
「observe」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(42ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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The color tone decision sheet for indicating a reference color tone when deciding the color balance of the printer by eyes comprises: a sheet body; an aperture part formed on the sheet body to observe an object to be compared; and a notice position index arranged on the sheet body and on a position separated from the aperture part to indicate a notice position at the time of color tone decision.例文帳に追加

プリンタのカラーバランスを目視判断する際における基準色調を示す色調判定シートにおいて、シート本体と、比較対象を観察する開口部であって、上記シート本体に設けられている開口部と、上記シート本体上に設けられしかも上記開口部から離れた位置に設けられている指標であって、色調判断時における注視位置を示す注視位置指標とを有することを特徴とする色調判定シートである。 - 特許庁

In Japan an internal control reporting system comes into operation this year according to the Financial Products Trading Act. In the United States, the introduction of a similar system under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act led to increased costs companies subject to the law must bear to cope with the new system and which has postponed application of the Act to SMEs. We should carefully observe how things go after the reporting system comes to effect, especially how it is enforced in terms of companies listed on emerging equity exchanges. 例文帳に追加

今年度から始まる金融商品取引法に基づく内部統制報告制度については、米国のサーベインズ・オクスリー法に基づく内部統制報告制度導入後に適用企業の対応コスト増加や中小企業への適用延期等が生じていることから、我が国においても、制度施行後の動向、就中新興株式市場上場企業に対する適用状況を十分注視していく必要がある。 - 経済産業省

So we are led, or have been led, to observe upon the various circumstances of this experiment, and to trace this production of chalk to its various causes, to give us the true knowledge of the nature of this combustion of the candleto find that this substance, issuing from the candle, is exactly the same as that substance which would issue from a retort, if I were to put some chalk into it with a little moisture, and make it red-hot: you would then find that exactly the same substance would issue from it as from the candle. 例文帳に追加

というわけで、ここでわれわれとしてはこの実験のいろんな面を考えてみて、このチョークができるまでをいろんな原因にまでさかのぼって、ロウソクの燃焼について本当の知識が得られるようにしなければいけません。――つまりこのロウソクから出てくる物質は、チョークをレトルトに入れてちょっとぬらして真っ赤に熱したときに出てくるものとまったく同じなんです。出てきたものは、ロウソクから出てくるのとまったく同じ物質です。 - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』

You will observe that, however long I draw the external air into the lime-water, and then through it to my lungs, I shall produce no effect upon the waterit will not make the lime-water turbid; but if I throw the air from my lungs through the lime-water, several times in succession, you see how white and milky the water is getting, shewing the effect which expired air has had upon it; and now you begin to know that the atmosphere which we have spoiled by respiration is spoiled by carbonic acid, for you see it here in contact with the lime-water. 例文帳に追加

ごらんのように、外の空気をどんなに長いこと通して、そこから肺に入れてやっても、石灰水には何の影響も出ません――つまり石灰水は濁りません。でも肺から出てきた空気を石灰水に何度か続けて通すと、石灰水は実に真っ白なミルク状になっちゃいましたね。吐いた息がどんな影響を与えたかわかるでしょう。そしてこれで、呼吸によってわたしたちが汚した大気というのは、炭酸ガスのせいで汚れたんだというのがわかります。こうして石灰水にふれたときの様子からそれがわかるんです。 - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』


Article 5 (1) The Cabinet shall provide for a Cabinet Order concerning necessary matters for the maintenance of ethics pertaining to their duties of self-defense forces personnel, taking into account the ethical principles listed in Article 3 (hereinafter referred to as the "Self-Defense Forces Personnel Ethics Code") equivalent the National Public Service Ethics Code provided for in paragraph (1) of Article 5 of the National Public Service Ethics Act (Act No. 129 of 1999). In this case, the Self-Defense Forces Personnel Ethics Code shall include the matters which the self-defense forces personnel should observe concerning the prevention of acts that may bring about suspicion and distrust from the citizens such as contacting with those who have interests with the duties of the self-defense forces personnel such as the prohibitions and restrictions of receiving gifts, etc. from those who have interests in the duties of the self-defense forces personnel. 例文帳に追加

