
「settled in」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(11ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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settled inの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 1333


The origin of tokonoma is oshiita (a zashiki kazari of a thick wooden board settled at the bottom of the wall in the Medieval Period) in the Medieval period, and the tokonoma had been accomplished in the Shoin-zukuri Sukiya (a house built in the style of a tea-ceremony hut), and in Shoin-zukuri in the style of sukiya (traditional style of Japanese residential architecture building in the style of a tea-ceremony house), in the early modern period, in a quintessential way. 例文帳に追加

中世の押し板が起源であり、典型的には近世初期の書院造、数寄屋風書院において完成した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Concerning the writing of its name 'Ando,' in those historical records generally state as, the clan used the denomination of ' (Ando) clan' during the Kamakura period to the period of the Northern and Southern Courts when the clan was settled in Tsugaru region, while it was settled in Akita region in the mid-Muromachi period and after, its denomination came to be written ' (Ando) clan,' and therefore, the individual surnames of the clan until mid-15th century will be written as ' (ANDO)' and after that it will be written as ' (ANDO),' and for the sake of simplicity, the clans name will be consistently written as the 'Ando' clan. 例文帳に追加

なお、アンドウの表記について諸史料では主として鎌倉時代から南北朝時代(日本)にかけての津軽時代には「安藤氏」、室町時代中期以降の秋田時代には「安東氏」とされている例が多いことから、個人名表記は概ね15世紀半ばまでを「安藤」、以降を「安東」とするが、本稿では便宜上、氏族名は「安東」で統一する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After a contact process for bringing the hexavalent selenium- containing waste water into contact with ferrous hydroxide slurry in a contact vessel 3 to remove selenium from the hexavalent selenium-containing waste water, the hexavalent selenium-containing waste water is solid-liquid separated in a settling vessel 4 and at least a part of settled slurry is circulated in the contact process through a settled slurry circulating line 8.例文帳に追加

6価セレン含有廃水からセレンを除去するため、6価セレン含有廃水を接触槽3内で水酸化第一鉄スラリーと接触させる接触工程の後、沈殿槽4で固液分離し、沈殿スラリーの少なくとも一部を沈殿スラリー循環ライン8により前記接触工程に循環する。 - 特許庁

In the state of inserting the apparatus 10 to a bucky table and having a subject lie on it, an operator views the direction of the surface 17 from the front surface side, confirms whether or not the measurement part of the subject is exactly settled between the pair of guide lines 18, and when it is not settled, adjusts the position in the horizontal direction and height of the apparatus 10.例文帳に追加

操作者は、装置10をブッキー台に差し込み、その上に被検者を寝かせた状態で、正面側から面17の方向をみて、被検者の測定部位が一対のガイドライン18の間にぴったり収まっているかどうかを確認し、収まっていなければ、装置10の左右方向の位置や高さを調節する。 - 特許庁


The inductance Lr of a reactor L1 for resonance of a converter circuit part 1 and the capacitance Cr of a capacitor C1 for resonance are already known, and when each value Lr and Cr is settled, the cycle Tn of a resonance current and the property impedance Zn are settled, so each value Tn and Zn is stored in advance in the memory of a control circuit 3.例文帳に追加

コンバータ回路部1の共振用リアクトルL1のインダクタンスLrおよび共振用コンデンサC1のキャパシタンスCrは既知で、各値Lr,Crが決まると共振電流の周期Tnおよび特性インピーダンスZnが決まるので、制御回路3のメモリに、各値Tn,Znを予め格納しておく。 - 特許庁


As Ito, who was often in conflict with him on political matters, lived near Okuma's second residence in Oiso, Okuma rarely used the house, and so he settled into another second residence in Kozu, vacating his residence in Oiso just 10 years later. 例文帳に追加

様々な政治上の軋轢があった相手との近い距離のためか、大磯別邸はあまり使用されず、明治40年(1907年)には別邸を新たに国府津に構え、わずか10年で大磯を引き払っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Her father Siebold, who settled in a residence located in Narutaki, Nagasaki and returned to associate himself with his former disciples and his daughter Ine, continued his Japanese studies, and in 1861 he was invited by the bakufu (Japanese government headed by a shogun) to hold the post of diplomatic adviser in Edo (present Tokyo), where he also gave lectures on the European studies. 例文帳に追加

