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In particular, officers influenced by Atsutane HIRATA strongly advocated the construction, but Bisei FUKUBA of the Tsuwano Clan was reluctant to restore the Hasshinden, saying that a model for the unity of religion and state in the modern era was to conduct religious rituals in the imperial palace. 例文帳に追加

特に平田篤胤出身の官員は強くそれを主張したが、当時権勢を振るっていた津和野藩出身の福羽美静は新時代の祭政一致のモデルは天皇宮中祭祀にあるとし、八神殿の復興に対しては消極的な姿勢をとっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is known that kuni no miyatsuko were involved in various affairs: the kuni no miyatsuko in Togoku took charge of managing Bemin (the people controlled by the authority through various classifications) and Miyake (lands directly held by the Yamato Kingdom); the one in Izumo conducted religious ceremonies to govern the territory by religion; and the one in Ki got involved in foreign affairs. 例文帳に追加

国造には、東国の国造のように部民や屯倉の管理なども行っていたり、出雲の国造のように神祇を祀り、祭祀により領内を統治することなども行っていたり、紀国造などのように外交に従事したりしたことなどが分かる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Prior to 1945, it was necessary to obtain imperial permission in order to adopt a shogo such as 'jingu' but the separation of politics and religion means that now neither the government nor the imperial household are able to become directly involved and shrines can adopt the title of 'taisha' or 'jingu' without requiring any special permission. 例文帳に追加

1945年以前は神宮などを名乗るためには勅許などが必要だったが、現在では政教分離原則により国家、皇室が神社に直接関与しなくなったため、特に許可を受けなくても、大社、神宮を名乗ることができる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Emperor Goshirakawa was removed from politics and became deeply involved in religion; it is said that he built Renge o in and wished Emperor Nijo to come and see him to Renge o in on the special memorial day, and that he also wished to have a reward for hard work of his religious activity; however, Emperor refused to do so and Emperor Goshirakawa felt bitter about Emperor Nijo. ("Gukan sho") 例文帳に追加

政治から排除された後白河は信仰の世界にのめりこみ、蓮華王院を造営して供養の日に二条の行幸と寺司への功労の賞を熱望するが、二条が拒んだことから後白河は恨みを抱いたという(『愚管抄』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Joseph M. Kitagawa, a professor emeritus and a historian of religion at University of Chicago, describes that she resembles Himiko of Yamatai-Koku Kingdom in that she had a shamanistic ability and was the highest authority holder who was passive and female, and governed the country for a long time through a consanguine man. 例文帳に追加

シカゴ大学名誉教授で宗教史学者のジョゼフ・キタガワは、シャーマン的能力の持ち主で、血縁の男性を介して長期間の統治を行った受動的な女性最高権者である点が、邪馬台国の卑弥呼に似ていると述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the study of the Shito religion, a conclusion has not been reached whether one is not qualified to become the Emperor unless one is a man with the Imperial Family blood line (unbroken imperial line) or theoretically, any powerful person with the Three Sacred Treasures of the Imperial Family can become the Emperor (note that this is not the official point of view of Shinto). 例文帳に追加

神道研究において、天皇家の血筋(いわゆる万世一系)を男系で引いていなければ天皇になる資格はないのか、それとも理論上は三種の神器を抑えた権力者は誰であれ天皇となりうるのかについては結論は出ていない(ただし、神道の公式見解ではない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She performed missionary works in Kyoto and Osaka, moved to Sengenji Village, Tango Province (Maizuru City, Kyoto Prefecture) ruled by her second son Takatomo after the Battle of Sekigahara, performed missionary works centered around the building called Komido patronized by Takatomo, and further pursued her religion. 例文帳に追加

京都、大坂での布教活動を経て、関ヶ原の戦いの後には次男の高知が領した丹後国泉源寺村(京都府舞鶴市)に移り住み、高知の庇護の下此御堂という建物を中心に布教活動を行い、更なる信仰を深めたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the funeral ceremony of Itagaki was conducted with Buddhist rites in accordance with Itagaki's will, as the religious doctrine of the Itagaki family was the Soto sect of Zen Buddhism, Itagaki himself was a Protestant and greatly affected Kenkichi KATAOKA (the first chairman of the House of Representatives) from the same village as Itagaki with regard to his experience in the religion. 例文帳に追加

