1) of the Act, holds the individually taxed amount of retained income prescribed in the said paragraph that pertains to a specified foreign corporation related to the said consolidated corporation, and the individually taxed amount of retained income prescribed in Article 68-92(1) of the Act that pertains to a specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. prescribed in Article 68-90(1) of the Act (limited to a foreign corporation that is the same as the said specified foreign corporation) related to the said consolidated corporation, the amount calculated as specified by a Cabinet Order prescribed in Article 68-93-8(1) of the Act shall not exceed the amount calculated pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph based on the remaining amount after deducting the amount to be included in deductible expenses pursuant to the provisions of Article 68-92(1) of the Act from the amount specified in the items of Article 68-93-8(1) of the Act. 例文帳に追加

3 法第六十八条の九十三の八第一項に規定する特殊関係株主等である連結法人が当該連結法人に係る特定外国法人に係る同項に規定する個別課税済留保金額及び当該連結法人に係る法第六十八条の九十第一項に規定する特定外国子会社等(当該特定外国法人と同一の外国法人に限る。)に係る法第六十八条の九十二第一項に規定する個別課税済留保金額を有する場合には、法第六十八条の九十三の八第一項に規定する政令で定めるところにより計算した金額は、同項各号に定める金額から法第六十八条の九十二第一項の規定により損金の額に算入される金額を控除した残額を基礎として前項の規定により計算した金額を限度とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The Prime Minister may, when and to the extent that he/she finds it particularly necessary for ensuring sound and appropriate management of the business of a Bank, require a Subsidiary, etc. of said Bank (meaning a Subsidiary Company or any other entity that is specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as a juridical person of which management is controlled by that Bank; the same shall apply in the following paragraph, paragraph (2) of the following Article and (5) and Article 47(2)) or a person to whom business has been entrusted by that Bank (excluding the Bank Agent set forth in the preceding paragraph; the same shall apply in the following paragraph and paragraph (2) of the following Article and (5)) to submit reports or materials that would helpful to understand the status of the business or property of said Bank. 例文帳に追加

2 内閣総理大臣は、銀行の業務の健全かつ適切な運営を確保するため特に必要があると認めるときは、その必要の限度において、当該銀行の子法人等(子会社その他銀行がその経営を支配している法人として内閣府令で定めるものをいう。次項、次条第二項及び第五項並びに第四十七条第二項において同じ。)又は当該銀行から業務の委託を受けた者(前項の銀行代理業者を除く。次項並びに次条第二項及び第五項において同じ。)に対し、当該銀行の業務又は財産の状況に関し参考となるべき報告又は資料の提出を求めることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) Subscription for shares, share options (excluding those attached to bonds with share option), or Bonds with Share Options, etc. (meaning Bonds with Share Options, etc. as defined in Article 5, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Investment Business Corporation Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item and in the following paragraph), and the holding of the shares, the share options (including the shares issued or transferred through the exercise of the share options), or the Bonds with Share Options, etc. (including the shares issued or transferred through the exercise of the share options attached to the Bonds with Share Options, etc.) pertaining to such subscription, which have been issued by a stock company with stated capital exceeding 300,000,000 yen that is a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Operator being a Certified Research and Development Business Operator or a Supervisory Business Operator in order to raise the funds required for the purpose of engaging in Research and Development Business or Supervisory Business according to a Certified Research and Development Business Plan or a Certified Supervisory Business Plan. 例文帳に追加

二 認定研究開発事業者又は認定統括事業者である中小企業者のうち資本金の額が三億円を超える株式会社が認定研究開発事業計画又は認定統括事業計画に従って研究開発事業又は統括事業を行うために必要とする資金の調達を図るために発行する株式、新株予約権(新株予約権付社債に付されたものを除く。)又は新株予約権付社債等(中小企業投資育成株式会社法第五条第一項第二号に規定する新株予約権付社債等をいう。以下この号及び次項において同じ。)の引受け及び当該引受けに係る株式、新株予約権(その行使により発行され、又は移転された株式を含む。)又は新株予約権付社債等(新株予約権付社債等に付された新株予約権の行使により発行され、又は移転された株式を含む。)の保有 - 経済産業省

(4) The provisions of Article 28, paragraphs (3) to (6) inclusive, Article 29 to 30-2 inclusive, Article 30-3 (excluding paragraphs (2) and (3)), and Article 30-5, paragraphs (2) and (3) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the solicitation of additional funds under paragraph (1) of the preceding Article. In this case, the term "incorporators" in those provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Mutual Company"; the term "preceding paragraph" in Article 28, paragraph (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 60-2, paragraph (2)"; the terms "the items of paragraph (1)" and "paragraph (2)" in Article 28, paragraph (4) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 60-2 the items of paragraph (1)" and "paragraph (2) of the same Article," respectively; the term "paragraph (2), item (i)" in Article 28, paragraph (5) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 60-2, paragraph (2), item (i)"; the term "paragraph (2), item (ii) of the preceding Article" in Article 29, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 60-2, paragraph (2), item (ii)"; the term "the preceding two Articles" in Article 30 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 60-2, paragraph (1) (excluding item (iii)), and Article 28, paragraphs (3) to (6) inclusive and the preceding Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (4) of the same Article"; the terms "without delay" and "Article 28, paragraph (1), item (iii)" in Article 30-3, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "on the date set forth in Article 60-2, paragraph (1), item (iii)" and "Article 60-2, paragraph (1), item (iv)," respectively; the term "solicited at incorporation who has received the notice under paragraph (2) shall, unless he/she makes the payment by the date set forth in that paragraph" in Article 28, paragraph (5) be deemed to be replaced with", unless he/she makes the payment by the date set forth in paragraph (1);" and the term "After the establishment of the Mutual Company" in Article 30-5, paragraph (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "After a year has elapsed since the date of registration of change due to a solicitation of additional funds under Article 60, paragraph (1)"; any other necessary technical change in interpretation shall be specified by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