父シーボルトは、長崎・鳴滝に住居を構え昔の門人や娘・イネと交流し日本研究を続け、1861年幕府に招かれ外交顧問に就き江戸でヨーロッパの学問なども講義している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A fortified hilltop settlement dating from the middle of the Yayoi period was found in the Uzumasa in Kawachi Province (the Uzumasa site), and artifacts of the fifth to sixth centuries relating to Toraijin (the Chinese and Koreans who settled in Japan in the fourth to seventh centuries), have been excavated (from a cluster of nearby burial mounds). 例文帳に追加

これを検討すると、河内国太秦には弥生中期頃の高地性集落(太秦遺跡)が確認されており、付近の古墳群からは5~6世紀にかけての渡来人関係の遺物が出土(太秦古墳群)している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Where, in proceedings for infringement of the design right in a design in respect of which a licence is available as of right, the defendant undertakes to take a licence on such terms as may be agreed or, in default of agreement, settled by the Controller--例文帳に追加

ライセンスが正当に得られる意匠についての意匠権侵害訴訟において,被告が合意により又は合意がない場合は長官が定める条件でライセンスを取得することを約束する場合は, - 特許庁


Thus, a light storage material powder particle excellent in afterglow characteristics and large in particle size is not settled in the coating film, so that the light storage coating film improved in the afterglow characteristics is obtained.例文帳に追加

これによって残光特性が優れた粒径の大きな蓄光材粉末粒子が、塗料膜の中で沈降することがなくなり、残光特性が向上した蓄光塗料膜が得られる。 - 特許庁


In this refuge state, the actuator means 60 maintains the state of the movable step board being in the projecting position, but the movable step board 20 is settled in a housing box embedded in a platform floor cover within a building limit.例文帳に追加

この退避状態では、アクチュエータ手段60は、可動踏み板20を張り出し位置とする状態を維持しているが、可動踏み板20は、建築限界内のプラットホーム床仕上げ内に埋め込まれた格納箱70内に納まる。 - 特許庁

Then, this judges whether an overflow or an underflow has occurred, in case that a row of characters are embedded in a character region being, expressed by the number of lines in the row of characters and the number of lines in each line temporarily settled.例文帳に追加

そして文字列を、仮確定された文字列の行数及び各行の文字数で表される文字領域に埋め込んだ場合に、オーバーフローが発生したりアンダーフローが生じたか否かを判断する。 - 特許庁

Accordingly, the coarse particles in the slurry 12 are settled on the surface of the cloth 15 earlier than the fine particles in a naturally settling region 17 and then the slurry 12 is dehydrated in vacuum in a suction box 16 and formed into dehydrated cake 18.例文帳に追加

このため、自然沈降域17においてスラリー12中の粗粒が微粒よりも先に濾布15の表面上に沈降した後にスラリー12はサクションボックス16で真空脱水されて脱水ケーキ18が形成される。 - 特許庁

To provide a combine harvester settled in complex operations in reaping work along levee side regions and in farm corners to make the reaping work efficiently and smoothly performable in accordance with farm conditions and the like.例文帳に追加

コンバインにおいて、畦際に沿った部分や圃場の隅部で刈取作業をするに際しての煩雑な操作をなくし、圃場状況等に応じて刈取作業を効率よくスムーズに実行できるようにする。 - 特許庁

In an image quality improvement part 14, whether an edge is in the horizontal direction or in the vertical direction or in the 45° direction is classified by an angle estimation part 21 and an angle of the edge is settled by an angle settlement part 22.例文帳に追加

画質改善部14では、角度概算部21でエッジが水平方向または垂直方向、45度方向なのかを分類し、角度精算部22でエッジの角度を精算する。 - 特許庁

In the method of settling solid components in rice washing drainage, yeast having a settling property is mixed in the rice washing drainage, the solid components contained in the rice washing drainage are made to adhere to the yeast, and the solid components and the yeast are settled together to perform solid-liquid separation.例文帳に追加