板垣家の宗旨は曹洞宗であり、退助自身の葬儀は遺志により仏式で行われたが、退助自身はプロテスタントでもあり、同郷の片岡健吉(初代衆議院議長)の入信などに多大な影響を与えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This demonstrates the relationship between the Hata clan, which was based in northern Kyushu and had expanded the scope of its activities further east and worshipped an ujigami (a guardian god or spirit of a particular place in the Shinto religion) at Matsuo-taisha Shrine in Yamashiro no Kuni, and IKI no Hakatoko, who was also based in northern Kyushu and worshipped at Iki Island's Tsukiyomi-jinja Shrine (in Kyoto), which is adjacent to the south side of Matsuo-taisha Shrine. 例文帳に追加

ともに九州北部地方を本拠地として東へと活動の範囲を広げていき、山城国松尾大社に氏神を祀った秦氏と、これに南接する地に壱岐島の月読神社(京都市)を祀った伊吉博徳の縁を窺い知るものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is a kind of nature worship, and is believed to be a form of religion developing from the feeling of awe towards mountainous areas and its accompanying natural environment and the feeling of being overwhelmed, fear, and respect with the magnificence and harshness of the natural environment that hunters had in their deep relationship with mountains.. 例文帳に追加

自然崇拝の一種で、狩猟民族などの山岳と関係の深い民族が山岳地とそれに付帯する自然環境に対して抱く畏敬の念、雄大さや厳しい自然環境に圧倒され恐れ敬う感情などから発展した宗教形態であると思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There is also an opinion that because NAKATOMI no Kamatari was from Kashima and the Fujiwara clan, which were descended from him revered Takemikazuchi no kami as their ujigami (a guardian god of a particular place or family in the Shinto religion), they demeaned the reputation of Takeminakata no kami in order to raise the military prestige of Takemikazuchi no kami. 例文帳に追加

これは、中臣鎌足の出身は鹿島であり、彼を祖とする藤原氏は建御雷神を氏神として篤く信仰していたため、藤原氏が氏神の建御雷神の武威を高めるために、建御名方神を貶めたという説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, while funeral rites were designated as a religious act, Shinto priests (with the exception of priests of shrines below the rank of prefectural shrines, who were allowed to practice Shinsosai for a while), who were regarded as government officials (It is agreed that Shrine Shinto was not a religion), were prohibited from performing Shinsosai because it was a religious act. 例文帳に追加

しかし、葬儀は宗教行為とされる一方、公務員に相当する神職(神社神道は宗教でないとされていた)は宗教活動である神葬祭を行なうことを禁止された。(例外的に府県社以下神社の神職は当分認められた) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the most primitive concept of religion in Japan was, as the proverb says, "Sawaranu Kami ni Tatari nashi" (If you don't touch the god, the god won't haunt you), people probably only scared and sealed the mausoleums not to bother the divine spirits that were enshrined in the quiet solitude in the depth of the mausoleums. 例文帳に追加

それ以前の最も原始的な日本人の宗教観は「触らぬ神に祟りなし」のことわざどおり、御室の深奥でひっそりと鎮座する神霊を、機嫌を損ねて廟域から出ないように、ただ畏れて封印するものだったのかもしれない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The shingu listed here are the main ones, and depending on the shrine (shrine of the ujigami (a guardian god or spirit of a particular place in the Shinto religion) or the shrine of worship) and Sect Shinto school, some things are necessary/unnecessary, so seek the advice of shrines, churches of Sect Shinto school, and shingu stores (butsugu (Buddhist altar fittings) stores carrying shingu). 例文帳に追加

ここであげた神具は主なものであり、神社(氏神の神社や信仰する神社)や教派神道各派によっては必要なもの・不要なものがあることから神社や教派神道各派の教会、神具店(神具を扱う仏具店)に相談する必要がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In particular, due to the separation of Buddhism and Shintoism, which was promoted during the Meiji Restoration, the synthesis of Shinto and Buddhism suffered a fatal blow and was excluded from the center of Shinto teachings, which, under Jinjahishukyoron (theory that Shinto is not a religion), shed religious colors and figured on becoming practical, ritualistic, and spiritual pillars for the people. 例文帳に追加