4 第二十八条第三項から第六項まで、第二十九条から第三十条の二まで、第三十条の三(第二項及び第三項を除く。)並びに第三十条の五第二項及び第三項の規定は、前条第一項の基金の募集について準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「発起人」とあるのは「相互会社」と、第二十八条第三項中「前項」とあるのは「第六十条の二第二項」と、同条第四項中「第一項各号」とあるのは「第六十条の二第一項各号」と、「第二項」とあるのは「同条第二項」と、同条第五項中「第二項第一号」とあるのは「第六十条の二第二項第一号」と、第二十九条第一項中「前条第二項第二号」とあるのは「第六十条の二第二項第二号」と、第三十条中「前二条」とあるのは「第六十条の二第一項(第三号を除く。)及び第二項並びに同条第四項において準用する第二十八条第三項から第六項まで及び前条」と、第三十条の三第一項中「遅滞なく」とあるのは「第六十条の二第一項第三号の期日に」と、「第二十八条第一項第三号」とあるのは「同項第四号」と、同条第五項中「第二項の規定による通知を受けた設立時に募集をする基金の引受人は、同項に規定する」とあるのは「基金の引受人は、第一項の」と、第三十条の五第三項中「相互会社の成立後」とあるのは「第六十条第一項の基金の募集による変更の登記の日から一年を経過した後」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(iii) For an extinct Mutual Company or Absorbing Mutual Company, a document certifying that the number of the Policyholders who raised their objections within the period set forth in Article 165-17, paragraph (2), item (iii) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-20) has not exceeded one fifth of the total number of Policyholders set forth in Article 88, paragraph (6) (including the cases where it is applied with relevant changes in interpretation pursuant to the provision of Article 255, paragraph (2) (hereinafter referred to as "The Cases of Application with Relevant Changes in Interpretation Pursuant to the Provision of Article 255, paragraph (2)"in this item); hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-17, paragraph (4) (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-20; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) (or, in The Cases of Application with Relevant Changes in Interpretation Pursuant to the Provision of Article 255, paragraph (2), one tenth of such total number), or a document certifying that the amount of credits specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance set forth in Article 88, paragraph (6) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-17, paragraph (4) as belonging to such Policyholders has not exceeded one fifth (or, in The Cases of Application with Relevant Changes in Interpretation Pursuant to the Provision of Article 255, paragraph (2), one tenth) of the total amount set forth in Article 88, paragraph (6) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 165-17, paragraph (4); 例文帳に追加

三 消滅相互会社又は吸収合併存続相互会社にあっては、第百六十五条の十七第二項第三号(第百六十五条の二十において準用する場合を含む。)の期間内に異議を述べた保険契約者の数が第百六十五条の十七第四項(第百六十五条の二十において準用する場合を含む。以下この号において同じ。)において準用する第八十八条第六項(第二百五十五条第二項の規定により読み替えて適用する場合(以下この号において単に「第二百五十五条第二項の規定により読み替えて適用する場合」という。)を含む。以下この号において同じ。)の保険契約者の総数の五分の一(第二百五十五条第二項の規定により読み替えて適用する場合にあっては、十分の一)を超えなかったことを証する書面又はその者の第百六十五条の十七第四項において準用する第八十八条第六項の内閣府令で定める金額が第百六十五条の十七第四項において準用する第八十八条第六項の金額の総額の五分の一(第二百五十五条第二項の規定により読み替えて適用する場合にあっては、十分の一)を超えなかったことを証する書面 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) The provisions of Article 38(3) and Article 39(3) (Election of Officers at Incorporation), Article 40(1) and the main clause of Article 40(2) (Method of Election of Officers at Incorporation), Article 42 (Dismissal of Officers at Incorporation), and Article 43(1) and the main clause of Article 43(2) (Method of Dismissal of Officers at Incorporation) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Director at Incorporation, an Accounting Advisor at Incorporation, a Company Auditor at Incorporation, or an Accounting Auditor at Incorporation of a Specific Purpose Company. In this case, the phrase "Article 331, paragraph (1) (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 335(1)), Article 333(1) or (3), or Article 337(1) or (3)" in Article 39(3) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 70(1) of the Asset Securitization Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 72(2) of the Asset Securitization Act), Article 71(1) of the Asset Securitization Act, Article 333(3) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 71(2) of the Asset Securitization Act or Article 73(1) or (3) of the Asset Securitization Act," and the phrase "each one Share Issued at Incorporation" in the main clause of Article 40(2) and the main clause of Article 43(2) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "each unit of Specified Equity Issued at Incorporation." 例文帳に追加

3 会社法第三十八条第三項及び第三十九条第三項(設立時役員等の選任)、第四十条第一項及び第二項本文(設立時役員等の選任の方法)、第四十二条(設立時役員等の解任)並びに第四十三条第一項及び第二項本文(設立時役員等の解任の方法)の規定は、特定目的会社の設立時取締役、設立時会計参与、設立時監査役又は設立時会計監査人について準用する。この場合において、同法第三十九条第三項中「第三百三十一条第一項(第三百三十五条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)、第三百三十三条第一項若しくは第三項又は第三百三十七条第一項若しくは第三項」とあるのは「資産流動化法第七十条第一項(資産流動化法第七十二条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)、資産流動化法第七十一条第一項、同条第二項において準用する第三百三十三条第三項又は資産流動化法第七十三条第一項若しくは第三項」と、同法第四十条第二項本文及び第四十三条第二項本文中「設立時発行株式一株」とあるのは「設立時発行特定出資一口」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) The provisions of Article 405 to 409 inclusive (Investigations by Audit Committees, Duty to Report to Board of Directors, Enjoinment of Acts of Executive Officers, etc. by Audit Committee Members, Representation of Company in Actions between Company with Committees and Executive Officers or Directors, Methods for Decisions on Remuneration by Compensation Committee) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Committees or committee members of a company with Committees. In this case, the term "provisions of Article 349, paragraph (4) applied mutatis mutandis under Article 420, paragraph (3), and the provisions of Article 353 and Article 364" in Article 408, paragraph (1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "provision of Article 349, paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 420, paragraph (3) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53-32 of the Insurance Business Act"; the term "Article 349, paragraph (4) applied mutatis mutandis under Article 420, paragraph (3)" in Article 408, paragraph (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 349, paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 420, paragraph (3) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53-32 of the Insurance Business Act"; the term "Article 847, paragraph (1)" in Article 408, paragraph (3), item (i) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 847, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53-37 of the Insurance Business Act"; the terms "Article 849, paragraph (3)" and "Article 850, paragraph (2)" in Article 408, paragraph (3), item (ii) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 849, paragraph (3) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53-37 of the Insurance Business Act" and "Article 850, paragraph (2) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53-37 of the Insurance Business Act," respectively; and the term "Article 404, paragraph (3)" in Article 409, paragraph (2) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 53-28, paragraph (3) of the Insurance Business Act;" any other necessary technical change in interpretation shall be specified by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