洗米排水の固形成分の沈降方法は、洗米排水に沈降性を有する酵母を混合し、洗米排水に含有する固形成分を酵母に付着させ、固形成分を酵母と共沈させて固液分離する。 - 特許庁

A separated component in the first solid-liquid separation vessel 3 is biologically treated in an aerobic wastewater treatment tank 5, a settled solid component and a floating solid component separated in a second solid- liquid separation vessel 6 is biologically treated in the aerobic digestion tank 4.例文帳に追加

第1の固液分離槽3の分離成分は好気性廃水処理槽5で生物処理し、処理水から第2の固液分離槽6で分離した沈降分と浮上分を好気性消化槽4で生物処理する。 - 特許庁

A manager carries out confirmation work of whether or not payment of respective parked wheels are settled by reading a registration number of respective parked wheels by the portable terminal at some appropriate time and collating it with data recorded in the fee settling machine, and if payment is not settled, the manager notifies the user by applying a reminder seal requesting fee payment on wheels.例文帳に追加

管理作業者は、適切な時間を見計らって携帯端末により駐車中の各車両の登録番号を読取り料金精算機に記録されたデータと照合して各駐車車両が精算済みか否かの確認作業を行い、未精算の場合に料金支払いを促す督促シール等を車両に貼って利用者に通知する。 - 特許庁

In the engine control method executing stroke discrimination of a plurality of cylinders from resultant intake pressure waveform Pb detected by a Pb sensor 4, intake pressure detection value of each cranking stage is buffered from engine cranking start, and stroke discrimination is temporally settled after 720 degree rotation from a point of time when crank reference position is settled.例文帳に追加

Pbセンサ4で検知される合成吸気圧波形Pbから複数の気筒の行程判別を行うエンジン制御方法において、エンジンのクランキング開始時からクランキングステージ毎の吸気圧の検出値をバッファリングすると共に、クランク基準位置が確定した時点から720度回転した時点で行程判別を仮確定する。 - 特許庁

In the case that an edge pattern detected by pattern detection processing is not matched with the ideal pattern while the line type of the white line 30 has been settled, the edge pattern is verified with a deteriorated pattern (S18), and the white line 30 is recognized as a line type of the settled pattern when the edge lines match the deteriorated pattern.例文帳に追加

そして、白線30の線種が確定している状態において、パターン検出処理により検出されたエッジパターンが理想パターンと一致しないときに、そのエッジパターンを劣化パターンと照合し(S18)、そのエッジ線が劣化パターンと一致したときに白線30が確定済みパターンの線種として認識する(S24)。 - 特許庁

Even if an opening command value output to a throttle actuator is gradually increased or decreased when a lean-burn executing condition is settled or not settled, delay by dead time is developed on the throttle actuator, so that the shifting operation of a target air-fuel ratio, ignition timing, and injection timing is executed in synchronism with the dead time.例文帳に追加

リーンバーン実施条件が成立或いは不成立となったときスロットルアクチュエータに対して出力する開度指令値を段階的に増加或いは減少させても、スロットルアクチュエータにはむだ時間分の遅れが生じるため、目標空燃比、点火時期、噴射時期の移行作動をむだ時間に同期させて移行作動させる。 - 特許庁

An organic acid fermentor 18 for retaining the initially settled sludge crushed by the crusher 17 to carry out organic acid-fermentation is provided and the initially settled sludge containing the organic acid by the fermentation is introduced to be circulated to the initial settling basin 12 and flow out water in the initial settling basin 12 is introduced into the biological reactor 11 to carry out the waste water treatment.例文帳に追加

さらに、破砕機17で破砕された初沈汚泥を滞留させて有機酸発酵させる有機酸発酵槽18を設け、発酵処理によって生成した有機酸を含む初沈汚泥を最初沈殿池12に循環導入し、最初沈殿池12の流出水を生物反応槽11に導入して排水処理を行う。 - 特許庁

A specific value is set the coefficient S for performing quantization and encoding, and a new coefficient S is calculated on the basis of a predetermined method in accordance with the resultant compressed data amount, quantization and encoding are then performed again, the processing is repeated until the compressed data amount is settled within the predetermined range, so that the compressed data amount is settled within the predetermined range.例文帳に追加