第五条 内閣は、第三条に掲げる倫理原則を踏まえ、自衛隊員の職務に係る倫理の保持を図るために必要な事項に関する政令(以下「自衛隊員倫理規程」という。)を、国家公務員倫理法(平成十一年法律第百二十九号)第五条第一項に規定する国家公務員倫理規程に準じて定めるものとする。この場合において、自衛隊員倫理規程には、自衛隊員の職務に利害関係を有する者からの贈与等の禁止及び制限等自衛隊員の職務に利害関係を有する者との接触その他国民の疑惑や不信を招くような行為の防止に関し自衛隊員の遵守すべき事項が含まれていなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 87 A Financial Instruments Exchange shall stipulate in its articles of incorporation that the Member, etc. shall observe the laws and regulations, dispositions given by a government agency based on the laws and regulations, and the Financial Instruments Exchange's articles of incorporation, operational rules, brokerage contract rules and other rules (hereinafter simply referred to as the "Rules" in this Article) as well as the fair and equitable principles of transactions, and that in the event that a Member, etc. violates the laws and regulations, dispositions given by a government agency based on the laws and regulations or the Rules, or in the event that the Member, etc. commits an act contrary to the fair and equitable principles of transactions, the Financial Instruments Exchange will impose a fine for default on said Member, etc., or order suspension or restriction of sales and purchase of Securities or Market Transactions of Derivatives on the Financial Instruments Exchange Market or entrustment of Broking for Clearing of Securities, etc. for these transactions, or expel said Member, etc. from the Financial Instruments Exchange (or to rescind the Qualification for Trading, with regard to a Trading Participant). 例文帳に追加

第八十七条 金融商品取引所は、その定款において、会員等が法令、法令に基づいてする行政官庁の処分、当該金融商品取引所の定款、業務規程、受託契約準則その他の規則(以下この条において単に「規則」という。)及び取引の信義則を遵守しなければならない旨並びに法令、法令に基づいてする行政官庁の処分若しくは規則に違反し、又は取引の信義則に背反する行為をした会員等に対し、過怠金を課し、その者の取引所金融商品市場における有価証券の売買若しくは市場デリバティブ取引若しくはその有価証券等清算取次ぎの委託の停止若しくは制限を命じ、又は除名(取引参加者にあつては、取引資格の取消し)をする旨を定めなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 46-12-2 In the case where the Institute has violated any laws or regulations, a disposition by an administrative agency based on laws or regulations, the Constitution of the Institute or any other rules (hereinafter referred to as the "laws or regulations, etc." in this Article) or in the case where the Institute has, despite a member having committed an act in violation of laws or regulations, etc., failed to exercise the authority recognized by this Act, an order based on this Act, said Constitution or any other rules in order to have said member observe the laws or regulations, etc. or has failed to take other necessary measures, the Prime Minister may, if he/she finds it necessary for securing the fair operation of the Institute, order the Institute to change its method of processing affairs or to take the necessary measures as specified by the Constitution or any other rules. 例文帳に追加

