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escaped fromの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 464


"And now, the champion, having escaped from the terrible fury of the dragon, bethinking himself of the brazen shield, and of the breaking up of the enchantment which was upon it, removed the carcass from out of the way before him, and approached valorously over the silver pavement of the castle to where the shield was upon the wall ; 例文帳に追加

「かくて今や竜の恐ろしき怒りをまぬかれたる戦士は、かの真鍮の楯を思い浮べ、そが上にしるされたる妖術(ようじゅつ)を解かんとて、竜の骸(むくろ)を道より押しのけ、勇を鼓して館(やかた)の白銀の床を踏み、楯のかかれる壁へ近づきけるに、 - Edgar Allan Poe『アッシャー家の崩壊』

Article 151 When a detainee who has escaped from a prisoner of war camp is yet to be re-captured as provided for by the provision of Article 161 at the time of completion of repatriation, etc. set forth in the preceding Article, the written internment order issued to said detainee shall cease to be effective on the day of completion of repatriation, etc. 例文帳に追加

第百五十一条 前条の送還等が完了した時点において、捕虜収容所から逃走した被収容者が第百六十一条の規定により再拘束されていないときは、その者に係る抑留令書は、当該送還等の完了の日に失効するものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The other reason is that it avoids to fix the idea or discernment as a 'biased view' or 'obsession' based on the selfish interpretation, and that it encourages to discern after reaching the free mental state escaped from the biased view through mediation as a non biased discernment. 例文帳に追加

もう一つの理由として、概念の固定化や分別を、わがままな解釈に基づく「とらわれ」「妄想」であるとして避けるためであり、坐禅修行によってとらわれを離れた自由な境地に達してのちに、そこから改めて分別することをとらわれなき分別として奨励するからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, this was a plot by Taro IWAMI and others, and Jitenno and his younger brother Prince Chugi Konomiya (he is said to be a Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") of the Gonancho, but it is not known for sure, and he is also said to have escaped from the palace only to die in the Motomura Plateau) were defeated and killed in the Imperial Palace. 例文帳に追加

しかしこれは石見太郎らの策略であり、自天王とその弟河野宮忠義王(後南朝の征夷大将軍ともいわれるがさだかではない、御所からは抜け出すが本村高原で没したとも)は敗北し御所で討たれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Emperor Godaigo was exiled to the Oki Islands due to the Genko War and Emperor Kogon (currently the Northern Court [Japan] Emperor) ascended the throne, but Emperor Godaigo who escaped from the Oki Islands and came back to Kyoto denied the enthronement of Emperor Kogon. 例文帳に追加

なお、後醍醐天皇が元弘の乱によって隠岐諸島に流罪となり、かわって光厳天皇(現在では北朝(日本)天皇とされている)が即位したものの、後に隠岐を脱出し帰京した後醍醐天皇によって光厳天皇の即位は否定された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yoshitsune, who escaped from persecution, was protected by the anti-Kamakura nobles as well as priests of temples and shrines, hid in the vicinity of Kyoto, but the next year, in May 1186, his uncle Yukiie was defeated and killed by the Kamakura side in Izumi Province, and other family members and vassals, who were hidden in various places in the country, were discovered and killed one by one. 例文帳に追加

逃れた義経は反鎌倉の貴族、寺院勢力に匿われ京都周辺に潜伏するが、翌年の文治2年(1186年)5月に和泉国で叔父・行家が鎌倉方に討ち取られ、各地に潜伏していた郎党達も次々と発見され殺害される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it is said that because he was annoyed by the overly intrusive attitude of his mother (as mentioned previously) and was opposed to his father Yoshimasa over his concubine (the daughter of Kimiari TOKUDAIJI), Yoshihisa escaped from his mother's house and moved to the residence of Sadamune ISE, the majordomo of Mandokoro (the Office of Administration). 例文帳に追加

