
「classic」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(10ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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In the Chunqiu period in China, the leader used the slogan meaning 'To respect () the Emperor () and protect Zhou Dynasty, we have to expel the iteki (夷狄 [unfamiliar tribes, at that time the Chu Dynasty to the south of Zhou Dynasty]),' and scholars of Japanese classic literature imported to use it. 例文帳に追加

古代中国の春秋時代において、周王朝の天子(王)を尊び、王朝を守るため侵入する夷狄(いてき=周辺諸民族。この時代の夷狄は南方の楚を指していた)を打ち払う、という意味で覇者が用いた標語を、国学者が輸入して流用したものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The structure of this villa and its interior were refurbished to restore its original classic appearance, and the cylinder type new subsidiary exhibition room was planned to be constructed underground, connected with the villa by a corridor in order not to disturb the natural environment and the calm atmosphere of the villa. 例文帳に追加

山荘の建物や内装は建設当時のクラシックな姿に修復される一方、山荘に付属する形で廊下で結ばれたシリンダー状の新展示室は、周囲の自然環境や山荘の落ち着いた調和を乱さぬよう、地下に計画された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In a boundary condition processor 22, when transposing the quantized particles to classic particles, a position setter 43 chooses the coordinates vertical to an interface so that only the coordinates where quantity of motion becomes the real number by random numbers based on the distribution of the wave function of a level to which the quantized particles belong.例文帳に追加

境界条件処理部22において、量子化した粒子を古典的粒子に置き換える場合、位置設定部43が、界面に垂直な方向の座標は、量子化した粒子の所属する準位の波動関数の分布を元に、運動量が実数になる座標のみを乱数で選ぶ。 - 特許庁

Considering an atomic model having a degree of internal freedom serving to determine covalently bonded portions, the motion of an expansion dynamic system combining atomic nucleus coordinates and the degree of internal freedom is calculated in a classic molecular dynamics method to express the smooth re-linkage of bonds.例文帳に追加

共有結合部位を決定する役割を持つ内部自由度を持った原子モデルを考え、原子核座標と内部自由度を併せた拡張力学系の運動を古典分子動力学法で計算し、結合の滑らかな繋ぎ変えを表現する。 - 特許庁


The sender and the recipient share the changes in the polarization of the 1st and 2nd photons and through the repetition of classic communication between the sender and the recipient, the recipient can extract the information to be sent by the sender so as to attain quantum encryption communication that can highly be protected against tapping.例文帳に追加

第1の光子と第2の光子の偏光状態の変化を送信者と受信者が分担して行い、送信者と受信者の古典通信の繰り返しにより送信者が送信しようとした情報を取り出すことが出来、盗聴から高度に保護された量子暗号通信が可能になる。 - 特許庁


To solve the problem that it takes a long time to stop all threads in a server application using many threads and the service of a system is stopped during the time in classic tracing type garbage collection where all the threads are stopped.例文帳に追加

古典的トレース式ごみ集めでは、実行にあたって全スレッドを停止するが、多数のスレッドを使うサーバアプリケーションでは全スレッドを停止しようとすると長い時間がかかり、その間システムのサービスが停止してしまう。 - 特許庁

In a case of a classic guitar, the oscillation energy of the strings can be transmitted efficiently to the front plate of the musical instrument to increase volume and the instrument sounds better only by placing a metal floor-plate in a groove for the saddle made in the bridge and putting the floor plate between the saddle and the bridge.例文帳に追加

クラシックギターの場合、金属製敷板を駒に作られたサドル用溝に置き弦受けのサドルと駒で挟むだけで、弦の振動エネルギーを効率よく楽器の表板に伝え音量を大きくすることができ鳴りが良くなる。 - 特許庁

Furthermore, a momentum setter 44 makes the energy of a level to which the quantized particles belongs coincide with the sum of the depthwise direction component of the kinetic energy and the potential energy of classic particles, as well as the momentum of a component parallel to an interface also coincide.例文帳に追加