第四十六条の十二の二 内閣総理大臣は、協会が法令、法令に基づく行政官庁の処分若しくは協会の会則その他の規則(以下この条において「法令等」という。)に違反した場合又は会員が法令等に違反する行為をしたにもかかわらず、当該会員に対し法令等を遵守させるために協会がこの法律、この法律に基づく命令若しくは当該会則その他の規則により認められた権能を行使せずその他必要な措置をすることを怠つた場合において、協会の適正な運営を確保するため必要があると認めるときは、その事務の方法の変更を命じ、又は会則その他の規則に定める必要な措置をすることを命ずることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 22-4 (1) The family court may, pursuant to the Rules of the Supreme Court, permit, upon request, the victim, etc. to observe the proceedings on the date of the hearing of a case of a Juvenile as prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (1), item (i) who committed a crime listed in any of the following items or for a case of a Juvenile as prescribed in item (ii) of the same paragraph (excluding any Juvenile under 12 years of age who committed an act violating laws and regulations of criminal nature; the same shall apply in the next paragraph) who committed an act violating criminal laws and regulations concerning crimes listed in any of the following items (limited to any act that caused serious danger to victim's life in either of said cases where the victim was injured) if the court found it appropriate and unlikely to hinder sound development of the Juvenile in light of the age of the Juvenile, emotional state, the nature of the case, status of the hearing and other circumstances. 例文帳に追加

第二十二条の四 家庭裁判所は、最高裁判所規則の定めるところにより第三条第一項第一号に掲げる少年に係る事件であつて次に掲げる罪のもの又は同項第二号に掲げる少年(十二歳に満たないで刑罰法令に触れる行為をした少年を除く。次項において同じ。)に係る事件であつて次に掲げる罪に係る刑罰法令に触れるもの(いずれも被害者を傷害した場合にあつては、これにより生命に重大な危険を生じさせたときに限る。)の被害者等から、審判期日における審判の傍聴の申出がある場合において、少年の年齢及び心身の状態、事件の性質、審判の状況その他の事情を考慮して、少年の健全な育成を妨げるおそれがなく相当と認めるときは、その申出をした者に対し、これを傍聴することを許すことができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) If a Commodity Exchange has violated this Act, an order based on this Act or a disposition by the competent minister based on this Act (hereinafter referred to as "This Act, etc." in this Article, the following Article and Article 165) or its articles of incorporation or other rules or, in the case where, regardless of the fact that a Member, etc. has violated This Act, etc. or the articles of incorporation or other rules of said Commodity Exchange, said Commodity Exchange has failed to exercise its powers recognized pursuant to this Act, an order based on this Act or its articles of incorporation or other rules or has failed to take any other necessary measures for having said Member, etc. observe this Act or its articles of incorporation or other rules- Rescission of the permission under Article 9 or a license under Article 78 or an order of suspension of the whole or a part of its business for a fixed period not exceeding one year 例文帳に追加

一 この法律、この法律に基づく命令若しくはこの法律に基づいてする主務大臣の処分(以下この条、次条及び第百六十五条において「この法律等」という。)若しくは定款その他の規則に違反したとき、又は会員等がこの法律等若しくは当該商品取引所の定款その他の規則に違反した場合において、当該会員等に対しこの法律等若しくは定款その他の規則を遵守させるために当該商品取引所がこの法律、この法律に基づく命令若しくは定款その他の規則により認められた権能の行使その他必要な措置をすることを怠つたとき。 第九条若しくは第七十八条の許可を取り消し、又は一年以内の期間を定めてその業務の全部若しくは一部の停止を命ずること。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 265 (1) In the case where an Association has violated this Act, an order based on this Act or a disposition by the competent minister based on this Act or its articles of incorporation or other rules (hereinafter referred to as "This Act, etc." in this Article) or, in the case where, regardless of the fact that an Association Member has violated This Act, etc., said Association has failed to exercise its powers recognized pursuant to this Act, an order based on this Act or its articles of incorporation or has failed to take any other necessary measures for having said Association Member observe this Act, etc., if the competent minister finds it necessary and appropriate for achieving fair and smooth brokerage of Transactions on a Commodity Market, etc. or for protecting customers, he/she may rescind the approval of the establishment of said Association, order the suspension of the whole or a part of its business for a fixed period not exceeding one year, order the prohibition of a part of its business or order the dismissal of its officer. 例文帳に追加