しかし、母のこういった過干渉な態度は義尚にとってはうっとうしいものであったといわれ、側室(徳大寺公有の娘)をめぐって、父・義政と対立したことなどのために、母の家から義尚は逃げ出した形となり、政所執事である伊勢貞宗の屋敷に移っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the historical epic, Taiheiki (The Record of the Great Peace), these descendants of Masakane fought for the Akamatsu against the Yamana clan and then, as the Kanke-to party together with Emperor Godaigo, who had escaped from exile on Okinoshima Island, they fought against Rokuhara army of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) including the Takeda clan and others in the Battle of Inokuma in Kyoto on April 29, 1330. 例文帳に追加

太平記では山名氏と赤松方として争い、また隠岐島から脱出した後醍醐天皇と共に菅家党として、元徳2年(1330年)4月3日、京都猪熊合戦で武田ら鎌倉幕府の六波羅軍と戦った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was the tale where Minamoto no Yoshiie chased after the "enemy," Sadato ABE, who abandoned and escaped from Koromogawa Seki (castle) and called out the lower line while aiming the arrow, to which, Sadato immediately shot back the top line of the song, so Yoshiie didn't shoot him due to the "sympathy of bushi (warrior)." 例文帳に追加

「敵」とは安倍貞任で、衣川関を捨てて敗走する安倍貞任を追う源義家が、矢を番えながら下の句を歌いかけると、貞任は即座にその上の句を返したので、義家は感じいって「武士の情け」と、矢を放つのを止めたという話。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


People from the Shikoku region escaped to Awaji-shima Island and tried to confront the Taira family by occupying a castle under the command of MINAMOTO no Yoshitsugu and MINAMOTO no Yoshihisa, who were sons of MINAMOTO no Tameyoshi, but Noritsune attacked and defeated them, slaying Yoshitsugu, capturing Yoshihisa alive, and beheading over 130 persons who had betrayed the Taira family. 例文帳に追加

四国の者たちは淡路島へ逃れ、この地の源義嗣、源義久兄弟(源為義の子)を大将に城を構えて対抗しようとしたが、教経はこれを攻め潰して、義嗣を討ち取り、義久を生け捕り、叛いた130余人を斬首した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This tale was dramatized by Zeami into a Noh play and it is known by its title "Ukai" (cormorant fishing); in this temple and in the local society there is maintained a legend that the cormorant fisherman 'Kansaku' was Tokitada who had escaped from his place of exile, Noto Province, came to this place as a drifter, and lived as a fisherman. 例文帳に追加

この話は後に世阿弥により能に脚色され、『鵜飼』の演目で知られているが、当寺および地元ではこの話の鵜匠「勘作」が実は時忠であり、配流先の能登国から逃れてこの地に流れ着き、漁師をしていたという伝説を伝えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although it is not clear what he was doing during the beginning of the Jisho-Juei War, according to "Gukansho" (Jottings of a Fool), around 1183, he escaped from Yoshinaka KISO who had control over the capital, and according to "Azuma Kagami" (Eastern Mirror), in 1184, he was staying in Kamakura with TAIRA no Yorimori. 例文帳に追加

治承寿永の乱の初期の間の能保の動向は明らかではないが、都が木曽義仲の勢力下にあった1183年頃、その圧迫を逃れて東国に下ったとの記載が「愚管抄」にあり、また1184年には平頼盛などとともに鎌倉に滞在していることが「吾妻鏡」に記載されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the beginning, the course of the war ran in Nobuyori's favor, but the situation drastically changed as FUJIWARA no Korekata and FUJIWARA no Tsunemune deserted, switching sides to the enemy and made the Emperor Nijo escape from Dairi, and the Retired Emperor escaped and Nobuyori and his allies were driven into the corner as a rebel army. 例文帳に追加