5 会社法第四百五条から第四百九条まで(監査委員会による調査、取締役会への報告義務、監査委員による執行役等の行為の差止め、委員会設置会社と執行役又は取締役との間の訴えにおける会社の代表等、報酬委員会による報酬の決定の方法等)の規定は、委員会設置会社の委員会又は委員について準用する。この場合において、同法第四百八条第一項中「第四百二十条第三項において準用する第三百四十九条第四項の規定並びに第三百五十三条及び第三百六十四条」とあるのは「保険業法第五十三条の三十二において準用する第四百二十条第三項において準用する第三百四十九条第四項」と、同条第三項中「第四百二十条第三項において準用する第三百四十九条第四項」とあるのは「保険業法第五十三条の三十二において準用する第四百二十条第三項において準用する第三百四十九条第四項」と、同項第一号中「第八百四十七条第一項」とあるのは「保険業法第五十三条の三十七において準用する第八百四十七条第一項」と、同項第二号中「第八百四十九条第三項」とあるのは「保険業法第五十三条の三十七において準用する第八百四十九条第三項」と、「第八百五十条第二項」とあるのは「同法第五十三条の三十七において準用する第八百五十条第二項」と、同法第四百九条第二項中「第四百四条第三項」とあるのは「保険業法第五十三条の二十八第三項」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 61-5 The provisions of Article 680 to 683 inclusive (Bondholders of Bonds for Subscription, Bond Registry, Delivery of Document Stating Matters to Be Stated in Bond Registry, Management of Bond Registry), Article 684 (excluding paragraphs (4) and (5)) (Keeping and Making Available for Inspection of Bond Registry) and Article 685 to 701 inclusive (Notices to Bondholders, Exercise of Rights by Co-owners, Assignment of Bonds with Issued Certificates, Perfection of Assignment of Bonds, Presumption of Rights, Stating or Recording Matters to Be Stated in Bond Registry Without Request from Bondholders, Stating or Recording Matters to Be Stated in Bond Registry as Requested by Bondholders, Pledges of Bonds with Issued Certificates, Perfection of Pledge of Bonds, Entries in Bond Registry Regarding Pledges, Delivery of Documents Stating Matters to Be Stated in Bond Registry Regarding Pledges, Perfection Requirements for Bonds Belonging to Trust Property, etc., Issuing of Bond Certificates, Matters to Be Stated on Bond Certificates, Conversions between Registered Bonds and Bearer Bonds, Loss of Bond Certificates, Redemption of Bonds where Coupons Missing, Extinctive Prescription of Right to Claim Redemption of Bonds) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the cases where a Mutual Company issues bonds. In this case, the term "bond-issuing Company" in those provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "bond-issuing mutual company"; the term "the preceding Article" in Article 680, item (ii) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 61-4 of the Insurance Business Act"; the term "Article 676, items (iii) though (viii)" in Article 681, item (i) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 61, items (iii) to (viii) inclusive of the Insurance Business Act"; the term "Article 720, paragraph (1)" in Article 685, paragraph (5) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 720, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 61-8, paragraph (2) of the Insurance Business Act"; and the term "Article 676, item (vii)" in Article 698 of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 61, item (vii) of the Insurance Business Act"; any technical change in interpretation shall be specified by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

第六十一条の五 会社法第六百八十条から第六百八十三条まで(募集社債の社債権者、社債原簿、社債原簿記載事項を記載した書面の交付等、社債原簿管理人)、第六百八十四条(第四項及び第五項を除く。)(社債原簿の備置き及び閲覧等)及び第六百八十五条から第七百一条まで(社債権者に対する通知等、共有者による権利の行使、社債券を発行する場合の社債の譲渡、社債の譲渡の対抗要件、権利の推定等、社債権者の請求によらない社債原簿記載事項の記載又は記録、社債権者の請求による社債原簿記載事項の記載又は記録、社債券を発行する場合の社債の質入れ、社債の質入れの対抗要件、質権に関する社債原簿の記載等、質権に関する社債原簿の記載事項を記載した書面の交付等、信託財産に属する社債についての対抗要件等、社債券の発行、社債券の記載事項、記名式と無記名式との間の転換、社債券の喪失、利札が欠けている場合における社債の償還、社債の償還請求権等の消滅時効)の規定は、相互会社が社債を発行する場合について準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「社債発行会社」とあるのは「社債を発行した相互会社」と、同法第六百八十条第二号中「前条」とあるのは「保険業法第六十一条の四」と、同法第六百八十一条第一号中「第六百七十六条第三号から第八号まで」とあるのは「保険業法第六十一条第三号から第八号まで」と、同法第六百八十五条第五項中「第七百二十条第一項」とあるのは「保険業法第六十一条の八第二項において準用する第七百二十条第一項」と、同法第六百九十八条中「第六百七十六条第七号」とあるのは「保険業法第六十一条第七号」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The Prime Minister may, when he/she finds it particularly necessary to protect Policyholders, etc. by ensuring the sound and appropriate management of a Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Provider, request a Subsidiary, etc. of the Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Provider (referring to a Subsidiary Company or any other juridical person whose management is deemed to be controlled by the Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Provider under a Cabinet Office Ordinance; the same shall apply in the following paragraph and paragraphs (2) and (3) of the following Article) or any subcontractor of the Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Provider to submit a report or materials that should serve as reference concerning the condition of the business or property of the Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Provider, within the limit necessary. 例文帳に追加