特に明治維新の際に打ち出された神仏分離によって神仏習合思想は壊滅的な打撃を受け、神社非宗教論のもと宗教色を切り捨てて国民の慣習・儀式・精神的支柱を目指した神道教義の中心から外れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Religious belief was differentiated from paying reverence in shrines or in shrine rituals, but it caused discord among Christians, who were totally monotheistic and repudiated the worship of other religions, or followers of Jodo Shinshu (the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism), which insisted on the strict separation of government and religion. 例文帳に追加

宗教的な信仰と、神社と神社で行われる祭祀への敬礼は区分されたが、他宗教への礼拝を一切否定した完全一神教の視点を持つキリスト教徒や、厳格な政教分離を主張した浄土真宗との間に軋轢を生んだ面もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even in the present day, it is inevitable to use the term when discussing the philosophy of religion, and, contrary to Tylor's view of the animism, Robert Ranulph MARETT advocated that there is a notion of a power or a life without a personality among 'barbarian' tribes. 例文帳に追加

現在でもこの語は宗教学で触れる際など抜きにしては考えられない語であるが、一方タイラーのアニミズム観に対してはマレット(RobertRanulphMarett)が「未開」民族の間では人格性を欠いた力あるいは生命のような観念もあるとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, a movement to establish Shinto as a state religion continued to be inactive because of disorder by Haibutsu-kishaku (a movement to abolish Buddhism), confrontation with Domains' emphasis on Confucianism and Buddhism which still operated function as local government, difference of policy among scholars of the Japanese classics, and moreover, demand for an end of oppression of Christianity from the West. 例文帳に追加

だが、廃仏毀釈による混乱や未だ地方政府としての機能を有していた藩の儒教・仏教重視理念との対立、神祇省内部の国学者間の路線対立、更に欧米からのキリスト教弾圧停止要求も重なって神道国教化の動きは不振が続いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In April 21, 1872, they were forced to revise the Imperial Edict (of 1870) for Establishment of Shinto by establishment of Kyobusho (Ministry of Religion), separation of court ritual and abolition of missionary, and then, next year, Daikyoin (Great Teaching Institute), which aimed to reconstruction and reinforcement of the policy of Edict, was established. 例文帳に追加

明治5年3月14日_(旧暦)(1872年4月21日)の教部省設置と宮中祭祀の切り離し、宣教使の廃止によって大教宣布は見直しを迫られることとなり、大教宣布の路線の再建・強化を目指した大教院が翌年に設置されることとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A lot of relics relating to the Buddhism were excavated by these projects, which established a new theory that in fact, Nobunaga was quite tolerant toward Buddhism and only tried to separate religion and military affairs, although he had long been believed to be strict in Buddhism. 例文帳に追加

これらの事業により、仏教に関連するものが多く発掘されたことから、これまで仏教に対して厳しい姿勢を取っていたと思われていた信長が実はかなり寛容であり、単に宗教と軍事とを分離しようとしていただけという説も出始めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The gist of this Edict was not to reject Buddhism but to separate Shinto and Buddhism from the syncretism that existed until the Edo period, but this reactionary movement was strongly rejected by the anti-Buddhist movement, who regarded Buddhism as the imported religion. 例文帳に追加

神仏分離令の主旨は仏教の排斥ではなく、江戸時代までの神仏習合による仏教と神道の混交から両者を分離することであったが、当時の復古的機運は仏教でさえも外来の宗教として激しく排斥する廃仏毀釈へと向かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the supervisor, Hanzaburo TERAZAWA, found 12-year old Louis IBARAKI among the party which arrived in Nagasaki after the journey in the coldest period of winter, he felt sorry and tried to save him by offering the condition that he should renounce his religion, but Louis politely turned down this offer. 例文帳に追加

厳冬期の旅を終えて長崎に到着した一行を見た責任者の寺沢半三郎は、一行の中に12歳の少年ルドビコ茨木がいるのを見て気の毒に思い、信仰を捨てることを条件に助けようとしたが、ルドビコはこの申し出を丁重に断った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Following the creation of the Ministry of Divinities, a mere six months later its name was changed to kyobusho (Ministry of Religion) in order to disseminate further the Imperial Edict (of 1870) for the Establishment of Shinto through the efforts of the senkyoshi (Shinto missionaries) who had been established in the final days of the Department of Divinities; the religious services of the Imperial Court were separated from this Ministry's jurisdiction and placed under the control of the shikiburyo (Bureau of Rites) of the Imperial Household Agency. 例文帳に追加