当初、戦局は信頼方に有利に展開するが、藤原惟方・藤原経宗らが敵方に寝返り二条天皇を内裏から脱出させたことから状況は一変、上皇も脱出し、信頼らは一転して賊軍としての立場に追い込まれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1331, he joined the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) army during the Genko War in which the Emperor Godaigo escaped from the dairi (imperial palace), and raised an army in Mt. Kasagi, and also joined the Rokuhara tandai (agent of the Kamakura bakufu stationed in Rokuhara, Kyoto) army and closed in on Sanmon Higashi Sakamoto, and took on the care of Ichinomiya (first prince), Imperial Prince Takayoshi [Takanaga] who was captured. 例文帳に追加

元弘元年(1331年)、後醍醐天皇が内裏を脱出して笠木山に挙兵した元弘の乱では鎌倉幕府方に従い鎮圧に加わり、六波羅探題軍に加わり山門東坂本に攻め寄せており、捕縛された一宮尊良親王を預かっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the time of the Honnoji Incident on June 1582, he stayed at Nijo-gosho Palace (built by an order of Nobunaga ODA and given to Imperial Prince Sanehito) with the prince, and soon told by Nobutada ODA who escaped from the Honno-ji Temple to go back to the Imperial Palace immediately to avoid danger. 例文帳に追加

天正10年(1582年)6月の本能寺の変に際しては、皇太子誠仁親王とともに二条御所(織田信長が造営して誠仁親王に献上していた)にいたのだが、まもなく織田信忠らが二条御所へ逃れてきて、ここは危険なのですぐにも内裏へ逃れるよう言われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Emperor Nijo who already escaped from Dairi and the retired emperor both entered the Rokuhara residence of TAIRA no Kiyomori, Nariyori heralded it as a sign of Kiyomori's legitimacy to kugyo and Shodaibu (aristocracy lower than Kugyo), so Nariyori contributed to a drastic shift in the tide of the war in Kiyomori's favor. 例文帳に追加

上皇、及びこれに先立って脱出していた二条天皇がともに平清盛の六波羅邸に入ると、成頼はこのことを公卿・諸大夫の間に触れて回り、戦局を一気に清盛の側に有利なものとすることに貢献した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Emperor Godaigo planned an anti-Shogunate movement to attack the Kamakura shogunate government, but the plan was disclosed and Emperor Godaigo was caught and subsequently exiled to Oki no shima Island in 1331 in the Genko War; when he escaped from the island in 1333, Nagatoshi welcomed Emperor Godaigo to Mt. Senjo (Kotoura-cho, Tohaku District, Tottori Prefecture) and joined the anti-Shogunate movement. 例文帳に追加

1331年(元弘元年)の元弘の変で鎌倉幕府の討幕計画が露見し捕縛されて隠岐島に流罪となっていた後醍醐天皇が、1333年(元弘3年/正慶2年)に島を脱出すると、これを船上山(鳥取県東伯郡琴浦町)に迎え、討幕運動に加わる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1350 when Kanno Disturbance occurred, that was a consequence of the conflict in the Ashikaga family between Tadayoshi ASHIKAGA, a younger brother of Shogun Takauji, and KO no Moronao, a shitsuji (steward) of the Ashikaga family, Tokiuji at first supported Moronao and joined the coup d'etat for the rejection of Tadayoshi, but in December he escaped from Kyoto to belong to the Southern Court and obeyed Tadayoshi who had destroyed Moronao. 例文帳に追加

1350年、足利家において将軍尊氏の弟の足利直義と、足利家執事の高師直の対立が発展して観応の擾乱が起こると、時氏は初め師直を推して直義排斥のクーデターにも参加するが、12月に京都を脱出して南朝に属し、師直を滅ぼした直義に従う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He had a firm character and was faithful; when a rebellion happened on the recall of Imperial Prince Munetaka on August 11, 1266, many trusted vassals escaped from Shogun's palace leaving the Imperial Prince, whereas only Tadakage and a small number of people stayed in Shogun's palace; this attitude of him is written in "Hojo kudaiki" (Records of nine generations of the Hojo clan) as being valuable. 例文帳に追加