2 内閣総理大臣は、少額短期保険業者の業務の健全かつ適切な運営を確保し、保険契約者等の保護を図るため特に必要があると認めるときは、その必要の限度において、当該少額短期保険業者の子法人等(子会社その他少額短期保険業者がその経営を支配している法人として内閣府令で定めるものをいう。次項並びに次条第二項及び第三項において同じ。)又は当該少額短期保険業者から業務の委託を受けた者に対し、当該少額短期保険業者の業務又は財産の状況に関し参考となるべき報告又は資料の提出を求めることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(9) The provisions of Article 829 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (i)) (Action for Declaratory Judgment of Absence of a New Share Issue, etc.), Article 834 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (xiii)) (Defendant), Article 835(1) (Jurisdiction over and Transfer of an Action), Articles 836 to 838 inclusive (Order to Provide Security; Mandatory Consolidation of Oral Arguments, etc.; Persons Affected by an Upholding Judgment), Article 846 (Liability for Damages in Cases Where the Plaintiff Is Defeated), and Article 937(1) (limited to the portion pertaining to item (i)(e)) (Commissioning of Registration by a Judicial Decision) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to an action for a declaratory judgment of non-issuance of Specified Equity by a Specific Purpose Company after the formation thereof. In this case, any necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

9 会社法第八百二十九条(第一号に係る部分に限る。)(新株発行等の不存在の確認の訴え)、第八百三十四条(第十三号に係る部分に限る。)(被告)、第八百三十五条第一項(訴えの管轄及び移送)、第八百三十六条から第八百三十八条まで(担保提供命令、弁論等の必要的併合、認容判決の効力が及ぶ者の範囲)及び第八百四十六条(原告が敗訴した場合の損害賠償責任)並びに第九百三十七条第一項(第一号ホに係る部分に限る。)(裁判による登記の嘱託)の規定は、特定目的会社の成立後における特定出資の発行の不存在の確認の訴えについて準用する。この場合において、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(7) The provisions of Article 829 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (i)) (Action for Declaratory Judgment of Absence of a New Share Issue, etc.), Article 834 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (xiii)) (Defendant), Article 835(1) (Jurisdiction over and Transfer of an Action), Articles 836 to 838 inclusive (Order to Provide Security; Mandatory Consolidation of Oral Arguments, etc.; Persons Affected by an Upholding Judgment), Article 846 (Liability for Damages in Cases Where the Plaintiff Is Defeated) and Article 937(1) (limited to the portion pertaining to item (i)(e)) (Commissioning of Registration by a Judicial Decision) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to an action for a declaratory judgment of non-issuance of Preferred Equity by a Specific Purpose Company. In this case, any necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

7 会社法第八百二十九条(第一号に係る部分に限る。)(新株発行等の不存在の確認の訴え)、第八百三十四条(第十三号に係る部分に限る。)(被告)、第八百三十五条第一項(訴えの管轄及び移送)、第八百三十六条から第八百三十八条まで(担保提供命令、弁論等の必要的併合、認容判決の効力が及ぶ者の範囲)、第八百四十六条(原告が敗訴した場合の損害賠償責任)及び第九百三十七条第一項(第一号ホに係る部分に限る。)(裁判による登記の嘱託)の規定は、特定目的会社の優先出資の発行の不存在の確認の訴えについて準用する。この場合において、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 45 (1) In cases where, at the incorporation of a Stock Company, it issues shares of a class for which the matters listed in item (viii) of Article 108(1) are provided, if there are provisions in the articles of incorporation to the effect that a resolution of the Class Meeting is required with respect to the matters listed in the following items as the features of the shares of such class, the matters provided for in each of such items shall not become effective unless, in addition to the determination pursuant to the provisions of Article 40(1) or Article 43(1), there is a determination by a majority of the votes (limited to the votes with respect to the Shares Issued at Incorporation of such class) of the incorporators who subscribe for the Shares Issued at Incorporation of such class in accordance with the applicable provisions of the articles of incorporation: 例文帳に追加

第四十五条 株式会社の設立に際して第百八条第一項第八号に掲げる事項についての定めがある種類の株式を発行する場合において、当該種類の株式の内容として次の各号に掲げる事項について種類株主総会の決議があることを必要とする旨の定款の定めがあるときは、当該各号に定める事項は、定款の定めに従い、第四十条第一項又は第四十三条第一項の規定による決定のほか、当該種類の設立時発行株式を引き受けた発起人の議決権(当該種類の設立時発行株式についての議決権に限る。)の過半数をもってする決定がなければ、その効力を生じない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) A Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. shall, with regard to the money or Securities listed in the following items, manage the amount of money calculated pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance as the amount to be refunded to the customer in the event that said Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. has abolished his/her Financial Instruments Business (including Registered Financial Institution Business; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) or has otherwise ceased to conduct Financial Instruments Business, separately from his/her own property, and shall set a trust with a Trust Company, etc. in Japan, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, for the purpose of managing the amount of money to be refunded to the customer in the event that said Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc. has abolished his/her Financial Instruments Business or has otherwise ceased to conduct Financial Instruments Business: 例文帳に追加

2 金融商品取引業者等は、次に掲げる金銭又は有価証券について、当該金融商品取引業者等が金融商品取引業(登録金融機関業務を含む。以下この項において同じ。)を廃止した場合その他金融商品取引業を行わないこととなつた場合に顧客に返還すべき額として内閣府令で定めるところにより算定したものに相当する金銭を、自己の固有財産と分別して管理し、内閣府令で定めるところにより、当該金融商品取引業者等が金融商品取引業を廃止した場合その他金融商品取引業を行わないこととなつた場合に顧客に返還すべき額に相当する金銭を管理することを目的として、国内において、信託会社等に信託をしなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The Prime Minister shall, in the case where he/she must render a decision set forth in the preceding paragraph (limited to that pertaining to the provisions of Article 31-2(1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) for two or more attestations of financial documents pertaining to the same accounting period of a company or any other person, render a decision ordering the respondent to pay to the Treasury, in lieu of the amount under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article, a surcharge of an amount corresponding to the amount obtained by dividing proportionately the highest of the amounts calculated pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph for the facts pertaining to the respective decisions (hereinafter referred to as the "amounts calculated for the individual decisions" in this paragraph and the following paragraph) in accordance with said amounts calculated for the individual decisions, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance. 例文帳に追加