その後、神祇官末期に設置された宣教使による大教宣布を強化するために、わずか半年で教部省に改称され、宮中祭祀は分離されて宮内省式部寮に移されることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While this change was an important policy issue for the Meiji government, complicated disputes arose among some nationalists as to whether the settlements acted as a bulwark protecting Japanese tradition and culture from foreign ideas and religion. 例文帳に追加

明治政府の外交政策にとって、この是正は重要な課題のひとつとなるが、逆に一部の国粋主義者からは居留地の存在が外国の思想や宗教から日本の伝統・文化を守る防壁になっているという見地からの存続論も登場して複雑な論争を招くことになった(内地雑居)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kyoto, currently known as the cultural and industrial center, had been the national capital since the period of Heian-kyo with the Imperial Court and the headquarters of a numerous leading Buddhist sects, despite the serious setbacks suffered in the Onin War, and it was the city representing Japan as the center of the academic activities, arts and religion at that time, 例文帳に追加

文化および工業都市・京は平安京以来の都であり、応仁の乱によって大打撃を受けたものの、依然として朝廷や仏教の有力宗派のうちのいくつかの本山などが設置され、学術・芸術・宗教の面では当時の日本を代表する都市であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Shinto religion, 上代 (jodai) refers to the period until Emperor Kanmu when gods (Shinto) existed in the world, 上代 (kamishiro) to 神代 (kamishiro) meaning places where gods exist in the Utsushiyo (Land of the living) and 上代 (kamiyo) to (kamiyo) meaning the whole world including Utsushiyo and Tokoyo (Land of the dead). 例文帳に追加

神道においては、桓武天皇までの現世にも神(神道)が君臨した時代をさし、上代(かみしろ)であれば神代(かみしろ)のことで、現世での神の存在する場所であり、上代(かみよ)であれば神世(かみよ)のことで、現世(うつしよ)と常世(とこよ)を含めた世界の全てを意味する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, following the trend during the Taisho period and academic journal 'Architecture Journal' and similar journals published this movement which continued until the early Showa period, with regard to folklore there has been no progress in the study of folk dwelling, religion and related fields. 例文帳に追加

そして、この流れを受け継いだ大正時代には、学会誌「建築雑誌」や各種新聞雑誌の類などを行い、この運動は昭和初期まで続くこととなり民俗学において、民家研究や民族宗教研究といった研究分野での進展がなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Legend has it that Prince Shotoku first built it in Shitennoji in Osaka as one of the Shikain (four institutions) following the example of the Sui Dynasty in ancient China, and that it is related to the origin of Respect-for-Senior-Citizens Day; Shikain is together the combination of Hidenin, Keidenin (for religion, music), Seyakuin (free pharmacy), and Ryobyoin (free hospital). 例文帳に追加

聖徳太子が隋に倣い大阪の四天王寺に四箇院の一つとして建てられたのが日本での最初とする伝承があり、敬老の日の由来の俗説の一つである(四箇院とは悲田院に敬田院・施薬院・療病院を合せたものである)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

An application for the registration of a geographical indication shall be refused by the Directorate General, if the sign concerned: a. is against morality of religion, public order, likely to deceive or mislead people as to the characteristics, such as features, quality, source of origin, process of production or use; b. is not qualified to be registered as a geographical indication. 例文帳に追加

地理的表示の登録出願は,当該標識が次の場合,総局によって拒絶される。 (a) 宗教規範,道徳,公共の秩序に反するか,特質,品質,原産地,生産工程,使用法等の特徴について社会を誤認混同させる。 (b) 地理的表示として登録される要件を備えていない。 - 特許庁

The means for solving the problem is to inexpensively create a grave of an ancestor meeting each demand such as a grave fitting in each country and each religion, or a grave following the custom of one's hometown, and to enable to worship from home or anywhere, domestic or overseas, as long as connection on the Internet is available from the place.例文帳に追加

各国及び各宗派に適合した墓、出身地の慣習に適合した墓等、各々の要望に適合した先祖の墓を安価につくり、国内、国外はもとより、インターネットの接続が可能であれば自宅からでも何処からでも礼拝できるようにする事を課題を解決するための手段としている。 - 特許庁

Zero-Sum conducted local market research to find out why, and discovered that successful contents in India were generally linked to fortune telling, movies, cricket or religion. 例文帳に追加

