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a mistranslation 例文帳に追加

翻訳違い - 斎藤和英大辞典

a mistranslation 例文帳に追加

翻訳の誤り - 斎藤和英大辞典

Written Correction of Mistranslation 例文帳に追加

誤訳訂正書 - 特許庁

Correction of Mistranslation and Regular Amendment 例文帳に追加

誤訳訂正及び一般補正 - 特許庁


Refer to "6.Written Correction of Mistranslation" with regard to the examination of written correction of mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

誤訳訂正書の審査については、「6.誤訳訂正書」参照。 - 特許庁


"Aiming at Correction of Mistranslation" 例文帳に追加

「誤訳の訂正を目的としていること」について - 特許庁

A written correction of mistranslation is, in its nature, a document to be filed when making an amendment with the aim of correction of mistranslation. In actual practice, however, an amendment not aiming at the correction of mistranslation may also be necessary at the same time of making a correction of mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

誤訳訂正書は本来誤訳の訂正を目的として補正を行う際に提出する書面であるが、実務上は、誤訳の訂正を目的としない補正が併せて必要となる場合も生じうる。 - 特許庁

Submit a written correction of mistranslation to clarify that the description concerning the indicated new matter beyond the translation has been introduced for the purpose of correcting a mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

誤訳訂正書を提出し、指摘された翻訳文新規事項に係る記載が誤訳の訂正に基づくものであることを明らかにする。 - 特許庁

On the other hand, it is impermissible to include an amendment for correction of mistranslation in a written amendment without submitting a written correction of mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

これとは逆に、誤訳の訂正を目的とする補正を誤訳訂正書によらずに手続補正書に含ませることはできない。 - 特許庁


As in the case of the foreign language application, a mistranslation in the foreign language PCT patent application may be corrected by submitting a written correction of mistranslation (Article 184duodecies(2)). 例文帳に追加

PCT外国語特許出願についても、外国語書面出願と同様、誤訳訂正書の提出により誤訳訂正を認める(第184条の12第2項)。 - 特許庁


However, the examiner may not dismiss the amendment made by the written correction of mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

しかし、誤訳訂正書を補正却下することはできない。 - 特許庁

To provide a translation aid system capable of reducing the possibility of mistranslation.例文帳に追加

誤訳の可能性を低減できる翻訳支援システムを提供する。 - 特許庁

When an amendment is made by submitting a written correction of mistranslation, the fact whether or not said amendment aims at correction of mistranslation does not constitute a reason for refusal. Therefore, the purpose itself should not be examined for a written correction of mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

誤訳訂正書が提出された場合に、その補正が誤訳の訂正を目的とするものか否かは、拒絶理由とされておらず、その適否の審査は行わない。 - 特許庁

Even if a written correction of mistranslation includes a regular amendment, it is possible for third parties or the examiner to clarify the content of mistranslation or the reasons for correction as far as the mistranslation is concerned. 例文帳に追加

誤訳訂正書による補正に一般補正による補正が含まれていたとしても、誤訳訂正個所について第三者や審査官に誤訳の内容や訂正の理由を明らかにすることは可能である。 - 特許庁

The purpose of the written correction of mistranslation is to clarify the content of mistranslation and the reasons for correction to third parties or the examiner when there are mistranslations. Therefore, it is not proper to make an amendment through the regular amendment procedure, if it should be amended by the written correction of mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

誤訳訂正書の趣旨は、誤訳があった場合に、第三者や審査官にその内容や理由を明らかにさせることにあるので、本来、誤訳訂正書で対応すべき補正を一般補正で行うことは適切でないためである。 - 特許庁

When an amendment is made in order to correct a mistranslation, the applicant is liable for submitting a written correction of mistranslation in which the reasons for correction of mistranslation must be stated. The purposes of this procedure are (i) to clarify that the correction of mistranslation is conducted on the basis of the description of the foreign language document, and (ii) to lighten third parties' or the examiners' burden of checking whether the correction of mistranslation is appropriate or not in the light of the foreign language document. 例文帳に追加