気骨のある誠実な人物で、文永3年(1266年)7月3日、宗尊親王の更迭をめぐる騒動の際には多くの近臣が親王を見捨てて将軍御所から逃げ出す中、忠景ら数名のみが御所に残留し、その姿勢を『北条九代記』などに評価されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, soon he fell out with the Triumvirate and was confined by them for a time, and on April 5, 1567, he escaped from the Triumvirate, allied himself with Hisahide and fought against the Triumvirate in Nara, where they had Todai-ji Temple burnt down in the battle on November 20, 10 (warrior clashes at the Great Buddha Hall of Todai-ji Temple). 例文帳に追加

しかし、やがて三人衆と不仲になって一時拘禁されたが、永禄10年(1567年)2月16日、三人衆のもとから逃れて久秀と手を結び、奈良で三人衆と戦い、10月10日の戦いで東大寺を焼いてしまった(東大寺大仏殿の戦い)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, when the power of the Imperial Court was transferred from the supporters of Sonno Joi to the supporters of Kobu Gattai (integration of the imperial court and the shogunate), owing to the Coup of August 18 that took place in 1863, he escaped to the Choshu Domain by ship protected by the army of Choshu Domain together with Sanetomi SANJO, Suetomo SANJO, Nobuyoshi SAWA, Motoosa MIBU, Takauta SHIJO, and Yorinori NISHIKINOKOJI. 例文帳に追加

しかし文久3年(1863年)、八月十八日の政変によって、朝廷の実権が尊皇攘夷派から公武合体派に移ると、長州藩兵に守られ、三条実美、三条西季知、澤宣嘉、壬生基修、四条隆謌、錦小路頼徳とともに船で長州へ逃れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Emperor Godaigo, on the other hand, escaped from Kyoto, fleeing to Yoshino and insisting that 'The Imperial Regalia I handed over to the Northern Court are fake; Emperor Komyo's throne is not the true Imperial throne' before establishing his own Court at Yoshino (the Southern Court), sending his own sons in obedience to his wishes to various areas, including Hokuriku and Kyushu. 例文帳に追加

後醍醐天皇は京都を脱出して吉野へ逃れ、「北朝に渡した神器は贋物であり光明天皇の皇位は正統ではない」と主張して吉野に南朝(吉野朝廷)を開き、北陸や九州など各地へ自らの皇子を奉じさせて派遣する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Emperor Godaigo escaped to Ei-zan Mountain and continued to rebel, but Emperor Koyo ascended the throne in August and started the Northern Court, and Takauji, who retrieved the Three Sacred Treasures from Emperor Godaigo who returned Kyoto in November, established a samurai government (later the Muromachi bakufu) in Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

後醍醐天皇は叡山に逃れて抵抗するが、8月には光明天皇を践祚して北朝が成立し、11月に帰京した後醍醐天皇から三種の神器を接収した尊氏は京都に武家政権(のちの室町幕府)を成立させる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Takauji ASHIKAGA crushed Emperor Godaigo's Kenmu Restoration, and after being appointed Shogun by Emperor Kogon of the Jimyoin lineage, he formally established his bakufu; Emperor Godaigo, on the other hand, escaped from Kyoto and established a new imperial court at Yoshino, ushering in the Northern and Southern Courts period--the period during which both the Northern and Southern Courts existed simultaneously. 例文帳に追加

足利尊氏が後醍醐天皇の建武の新政を打倒し、持明院統の光明天皇より征夷大将軍の宣下を受け正式に幕府を開く一方、後醍醐天皇は京都を脱出して吉野に吉野朝廷を開き、北朝と南朝が両立する南北朝時代がはじまる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to Nihonshoki, Prince Oama (later Emperor Tenchi) was to ascend the throne, who escaped eastward from Yoshino in June 672 to base in Mino no Kuni where he commandeered troops and advanced toward the Imperial Palace to challenge the OTOMO side to a battle in July of the same year. 例文帳に追加