理由を探るため現地でのマーケティングを行うと、インドで受け入れられるコンテンツには、占い、映画、クリケット、宗教系のいずれかの要素に絡んでいるという共通点があることが分かり、現地の文化に合ったものを提供する必要性を実感した。 - 経済産業省

There are many migrant workers from rural areas in China, but, regional labor movements are limited in India due to the differences in language, religion and culture. In addition, it seems that service industries secure human resources even in the government sector as well as the private sector, and manufacturing industries have a shortage of human resources.例文帳に追加

中国では農村からの出稼ぎ労働者が多いが、インドの場合、言語、宗教、文化等の違い等から地域的な労働力移動は限られる上、政府部門、民間部門でもサービス業に人材をとられ、製造業では人材が不足気味との声も聞かれる。 - 経済産業省

A certain degree of success has been achieved in aligning and harmonizing the strict self-regulation that Islamic finance places on investment and loan behavior based on the doctrine of the Islamic religion, including the prohibition of interest, with the financial and capital market systems of the non-Islamic world, and this has contributed to the expansion of finance in Islamic areas.例文帳に追加

イスラム金融は、利息の禁止などイスラム教の教義に基づいて投融資行動に課している厳格な自己規制を非イスラム世界の金融・資本市場システムと整合・調和させていくことについては一定の成功を収め、イスラム圏での金融拡大に貢献してきた。 - 経済産業省

Considering the huge diversity of East Asia regarding political and economic systems, as well as history, religion, and culture, one can anticipate greater challenges confronting the region on its path to economic integration than those faced by Europe when it strove for the European Union (EU).例文帳に追加

東アジアは、歴史、宗教、文化に加え、政治体制や経済体制が実に多様であることを考えれば、経済統合の推進に当たっては、欧州がEUを構築する際に直面してきたよりも、多くの課題に直面することが予想される。 - 経済産業省

religion, the most powerful of the elements which have entered into the formation of moral feeling, having almost always been governed either by the ambition of a hierarchy, seeking control over every department of human conduct, or by the spirit of Puritanism. 例文帳に追加

道徳的感情の形成に関わる要素のなかで最も強力な要素である宗教は、ほとんど常に、人間の行為のあらゆる分野に対し統制しようとする聖職位階制の野望か、ピューリタニズムの精神によって支配されてきました。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

It is a bitter thought, how different a thing the Christianity of the world might have been, if the Christian faith had been adopted as the religion of the empire under the auspices of Marcus Aurelius instead of those of Constantine. 例文帳に追加

もしコンスタンティヌス帝の庇護のもとではなく、マルクス・アウレリウス帝の庇護のもとでキリスト教の信仰が帝国の宗教として採用されてたなら世界中のキリスト教がどんなに違ったものになっていただろうと考えると、悲痛な思いがします。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

But when we turn to subjects infinitely more complicated, to morals, religion, politics, social relations, and the business of life, three-fourths of the arguments for every disputed opinion consist in dispelling the appearances which favour some opinion different from it. 例文帳に追加

しかし、限りなく複雑な問題、道徳や宗教、政治、社会関係、生活の営みなどに目を転じると、どんな論争中の意見でもその賛成論の四分の三は、その意見とは異なる意見を支持する状況を一掃することにあります。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

but there is also first day at school, religion, fathers, the round pond, needle-work, murders, hangings, verbs that take the dative, chocolate pudding day, getting into braces, say ninety-nine, three-pence for pulling out your tooth yourself, and so on, 例文帳に追加

でもまだ学校での最初の登校日、宗教、祖先、まあるい池、針仕事、殺人、絞首刑、間接目的語をとる動詞、チョコレートプディングの日、歯列矯正器をつけて、99といって、じぶんで歯をぬいたら3ペンスやるよ、とかとにかくそんなものがあるのです。 - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』

(3) Until a date specified separately by law, a trust with no provisions on the beneficiary (excluding trusts to be created for academic activities, art, charity, worship, religion, or any other public interest) may not be created by designating, as the trustee, a person other than a juridical person specified by Cabinet Order as having sufficient financial basis and personnel structure to appropriately administer trust affairs concerning said trust. 例文帳に追加