誤訳の訂正を目的として補正を行う場合には、誤訳訂正書の提出を義務づけるとともに、誤訳訂正の理由を記載させることにより、①誤訳訂正が外国語書面の記載に基づいて行われたことを明確化し、②第三者や審査官が外国語書面を照合して、誤訳訂正が適正なものであるか否かをチェックする負担を軽減することとしている。 - 特許庁

Even if the description in the written correction of mistranslation is not completely sufficient, the reason for refusal based on the new matter beyond translation should be deemed overcome by the written correction of mistranslation, if it makes apparent that the new matter beyond the translation has been added for correcting mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

なお、誤訳訂正書の記載が必ずしも十分なものでなくとも、誤訳訂正書の記載から翻訳文新規事項が追加されたことが明らかであれば、誤訳訂正書により、翻訳文新規事項の拒絶理由は解消したものとする。 - 特許庁

("The 'economic animal' was a compliment - misunderstanding and mistranslation in modern contemporary history" written by Toshiyuki TAGA) 例文帳に追加

(『「エコノミック・アニマル」は褒め言葉だった―誤解と誤訳の近現代史』多賀敏行著)) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It looked strange to Japanese fans, but it was probably a mistranslation ofIt’s gonna happen.” 例文帳に追加

日本人ファンにとっては奇妙に見えたが,それはおそらく「It’s gonna happen.(何かが起こるぞ)」の誤訳だったのだろう。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

Including Matters which can be Amended by Regular Amendment in Written Correction of Mistranslation 例文帳に追加

一般補正で対応可能な補正事項を誤訳訂正書に含ませることについて - 特許庁

Notes when Written Amendment and Written Correction of Mistranslation both Dated the Same Date are Filed Separately 例文帳に追加

同日付けの手続補正書と誤訳訂正書とを別個に提出する場合の留意事項 - 特許庁

The provisions concerning new matter beyond translation do not apply to the amendment made by a written correction of mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

誤訳訂正書による補正の場合は、翻訳文新規事項の規定は適用されない。 - 特許庁

To the contrary, it is impermissible to make a correction of mistranslation by means of the regular written amendment. 例文帳に追加

これに対して、誤訳訂正を目的とする補正を手続補正書により行うことはできない。 - 特許庁

However, it must be noted that the amendment made by the written correction of mistranslation may not be dismissed. 例文帳に追加

しかし、当該誤訳訂正書を補正却下することはできない点に留意が必要である。 - 特許庁

If a correction of mistranslation and a regular amendment are made on different dates, judgment on whether or not the regular amendment violates Article 17bis(3) shall be made based on the translation where the correction of mistranslation was not made prior to the regular amendment or based on the description, claims or drawings immediately after the amendment by the written correction of mistranslation where the correction of mistranslation was made prior to the regular amendment. 例文帳に追加

異日に誤訳訂正と一般補正がなされている場合には、当該一般補正より前に誤訳訂正がなされていなければ翻訳文を、当該一般補正より前に誤訳訂正がなされていればその誤訳訂正書による補正直後の明細書、特許請求の範囲又は図面を基準明細書として、当該一般補正が第17条の2第3項の規定に違反していないかどうかについて判断を行う。 - 特許庁

Accordingly, taking into consideration the technical meaning of this application, the mistranslation are hereby corrected to translate the above-mentioned phrase as "hohshin ni kayaku wo sohtensuru. 例文帳に追加

よって本願の技術的意味を参酌して「砲身に火薬を装填する」と誤訳訂正する。 - 特許庁

When an applicant submits a written correction of mistranslation, (s)he must state a reason for correction etc., in addition to the details of the correction so as to make clear that the correction aims at correcting a mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

出願人等は誤訳訂正書を提出する場合、誤訳訂正の内容の他、誤訳訂正の理由等を記載して、誤訳の訂正を目的としたものであることが客観的にみて明らかになるように説明しなければならない。 - 特許庁