日本書紀によれば、天智天皇より皇位継承するのは大海人皇子とされていたとあり、天武天皇(後の天武天皇)は672年6月に吉野から東方へ脱出し、美濃国を拠点に軍兵を徴発した上で近江大津宮へ進軍し、同年7月、大友側に決戦を挑んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Having no idea what to do with hiimself, TAIRA no Sadamori left for Kyoto via Tosando Road in Feburary 938, but was chased by Masakado with his 100 horsemen who feared action from the Imperial Court; Sadamori escaped following a battle at Shinano-gawa River in Shinano Province, although many of his men were killed. 例文帳に追加

承平8年(938年)2月、身の置き所のなくなった平貞盛は東山道をへて京へ上ろうと出立するが、朝廷に告訴されることを恐れた将門は100騎を率いてこれを追撃、信濃国信濃川で追いついて合戦となり、貞盛側の多くが討たれるも、貞盛は身ひとつで逃亡に成功。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Azamaro stopped his enveloping attack only for Mutsu no suke (assistant governor of Mutsu Province) Matsuna OTOMO and transferred him to Taga-jo Castle, while, the residents in the castle town entering the Taga-jo Castle tried to protect it, however, ISHIKAWA no Kiyotari, the jo (secretary of provincial offices), and Matsuna escaped together secretly from the rear gate then the residents scattered out of necessity. 例文帳に追加

陸奥介大伴真綱だけは囲みを開いて多賀城に護送されたが、城下の住民が多賀城の中に入って城を守ろうとしたのに対し、真綱と掾の石川浄足はともに後門から隠れて逃げ、住民もやむなく散り散りになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Emperor Godaigo, who escaped from Kyoto to Yoshino at the end of 1336 in order to stand in opposition to Takauji ASHIKAGA, ordered Akiie KITABATAKE, who was at Taga-jo Castle in Mutsu Province, to defeat Takauji in Kyoto in support of the Imperial Prince Norinaga (later the Emperor Gomurakami). 例文帳に追加

延元元年/建武(日本)3年(1336年)暮れに、足利尊氏に対抗するために京都を脱出して吉野に逃れた後醍醐天皇は、陸奥国多賀城にいる北畠顕家に対して義良親王(後の後村上天皇)を奉じて上洛して尊氏を討つ様に命じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a tray for treating organic waste through which larvae of houseflies can be easily escaped by their own abilities, and prevents becoming pupas in digestion waste, and can separate biological materials from the effectively composted digestion waste.例文帳に追加

イエバエの幼虫が自力で処理用トレーから容易に脱出でき、消化残渣内でサナギ化することを可及的に減少させ、効果的に堆肥化された消化残渣と生体物質とを分離することができる有機廃棄物の処理用トレーを提供する。 - 特許庁

In a state in which fixing process is performed by activating a halogen heater 25, a radiation member 40 is separated with respect to the fixing belt 21, to prevent heat of the heated fixing belt 21 from being conducted to the radiation member 40 to be escaped.例文帳に追加

ハロゲンヒータ25を作動させて定着処理を行っている状態では、放熱部材40を定着ベルト21に対して離間させて、加熱された定着ベルト21の熱が放熱部材40に伝わって逃げることがないようにする。 - 特許庁

When air bubbles are mixed in the liquid passing through the discharge channel 13, the air bubbles escape from the upper communication hole 16 into the reserve tank section 6, so that the liquid in the reserve tank section 6 is supplied into the discharge channel 13 through the communication holes 16, 17 by an amount equal to that of the air bubbles which has escaped into the reserve tank section.例文帳に追加

吐出用流路13内を通る液体に気泡が混入していた場合、気泡は上側の連通孔16からリザーブタンク部6側へ逃げるようになり、その分、リザーブタンク部6内の液体が連通孔16,17を通して吐出用流路13内へ補充される。 - 特許庁

To provide a fluid bearing device, a spindle motor and a recording and reproducing apparatus, capable of preventing mixture of air bubbles, of preventing leakage etc. of lubrication fluid by forming a shape from which air bubbles can be easily escaped even if they are mixed, and of accurately controlling a filling state of lubrication fluid.例文帳に追加