係数Sに特定の値を設定して量子化および符号化を行い、得られる圧縮後のデータ量によって所定の方法に基づき新たな係数Sを求めた後、再び量子化および符号化を行い、圧縮後のデータ量が所定の範囲となるまでこれらの処理を繰り返し、圧縮後のデータ量が所定の範囲に収まるようにする。 - 特許庁

In a method for selling a design drawing of the house, the client computer selects prescribed information from a list previously presented to a purchaser by the seller and transmits this information to the server computer on the seller side and transmits a settlement signal indicating that selected information has been settled and purchase of the design drawing based on this information has been settled.例文帳に追加

住宅の設計図を販売する方法であって、クライアントコンピュータが、販売者が予め購入者に提供したリストから所定の情報を選択して、この情報を販売者側のサーバコンピュータに送信し、さらに選択した情報が確定し、この情報に基づく設計図の購入が確定したことを示す確定信号を送信する。 - 特許庁

Japan became a unified nation in the Heian period after the disputes with China/Korea were settled and the war against Hayato (ancient tribe in Kyushu) and Ezo (ancient tribe in Tohoku) ended. 例文帳に追加

平安時代の日本においては、中国・朝鮮半島との紛争が沈静化し、隼人や蝦夷との戦いも終わりが見え始めて国内統一が実現された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After having wandered in Kyushu, Ryoma went to Edo and stayed at the Chiba dojo; "Ishin Tosa Kinnoshi (History of Support of the Emperor in Tosa during the Restoration)" reads "Ryoma traveled to Edo as free as the wind, and settled down in the place of Jutaro CHIBA, an old friend of his, located at Okecho outside Kajibashi." 例文帳に追加

龍馬は九州などを放浪した後、江戸へ入り千葉道場に身を寄せる『維新土佐勤王史』「坂本は飄然として江戸に下り、彼の旧識なる鍛冶橋外桶町の千葉重太郎方に草蛙を解きぬ」。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Copy of Submitted Document about Ancestor" reads "Ancestor, Taro Goro SAKAMOTO was born in Yamashiro no kuni, although the details such as which county and village in Yamashiro no kuni are yet to be known. He escaped a war disaster and arrived at and settled in Saitani-mura village of Nagaoka-gun county. 例文帳に追加

坂本家が主君に差し出した『先祖書指出控』には、「先祖、坂本太郎五郎、生国山城国、郡村未だ詳らかならず、仕声弓戦之難を避け、長岡郡才谷村に来住す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Different from his older brothers who settled themselves in Settsu Province like their ancestors, Kuninao resided in Yamagata district (Gifu Prefecture) based in Mino Province, therefore he became the founder of the Yamagata clan of Mino-Genji (Minamoto clan). 例文帳に追加

兄たちが累代の本拠地である摂津国を地盤としたのに対し、国直は美濃国を地盤として同国山県郡(岐阜県)に居住したことから美濃源氏山県氏族の祖となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tsunayoshi, with the considerable assistance of the tairo, Masatoshi HOTTA, actively involved himself in politics, re-ruling on the matter of succession in Takada Domain in Echigo Province (known as the Echigo Quarrel) even though it had already been settled, and inspecting the politics of several domains. 例文帳に追加

綱吉は大老堀田正俊を片腕に処分が確定していた越後国高田藩の継承問題(越後騒動)を裁定し直したり、諸藩の政治を監査するなどして積極的な政治に乗り出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was the Fujigayatsu family, which was a branch family of the Reizei family, and the famiky name was derived from the fact that Tamesuke settled a villa in Fujigayatsu in Kamakura in Kanto. 例文帳に追加

なお、冷泉家の分家に藤谷家があるが、藤谷家の家名は為相が鎌倉の藤ヶ谷(ふじがやつ)に関東における別宅を構えたことに由来する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Then, he moved to 入道 in Higo Province (the present Kikuyocho in Kumamoto province) to depend on his uncle, Tadaharu NAGAOKA who was a member of the Hosokawa-naizen family; After a while he settled there, he suffered from illness, which killed him at the age of 45 in 1670. 例文帳に追加