If the translation does not coincide with the foreign language document due to a mistranslation, and an amendment is made to correct the mistranslation into a proper translation, such an amendment is necessarily within the matters disclosed in the foreign language document. 例文帳に追加

誤訳による外国語書面と翻訳文の不一致が存在し、その誤訳を適正な翻訳に訂正する補正を行う場合には、その補正は外国語書面に記載した事項の範囲内のものとなる。 - 特許庁

If a written correction of mistranslation is submitted, a matter described at least either in the translation or in the description, claims or drawings immediately after being corrected by the written correction of mistranslation will not constitute new matter beyond the translation. 例文帳に追加

また、誤訳訂正書が提出された場合は、翻訳文又は誤訳訂正書により補正された直後の明細書、特許請求の範囲若しくは図面の少なくともいずれか一方に記載された事項は翻訳文新規事項とならない。 - 特許庁

When an amendment is made to a foreign language application for the purpose of correction of mistranslation, a written correction of mistranslation which states reasons for the correction must be submitted instead of a written amendment under Article 17(4). 例文帳に追加

外国語書面出願について誤訳の訂正を目的として補正を行う場合には、第17条第4項に規定する手続補正書ではなく、誤訳訂正の理由を記載した誤訳訂正書を提出しなければならない。 - 特許庁

In such a case, if matters which can be amended in the regular amendment procedure are amended in addition to the correction of mistranslation, it is rather desirable to include such matters to be amended in the written correction of mistranslation so as to consolidate the amendments into a single procedure without separately filing a written amendment. 例文帳に追加

この場合、誤訳の訂正に加えて、一般補正で対応可能な補正事項を補正する場合には、これを誤訳訂正書に含ませ、手続補正書を別途提出することなく1回の補正手続で行うことが望ましい。 - 特許庁

The notion behind this provision is that correction of mistranslation is regularly conducted by necessarily adding new matter beyond translation. Also, the procedure of submitting the written correction of mistranslation makes clear the content of correction of mistranslation and the fact that such correction does not include new matter beyond the original text, thereby, lightens third parties' burden to check foreign language documents and the examiner's burden of examination. 例文帳に追加

これは、誤訳訂正を行うときは、通常、翻訳文新規事項を追加することになるが、このような場合であっても誤訳訂正書の提出という手続によって誤訳訂正の内容及びその内容に原文新規事項が含まれないことが明らかになれば、第三者の外国語書面の監視負担や審査官の審査負担が軽減されることを考慮したものである。 - 特許庁

Accordingly, if the later-submitted written correction of mistranslation clearly states that the new matter beyond translation caused by the earlier submitted regular amendment were for the purpose of correcting mistranslation, the reason for refusal due to the new matter beyond translation should be deemed overcome. Thus, it is appropriate that the examiner cannot refuse the application nor dismiss the amendment merely because the new matter beyond translation is included in the description after the correction of mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

したがって、翻訳文新規事項が、誤訳訂正によるものであることを明示する誤訳訂正書を提出した場合は、当該翻訳文新規事項の拒絶理由は解消したものとし、誤訳訂正後の明細書等に当該翻訳文新規事項が存在することを理由として拒絶又は補正却下をすることはできないこととするのが適切である。 - 特許庁

Cases where a Written Correction of Mistranslation Overcoming the Reason for Refusal against New Matters beyond the Translation Added by a Regular Amendment is Substantially Submitted 例文帳に追加

一般補正によって追加された翻訳文新規事項を維持する誤訳訂正書が後に提出された場合の取扱い - 特許庁

Cases where Amendments (Correction of Mistranslation and Regular Amendment) are Made more than Once in Response to Final Notice of Reasons for Refusal, etc 例文帳に追加

最後の拒絶理由通知等に応答して複数回の手続補正(誤訳訂正及び一般補正)がなされた場合の取扱い - 特許庁

In this case, there is a reason to suspect the new matter beyond the original text resulting from the mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

このような場合は、誤訳に基づく原文新規事項が存在していることを疑うべき合理的理由がある。 - 特許庁

On the contrary, in the cases of Examples 6 and 7 below, it is unclear that the aim of correction is to correct a mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