第二百六十五条 主務大臣は、協会がこの法律、この法律に基づく命令若しくはこの法律に基づいてする主務大臣の処分若しくは定款その他の規則(以下この条において「この法律等」という。)に違反した場合又は協会員がこの法律等に違反する行為をしたにもかかわらず、当該協会員に対しこの法律等を遵守させるために当該協会がこの法律、この法律に基づく命令若しくは当該定款により認められた権能の行使その他必要な措置をすることを怠つた場合において、商品市場における取引等の受託を公正かつ円滑ならしめ、又は委託者を保護するため必要かつ適当であると認めるときは、その設立の認可を取り消し、一年以内の期間を定めてその業務の全部若しくは一部の停止を命じ、その業務の一部の禁止を命じ、又はその役員の解任を命ずることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 41-4 Where an Association has violated laws and regulations, a disposition made by a government agency under laws and regulations, or its Articles of Incorporation, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Laws and Regulations, etc." in this Article) or where, despite the fact that an Association member has violated Laws and Regulations, etc., the Association has failed to exercise the powers vested therein under this Act, under any order issued under this Act, or under its Articles of Incorporation, etc., or where it has failed to take any other necessary measures for having that Association member observe Laws and Regulations, etc., the Prime Minister may, when he/she finds it necessary and appropriate to protect the interests of Persons Seeking Funds, etc., rescind the authorization of the establishment of the Association, specify a period of no longer than one year and order the suspension of the Association's business in whole or in part, order a change in its operational method or prohibition of its business in part, order the dismissal of its officer, or order any other necessary measures specified in its Articles of Incorporation, etc. 例文帳に追加

第四十一条の四 内閣総理大臣は、協会が法令、法令に基づく行政官庁の処分若しくは当該協会の定款等(以下この条において「法令等」という。)に違反した場合又は協会員が法令等に違反する行為をしたにもかかわらず、当該協会員に対し法令等を遵守させるために協会がこの法律、この法律に基づく命令若しくは定款等により認められた権能を行使せずその他必要な措置をとることを怠つた場合において、資金需要者等の利益の保護のため必要かつ適当であると認めるときは、その設立の認可を取り消し、一年以内の期間を定めてその業務の全部若しくは一部の停止を命じ、その業務の方法の変更若しくはその業務の一部の禁止を命じ、その役員の解任を命じ、又は定款等に定める必要な措置をとることを命ずることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Apart from the grounds of revocation provided for in section 47, the registration of a certification mark may be revoked on the ground that the proprietor has begun to carry on such a business as is mentioned in paragraph 4 of this Schedule; that the manner in which the mark has been used by the proprietor has caused it to become liable to mislead the public; that the proprietor has failed to observe, or to secure the observance of, the regulations governing the use of the mark; that an amendment of the regulations has been made so that the regulations no longer comply with sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 6 of this Schedule and any further conditions imposed by rules; or are contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality; or that the proprietor is no longer competent to certify the goods or services for which the mark is registered. 例文帳に追加

第47条に定める取消理由とは別に,証明標章の登録は,以下の理由に基づき取り消すことができる。当該権利者が本附則第4項でいうのと同様の事業を開始したこと,当該権利者による標章の使用方式が,公衆を誤認させやすくしたこと,当該権利者が標章の使用を管理する規定を遵守しなかった,又は遵守を保証しなかったこと,当該規定が既に修正され,その結果当該規定が,本附則第6条及び規則によって課される更なる条件をもはや満たしていないこと,又は,公の秩序又は容認された道徳原理に反していること。当該権利者が,標章が登録されている商品又はサービスを証明する能力をもはや有していないこと。 - 特許庁

(3) A condition or term of a contract or licence shall not be void by virtue of this section if -- (a) at the time of the making of the contract or granting of the licence, the supplier or licensor was willing to supply the product, or grant a licence to work the invention, as the case may be, to the person supplied or the licensee, on reasonable terms specified in the contract or licence and without any such condition or term as is mentioned in subsection (1); and (b) the person supplied or the licensee is entitled under the contract or licence to relieve himself of his liability to observe the condition or term on giving to the other party 3 months' notice in writing, and subject to payment to that other party of such compensation (being, in the case of a contract to supply, a lump sum or rent for the residue of the term of the contract and, in the case of a licence, a royalty for the residue of the term of the licence) as may be determined by an arbitrator appointed by the Minister.例文帳に追加