また、運動量設定部44が、量子化した粒子の所属する準位のエネルギーが古典的粒子の運動エネルギーの深さ方向成分と位置エネルギーとの和に一致させ、また、界面に平行な成分の運動量も一致させる。 - 特許庁

Under the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties (Ordinance 2, Clause 1), 'cultural properties' are classified into six categories: 'tangible cultural properties,' 'intangible cultural properties,' 'folk cultural properties,' 'monuments (historical sites, places of scenic beauty and natural monuments,' 'cultural scenery' and 'classic architecture'; among them, 'tangible cultural properties' are designated by the nation (or the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) as 'important cultural properties' (under Ordinance 27, Clause 1 of the same law). 例文帳に追加

文化財保護法では「文化財」を「有形文化財」「無形文化財」「民俗文化財」「記念物(史跡、名勝、天然記念物)」「文化的景観」「伝統的建造物群」の6つのカテゴリーに分類している(同法第2条第1項)が、このうちの「有形文化財」に該当するもので、国(文部科学大臣)によって指定されたものを「重要文化財」と呼称している(同法第27条第1項)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Additionally, the Rikkei (six documents) books from Zhou, "Shikyo" (Chinese Poetry book), "Shujing" (Book of History), "Girai" (Yili), "Gakkei," "I Ching" (The Book of Changes), and "Shunju" (Spring and Autumn Annals) were specified as Ju-kyo scriptures, and from their Ju-ka-style interpretation learning perspective, "Classic of Rites" and den, or commentaries and collected papers, such as "Ekiden," "Chunqiu Zuoshi Zhuan" (Master Zuo's Commentary to the Spring and Autumns), "Shunju Kuyo-den" (Annotation of Gongyang on Spring and Autumn Annals), and "Shunju Kokuryo-den" (Annotation of Guliang on Spring and Autumn Annals) were organized. 例文帳に追加

また『詩経』『書経』『儀礼』『楽経』『易経』『春秋』といった周の書物を六経として儒家の経典とし、その儒家的な解釈学の立場から『礼記』や『易伝』『春秋左氏伝』『春秋公羊伝』『春秋穀梁伝』といった注釈書や論文集である伝が整理された(完成は漢代)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This concept can normally be seen in the various Nihon bujutsu (Japanese martial arts) and the Yusoku kojitsu (traditional protocol of the imperial court and samurai families) or reishiki (etiquette) that are derived from the practices and manners observed by court nobles in the Edo period; it can also be seen in fields where skills are passed down from one generation to the next, ranging from performing arts such as Nohgaku, Kabuki, and Ningyo Joruri (traditional Japanese puppet theater), Hogaku (traditional Japanese music), Sado (tea ceremony), Kado (flower arrangement), Kodo (traditional incense-smelling ceremony), Shodo (calligraphy), Bontei (tray garden) to traditional handicrafts and classic gardening. 例文帳に追加

通常は、各種の武芸である日本武術、江戸期の公家家職に由来する有職故実・礼式、そのほか能楽、歌舞伎、人形浄瑠璃などの芸能、邦楽、茶道、華道、香道、書道、盆庭などをはじめとして、伝統工芸的な手工業、古典園芸など、ひろく技術を伝承する分野においてこうした観念が見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Further, the fact that persons such as Kugyo FUJIWARA no Morosuke and the Chinese classic scholar Kiyoyuki MIYOSHI, who did not belong to Onmyoryo, but who had mastered astronomy, Onmyo, the art of divination, and the art of the calendar, shows that the national secret policy prescribed in the ritsuryo whereby the arts of Onmyo were prohibited from being taken out of Onmyoryo, had failed by this time. 例文帳に追加