3 受益者の定めのない信託(学術、技芸、慈善、祭祀、宗教その他公益を目的とするものを除く。)は、別に法律で定める日までの間、当該信託に関する信託事務を適正に処理するに足りる財産的基礎及び人的構成を有する者として政令で定める法人以外の者を受託者としてすることができない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Moreover, particularly after the great march of the Shakubuku (an evangelistic technique, in Japanese meaning "break and subdue") of Soka Gakkai, which was started in 1951, the three of the freedom of religion, nonintervention against civil affairs and the Juvenile Act have been given the slang expression Sandaihiho in order to show the shilly-shallying of public administrations such as the government, police and courts of law from both sides, specifically the victims of Shakubuku and the assailants (the devout believers). 例文帳に追加

また、特に1951年開始された創価学会の折伏大行進以降になるとスラング的用法として折伏の被害者、熱心な信者即ち加害者双方から信教の自由、民事不介入、少年法の3つが行政、警察、裁判所等公的機関の及び腰な姿勢を示す言葉として三大秘法と表現されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mandala' means Esoteric Buddhism mandala in the narrow sense, but in Japan, there are many works called 'mandala' other than those of Esoteric Buddhism, such as 'Jodo Mandala' which expresses Saiho Gokuraku Jodo (Western Pure Land) where Amida Nyorai (Buddha of Paradise) resides and 'Suijaku Mandala' of Shinto Religion, and their contents and styles of expression are also so diversified that it is difficult to define in a word what should be regarded as 'mandala.' 例文帳に追加

「曼荼羅」はもっとも狭義には密教曼荼羅を指すが、日本においては、阿弥陀如来のいる西方極楽浄土の様子を表わした「浄土曼荼羅」、神道系の「垂迹(すいじゃく)曼荼羅」など、密教以外にも「曼荼羅」と称される作品がきわめて多く、内容や表現形式も多岐にわたり、何をもって「曼荼羅」と見なすか、一言で定義することは困難である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are many places where the statues were given, such as Eihei-ji Temple, Daihonzan (head temple of a Buddhist sect) of the Soto Zen sect, Chuson-ji Temple, Tohoku daihonzan of the Tendai sect, Juntei Kannon-do Hall of Daigo-ji Temple, Paknum Temple in Thailand, Copenhagen University, Uppsala University, University of Oslo, Pope Paul VI in Vatican City, Hebrew University, and Erin-ji Temple, which is an ancestral temple of Shingen TAKEDA, and the golden statues were sent to various places without regard for differences of religion. 例文帳に追加

贈られた先には様々あるが、一例を挙げると、曹洞宗大本山永平寺、天台宗東北大本山中尊寺、醍醐寺准胝観音堂、タイ国パクナム寺院、コペンハーゲン大学、ウプサラ大学、オスロ大学、バチカンのヨハネ・パウロ6世、ヘブライ大学、武田信玄公菩提寺の恵林寺など、宗派を超えて金色の仏像が送られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In general, 'Haibutsu-kishaku' means the destruction of Buddhist facilities caused by the policies of Shinto kokkyo (establishing Shinto as a state religion) and Saisei icchi (uniting Shinto and politics) including 'Shinbutsu Bunrirei' (Ordinance distinguishing Shinto and Buddhism), an edict of Dajokan (the Grand Council of State) dated on April 5, 1868 as well as 'Taikyo Senbu' (Establishment of Shinto), an Imperial edict dated February 3, 1870, which the new Japanese government established after the Meiji Restoration issued. 例文帳に追加

一般に「廃仏毀釈」と言えば、日本において明治維新後に成立した新政府が慶応4年3月13日(旧暦)(1868年4月5日)に発した太政官布告「神仏分離令」、明治3年1月3日(旧暦)(1870年2月3日)に出された詔書「大教宣布」など神道国教・祭政一致の政策によって引き起こされた仏教施設の破壊などを指す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The kenmitsu taisei theory claims that the authentic religion in medieval Japan, in fact, was kenmitsu Buddhism, which had been integrated under the umbrella of Esoteric Buddhism after the Heian period, and eight old Buddhism sects did not co-exist but formed a competitive order built on the absolute and universal truth of Esoteric Buddhism while sharing as the common foundation the characteristics peculiar to Esoteric Buddhism: prayers for peace of souls and ritualistic faith. 例文帳に追加