2 内閣総理大臣は、会社その他の者の同一の会計期間に係る財務書類の二以上の証明について前項の決定(第三十一条の二第一項の規定に係るものに限る。以下この項において同じ。)をしなければならない場合には、同条第一項の規定による額に代えて、それぞれの決定に係る事実について同項の規定により計算した額(以下この項及び次項において「個別決定ごとの算出額」という。)のうち最も高い額を内閣府令で定めるところにより当該個別決定ごとの算出額に応じてあん分して得た額に相当する額の課徴金を国庫に納付することを命ずる旨の決定をしなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) The Prime Minister shall, in the case where he/she must render a decision set forth in paragraph (1) (limited to that pertaining to the provisions of Article 34-21-2(1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) on two or more attestations of financial documents pertaining to the same accounting period of a company or any other person, render a decision ordering the respondent to pay to the Treasury, in lieu of the amount under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the same Article, a surcharge of an amount corresponding to the amount obtained by dividing proportionately the highest of the amounts calculated pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph for the facts pertaining to the respective decisions (hereinafter referred to as the "amounts calculated for the individual decisions" in this paragraph and the following paragraph) in accordance with said amounts calculated for the individual decisions, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance. 例文帳に追加

4 内閣総理大臣は、会社その他の者の同一の会計期間に係る財務書類の二以上の証明について第一項の決定(第三十四条の二十一の二第一項の規定に係るものに限る。以下この項において同じ。)をしなければならない場合には、同条第一項の規定による額に代えて、それぞれの決定に係る事実について同項の規定により計算した額(以下この項及び次項において「個別決定ごとの算出額」という。)のうち最も高い額を内閣府令で定めるところにより当該個別決定ごとの算出額に応じてあん分して得た額に相当する額の課徴金を国庫に納付することを命ずる旨の決定をしなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 69 (1) With regard to the dissolution and liquidation of a cooperative, the provisions of Article 475 (excluding item (i) and item (iii)), Article 476, Article 478, paragraph (2) and paragraph (4), Article 479, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) (limited to the portions other than those listed in the respective items), Article 481, Article 483, paragraph (4) and paragraph (5), Article 484, Article 485, Article 489, paragraph (4) and paragraph (5), Article 492, paragraphs (1) to (3), Articles 499 to 503, Article 507 (Liquidation of a Stock Company), Article 868, paragraph (1), Article 869, Article 870 (limited to the portions pertaining to item (ii) and item (iii)), Article 871, Article 872 (limited to the portions pertaining to item (iv)), Article 874 (limited to the portions pertaining to item (i) and item (iv)), Article 875, and Article 876 (Non-Contentious Cases) of the Companies Act and Article 40 (Judicial Decision for Appointment of a Person to Conduct Inspections) of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedure Act (Act No. 14 of 1898) shall apply mutatis mutandis; with regard to a liquidator of a cooperative, the provisions of Article 35-3, Article 35-4, Article 36-2, Article 36-3, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), Articles 36-5 to 38-4 (excluding Article 36-7, paragraph (4)), Article 40 (excluding paragraph (1), paragraph (11), and paragraph (13)), Article 47, paragraphs (2) to (4), Article 48, and Article 53-2 of this Act, the provisions of Article 357, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act, paragraph (1) of the same Article as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing the terms pursuant to the provisions of Article 360, paragraph (3) of the same Act, and the provisions of Article 361, Article 381, paragraph (2), Article 382, the main clause of Article 383, paragraph (1), Article 383, paragraph (2) and paragraph (3), Articles 384 to 386, and Article 508 of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis; with regard to an action to pursue the liability of a liquidator of a cooperative, the provisions of Part 7, Chapter II, Section 2 (excluding Article 847, paragraph (2), Article 849, paragraph (2), item (ii) and paragraph (5), and Article 851, and excluding the portions pertaining to the company auditors in the case of a cooperative limiting the audit authority)(Action to Pursue the Liability, etc. of a Stock Company) of the same Act shall apply mutatis mutandis; and with regard to a liquidator of a cooperative limiting the audit authority, the provisions of Article 353, Article 360, paragraph (1) and Article 364 of the same Act shall apply mutatis mutandis. In this case, the phrase "an inventory of property, a balance sheet, a profit and loss statement, and a plan for the appropriation of surplus or a plan for the disposal of losses" in Article 40, paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "an inventory of property and a balance sheet," the term "a business report" in the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "an affairs written report," the term "business report" in paragraph (3), paragraphs (5) to (10), and paragraph (12), item (i) and item (iii) of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "affairs written report," the term "the directors (or, for a Company with Board of Directors, to the board of directors)" in Article 382 of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the board of liquidators," the term "the following shareholders" in the portions of Article 479, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act other than those listed in the respective items shall be deemed to be "a member who has obtained the consent of or more one-fifth of all partner," the term "Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice" in Article 384, Article 492, paragraph (1), Article 507, paragraph (1), and Article 847, paragraph (1) and paragraph (4) of the same Act shall be deemed to be "ordinance of the competent ministry," the phrase "give public notice in the official gazette" in Article 499, paragraph (1) of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "give public notice," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order. 例文帳に追加