これに反し、例えば例6、7のような場合は誤訳の訂正を目的としたものであることが明らかとなるように説明されているとはいえない。 - 特許庁

In such cases, the examiner has a reason to suspect that new matter beyond the original text may exist in the description, etc. corrected by the written correction of mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

このような場合、審査官は誤訳訂正後の明細書等に原文新規事項が存在している旨の疑いを抱くべき合理的理由がある。 - 特許庁

Accordingly, the written correction of mistranslation must satisfy the requirements described below as well as the formality requirements under the Regulation under the Patent Act. 例文帳に追加

したがって、誤訳訂正書は特許法施行規則に定める様式の要件を満たさなければならないと同時に、以下に示す要件を満たす必要がある。 - 特許庁

Such a written correction of mistranslation should be deemed submitted in order to overcome the reason for refusal based on the new matter beyond translation (See 5.3.4(3)). 例文帳に追加

このような誤訳訂正書は翻訳文新規事項の拒絶理由を解消するために提出されたものであると考えられる(5.3.4(3)参照)。 - 特許庁

It is possible to correct mistranslation in a foreign language PCT utility model application on the basis of the description, etc. as of the filing date of international application. 例文帳に追加

また、PCT外国語実用新案登録出願についても国際出願日における明細書等に基づき誤訳訂正が可能である。 - 特許庁

Even though both amendments corresponding to the regular amendments and other amendments corresponding to the correction of mistranslation are mixed with each other in a single written correction of mistranslation, appropriateness of amendments is judged for each matter to be amended and, therefore, such mixing of conditions is not regarded as troublesome in the practical work of the examination. 例文帳に追加

また、誤訳訂正書の中に一般補正に相当する補正事項と誤訳訂正に相当する補正事項が混在していたとしても、補正の適否は補正事項ごとに判断するので、審査実務上支障を来すとは考えられない。 - 特許庁

Where the later-submitted written correction of mistranslation makes clear to the examiner and third parties that the earlier-submitted written amendment has not introduced the new matter beyond translation, the reason for refusal against the new matter beyond translation should be deemed overcome by the written correction of mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

誤訳訂正書の記載から、翻訳文新規事項が追加されたことが第三者及び審査官にとって明らかとなる場合には、そのような誤訳訂正書の提出により当該翻訳文新規事項の拒絶理由は解消したものとする。 - 特許庁

It is not appropriate to regard, in such a case, the reason for refusal due to the new matter beyond the translation as being overcome by considering that the new matter beyond the translation has been amended by the written correction of mistranslation, because it is against the purpose of establishing the system of written correction of mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

このような場合にまで、当該翻訳文新規事項が誤訳訂正書により補正されたと解し、翻訳文新規事項の拒絶理由が解消されるとすることは、誤訳訂正書を設けた趣旨に反することとなるので適切でない。 - 特許庁

Accordingly, the following items (hereinafter referred to as "reasons for correction, etc.") shall be stated enough in the column of "[Reasons for Correction, etc.]" of the written correction of mistranslation so that reasons why the mistranslation occurred become clear and the person skilled in the art would be able to confirm that the content of the correction of mistranslation is within the matters described in the foreign language document: (i) descriptions of the foreign language document corresponding to the descriptions to be amended, and positions thereof; (ii) reasons why the translation, which constitutes the basis of the description, claims or drawings before amendment, is inappropriate; and (iii) reasons why the translation, which constitutes the basis of the description, claims or drawings after amendment, is appropriate. 例文帳に追加

そのため、誤訳訂正書の「【訂正の理由等】」の欄には、①補正をする事項に対応する外国語書面の記載事項とその記載個所②補正前の明細書、特許請求の範囲又は図面の記載の基礎となる翻訳が不適切である理由③補正後の明細書、特許請求の範囲又は図面の記載の基礎となる翻訳が適切である理由(以下「訂正理由等」という。)により誤訳が生じた事情を明らかにするとともに、当業者にとって、誤訳訂正の内容が外国語書面に記載した事項の範囲内のものであることを確認できる程度に十分に記載しなければならない。 - 特許庁