あわせて、公卿の藤原師輔や漢文学者の三善清行など、陰陽寮の外にある人物が天文・陰陽・易学・暦学を習得していたということ自体、律令に定めた陰陽諸道の陰陽寮門外不出の国家機密政策はこの頃にはすでに実質的に破綻していたことを示している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Specifically, Wang Xinzhai put emphasis on the "Classic of Filial Piety", or "Xiao Jing", and The Four Books but, ideologically, was characterized by preaching the teachings that he had learned himself without being obsessive about commentaries on the Classics, advocating his original idea of 'Junnan kakubutsu,' and maintaining a primitivism whereby he made the ancient times his ideal, but above all he made it his duty to propagate Yomeigaku outside of the intellectual classes. 例文帳に追加

具体的には王心斎は、『孝経』と四書を重視したが、経書の注釈に拘らない自得の学問を説き、独特な「淮南格物」を主張したこと、古代を理想とする尚古思想をもっていたことがその思想的特徴といえるが、なによりも重要なのは、知識人層以外の階層に陽明学を広めることを己が責務としたことである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Jobosei is the rule of capital system stated by Kao Gong Ji (Records of technology, architecture, city planning etc.) in "Rites of Zhou," a classic of Confucianism, which defines Tojo as follows: (1) its shape is a square, nine li (li is an old Chinese unit of distance) on each side; (2) it has nine north-south streets and nine east-west streets, which are nine carriage tracks in width; and (3) the palace is located in the middle, with the alter of imperial ancestors on the east, the altar of soil and grain on the west, the imperial court on the south, and the market on the north. 例文帳に追加

条坊制は儒教の古典である『周礼』(しゅらい)考工記による都制の基準で、都城は9里の方形であること、南北9条、東西9坊の街路が走りその幅が車のわだちの9倍であること、中央に宮室を置きその左右に宗廟と社稷を配置すること、宮室の南には朝廷、北には市場を配すること、などが記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Sonpibunmyaku", a classic genealogy, was reedited according to "Shoka keizusan" (the genealogies of the various families), existing family trees, literature, local reports and records, such as "Kansei Choshu Shokafu" (genealogies of vassals in Edo Bakufu), "Hankanpu" (Genealogy of the Protectors of the Shogunate), "Record of family trees", "Jigekaden" (a record of family trees of Jige, lower rank court officials, written by Kagefumi MIKAMI), were studied and referenced, and pedigree charts were compiled by family and clan, such as Miyake (house of an imperial prince), Fujiwara clan, Sugawara clan, Ki clan, Taira clan, and various Minamoto clans. 例文帳に追加

系図の古典たる『尊卑分脈』を『諸家系図纂』に結びつけて再編纂しただけでなく、『寛政重修諸家譜』『藩翰譜』『諸家伝』『地下家伝』など先行の系図集や文献・地誌・記録類を広く渉猟し参考にして、宮家、藤原氏・菅原氏・紀氏・平氏・諸源氏などの諸氏・諸家ごとに集大成している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The sender sequentially measures the polarization of the 1st photon, transmits its measurement result to the recipient via a classic communication path, the recipient sequentially measures the polarization of the 2nd photon appearing in correlation with the 1st photon in terms of quantum mechanics and extracts the information to be sent by the sender according to the measurement result and that sent from the sender.例文帳に追加

送信者は第1の光子の偏光状態を順次測定して、その測定結果を古典通信路を介して受信者に送信し、受信者は第1の光子と量子力学的に相関して現れる第2の光子の偏光状態を順次測定し、その測定結果と送信者から送信される測定結果から、送信者が送信しようとした情報を取り出す。 - 特許庁

The Agreement on Safeguards explicitly prohibits the introduction and maintenance of VERs (one of the classic "grey-area" measures), orderly marketing arrangements and other similar measures, including export moderation, export or import price monitoring systems, export or import surveillance, compulsory import cartels, and trade-restrictive, discretionary export or import licensing schemes. It also prohibits Members from seeking adoption of grey-area measures by other Members.例文帳に追加