気泡の混入を防止して、また万一気泡が混入しても気泡が抜けやすい形状とすることで潤滑流体の漏洩等を防ぎ、潤滑流体の充填状態を正確に管理することが可能な流体軸受装置、スピンドルモータおよび記録再生装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

As a result of the presumption of the road surface state, when it can be determined that the vehicle is escaped from the bad road so that the excessive load is applied to the absorber unit, the control reset part 48 releases the temporary stopping processing of the control of the absorber unit by the control stopping part 46.例文帳に追加

その路面状態の推定の結果、車両がアブソーバユニットに過負荷をかけるような悪路から脱したと判断できる場合、制御復帰部48は制御停止部46によるアブソーバユニットの制御の一時停止処理を解除する。 - 特許庁

In such a way, with sufficient pushing pressure, the insulator 32 is escaped from a gap between the solder bumps 30a, 30b and the solder bumps 30a, 30 are joined, whereas with insufficient pushing pressure, the insulator 32 is left in the gap between the solder bump 30a and the solder bump 30b.例文帳に追加

こうすれば、押しつける圧力が充分であれば、絶縁物32が半田バンプ30a,30b間から逃げて半田バンプ30a,30bとは接合されるが、加熱温度及び押しつけ圧力が不十分ならば、絶縁物32は、半田バンプ30aと半田バンプ30bと間に残る。 - 特許庁

Thereby, an arc having moved to the tip of the moving contact 5 is pushed out to an external space larger than a space between the left and right side walls 21, and the arc having escaped from the upper corner parts 21a can be properly extended by guiding it to the uppermost magnetic plate 15.例文帳に追加

これにより、可動接触子5の先端に転移したアークを左右の側壁21の間隔よりも広い外部空間に押し出し、上角部21aを逃れたアークを最上位の磁性板15に導いて良好に引き伸ばすことができる。 - 特許庁

In the method, the cutting process can be easily performed by using a knife 1 where the cut blade 7 of the intermediate area 10 of a blade body 2 is backwardly escaped, or a cutter having contact parts at its front and back ends and provided with a cut blade at such a position as to upwardly escape from the contact part.例文帳に追加

刃身2の中間領域10の切り刃7が棟3側に回避後退した庖丁1、または前後端に当接部を有し該当接部から上方に後退回避した位置に切り刃を設けた刃物を用いると簡単に加工できる。 - 特許庁

Since the amount of the air contained in the air passage 4a of an air discharge pipe 4 is appropriately balanced with the water introduced from the lower part when the float 8 is absent, the air is not effectively escaped unless the appropriate diameter, or the like, of an air communicating pipe 2 are preliminarily determined.例文帳に追加

浮子8がないとすると、空気排出管4の空気通路4aに入っている空気量と下方から入ってくる水とのバランスを適切に調整するため、予め適切な空気連通管2の径などを決めない限り、有効な空気逃がし機能を果たさない。 - 特許庁

This apparatus 5 is equipped with a material tank 7 housing slurry 25 containing a fiber component and a lifting and lowering member 9 having a raw material forming part 8 reciprocating between a lowering position B immersed into the slurry 25 and a raising position A escaped from the slurry 25.例文帳に追加

抄造装置5は、繊維成分を含むスラリ25を収容した材料槽7と、そのスラリ25内に没入した下降位置Bおよびスラリ25から脱出した上昇位置A間を往復動する素材形成部8を持つ昇降部材9とを備える。 - 特許庁

Since the engagement projection 30 is deeply fitted to the engagement groove 29, the lumbar support 11 is held so as not to be slip-down, and also, when the lever 22 is turned downward, the engagement projection 30 is escaped from the engagement groove 29, so that locking is released.例文帳に追加

係合突起30と係合溝29とが深く嵌合しているためランバーサポート11はずり下がり不能に保持されており、かつ、レバー22を下向き回動させると係合突起30が係合溝29から逃げてロックが解除される。 - 特許庁