For example, if the description including new matter beyond translation which were added through the regular amendment is included in the amendment unit indicated in "[Unit to be Corrected]" of the written correction of mistranslation, and if the written correction of mistranslation shows sufficient reasons for correction regarding the new matter, the reason for refusal against the new matter beyond translation which were added through the regular amendment should be considered to be overcome. Moreover, the examiner may not refuse the application nor dismiss the amendment by the reason that the new matter beyond translation exists in the description, etc. amended by such correction of mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

例えば、一般補正によって追加された翻訳文新規事項を含む記載個所が、誤訳訂正書の「【訂正対象項目名】」における補正をする単位に含まれており、しかも訂正の理由が十分示されているような誤訳訂正書が提出された場合は、一般補正によって追加された翻訳文新規事項の拒絶理由は解消したものとし、誤訳訂正後の明細書等に当該翻訳文新規事項が存在することを理由として拒絶又は補正却下をすることはできない。 - 特許庁

However, it should be noted that the word "translation" used in "new matter beyond the translation" means not only a "translation filed within one year and two months after the filing date of a patent application," but also the description, etc. after correction of a mistranslation if a written correction of mistranslation is submitted (Refer to 5.3.1 "Relevant Provisions Concerning New Matters beyond the Translation" and 5.3.3 "Specific Practices regarding New Matters beyond the Translation"). 例文帳に追加

ただし、「翻訳文新規事項」という場合の翻訳文は、「特許出願の日から1年2月以内に提出された翻訳文」のみならず、誤訳訂正書が提出された場合は、誤訳訂正後の明細書等も意味するので留意が必要である(5.3.1「翻訳文新規事項についての関係条文」、5.3.3「翻訳文新規事項についての具体的運用」参照)。 - 特許庁

Cases where a written correction of mistranslation has been submitted, and where a later regular amendment to the description, claims or drawings introduces a matter which is neither disclosed in the translation considered to be the description, claims and drawings by virtue of Article 36bis(2) nor is disclosed in the description, claims or drawings as corrected by the said written correction of mistranslation. 例文帳に追加

誤訳訂正書が提出された場合にあっては、その後された一般補正が、明細書、特許請求の範囲及び図面とみなされた第36条の2第2項に規定する翻訳文又は当該誤訳訂正書により補正された後の明細書、特許請求の範囲及び図面のいずれかに記載した事項の範囲内でない事項を明細書、特許請求の範囲又は図面に追加する補正であるとき。 - 特許庁

Even in this case, however, if the amendment is made beyond translation, the applicant must submit a "written correction of mistranslation" of which formality is different from the formality of a regular amendment in order to specify the details of mistranslation, the reasons for correction, etc., and thereby, must explain that it is a proper amendment which is made within the matters disclosed in the foreign language document. 例文帳に追加

しかし、このような場合であっても、翻訳文に記載した事項の範囲を超える補正を行うときは、出願人は通常の手続補正書とは異なる「誤訳訂正書」という書面を提出することにより、誤訳の内容や訂正の理由等を明示し、外国語書面に記載した事項の範囲内の適正な補正であることを説明しなければならない。 - 特許庁


The procedure for amendment to the description, claims or drawings by a written correction of mistranslation is different from the procedure for regular amendment by a written amendment. The former procedure has been established in order to make clear to third parties or the examiner, by specifying the details of mistranslation and reasons for correction, etc., that the correction is within the matters disclosed in the foreign language document. 例文帳に追加

誤訳訂正書による明細書、特許請求の範囲又は図面の補正手続は、手続補正書による一般補正の手続とは異なり、誤訳の内容や訂正の理由等を明示することにより、第三者や審査官に対し、誤訳訂正の内容が外国語書面に記載した事項の範囲内の適正な補正であることを明らかにするために設けられた手続である。 - 特許庁


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