(3) 契約又はライセンスの条件は,次の場合は,本条により無効とされない。 (a) 契約の成立又はライセンスの許諾の時点で,当該供給者又は実施許諾者が契約又はライセンスに指定する適切な条件により,かつ,(1)にいうような条件なしに,当該製品の供給又は場合により当該発明実施のライセンス許諾を,供給を受ける者又は実施権者に行う意思があった場合,及び (b) 供給を受ける者又は実施権者が当該契約又はライセンスに基づいて,相手方に書面をもって3月の予告通知を行い,かつ,大臣により任命された仲裁人により決定される補償金の当該相手方への支払(供給契約の場合は,当該契約の残余期間分及びライセンスの場合は,当該ライセンスの残余期間分のロイヤルティの一括払又は定期分割払)を行った上で,当該条件を遵守する義務を免れる場合 - 特許庁

(15) The Court may, on the application in the prescribed manner of any person aggrieved, or on the application of the Registrar, make such order as it thinks fit for expunging or varying any entry in the Register, relating to a certification trade mark, or for varying the deposited rules, on the ground - (a) that the registered proprietor is no longer competent, in the case of any of the goods or services in respect of which the trade mark is registered, to certify the goods or services; (b) that the registered proprietor has failed to observe a provision of the deposited rules to be observed on his part; (c) that it is no longer to the public advantage that the trade mark should be registered; or (d) that it is requisite for the public advantage that, if the trade mark remains registered, the rules should be varied, but the Court shall not have any jurisdiction to make an order under section 45 on any of these grounds.例文帳に追加

(15) 不服のある者が所定の方式で申請し又は登録官が申請したときは,裁判所は,その判断により,証明商標に関する登録簿の記載事項を削除若しくは変更し又は寄託された規約を変更する命令を,次の理由の何れかに基づき発することができる。 (a) 登録所有者が,当該商標の登録に関係する商品又はサービスの何れかについて証明を行う上でもはや適格でないこと (b) 登録所有者が,その遵守すべき規約中の何れかの規定を遵守しなかったこと (c) 当該商標を登録しておくことがもはや公共の利益に適わないこと,又は (d) 当該商標の登録を維持するには,規約を変更することが公共の利益の上で必要であること ただし,裁判所は,これらの理由の何れかにより第45条に基づく命令を発する権限を有さない。 - 特許庁

Any application comprising more than five claims, independent and/or multiple/alternative dependent claims at the time of filing, or added claims after the filing date in respect of each claim over and above five incurs payment of a claims fee. The claims fee shall be payable within one month after the filing of the application. If the claim fees have not been paid in due time, they may still be validly paid within a grace period of one month from notice pointing out the failure to observe the time limit. If the claims fee is not paid within the time limit and the grace period referred to in this Rule, the claim or claims concerned shall be deemed deleted.例文帳に追加

出願の時点で5を超えるクレーム,独立及び/若しくは多項/択一的従属クレーム,又は出願日後に各クレームの全体について5を超えて追加されたクレームで構成される出願は,クレーム手数料を納付しなければならない。クレーム手数料は,出願後1月以内に納付しなければならない。クレーム手数料を期日までに納付しなかった場合は,期限を遵守しなかったことを指摘する通知から1月の猶予期間内は,有効に納付することができる。クレーム手数料が期限及び本条規則にいう猶予期間内に納付されなかった場合は,当該クレームは,削除されたものとみなす。 - 特許庁