セーフガード協定では、典型的な「灰色措置」である輸出自主規制に加え、市場秩序維持取極(OM A:Orderly Marketing Arrangements)又はこれに類する措置(輸出の抑制、輸出入価格モニタリング、輸出入監視、強制輸入カルテル、裁量的輸出入許可制度であって国内保護を与える措置等)の導入・維持のみならず、これを他国に要請することも明示的に禁止されている。 - 経済産業省

"The Tale of Genji" after the Kamakura period was treated as an important intellectual source of classic knowledge, and in those days it was a general practice that manuscripts would be copied carefully from a reliable manuscript that could be the shohon (premised book) and completed after collation; however, in the Heian period stories like "The Tale of Genji" were diffused widely and many manuscripts were made, and among them was a manuscript made by upper-class people such as MINAMOTO no Reishi. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら鎌倉時代以降の『源氏物語』が古典として重要な教養の源泉であるとされた以後の時代に作成された写本は、証本となしうる信頼できる写本を元に注意深く写しとって、きちんと校合などもした上で完成させることが一般的であったが、それ以前、平安時代には『源氏物語』等の物語は広く普及し多くの写本が作られており、その中には源麗子本等の身分の高い人物が自ら作ったと見られる写本もあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Another theory is that at a place called "Dengakukubo" (in Kutsukake-cho, Toyoake City, Aichi Prefecture, and the name of the place "Dengakukubo" has survived to remain used in the address today), where one of Japanese classic popular performing arts, Dengaku, is said to have been played, the Imagawa side defeated by Oda side in the Battle of Okehazama were crucified, and the local residents around there began to call vegetables and freshwater fishes such as ayu (sweetfish, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis) on skewers they used to eat "Dengaku," associating the crucification method conducted there with the cooking method. 例文帳に追加

また、桶狭間の合戦の際、織田方に敗れた今川方が磔(はりつけ)などによって処刑された地が「田楽窪」(でんがくがくぼ)と呼ばれる、かつて古典芸能の田楽が行われていたのではないかと言われる地(現在も愛知県豊明市沓掛町内に大字名として残る)で、その処刑方法が当時当地で食されていた野菜や鮎などの川魚を串に刺して食していたものと似ていたため、それを田楽と呼んだという説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the oldest full-fledged educational institution was the Daigaku-ryo within the Centralized Administration established under the Ritsuryo Legal Codes, and according to the regulations, in the regular course (later known as Myogyodo), "Rongo" and "Kokyo" (Classic of Filial Piety) of Confucianism were compulsory and specializations were determined based on the combination scriptures from the three scripture groups: the large scriptures, which included "Raiki" and "Shunju Sashiden," the medium scriptures, which included "Moshi," "Shurai" and "Girai" and the small scriptures, which included "Shueki" and "Shosho." 例文帳に追加

日本最初の本格的な教育機関は律令制における大学寮であるとされているが、学令によればその本科(後の明経道)においては、儒教のうちの『論語』と『孝経』を必修とし、『周易』、『書経』、『周礼』、『儀礼』、『礼記』、『毛詩』、『春秋左氏伝』の7経のうち、『礼記』・『春秋左氏伝』を大経、『毛詩』・『周礼』・『儀礼』を中経、『周易』・『尚書』を小経としてその組み合わせで先行する経典を定めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As I just stressed in particular, I believe that, in a sense, the SME Financing Facilitation Act brought about a sweeping change. This is the type of statute that could only be enacted thanks to the change of administration. My hometown is Kitakyushu. It is a classic SME town, and SME owners there have said to me again and again, "Mr. Jimi, I am really happy that you created this law." 例文帳に追加

特に私が今強調しましたけれども、やはり中小企業金融円滑化法、これは非常にある意味ではコペルニクス的な転換だったと思っていますよ。こんなのはやはり政権交代ができたからできた法律であって、私もここで申し上げたと思いますが、私、地元が北九州市でございますから、まさに中小企業のまちでございますから、中小企業の経営者本人から何回も「自見さん、本当にこの法律作ってくれてよかった」と。 - 金融庁


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