第六十九条 組合の解散及び清算については、会社法第四百七十五条(第一号及び第三号を除く。)、第四百七十六条、第四百七十八条第二項及び第四項、第四百七十九条第一項及び第二項(各号列記以外の部分に限る。)、第四百八十一条、第四百八十三条第四項及び第五項、第四百八十四条、第四百八十五条、第四百八十九条第四項及び第五項、第四百九十二条第一項から第三項まで、第四百九十九条から第五百三条まで、第五百七条(株式会社の清算)、第八百六十八条第一項、第八百六十九条、第八百七十条(第二号及び第三号に係る部分に限る。)、第八百七十一条、第八百七十二条(第四号に係る部分に限る。)、第八百七十四条(第一号及び第四号に係る部分に限る。)、第八百七十五条並びに第八百七十六条(非訟)並びに非訟事件手続法(明治三十一年法律第十四号)第四十条(検査をすべき者の選任の裁判)の規定を、組合の清算人については、第三十五条の三、第三十五条の四、第三十六条の二、第三十六条の三第一項及び第二項、第三十六条の五から第三十八条の四まで(第三十六条の七第四項を除く。)、第四十条(第一項、第十一項及び第十三項を除く。)、第四十七条第二項から第四項まで、第四十八条並びに第五十三条の二並びに会社法第三百五十七条第一項、同法第三百六十条第三項の規定により読み替えて適用する同条第一項並びに同法第三百六十一条、第三百八十一条第二項、第三百八十二条、第三百八十三条第一項本文、第二項及び第三項、第三百八十四条から第三百八十六条まで並びに第五百八条の規定を、組合の清算人の責任を追及する訴えについては、同法第七編第二章第二節(第八百四十七条第二項、第八百四十九条第二項第二号及び第五項並びに第八百五十一条を除き、監査権限限定組合にあつては、監査役に係る部分を除く。)(株式会社における責任追及等の訴え)の規定を、監査権限限定組合の清算人については、同法第三百五十三条、第三百六十条第一項及び第三百六十四条の規定を準用する。この場合において、第四十条第二項中「財産目録、貸借対照表、損益計算書、剰余金処分案又は損失処理案」とあるのは「財産目録、貸借対照表」と、「事業報告書」とあるのは「事務報告書」と、同条第三項、第五項から第十項まで並びに第十二項第一号及び第三号中「事業報告書」とあるのは「事務報告書」と、同法第三百八十二条中「取締役(取締役会設置会社にあっては、取締役会)」とあるのは「清算人会」と、同法第四百七十九条第二項各号列記以外の部分中「次に掲げる株主」とあるのは「総組合員の五分の一以上の同意を得た組合員」と、同法第三百八十四条、第四百九十二条第一項、第五百七条第一項並びに第八百四十七条第一項及び第四項中「法務省令」とあるのは「主務省令」と、同法第四百九十九条第一項中「官報に公告し」とあるのは「公告し」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) In the case where a Incorporated Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger is a company issuing classified shares, if the Shares, etc. delivered to members of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger are shares of the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger, the Absorption-Type Merger shall not come into effect without a resolution of a general meeting of class shareholders consisting of class shareholders of the classes of shares set forth in Article 142, item (ii) (a) (limited to transfer restricted shares for which the provisions of the articles of incorporation set forth in Article 199, paragraph (4) of the Companies Act do not exist); provided, however, that this shall not apply if there are no shareholders who are entitled to exercise their voting rights present at said general meeting of class shareholders. 例文帳に追加

4 吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所が種類株式発行会社である場合において、吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の会員に対して交付する株式等が吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所の株式であるときは、吸収合併は、第百四十二条第二号イの種類の株式(譲渡制限株式であつて、会社法第百九十九条第四項の定款の定めがないものに限る。)の種類株主を構成員とする種類株主総会(当該種類株主に係る株式の種類が二以上ある場合にあつては、当該二以上の株式の種類別に区分された種類株主を構成員とする各種類株主総会)の決議がなければ、その効力を生じない。ただし、当該種類株主総会において議決権を行使することができる株主が存しない場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) The sum of the amount of a dividend of surplus, etc. by deeming the relevant business year to be the base business year (meaning the business year including the base day for paying a dividend of surplus, etc.; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) (such amount of dividend of surplus, etc. shall be limited to that for which the payment obligation was fixed by the final day of the business year of a domestic corporation related to the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc., which includes the day on which two months have elapsed after the day following the final day of the relevant business year; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) (where the whole or a part of the amount of a dividend of surplus, etc. by deeming the relevant business year to be the base business year has been paid to any person listed as follows, the said sum shall be deemed to be zero): 例文帳に追加

二 当該各事業年度を基準事業年度(剰余金の配当等の支払に係る基準日の属する事業年度をいう。以下この号において同じ。)とする剰余金の配当等の額(当該各事業年度終了の日の翌日から二月を経過する日を含む当該特定外国子会社等に係る内国法人の事業年度終了の日までに支払義務が確定したものに限る。以下この号において同じ。)の合計額(当該各事業年度を基準事業年度とする剰余金の配当等の額の全部又は一部が次に掲げる者に支払われた場合には、当該合計額は零とする。) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) Where a foreign corporation has, as a result of a specified split-off-type company split prescribed in Article 68-3(2) of the Act which was implemented by a domestic corporation to which the said corporation issued old shares (meaning shares that were held by the said corporation), been provided with shares of a specified foreign parent corporation prescribed in the said paragraph, the provisions of Article 188(1)(xvii) of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act shall not apply to the calculation made, with regard to the amount of the said foreign corporation's income categorized as domestic source income prescribed in Article 142 of the Corporation Tax Act, in accordance with the provisions of Article 61-2(4) of the said Act whose terms are replaced under the provisions of the said paragraph. 例文帳に追加

5 外国法人が旧株(当該外国法人が有していた株式をいう。)を発行した内国法人の行つた法第六十八条の三第二項に規定する特定分割型分割により同項に規定する特定外国親法人の株式の交付を受けた場合において、当該外国法人の法人税法第百四十二条に規定する国内源泉所得に係る所得の金額につき、同項の規定により読み替えられた同法第六十一条の二第四項の規定に準じて計算するときは、法人税法施行令第百八十八条第一項第十七号の規定は、適用しない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(iii) a document evidencing that the public notice and the notices under Article 799, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act (in cases where, in addition to public notice in an official gazette, a public notice has been given by publication in a daily newspaper that publishes matters on current affairs or by means of electronic public notices pursuant to the provision of paragraph (3) of said Article, the public notice by such method) has been given, and, if any creditor has raised an objection, a document evidencing that the company has made a payment or provided equivalent security to such creditor or has entrusted equivalent property for the purpose of making such creditor receive the payment, or that there is no risk of harm to such creditor by such absorption-type merger; 例文帳に追加