(1) The Government may, on the application in the prescribed manner of any person aggrieved or on the recommendation of the Registrar, and after giving the proprietor an opportunity of opposing the application or recommendation, make such order as it thinks fit for expunging or varying any entry in the Register relating to a certification trademark, or for varying the deposited regulations, on any of the following grounds namely- (a) that the proprietor is no longer competent, in the case of any of the goods or service in respect of which the mark is registered, to certify those goods or services; (b) that the proprietor has failed to observe any provision of the deposited regulations to be observed on his part; (c) that it is no longer to the public advantage that the mark should be registered; and (d) that it is requisite for the public advantage that the regulations should be varied. 例文帳に追加

(1)政府は、不服人の所定の方式による申立てにより又は登録官の勧告により、当該所有者にその申立て又は勧告に異義を申し立てる機会を与えた後、適切と考えるとおり、証明商標に関する登録簿の記載を削除若しくは変更する、又は次に掲げる理由のいずれによっても、付託された規約を変更する命令を発することができる。すなわち、(a)当該所有者は、当該標章が登録されているいずれの商品又は役務の場合であれ、それらの商品又は役務を証明する法的権能がもはやないとき。(b)当該所有者は、所有者側が遵守しなければならない付託された規約の規定の遵守を怠っているとき。(c)当該標章を再登録することはもはや公共の利益とならないとき。(d)当該登録を変更することが公共の利益にとって必要であるとき。 - 特許庁

Subsequently, Japan decidedin light of the situation in the United States, the schedule of the Massachusetts state legislature, and the apparently positive attitude of the countryto observe the US actions. No progress was made, however, leading Japan and the EU to jointly request the establishment of a WTO panel in September 1998. This panel was established in October, but subsequent litigation within the United States (described below) declared the law unconstitutional and void, so Japan and the EU took procedures to suspend the panel in February 1999. On February 11, 2000, the authority of the panel lapsed because Article 12.12 of the Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) voids panels that have been suspended for more than twelve months.例文帳に追加

その後、米国の国内事情、マサチューセッツ州議会日程等に配慮し、しばらくの間、米国の前向きな対応を見守っていたものの、事態の実質的な進展が図られなかったため、1998年9月にEU と共同歩調により、米国に対してパネル設置要請を行い、10月にはパネルの設置が決定した。しかしながら、その後、米国内での合衆国憲法との整合性についての国内裁判手続の中(後述)で、マサチューセッツ州法は、効力停止の状態とされたことから、我が国は、1999年2月にEU とともにパネルの検討の停止の手続をとったところ、本件パネルは、紛争解決了解(DSU)第12条12項の規定が、12ヶ月を超えてパネルが停止された際にはパネル設置の根拠を失う旨を定めていることから、2000年2月11日に消滅した。 - 経済産業省

(i) If a Commodity Exchange has violated this Act, an order based on this Act or a disposition by the competent minister based on this Act (hereinafter referred to as "This Act, etc." in this Article, the following Article and Article 165) or its articles of incorporation or other rules or, in the case where, regardless of the fact that a Member, etc. has violated This Act, etc. or the articles of incorporation or other rules of said Commodity Exchange, said Commodity Exchange has failed to exercise its powers recognized pursuant to this Act, an order based on this Act or its articles of incorporation or other rules or has failed to take any other necessary measures for having said Member, etc. observe this Act or its articles of incorporation or other rulesRescission of the permission under Article 9 or a license under Article 78 or an order of suspension of the whole or a part of its business for a fixed period not exceeding one year 例文帳に追加

一この法律、この法律に基づく命令若しくはこの法律に基づいてする主務大臣の処分(以下この条、次条及び第百六十五条において「この法律等」という。)若しくは定款その他の規則に違反したとき、又は会員等がこの法律等若しくは当該商品取引所の定款その他の規則に違反した場合において、当該会員等に対しこの法律等若しくは定款その他の規則を遵守させるために当該商品取引所がこの法律、この法律に基づく命令若しくは定款その他の規則により認められた権能の行使その他必要な措置をすることを怠つたとき。第九条若しくは第七十八条の許可を取り消し、又は一年以内の期間を定めてその業務の全部若しくは一部の停止を命ずること。 - 経済産業省

