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of renownの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 23


of (great, high) renown 例文帳に追加

(非常に)名高い. - 研究社 新英和中辞典

a painter of great renown例文帳に追加

高名な画家 - Eゲイト英和辞典

He is a man of wide renown. 例文帳に追加

彼の名は広く知られている - 斎藤和英大辞典

to do glorious deedsperform deeds of high renown 例文帳に追加

あっぱれ功名手柄する - 斎藤和英大辞典


To render service, to win renown, and then to retire from life, is the way of Heaven. 例文帳に追加

功成り名遂げて身退くは天の道なり - 斎藤和英大辞典


This diary is renown in the history of literature as the one in which a close aide wrote with adoration about an Emperor's death. 例文帳に追加

天皇の死を、その側近が愛情をこめて綴った文学として文学史上に名高い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"My child, thou hast the choice of a long and happy and peaceful life here with me, or of a brief time of war and undying renown. 例文帳に追加

「我が子よ、おまえは私と一緒にここで長く幸せで平和な生活を送るか、つかの間の戦争に生き、不滅の名声を得るか選ばなければならない。 - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』

As their families were admitted as bushi because of their ancestors' military renown, they were proud of their family line or famous ancestors. 例文帳に追加

先祖の武名によって自分の家が武士として認められていたため、かれらは自分の家系や高名な先祖を誇っていたとも言える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He defeated Takeda's vanguard which had been led by Motonao KUMAGAI in the Sengoku period and who was a senior vassal of the Takeda clan who had gained renown as a brave commander. 例文帳に追加

武田氏重鎮であり、猛将として知られていた武田軍先鋒・熊谷元直(戦国時代)率いる軍を元就は撃破。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Any sign which is identical with or similar to the Community mark in relation to goods or services which are not similar to those for which the Community mark is registered, where the latter enjoys a certain renown in the European Community and where use of that sign without due cause takes unfair advantage of, or is detrimental to, the distinctive character or the renown of the Community mark 例文帳に追加

共同体標章が登録されている商品又はサービスと類似性のない商品又はサービスに係る,共同体標章と同一又は類似の標識。ただし,当該共同体標章が欧州共同体で一定の評判を有する場合,及び当該標識の正当な理由を欠く使用が当該共同体標章の識別性又は評判を不当に利用し,又はこれに不利益をもたらす場合に限る。 - 特許庁


The military renown of Kawachi-Genji was deteriorated by the assassination of MINAMOTO no Yoshitada, the fourth son of Yoshiie, who took over as the head of the family and enjoyed his fame after the death of Yoshiie, under/in the plot by his uncle MINAMOTO no Yoshimitsu. 例文帳に追加

そして、義家の死後に家督を継承し栄名を誇った、義家の四男源義忠が叔父・源義光の策謀で暗殺されたことによって河内源氏の武名は損なわれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Kinto was regretful, thinking that if he had chosen the boat of Chinese poetry he would have won even more renown, reminiscing that when Michinaga told him to choose a boat he was full of pride at being thought a master of all three fields. 例文帳に追加

ところが公任は、漢詩の舟を選んでおけば、もっと名声が上がったはずだと悔やみ、道長に舟を選べと言われたときに、すべての分野で認められているとうぬぼれてしまったと述懐した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1467, when the Onin War erupted, Tsunemoto belonged to the eastern army led by Katsumoto HOSOKAWA and was engaged in fierce and mortal combat with troops led by Sozen YAMANA of the western army inside the capital, earning great renown for his bravery across all parts of the country. 例文帳に追加

1467年、応仁の乱が発生すると、細川勝元率いる東軍に属し、西軍の山名宗全の軍と洛中にて壮絶な死闘を展開し、その勇名を全国に轟かせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the real intention of Nobushige who entered Osaka Castle tempted by Toyotomi Clan whose defeat was almost obvious was to show the military renown of Sanada to the world by frustrating Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, not in order to gain Onsho (reward grants) or recover his family name. 例文帳に追加

敗色濃厚な豊臣氏の誘いに乗って大坂城に入った信繁の真意は、恩賞や家名回復ではなく、徳川家康に一泡吹かせてもって真田の武名を天下に示す事だったと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Jichi To was the idea of new political party formed by local renown men such as mayors of towns and villages promoted by Kaoru INOUE from 1888 to 1889 but failed in the end. 例文帳に追加

自治党(じちとう)とは、1888年から翌年にかけて井上馨が進めてきた町村長ら地方の名望家を集めて結成を構想した新党構想であるが、失敗に終わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Eight great worldly renown pictures are selected and exhibited there, of which four were originally created for The International Garden and Greenery Exposition, Osaka, Japan, in 1990 and were exhibited in the "Garden of Fine Art" pavilion designed by Tadao ANDO. 例文帳に追加