そして、叔父にあたる細川内膳家長岡忠春を頼って肥後国入道水村(現在の熊本県菊陽町)に下向、そこで暮らしていたが病を得て寛文10年に45歳で卒去した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Masamitsu OTA moved to Shimotsuke Province around 1150 in the end of the Heian period and settled in Oyama shoen (manor in medieval Japan), calling himself Shiro OYAMA or Shimotsukenodaiten OYAMA to be the founder of the Oyama family. 例文帳に追加

太田政光は平安時代末期の1150年頃、下野国に移住して小山荘に住し、小山四郎、小山下野大椽と称し小山氏の祖となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Sanpo War was a rebellion occurred in Gyeongsang Province, Korea, in 1510, provoked by the So clan, who was the shugo (military governor) of Tsushima Province, and kokyowa (Japanese residents who settled down in Korea with keeping Japanese nationality). 例文帳に追加

三浦の乱(サンポのらん)とは、1510年(中宗(朝鮮王)4年)に朝鮮王朝慶尚道で起きた、対馬守護宗氏と恒居倭人(朝鮮居留日本人)による反乱。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1510, when the revolt of the So clan and (Japanese who had been settled down in Sanpo, Korea) failed in the Sanpo Disturbance, Koriwasen were forbidden by the Articles of Japanese Jinshin yakujo and the Koriwasen disappeared. 例文帳に追加

1510年、三浦の乱において宗氏及び恒居倭(三浦に定住していた日本人)の蜂起が失敗に終わると、壬申約条において興利倭船は禁止され、以降姿を消した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In ancient times, toraijin (foreigners, particularly from China and Korea, who settled in early Japan and introduced the culture of the Asian continent to the Japanese) who were well versed in Rekido (study of the calendar) or Sando (study of mathematics) were often appointed, but later only members of the Okasuga clan, Iehara clan, Onakatomi clan or Kamo clan were appointed to the post. 例文帳に追加

古くは暦道・算道に通じた渡来人系の人物が任じられる事が多かったが、後に大春日氏・家原氏・大中臣氏・賀茂氏などが世襲した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The port of Niigata on the Sea of Japan (northern) side had been developed as an anchoring site for Kitamae-bune (cargo ships that sailed the Japan Sea) in the Edo period and was opened internationally in 1868; however, as few foreigners came and settled there, no particular settlement was established, and foreigners were permitted to live together in Niigata's urban areas. 例文帳に追加

日本海側の新潟港は、江戸時代に北前船の寄港地として発展し、1868年対外開港したが、外国人の来住が少ないため、特に居留地は設置せず、市街に雑居することが認められた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Based in Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly in the Kanto region), the family enhanced its reputation as a leader of the samurai families and gained the confidence of the Imperial Court by suppressing civil wars, until eventually it acquired the name "Ashikaga clan" when MINAMOTO no Yoshikuni, the third son of Yoshiie, settled in Ashikaga Manor, Shimotsuke Province. 例文帳に追加

国内の兵乱を平定、朝廷の信望を得るとともに東国を拠点として武家の棟梁としての名声をあげ、義家の三男である源義国が下野国足利荘に住し足利氏となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Mori clan, who settled in the Aki Province as kokujin (lords of smaller rural domains in feudal Japan), produced several branch families, although some families fought each other during the middle of the Muromachi period, they became one of the most powerful families in the province. 例文帳に追加

安芸国の国人として土着した毛利氏は、一族庶家を輩出し、室町時代中期には庶家同士の争いが起きたものの、安芸国内では屈指の勢力になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sadaie was promoted to Oshu Kanrei (shogunate deputy of the northern regions [the former position of the Oshu Tandai who supervised for the civil government and military affairs in Mutsu Province]) from hisashi ban (a person who keeps the night watch staying under the eaves of building) of Imperial Prince Nariyoshi, and settled in Taga-jo Castle in Mutsu Province then became the key person for the Oshu rule of the Ashikaga Administration. 例文帳に追加

貞家が成良親王の廂番から奥州管領(奥州探題の前身)にまで出世し、陸奥国多賀城に拠って足利政権の奥州統治の要となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Does the institution carry out confirmation procedures as specified by the Ministerial Ordinance on Foreign Exchange in an appropriate manner with regard to the use of funds pertaining to money loan to a non-resident whose accounting is settled in the Special International Financial Transactions Account in a foreign state? 例文帳に追加