(1) In the case where an Association has violated this Act, an order based on this Act or a disposition by the competent minister based on this Act or its articles of incorporation or other rules (hereinafter referred to as "This Act, etc." in this Article) or, in the case where, regardless of the fact that an Association Member has violated This Act, etc., said Association has failed to exercise its powers recognized pursuant to this Act, an order based on this Act or its articles of incorporation or has failed to take any other necessary measures for having said Association Member observe this Act, etc., if the competent minister finds it necessary and appropriate for achieving fair and smooth acceptance of the consignment of Transactions on a Commodity Market, etc. or for protecting customers, he/she may rescind the approval of the establishment of said Association, order the suspension of the whole or a part of its business for a fixed period not exceeding one year, order the prohibition of a part of its business or order the dismissal of its officer. 例文帳に追加

1 主務大臣は、協会がこの法律、この法律に基づく命令若しくはこの法律に基づいてする主務大臣の処分若しくは定款その他の規則(以下この条において「この法律等」という。)に違反した場合又は協会員がこの法律等に違反する行為をしたにもかかわらず、当該協会員に対しこの法律等を遵守させるために当該協会がこの法律、この法律に基づく命令若しくは当該定款により認められた権能の行使その他必要な措置をすることを怠つた場合において、商品市場における取引等の受託を公正かつ円滑ならしめ、又は委託者を保護するため必要かつ適当であると認めるときは、その設立の認可を取り消し、一年以内の期間を定めてその業務の全部若しくは一部の停止を命じ、その業務の一部の禁止を命じ、又はその役員の解任を命ずることができる。 - 経済産業省

(3) In order to qualify for and maintain registration, an employee organization is required to provide procedures whereby the adoption or revision of its constitution, election of officers, and other equivalently important acts are decided by a majority of all its members (by a majority of those who voted, in the case of the election of officers) by direct secret vote in which every member is given an equal opportunity to participate, and is required to ensure that these important acts are actually decided in accordance with the procedures so provided for. In the case of an employee organization which is a federation or is national in scope, however, it shall suffice to establish and to actually observe such procedures provided for that delegates are elected by a majority vote by direct secret vote held for each constituent organization or each geographical area or occupational area which every member is given an equal opportunity to participate in, and, further, that the foregoing important acts be decided by a majority of all the delegates (by a majority of the delegates who voted, in the case of the election of officers) by direct secret vote in which each delegate is given an equal opportunity to participate. 例文帳に追加

3 職員団体が登録される資格を有し、及び引き続いて登録されているためには、規約の作成又は変更、役員の選挙その他これらに準ずる重要な行為が、すべての構成員が平等に参加する機会を有する直接かつ秘密の投票による全員の過半数(役員の選挙については、投票者の過半数)によつて決定される旨の手続を定め、かつ、現実にその手続によりこれらの重要な行為が決定されることを必要とする。ただし、連合体である職員団体又は全国的規模をもつ職員団体にあつては、すべての構成員が平等に参加する機会を有する構成団体ごと又は地域若しくは職域ごとの直接かつ秘密の投票による投票者の過半数で代議員を選挙し、この代議員の全員が平等に参加する機会を有する直接かつ秘密の投票による全員の過半数(役員の選挙については、投票者の過半数)によつて決定される旨の手続を定め、かつ、現実に、その手続により決定されることをもつて足りるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 74 (1) When an Authorized Association has violated laws and regulations, a disposition given by government agencies based on laws and regulations, or its articles of incorporation or any other rules (hereinafter referred to as the "Laws and Regulations, etc." in this Article); or, despite the fact that a Member Firm, a Financial Instruments Intermediary Service Provider, or an issuer of Over-the-Counter Traded Securities or Tradable Securities has violated the Laws and Regulations, etc., or has committed an act contrary to the fair and equitable principles of transactions specified in the articles of incorporation or any other rules, the Authorized Association has failed to exercise its powers vested under this Act, an order given under this Act, or its articles of incorporation or any other rules, or to take any other necessary measures, for having such persons observe the Laws and Regulations, etc. or the fair and equitable principles of transactions, if the Prime Minister finds it necessary and appropriate for the public interest and protection of investors, he/she may rescind the authorization of its establishment, issue an order of suspension of all or part of its business, specifying a period of suspension not exceeding one year, issue an order of change of its business methods or of prohibition of a part of its business, issue an order of dismissal of its Officers, or issue an order to take necessary measures specified in the articles of incorporation or any other rules. 例文帳に追加