展示されている絵画は世界の名画8点が選ばれていおり、内4点は元々1990年の国際花と緑の博覧会の為に制作され、安藤忠雄の設計によるパヴィリオン『名画の庭』に展示されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1575, as supreme commander, he led the battle to capture Iwamura-jo Castle, which had been taken by Nobutomo AKIYAMA, a busho (commanding officer) of the Takeda family, and gained military renown in successive conquests against the Takeda family. 例文帳に追加

天正3年(1575年)に武田家部将・秋山信友に奪われていた岩村城の攻略戦の総大将として指揮してこれを降し、以降に行われた一連の武田征伐でも大いに武名を上げた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Bushido is a way of survival as an individual fighter, which focuses on developing oneself and the family, bringing them an advantage by achieving military renown. 例文帳に追加

武士道は個人的戦闘者の生存術としての武士道であり、武名を高めることにより自己および一族郎党の発展を有利にすることを主眼に置いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kanda Myojin-Shine which enshrined TAIRA no Masakado, a renown samurai who sought the independence of the Kanto region and who said to have later turned into a vengeful ghost, was relocated from Ote-mon Gate (The area surrounding the present day Kubi-zuka [Mound of Heads]) to Surugadai to the northeast of Edo Castle which was known as a kimon (Literally translated as the "demons gate," which signified an inauspicious direction in Onmyodo [yin-yang philosophy]), and enshrined their as a Shinto deity and protector of Edo. 例文帳に追加

関東の独立を掲げた武将で、代表的な怨霊でもある平将門を祭る神田明神は、大手門前(現在の首塚周辺)から、江戸城の鬼門にあたる駿河台へと移され、江戸惣鎮守として奉られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A restructuring plan under the umbrella of an affiliation with a Chinese company has been set for the time-honored apparel company, Renown. It is quite likely that there will be a growing number of M&A deals in the future in which a Chinese company takes over a Japanese company. How do you see this situation? 例文帳に追加

アパレルの名門企業のレナウンという会社が、中国企業の傘下で再建することになりました。中国企業による日本企業へのM&Aが今後も増える可能性が高いのですが、こういった状況をどう思われますでしょうか。 - 金融庁

Masakazu's style came to be called Enshu because he was appointed Totomi no kami (the Governor of Totomi (Enshu) Province) due to his achievement in rebuilding Sunpu Castle in 1608; however, he also gained renown as an architect of buildings and gardens, in which capacity he built and restored buildings around Japan, including the building of the Imperial Palace for Emperor Goyozei, the restoration of Tenshukaku Tower at Nagoya Castle and the reconstruction of Matsuyama Castle in Bicchu Province. 例文帳に追加

遠州の通り名は慶長13年(1608年)駿府城修築の功績によって遠江守に任ぜられたことによるが、これ以外に後陽成天皇御所造営、名古屋城天守閣の修築、松山城(備中国)の再建など、各地で建物の新造・修繕を務め建築家・造園家として名を馳せた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, such a picture may be published if it concerned public events, official or public personalities, or persons of local or worldwide renown; or if the publication was authorized by public authorities in the public interest, provided that such exhibition or circulation of that picture shall not cause prejudice to the honor, reputation or dignity of that person. 例文帳に追加

ただし、それが公開行事、公職又は公の有名人、又は地方又は世界的な有名人に関わるものである場合、又は、当該の公表が公益上で国家の諸機関から許可されている場合は、当該画像を公表できる。ただし、その映像の展示又は流通によってその者の名誉、名声又は品位を侵害することがない場合に限る。 - 特許庁


The legal protection shall consist in the prohibition of: any commercial use of the geographical indication for goods that are similar to those for which it is registered in so far as the renown of the registered geographical indication is exploited; improper use or counterfeiting of the geographical indication, even where the genuine origin of the goods is specified, use of a translation thereof or use in combination with terms such assort”, “kind”, “type”, and the like; use of any other incorrect or deceptive indication of the source, origin, nature or essential properties of the goods designated on the packaging thereof in advertising material or papers concerning the goods, such indication being likely to mislead as to the genuine origin of the goods; any other action that may mislead users as to the true origin of the goods. 例文帳に追加

法的保護は,次の事項に関する禁止をもって構成される: その地理的表示の登録に係る商品と類似する商品についてその表示を業として使用すること。ただし,登録された地理的登録表示の名声が利用される場合に限る, たとえ商品の真正な出所が指定されている場合でも,地理的表示を不適切に使用し又は偽造すること,地理的表示の翻訳を使用すること,「sort」,「kind」,「type」等の用語を付して使用すること, 商品の出所,原産地,内容又は基本的特性についての前記以外の不正確な又は欺瞞的な表示であって,商品の包装上に示されているものをその商品に関する広告用の材料若しくは紙において使用すること。ただし,その表示が商品の真正の出所について誤認を生じさせる虞がある場合とする, 前記以外の行為であって,商品の真の原産地について消費者に誤認を生じさせる虞があるもの - 特許庁


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