実際に日本中世において正統と見なされた宗教は、平安時代以来密教を基軸に統合された顕密の仏教であり、旧仏教八宗は併立していたのではなく、密教に見ることが出来る鎮魂呪術的信仰という共通の基盤の上に密教の絶対的・普遍的真実性を前提とした競合的な秩序を形成していたものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In case of asking help for the damage suffered, avoid depending on the religious sect which is opposed to the organization in question (as you should be cautious because there exists 'Victims' Group' which is hiding its religion placed in the opposing relationship, [whose examples are the Soka Gakkai victims' group led by Nichiren Shoshu sect and the Kensho-kai victims' group led by Soka Gakkai]). 例文帳に追加

被害の対策に当たっては、当該団体と対立関係にある宗教宗派に頼ることは避ける(対立関係にある宗教であることを隠した「被害者の会」(例として日蓮正宗主導の創価学会被害者の会や創価学会主導の顕正会被害者の会)が存在するため、注意を要する)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Buddhism, which began in northern India as a world religion, is mainly categorized into Theravada Buddhism (Nanden bukkyo [Buddhism that spread from India to Sri Lanka and Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia]) which spread in southeast Asia (Khmer Dynasty, Sriwijaya Kingdom), and Mahayana Buddhism (Hokuden bukkyo [Buddhism that spread from India to northern Asia]) which spread to China, the Korean peninsula, and other regions through the western regions of China (Central Asia). 例文帳に追加

北インドの地で生まれた世界宗教としての仏教は、主として東南アジア方面(クメール王朝、シュリーヴィジャヤ王国)に伝播した上座部仏教(南伝仏教)と、西域(中央アジア)を経由して中国から朝鮮半島などへ広がった大乗仏教(北伝仏教)に分かれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was also related with religion (Shinto, Buddhism, and folk beliefs) and the idea of 'michi' (way), forms a part of the concept of value and heart in the way of military arts such as zan-shin and the engi (writing about history) as in Shinto rituals or in the concept of values and hearts such as hare (noticeably cheerful and formal situations or such places) or shako-shin by a mixture of fortune telling or Shinto rituals and pleasure, and consists of Japanese culture. 例文帳に追加

さらに宗教(神道・仏教・民間信仰)や「道」という概念と渾然一体となって武芸の残心という所作や神事としての縁起などの価値観や心、若しくは占いや神事と遊興が結びついてハレや射幸心(射倖心)といった価値観や心の一端を形成し、日本の文化を担っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Presently in Japan, shorinji kenpo and nihon kenpo are famous - the former has spread among a wide range of people within background of a new religion and the latter has spread among some groups centered on university kenpo teams and turned into a sport in a sense – but both are performing activities such as showing their techniques on TV. 例文帳に追加

現在、日本で拳法と名の付く代表的なものには少林寺拳法と日本拳法があり、前者は仏教系新宗教を背景として幅広い層に普及し、後者は大学拳法部を中心にいくつかの団体に分かれて広がってきたが、スポーツ化した一面も持つと言われており、いずれもテレビで技を見せるなどの活動もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the various arts of Onmyo performed by the both families became a quasi-religion going beyond their original official capacity, and since their art was favored by the nerve center of the Imperial Court, despite the fact that the Kamo clan and the Abe clan only performed the art of Onmyo, they were appointed to higher government posts over others, climbing to the Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) which exceeded Onmyoryo-related positions as stipulated by the ritsuryo which was Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) being the highest. 例文帳に追加

また、両家の行う陰陽諸道は本来の官制職掌を越えて宗教化し、これが朝廷中枢に重用されたため、賀茂氏と安倍氏は、その実態がもっぱら陰陽諸道を執り行う者であるにもかかわらず、律令においては従五位下が最高位であると定める陰陽寮職掌を越えて、他のより上位の官職に任命され従四位下格にまで昇進するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the Asuka period in which Buddhism was first transmitted to Japan, Shinto and Buddhism had not yet integrated with one another, but in the Heian period when Buddhism began to diffuse throughout the nation, a certain degree of friction arose between the new beliefs and the ancient Japanese Shinto religion and out of this rose a syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism in which Shinto kami were considered to be the temporary forms of Buddhist deities. 例文帳に追加

日本に仏教が伝来した飛鳥時代には、神道と仏教はまだ統合される事はなかったが、平安時代になり、仏教が一般にも浸透し始めると、日本古来の宗教である神道との軋轢が生じ、そこから神は仏の仮の姿であるとする神仏習合思想が生まれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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