To provide an exposure method and equipment, an exposure mask, a manufacturing method of devices or the like, wherein exposure is available with higher resolution with no overlaying of near-field light escaped from the adjacent apertures of a mask in exposing with the near-field mask.例文帳に追加

近接場マスクによる露光に際して、マスクの隣接する開口から滲み出る近接場光同士が重なり合うことなく、高い分解能で露光することが可能となる露光方法及び装置、露光用マスク、デバイスの製造方法、等を提供する。 - 特許庁

by which he has granted to us his precious and exceedingly great promises; that through these you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world by lust. 例文帳に追加

この栄光と美徳とによって,その方は,ご自分の貴重かつ非常に偉大な約束をわたしたちに与えておられます。それは,あなた方がこれらによって,欲望のゆえにこの世にある腐敗から逃れて,この神的な性質に共にあずかる者となるためです。 - 電網聖書『ペトロの第二の手紙 1:4』

When the differential pressure between the front and rear of the expansion device 1 reaches a preset value or higher, a refrigerant flowing in from the upstream side can be escaped to a channel separate from a refrigerant passage 24 in a valve element 20 by a release mechanism, thus preventing refrigerant pressure from increasing abnormally inside the expansion device 1 and preventing damage, or the like in internal equipment from occurring.例文帳に追加

また、膨張装置1の前後差圧が予め定める値以上となった場合には、リリーフ機構により、上流側から流入した冷媒を弁体20の冷媒通路24とは別の流路に逃がすことができるため、膨張装置1内部における冷媒圧力の異常な上昇を防止して、内部機器の破損等を防止することができる。 - 特許庁

Originally, he read the Bible that he translated from Chinese as reading material but became interested in Christianity when he prayed and escaped from crisis when the couple could not take care of the toddler from having a high fever at the end of 1878, visited the lecture hall of Canadian missionary, Charles S. Eby, who opened the lecture hall in Koshusakura Town in July 1878, and was deeply moved by the teachings that he was christened. 例文帳に追加

元々、中国語から訳した聖書を読み物として持っていたが、明治11年(1878年)暮れに夫婦とも高熱により乳飲み児の世話すら出来ない危機を祈りによって脱した経験からキリスト教に関心を持ち、同年7月に甲州桜町に講義所を開いていたカナダの宣教師CSイビー(Charles.S.Eby)のもとを翌年訪れ、その教えに感銘を受け授洗。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In February 1924, during his release from prison under sekifu (release from detention entrusting the accused to family members, etc.) after being imprisoned by the first Omoto crackdown, he escaped from the Empire of Japan to Mongolia to engage in activities with the head of mounted bandits called Rosenkai and came very close to death in June of that year in Paintara due to a concoction by Zuolin ZHANG (religious persecution in Paintara), but the six Japanese including Morihei UESHIBA, who engaged in activities with Onisaburo, found refuge and returned to the country the following month. 例文帳に追加

1924年2月、第一次大本弾圧事件による責付出獄中に大日本帝国を脱出して、モンゴル地方へ行き盧占魁(ろせんかい)という馬賊の頭領とともに活動するが、同年6月パインタラにて張作霖の策謀により落命寸前の危機となる(パインタラの法難)も、王仁三郎とともに活動した植芝盛平をはじめ日本人6人は無事難を逃れ、翌月帰国する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a method for producing electrolytic metal powder where, in the production of electrolytic metal powder, bubbles generated from an anode are enlarged and are allowed to be swiftly escaped from an electrolytic solution, and the phenomenon that the bubbles generated from the anode are involved in metal powder and precipitated metal is oxidized is prevented, thus the quality of the metal powder is improved.例文帳に追加

電解金属粉製造において、陽極より発生する気泡を大きくし電解液中より速やかに抜けさせ、陽極より発生する気泡が金属粉に巻き込まれて析出金属が酸化するのを防止することによって、金属粉の品質を向上させる電解金属粉の製造方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