第七十四条 内閣総理大臣は、認可協会が法令、法令に基づく行政官庁の処分若しくは当該認可協会の定款その他の規則(以下この条において「法令等」という。)に違反した場合又は協会員、金融商品仲介業者若しくは店頭売買有価証券若しくは取扱有価証券の発行者が法令等に違反し、若しくは定款その他の規則に定める取引の信義則に背反する行為をしたにもかかわらず、これらの者に対し法令等若しくは当該取引の信義則を遵守させるために認可協会がこの法律、この法律に基づく命令若しくは定款その他の規則により認められた権能を行使せずその他必要な措置をすることを怠つた場合において、公益又は投資者保護のため必要かつ適当であると認めるときは、その設立の認可を取り消し、一年以内の期間を定めてその業務の全部若しくは一部の停止を命じ、その業務の方法の変更若しくはその業務の一部の禁止を命じ、その役員の解任を命じ、又は定款その他の規則に定める必要な措置をすることを命ずることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(i) when the Financial Instruments Exchange violates laws and regulations, a disposition given by government agencies based on laws and regulations, or the articles of incorporation or any other rules; or, despite the fact that a Member, etc. or an Issuer of Securities listed in a Financial Instruments Exchange has violated laws and regulations, a disposition given by government agencies under laws and regulations, or the Financial Instruments Exchange's articles of incorporation, operational rules, brokerage contract rules or any other rules (hereinafter referred to as "Laws and Regulations, etc." in this item), or has committed an act contrary to the fair and equitable principles of transactions specified in the articles of incorporation or any other rules, the Financial Instruments Exchange has failed to exercise its powers vested under this Act, an order given under this Act, or its articles of incorporation or any other rules, or to take any other necessary measures, for having such persons observe the Laws and Regulations, etc. or the fair and equitable principles of transactions: Rescission of the license granted under Article 80(1), issuance of an order of suspension of all or part of its business, specifying a period of suspension not exceeding one year, issuance of an order of change of its business or of prohibition of a part of its business, issuance of an order of dismissal of its Officers, or issuance of an order to take necessary measures specified in the articles of incorporation or any other rules; or 例文帳に追加

一 法令、法令に基づく行政官庁の処分若しくは定款その他の規則に違反したとき、又は会員等若しくは当該金融商品取引所に上場されている有価証券の発行者が法令、法令に基づく行政官庁の処分若しくは当該金融商品取引所の定款、業務規程、受託契約準則その他の規則(以下この号において「法令等」という。)に違反し、若しくは定款その他の規則に定める取引の信義則に背反する行為をしたにもかかわらず、これらの者に対し法令等若しくは当該取引の信義則を遵守させるために、この法律、この法律に基づく命令若しくは定款その他の規則により認められた権能を行使せずその他必要な措置をとることを怠つたとき 第八十条第一項の免許を取り消し、一年以内の期間を定めてその業務の全部若しくは一部の停止を命じ、その業務の変更若しくはその業務の一部の禁止を命じ、その役員の解任を命じ、又は定款その他の規則に定める必要な措置をとることを命ずること。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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