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Due to Sino-centrism embraced by the Chinese, however, the missionaries learned Chinese while only a small number of Chinese studied languages used in European countries. 例文帳に追加

中国人の華夷思想からか専ら宣教師が中国語を習得し中国人がヨーロッパの言語を学習することは少なかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, Raicho HIRATSUKA supported maternity-centrism and demanded that the National Treasury should cover all the costs of pregnancy and delivery; Akiko criticized, however, that maternity-centrism was merely an alternative approach of supporting the concept of a dutiful wife and devoted mother, and argued against Hiratsuka and Waka YAMADA about maternal care stating 'women should not depend on men or the nation.' 例文帳に追加

これに対し、妊娠・出産を国庫に補助させようとする平塚らいてうの唱える母性中心主義は、形を変えた新たな良妻賢母にすぎないと論評し、平塚らいてう、山田わからを相手に母性保護論争を挑んで「婦人は男子にも国家にも寄りかかるべきではない」と主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The characteristic of this book is that it emphasizes 'wabi' (an aesthetic ideal that finds surpassing beauty and deep significance in what is humble or commonplace and appears natural or artless), taking the definite stand for Buddhism (Zen sect)-centrism which defines it as 'pure and clean Buddha's world.' 例文帳に追加

本書の特性は「わび」を強調して、これを「清浄無垢の仏世界」と規定する仏教(禅宗)中心主義の立場を明確にとっている点である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Confucianism, cremation is an act of mutilation to the body, and in the codes of Chinese imperial dynasties, its prohibition is clearly stated (Sumio NAKA, 'A study on Jeo chon Sim Yuk's Thought of Hwayi and of So Junghwa' (A study on Centric vs. Barbarian concept and Small Sino centrism in Jeo chon Sim Yuk (literary remains of Jeo chon, edited by Sim Yuk)), 'Academic Report of Kyoto Prefectural University, Humanities and Social Science,' December 2003: ISSN13433946). 例文帳に追加

儒教では火葬は身体の毀損行為であり、中国の歴代王朝の法典においても禁止が明記されている(中純夫「樗村沈錥における華夷観念と小中華思想」「京都府立大学学術報告人文・社会」2003年12月ISSN13433946)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the magazine "Taiyo," Keigetsu OMACHI published a thesis "Shiika no kotsuzui" (Bone marrow of poetry) to fiercely criticize Akiko, stating 'If you scrutinize Akiko's poetry from a perspective of imperial centrism, you can't help but scream that she is a traitor, betrayer, and offender who should be punished by the state.' 例文帳に追加

大町桂月は『太陽』誌上で論文『詩歌の骨髄』を掲載し「皇室中心主義の眼を以て、晶子の詩を検すれば、乱臣なり賊子なり、国家の刑罰を加ふべき罪人なりと絶叫せざるを得ざるものなり」と激しく非難した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There is a theory stating that the reason for this naming is not only because of 'little Sino-centrism,' but also because of retaliation for being demoted from 'Kotei' to 'O' (King) once again by Japan even after they came to call themselves the Korean Empire and held the title of Emperor without hesitation after the independence from the Sakuho system of Qing. 例文帳に追加

この原因として韓国の「小中華思想」の他、朝鮮が清国の冊封体制から自立した後、大韓帝国と改称して憚りなく皇帝を称するようになったのに日本により再び「皇帝」から「王」に格下げされたことに対する報復であると指摘する説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the abolition of the embassies to China, in the Japanese aristocratic society, in which an isolation policy was practiced based on a petit Sino centrism, there were accumulated discontent with and criticism of the tribute trade because Japan was treated as vassal to the emperors of Ming; but, as the aristocrats were not able to speak out publicly in the face of the Yoshimitsu's strong influence, they could do nothing but comment on their dissatisfaction in diaries or other documents. 例文帳に追加

遣唐使の廃止以来、独自の小中華思想に基づく孤立政策を採っていた公家社会では明皇帝の臣下となる朝貢貿易に対して不満や批判が多くあったが、義満の権勢の前では公な発言ができず日記などに記すのみであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, as the ritsuryo system (a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code) was established, a 'small empire' came to be established with a kind of Sino-centrism, which distinguished people in inland Japan under the Emperor's rule from Tang as a neighbor country, Silla and Balhae as foreign countries, and Emishi as barbarians as well as Hayato (ancient tribe in Kyushu) looking upon them as social outcasts. 例文帳に追加

しかし、律令制が確立していくにつれて、唐を「隣国」、新羅・渤海_(国)を「蕃国」、そして蝦夷を「化外の民」として隼人とともに「夷狄」として、天皇の統治下にある日本内地の王民と峻別する一種の小中華思想を掲げた「小帝国」が成立することになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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