三 会社法第七百九十九条第二項の規定による公告及び催告(同条第三項の規定により公告を官報のほか時事に関する事項を掲載する日刊新聞紙又は電子公告によつてした場合にあつては、これらの方法による公告)をしたこと並びに異議を述べた債権者があるときは、当該債権者に対し弁済し若しくは相当の担保を提供し若しくは当該債権者に弁済を受けさせることを目的として相当の財産を信託したこと又は当該吸収合併をしても当該債権者を害するおそれがないことを証する書面 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(iii) a document evidencing that the public notice and the notices under Article 799, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act (in cases where, in addition to public notice in an official gazette, a public notice has been given by publication in a daily newspaper that publishes matters on current affairs or by means of electronic public notices pursuant to the provision of paragraph (3) of said Article, the public notice by such method) has been given, and, if any creditor has raised an objection, a document evidencing that the company has made a payment or provided equivalent security to such creditor or has entrusted equivalent property for the purpose of making such creditor receive the payment, or that there is no risk of harm to such creditor by such share exchange; 例文帳に追加

三 会社法第七百九十九条第二項の規定による公告及び催告(同条第三項の規定により公告を官報のほか時事に関する事項を掲載する日刊新聞紙又は電子公告によつてした場合にあつては、これらの方法による公告)をしたこと並びに異議を述べた債権者があるときは、当該債権者に対し弁済し若しくは相当の担保を提供し若しくは当該債権者に弁済を受けさせることを目的として相当の財産を信託したこと又は当該株式交換をしても当該債権者を害するおそれがないことを証する書面 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(iii) a document evidencing that the public notice and the notices under Article 799, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act (excluding item (iii)) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 802, paragraph (2) of said Act (in cases where, in addition to public notice in an official gazette, a public notice has been given by publication in a daily newspaper that publishes matters on current affairs or by means of electronic public notices pursuant to the provision of Article 799, paragraph (3) of said Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 802, paragraph (2) of said Act, the public notice by such method) has been given, and, if any creditor has raised an objection, a document evidencing that the company has made a payment or provided equivalent security to such creditor or has entrusted equivalent property for the purpose of making such creditor receive the payment, or that there is no risk of harm to such creditor by such absorption-type merger; and 例文帳に追加

三 会社法第八百二条第二項において準用する同法第七百九十九条第二項(第三号を除く。)の規定による公告及び催告(同法第八百二条第二項において準用する同法第七百九十九条第三項の規定により公告を官報のほか時事に関する事項を掲載する日刊新聞紙又は電子公告によつてした場合にあつては、これらの方法による公告)をしたこと並びに異議を述べた債権者があるときは、当該債権者に対し弁済し若しくは相当の担保を提供し若しくは当該債権者に弁済を受けさせることを目的として相当の財産を信託したこと又は当該吸収合併をしても当該債権者を害するおそれがないことを証する書面 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(iii) a document evidencing that the public notice and the notices under Article 799, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act (excluding item (iii)) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 802, paragraph (2) of said Act (in cases where, in addition to public notice in an official gazette, a public notice has been given by publication in a daily newspaper that publishes matters on current affairs or by method of electronic public notices pursuant to the provision of Article 799, paragraph (3) of said Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 802, paragraph (2) of said Act, the public notice by such method) has been given, and, if any creditor has raised an objection, a document evidencing that the company has made a payment or provided equivalent security to such creditor or has entrusted equivalent property for the purpose of making such creditor receive the payment, or that there is no risk of harm to such creditor by such share exchange; and 例文帳に追加

三 会社法第八百二条第二項において準用する同法第七百九十九条第二項(第三号を除く。)の規定による公告及び催告(同法第八百二条第二項において準用する同法第七百九十九条第三項の規定により公告を官報のほか時事に関する事項を掲載する日刊新聞紙又は電子公告によつてした場合にあつては、これらの方法による公告)をしたこと並びに異議を述べた債権者があるときは、当該債権者に対し弁済し若しくは相当の担保を提供し若しくは当該債権者に弁済を受けさせることを目的として相当の財産を信託したこと又は当該株式交換をしても当該債権者を害するおそれがないことを証する書面 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 52-14 (1) The Prime Minister may, when and to the extent that he/she finds it particularly necessary for ensuring sound and appropriate management of the business of a Bank in light of the status of business or property (in the case that the Major Shareholder of Bank is a company or any other juridical person, it shall include the status of property of Subsidiary Companies of that Major Shareholder of the Bank or any other companies that have a special relationship specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance with that Major Shareholder of Bank) of the Major Shareholder of Bank (limited to a person who holds more than five hundredths of the Voting Rights Held by All of the Shareholders of the Bank; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), request the Major Shareholder of Bank to submit an improvement plan for securing the soundness in management of the Bank or order amendment of the submitted improvement plan by designating matters for which measures should be taken and the time limit therefor, or may order, within the limit necessary, measures necessary for the purpose of supervision. 例文帳に追加

第五十二条の十四 内閣総理大臣は、銀行主要株主(銀行の総株主の議決権の百分の五十を超える議決権の保有者に限る。以下この条において同じ。)の業務又は財産の状況(銀行主要株主が会社その他の法人である場合にあつては、当該銀行主要株主の子会社その他の当該銀行主要株主と内閣府令で定める特殊の関係のある会社の財産の状況を含む。)に照らして、当該銀行の業務の健全かつ適切な運営を確保するため特に必要があると認めるときは、その必要の限度において、当該銀行主要株主に対し、措置を講ずべき事項及び期限を示して、当該銀行の経営の健全性を確保するための改善計画の提出を求め、若しくは提出された改善計画の変更を命じ、又はその必要の限度において監督上必要な措置を命ずることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Here we have a specious story to explain this case of the Incubator Bank, that it went quickly downhill after embarking on the business of purchasing loan claims but, in my view, there must have always been problems with the bank ever since its founding, judging from the resignation after resignation of its management team members or from the case where financing was provided to a company run by a family member of Mr. Kimura (the former Chairman). In that sense, this case seems to me to represent a major fiasco of financial administration and, when I asked Minister Jimi at the last press conference about the fact that Mr. Kimura was engaged in a consulting business offering advice on banking license acquisition by charging 105 million yen in consultation fees when he was an incumbent advisor (to the FSA), the Minister said that as the prohibition against concurrent office holding does not apply to an advisor, it is not controversial in that respect. 例文帳に追加

