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born withの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 412


The hollow housing 15 which is provided with these rotors 10, 20, includes a cylindrical journal part 140 born from the inside in the rotation radial direction by the cam shaft 2 coaxially provided therewith and a fixing part 141 which is provided so as to be spaced from the cylindrical journal part 140 to the outside in the rotation radial direction and to which the sprocket member 13 is fixed.例文帳に追加

これら回転体10,20を備える構成においてハウジング15は、同軸上に設けられるカム軸2により回転径方向の内側から軸受される筒状のジャーナル部140と、ジャーナル部140から回転径方向の外側へ離間して設けられ、スプロケット部材13が固定される固定部141とを、有する。 - 特許庁

When a material is warehoused, labels bearing a bar code for discriminating the material are stuck to two surfaces adjacent with each other of the material by labelers 20a and 20b and identification information born on the labels is read by two bar code readers 41a and 41b installed so as to face each other across a carrier path of the material.例文帳に追加

資材が入庫されてきた場合、ラベラー20a,20bによって、資材の互いに隣り合う2つの面に、資材を識別するためのバーコードが記載されたラベルを貼付し、資材の搬送経路を挟んで互いに対向するように設置された2つのバーコードリーダー41a,41bにて、ラベルに記載された識別情報を読み取る。 - 特許庁

This method comprises the following practice: natural Pinctada martensii of Persian Gulf growth and that of Japanese growth each sorted as parent seashells are artificially mated with each other under natural oviposition or ejaculation in a water tank holding Japanese environmental seawater, and the larvae of the Pinctada martensii born by the artificial mating are raised in the Japanese environmental waters and the resulting spats are cultured.例文帳に追加

日本の環境海水を入れた水槽内で、親貝として選別されたペルシャ湾産天然アコヤガイと日本産天然アコヤガイを自然放卵または自然放精させて人工交配させ、人工交配によって生まれたアコヤガイの幼生を日本の環境水域で養育し稚貝を養殖する。 - 特許庁

The model Japan should pursue varies according to the commentator. However, it can be suggested that Japan should become a land in which the people of the world want to live, work, study and play, and in which Japanese people are happy to have been born and where they can work with a high level of satisfaction.例文帳に追加

日本が目指すべき姿は論者により様々であろうが、世界中の人々から、日本に住みたい、日本で働きたい、日本で勉強したい、日本で遊びたい、と思われるような国になること、そして日本に住んでいる人々にとって、日本に生まれてよかった、日本で働けてよかった、と満足を実感できるような国となることが挙げられるのではないだろうか。 - 経済産業省


Article 29 (1) In the case of a child born out of wedlock, the formation of a parent-child relationship with regard to the father and the child shall be governed by the father's national law at the time of the child's birth, and with regard to the mother and the child by the mother's national law at said time. In this case, when establishing a parent-child relationship by acknowledgment of parentage of a child, if obtaining the acceptance or consent from the child or a third party is required for acknowledgement under the child's national law at the time of the acknowledgement, such requirement shall also be satisfied. 例文帳に追加

第二十九条 嫡出でない子の親子関係の成立は、父との間の親子関係については子の出生の当時における父の本国法により、母との間の親子関係についてはその当時における母の本国法による。この場合において、子の認知による親子関係の成立については、認知の当時における子の本国法によればその子又は第三者の承諾又は同意があることが認知の要件であるときは、その要件をも備えなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Since a domain was formed by a wide variety of number of territories in accordance with climate and natural features, political culture, food culture, etc., a different food culture was born in each region in prefectures which were formed as a result of merging two or more domains such as Yamagata Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, etc., except for Kagoshima Prefecture which was formed by one domain, Kagoshima Domain (this was because in a period when prefectural transportation facilities did not develop, many borders were set out according to natural landscape such as mountain ranges). 例文帳に追加

藩は気候風土・政治文化・食文化などの関係によって多種多様の領土面積によって成り立っていた為、藩一つ全体が鹿児島県となった鹿児島藩などは別に、山形県・岩手県など複数の藩が一つにまとまった都府県では地方ごとに食文化が異なる状況が生じている(県交通機関の発達していない時代、国境の多くは山脈等の自然地形によって分かれている為)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, in 1979, concurrently with Kusumi Shuzo considering the revival of Kameno-o brand sake, another brewer Kazuyoshi SATO of Koikawa Shuzo, a brewery at Amarume-machi, Higashi-Tagawa County, Yamagata Prefecture, made up his mind to restore Kameno-o brand, since he believed that his predecessor Junichi SATO had kept an ardent wish to revive Kameno-o that was born in this Amarume-machi in the Meiji Period and to manufacture incomparable sake using the Kameno-o rice, although he has not seen the light of day yet because he had delayed one year before the debut of his newly brewed sake. 例文帳に追加

一方では、製成酒が世に出るのが一年遅れたために日の目を得ていないが、久須美酒造が亀の尾の復活を考えていたのとまさに同時期に、山形県東田川郡余目町(あまるめまち)の酒造家である鯉川酒造の蔵元佐藤一良は、明治時代に地元余目町で誕生した亀の尾の復活と、それを使って誰にも負けない酒を造ることが先代の蔵元佐藤淳一の悲願であったことを受けて、1979年(昭和54年)に亀の尾の復活を決心した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In regards to the legends of the birth of Shotoku Taishi including that 'he was born in front of a stable' and 'his mother Hashihito no Himemiko became pregnant with him when the Bodhisattva of Compassion entered her womb,' some scholars represented by Kunitake KUME insist on the possibility that 'when the Kojiki and the Nihonshoki were compiled, stories of the Bible and the like were introduced to Japan through Nestorian Christianity that had arrived in China so that the story of the birth of Jesus Christ was adopted to the legend of the birth of Shotoku Taishi as a story of the humble birth of a nobleman.' 例文帳に追加