When Takauji ASHIKAGA defected from the new restoration and he attacked Kyoto in 1336 after he won from the Battle of Minatogawa, Prince Tsuneyoshi/Tsunenaga, who escaped to Mt. Hiei, was given the Imperial rank and three sacred emblems of the Imperial Family, he was asked by the father and son, Yoshisada NITTA and Yoshiaki NITTA, to go to Kanegasaki-jo Castle in Echizen province (Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture), together with Imperial Prince Takayoshi/Takanaga who was his half older brother, under the pretext of ruling Hokuriku district, 例文帳に追加

足利尊氏が新政から離反し、建武3年(1336年)の湊川の戦いに勝利して京都へ迫ると、比叡山に逃れていた恒良は後醍醐天皇から皇位と三種の神器を譲られ、異母兄の尊良親王とともに新田義貞・新田義顕父子に奉じられて北陸地方統治を名目に越前国金ヶ崎城(福井県敦賀市)に下向する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, when he knew that the western camp, including his father, suffered a crushing defeat from the attack by the eastern camp and fell apart to pieces at the main battle of the Battle of Sekigahara, he escaped from Osaka-jo Castle behind the scenes with the help of a senior vassal, Jinnai TSUYAMA and his menoto (a woman providing breast-feed to a highborn baby), etc. into Jusho-in Temple, a subtemple of Myoshin-ji Temple in Kyoto, and became a priest by the chief priest, Eryo HAKUHO and entered the Buddhist priesthood. 例文帳に追加

しかし、関ヶ原本戦で父をはじめとする西軍が東軍に大敗して壊滅したことを知ると、重臣の津山甚内や乳母などの手によって密かに大坂城から抜け出して京都妙心寺の塔頭寿聖院に入り、住職である伯蒲恵稜の手によって出家し、仏門に入った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The story about Sahobime who escaped from strong samurai by being clad in a dress rotten by alcohol and wearing a wig after shaving her head might be a legend; however, women indeed had difficulty in running away and fighting back when grabbed by the hair as shown in the scene in the Battle of Dannoura that women who tried to commit suicide by drowning were captured by their hair's being entangled with a rake and were held captive. 例文帳に追加

酒で腐った衣をまとい、髪を剃り上げて鬘にすることで屈強の武士から逃れたサホビメの物語は伝説だとしても、壇ノ浦の戦いの際、入水した女性達が長い髪を熊手で絡め取られて捕虜となった様に、髪を捕まえられると逃走や抵抗が難しくなってしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although hakucho's expenditure and behavior were heavily restricted, they could earn commissions from their jobs, and escaped the terrible property collection, which was performed for the common people repeatedly, since yangban (traditional ruling class or nobles of dynastic Korea during the Joseon Dynasty) detested even to seize hakucho's property, therefore it is believed that hakucho was the only rank which could accumulate the capital in Joseon Dynasty. 例文帳に追加

支出や行動が厳しく規制される反面、本業による手数料などを得ることができたことや、両班階級が財産を没収することすら忌み嫌ったために、李氏朝鮮時代に繰り返し行われていた庶民に対する過酷な財産徴収なども受けず、李氏朝鮮の中では唯一資本蓄積が可能な階級だったとも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When she was forgotten by her husband (FUJIWARA no Yasumasa), she visited Kifune-jinja Shrine where she watched the fireflies flying around the Mitarashi-gawa River and composed a poem:'Mono omohebasawa no hotaru mowagami yoriakugare idurutama ka to zo miru(So lost in thought,even the fireflies in the valley,seem like my spirit,escaped from my body,and wandering about). 例文帳に追加

「男(夫の藤原保昌)に忘れられている頃、貴船神社に参拝し、御手洗川に蛍が飛んでいるのを見て詠んだ歌」として「物おもへば沢の蛍も我が身よりあくがれいづる魂(たま)かとぞみる」(恋しさに悩んでいたら、沢に飛ぶ蛍も私の体から抜け出した魂ではないかと見える)という歌である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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