特別国際金融取引勘定で経理される非居住者に対する金銭の貸付けに係る資金が外 国において使用されることについて、外為省令で定められたところにより適切に確認手続を行っているか。 - 財務省

To provide an electrolytic refining method for copper which executes processing without converting soluble components, such as of Cu powder, settled without being eluted in an electrolyte to slime in electrolytic refining of copper and reduces the processing load in a slime processing stage.例文帳に追加

銅の電解精製において、電解液に溶出せずに沈降するCu粉等の可溶成分をスライム化せずに処理を行い、スライム処理工程での処理負荷を低減する銅の電解精製方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a combine harvester settled in complex operations in reaping work along levee side regions and in farm corners to make the reaping work efficiently performable.例文帳に追加

コンバインにおいて、畦際に沿った部分や圃場の隅部で刈取作業をするに際しての煩雑な操作をなくし、刈取作業を効率よく実行できるようにする。 - 特許庁

The honeycomb material 5 is formed in flat shape settled within the thickness of the interior panel body 3 and in length extending substantially over the whole length of the interior panel body 3 in the ventilating direction B.例文帳に追加

そして、上述したハニカム材5は内装パネル本体3の厚み内に収まる扁平な形状で且つ通気方向Bにおける内装パネル本体3の略全長に亘る長さに形成した。 - 特許庁

After the sewage is received in a reception well 1, the sewage is subjected to aeration treatment in an oxidation ditch vessel 2 and is then separated to treated water and settled sludge in a final settling basin 3.例文帳に追加

下水を着水井1に受けた後、オキシデーションディッチ槽2で曝気処理し、その後最終沈殿池3で処理水と沈殿汚泥とに分離する。 - 特許庁

In the case that the result is not settled in a mask, the appropriate register setting value of a transceiver part 21 is computed in a shaping computation part 14 and setting is performed from a control terminal 3.例文帳に追加

その結果がマスクに収まらない場合、整形演算部14において、トランシーバ部21の適正なレジスタ設定値を演算し、制御端末3から設定を行う。 - 特許庁

(1) The bearing pile is provided with holes or notches through which a plurality of bearing piles pass in a part settled in the bulb in a pile having a circular cross section with an approximately even thickness.例文帳に追加

(1)ほぼ均等太さの断面円形の杭における球根内に沈設されるべき部分に、複数の該杭を貫通する孔又は切欠を設けたことを特徴とする支持杭。 - 特許庁

After the compression-molded mixed material (1) is set in a pressure vessel, high-pressure water vapor is filled in the vessel and the material is left for a prescribed time in the atmosphere of the high-pressure water vapor to be settled and hardened.例文帳に追加

圧縮成形した混合材(1) を圧力容器内にセットしたのち、圧力容器内に高圧水蒸気を充満させ、高圧水蒸気の雰囲気中において所定時間放置して固定硬化させる。 - 特許庁

It is determined whether or not a change in EMC radiation noise level measured in the fourth step has settled within allowable values, with respect to an EMC radiation noise level measured in the second step (fifth step).例文帳に追加

第2工程で測定したEMC放射ノイズレベルに対して、第4工程で測定したEMC放射ノイズレベルの変化が許容値以内であるか否かを判定する(第5工程)。 - 特許庁

To adjust the tension in laying of a long object to be settled in a proper range with accuracy, in the case of laying a long object carried on a laying boat on the bottom of the deep sea through a brake and a chute.例文帳に追加

布設船に積み込まれた長尺体を、制動装置及びシューターを通して、深さの深い海底に布設する場合に、長尺体の布設張力を高い精度で適正な範囲に収まるように調整する。 - 特許庁


To easily return clarified oil in a clarification container to a fryer after completion of a frying work using oil over a predetermined time period and after maters suspended in the oil are settled in the clarification container.例文帳に追加

一定時間の油による揚げ作業後、油中の懸濁物を清澄容器で沈殿後前記清澄容器中の清澄油を簡易にフライヤに戻す。 - 特許庁


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