この振興銀行の問題について、債権譲渡されてから、そういうビジネスを始めてから急速に体力が弱っていったというようなもっともらしい解説があるのですが、銀行の問題ということでいうと、設立したときからどんどん経営陣が辞めていったり、それから木村(元会長)さんの親族企業に融資したり、もうずっとその問題はあったという経緯があったと思うのです。そういう意味でいうと、壮大な金融行政の失敗だと思うのですが、前回、木村さんが顧問の現職のときに1億500万円のコンサルタント料を取って、この銀行免許取得のコンサルティングビジネスをしていた。そのことについて自見大臣にお伺いしたときに、顧問は兼職禁止というところに当てはまらないので、そこは問題ないと。 - 金融庁

The provisions of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall not apply if the beneficial owner of the dividends, being a resident of a Contracting State, carries on business in the other Contracting State of which the company paying the dividends is a resident through a permanent establishment situated therein, or performs in that other Contracting State independent personal services from a fixed base situated therein, and the holding in respect of which the dividends are paid is effectively connected with such permanent establishment or fixed base. In such case the provisions of Article 7 or 14, as the case may be, shall apply. 例文帳に追加

1から3までの規定は、一方の締約国の居住者である配当の受益者が、当該配当を支払う法人が居住者とされる他方の締約国内において当該他方の締約国内にある恒久的施設を通じて事業を行う場合又は当該他方の締約国内において当該他方の締約国内にある固定的施設を通じて独立の人的役務を提供する場合において、当該配当の支払の基因となつた株式その他の持分が当該恒久的施設又は当該固定的施設と実質的な関連を有するものであるときは、適用しない。この場合には、第七条又は第十四条の規定を適用する。 - 財務省

Notwithstanding that a resident of a Contracting State may not be a qualified person, that resident shall be entitled to the benefits granted by the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 10, subparagraph (c), (d) or (e) of paragraph 3 of Article 11, Article 12, paragraph 6 of Article 13 or Article 22 with respect to an item of income described in those subparagraphs, paragraphs or Articles derived from the other Contracting State if: (i) that resident functions as a headquarters company for a multinational corporate group; (ii) the item of income derived from that other Contracting State is derived in connection with, or is incidental to, the trade or business activity referred to in clause (ii) of subparagraph (b); and (iii) that resident satisfies any other specified conditions in those subparagraphs, paragraphs or Articles for the obtaining of such benefits. 例文帳に追加

一方の締約国の居住者は、適格者に該当しない場合においても、他方の締約国内から取得する第十条3、第十一条3(c)、(d)若しくは(e)、第十二条、第十三条6又は前条に定める所得に関し、次の(i)から(iii)までに掲げる要件を満たすときは、これらの規定により認められる特典を受ける権利を有する。(i)当該居住者が多国籍企業集団の本拠である法人として機能すること。(ii)当該所得がに(b)(ii)規定する営業又は事業の活動に関連し、又は付随して取得されるものであること。(iii)当該居住者がこれらの規定により認められる特典を受けるためにこれらの規定に規定する要件を満たすこと。 - 財務省

Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State from the alienation of shares in a company or of interests in a partnership or trust may be taxed in the other Contracting State where the shares or the interests derive at least 50 per cent of their value directly or indirectly from immovable property referred to in Article 6 and situated in that other Contracting State unless the relevant class of the shares or the interests is traded on a recognised stock exchange and the resident and persons related or connected to that resident own in the aggregate 5 per cent or less of that class of the shares or the interests. 例文帳に追加

一方の締約国の居住者が法人の株式又は組合若しくは信託財産の持分の譲渡によって取得する収益に対しては、その法人、組合又は信託財産の資産の価値の五十パーセント以上が第六条に規定する不動産であって他方の締約国内に存在するものにより直接又は間接に構成される場合に限り、当該他方の締約国において租税を課することができる。ただし、当該譲渡に係る株式又は持分と同じ種類の株式又は持分(以下「同種の株式等」という。)が公認の有価証券市場において取引され、かつ、当該一方の締約国の居住者及びその特殊関係者が所有する同種の株式等の数が同種の株式等の総数の五パーセント以下である場合は、この限りでない。 - 財務省

The provisions of paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 shall not apply if the beneficial owner of the dividends or distributions, being a resident of a Contracting State, carries on business in the other Contracting State of which the company paying the dividends is a resident for the purposes of its tax (or, in the case of a REIT to which paragraph 7 applies, in Australia) through a permanent establishment situated therein and the holding in respect of which the dividends or distributions are paid is effectively connected with such permanent establishment. 例文帳に追加

1から4まで及び7の規定は、一方の締約国の居住者である配当の受益者が、当該配当を支払う法人が他方の締約国の租税に関し居住者とされる当該他方の締約国内において当該他方の締約国内にある恒久的施設を通じて事業を行う場合又は7の規定の適用を受ける不動産投資信託については、日本国の居住者である分配金の受益者がオーストラリア内においてオーストラリア内にある恒久的施設を通じて事業を行う場合において、当該配当又は当該分配金の支払の基因となった株式その他の持分が当該恒久的施設と実質的な関連を有するものであるときは、適用しない。 - 財務省


Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State from the alienation of shares in a company or of an interest in a partnership or trust may be taxed in the other Contracting State where the shares or the interest derive at least 50 per cent of their value directly or indirectly from immovable property referred to in Article 6of this Convention and situated in that other Contracting State unless the relevant class of the shares or the interest is traded on a recognised stock exchange specified in subparagraph (c) of paragraph 7 of Article 22 of this Convention and the resident and persons related or connected to that resident hold or own in the aggregate 5per cent or less of that class of the shares or the interest 例文帳に追加

一方の締約国の居住者が法人の株式又は組合若しくは信託財産の持分の譲渡によって取得する収益に対しては、当該法人、組合又は信託財産の資産の価値の五十パーセント以上が第六条に規定する不動産であって他方の締約国内に存在するものにより直接又は間接に構成される場合に限り、当該他方の締約国において租税を課することができる。ただし、当該譲渡に係る株式又は持分と同じ種類の株式又は持分(以下「同種の株式等」という。)が第二十二条7(c)に規定する公認の有価証券市場において取引され、かつ、当該一方の締約国の居住者及びその特殊関係者が保有し、又は所有する同種の株式等の数が同種の株式等の総数の五パーセント以下である場合は、この限りでない。 - 財務省


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