「厩の前で生まれた」、「母・間人皇女は救世観音が胎内に入り、皇子を身籠もった」などの太子出生伝説に関して、「記紀編纂当時既に中国に伝来していた景教(キリスト教のネストリウス派)の福音書の内容などが日本に伝わり、その中からイエス・キリスト誕生の逸話が貴種出生譚として聖徳太子伝説に借用された」との可能性を唱える研究者(久米邦武が代表例)もいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoritomo's own younger brothers, MINAMOTO no Noriyori, Zenjo ANO and Yoshitsune, weren't included in these monyo, while those included were limited to Yoshinori YAMANA, a child born out of wedlock of the Nitta clan, among the Kawachi-Genji that had relatively close blood ties with Yoritomo, and Yoshikane ASHIKAGA; however, those who were distantly related were also included, such as Tomitsu KAGAMI of the Kai-Genji that had descended from MINAMOTO no Yorimitsu, the younger brother of MINAMOTO no Yoshiie, the ancestor of four generations before Yoritomo, and Yoshisuke YASUDA; and MINAMOTO no Aritsuna of the Settsu-Genji (Minamoto clan), which was descended from MINAMOTO no Yorimitsu, the elder brother of MINAMOTO no Yorinobu, the originator of the Kawachi-Genji, the ancestor of six generations before. 例文帳に追加

実弟である源範頼、阿野全成そして義経らはこれに含まれず、頼朝と比較的血筋の近い河内源氏のうちでも新田氏の庶子 山名義範や足利義兼に限られ、逆に、頼朝の4代前の祖先 源義家の弟 源義光を祖先とする甲斐源氏の加賀美遠光、安田義資、また6代前の祖先河内源氏の祖 源頼信の兄 源頼光を祖先とする摂津源氏の源有綱など限りなく遠縁の者が門葉に列していることが確認できる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the future, the country will face further aging of society with fewer children and move into a full-fledged era of population decrease .(National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, “Population Projection for Japan” [December 2006], Hereinafter referred to as “the new population projection”) 1.According to the projection of medium-fertility and medium-mortality, the result shows that the total fertility rate will rise to 1.26, and the population will fall below 90 million people. Also, the aging rate will rise to about 40 % and the number of infants born each year will fall below 500 hundred thousand people .(Chart 1-2-1).例文帳に追加

国立社会保障・人口問題研究所「日本の将来推計人口(平成18年12月推計)」(以下「新人口推計」という。)1 によれば、今後、一層少子高齢化が進行し、本格的な人口減少社会になる見通しとなっている。そのうち、出生中位・死亡中位の推計によれば、2055(平成67)年には合計特殊出生率は1.26、人口は9,000万人を下回り、高齢化率は約4割、1年間に生まれる子どもの数は50万人を下回る、という姿が示されている(図表1−2−1)。 - 厚生労働省


(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, concerning the expense and responsibility born by the captain of a vessel or aircraft or the carrier who operates the vessel or aircraft, a supervising immigration inspector may exempt the captain or the carrier from all or part of the expenses and responsibility arising from keeping a foreign national who falls under paragraph (1), item (i) at a facility (referred to as a " departure waiting facility" in Article 61-7-6) designated as provided by Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as a place to stay pursuant to the provisions of Article 13-2, paragraph (1), provided that the foreign national concerned possesses a valid passport with a visa issued by a Japanese consular officer. 例文帳に追加

3 主任審査官は、前二項の規定にかかわらず、これらの規定により船舶等の長又はその船舶等を運航する運送業者が負うべき責任と費用の負担のうち、第十三条の二第一項の規定によりとどまることができる場所として法務省令で定める施設(第六十一条の七の六において「出国待機施設」という。)の指定を受けている第一項第一号に該当する外国人を当該指定に係る施設にとどめておくことに伴うものについては、有効な旅券で日本国領事官等の査証を受けたものを所持する外国人に係るものに限り、その全部又は一部を免除することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


According to the estimate of the Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, it is estimated that if the labour participation rates remain the same as the 2006 levels, Japan’s labour force population in 2030 will be about 10.7 million, smaller than that in 2006. However, projections also show that if various employment measures are taken to foster the participation in the labour market, the decline in the labour force population will be limited to about 4.8 million. Secondly, starting from 2030, although the generation at or under 21 years old has chances that its number changes according to change of the future trends in birth since they are the generation who are born in the future, the new population projection assumes that the population of productive age decrease dramatically compared with the former decrease and which may pose the labour force population to decrease rapidly(Increase of one-person households).例文帳に追加

独立行政法人労働政策研究・研修機構の推計によれば、仮に、労働力率が2006(平成18)年と同水準で推移した場合には、労働力人口は2030(平成42)年には2006年と比較して約1,070万人減少することが見込まれているが、今後、各種の雇用施策を講ずることにより、労働市場への参加が進んだ場合には、労働力人口の減少は約480万人にとどまることが見込まれている。次に、2030年以降において21歳以下の世代はこれから生まれる世代であって、今後の出生動向の変化によりその数はまだ変動する余地があるが、新人口推計によれば、生産年齢人口は、それ以前と比べて急激に減少し、これに伴い労働力人口の急速な減少が懸念される。 - 厚生労働省


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