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to appear in a bookの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 12


A couple who appear from the first book of the series and who have become immortal due to a certain incident in 1930. 例文帳に追加

第1巻から登場するカップルであり、1930年のとある事件で共に不老不死となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kawamatabime does not appear in body of the book and the first volume of the second book of Nihonshoki, and in body of the book, Isuzuyori hime no mikoto is considered to have been a wife of Emperor Suizei, while in the first volume of the second book, Itoorihime, a daughter of Kasugano agatanushi Ohimoro is considered to have been a wife of Emperor Suizei, respectively. 例文帳に追加

なお、『日本書紀』本文と第2の一書ではカワマタビメは登場せず、本文では五十鈴依媛命、第2の一では春日県主大日諸の娘である糸織媛が綏靖天皇の皇后とされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

13 Tanka (thirty-one syllable poems) are found in Volume 18; ten Choka (long poem) and their 21 Hanka (tanka appendage to a choka) in Volumes 6 and 9 are indicated that they 'appear in a Book of poetry by TANABE no Sakimaro.' 例文帳に追加

巻18に短歌13首があり、巻6・巻9にある長歌10首とその反歌21首は「田辺福麻呂の歌集に出づ」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide an arm pillow which never spoils the atmosphere even if permanently placed in a living room by constituting it so as not to appear to be a pillow while keeping the arm pillow function most suitable for watching TV or reading a book in a lying state.例文帳に追加

横になってテレビや本を見るのに最適な腕まくらの機能を持ちながら、一見枕には見えないものにする事で居間に常設しても雰囲気を壊さないようにする事。 - 特許庁


Also, from relative comparisons with historical materials abroad, there is a theory which identifies him with San of the five kings of Wa, who appear in "Sungshu (Book of the Sung dynasty)" and "Book of the Liang dynasty" (in addition, there are theories which identify Nintoku or Richu with San) and a possibility has been pointed out that he might have directed the advancement of Wakoku (Japan) to Korea,which is written in "Gwanggaeto Stele." 例文帳に追加

また、海外史料との相対比較から、『宋書』や『梁書』に見える倭の五王の讃に比定する説(ほかに仁徳や履中を比定する説もある)、「広開土王碑」に見える倭国の朝鮮進出を指揮した可能性も指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This pictorial book 1 has a rotary board 5 with a drawn display part 14 which can appear in a display window 15 of a face cover 2, a through hole 17, corresponding to the display window 15, which is perforated through a plurality of page sheets 4.例文帳に追加

絵本1は、表表紙2等の表示窓15に現出可能な表示部14が描かれた回転板5を有し、該表示窓15と対応する貫設孔17を、複数の頁紙4に貫通して穿設する。 - 特許庁

In the trick picture book, two or more sections such as the section for a picture and a pattern of a story and the section for sentences of the story can be provided, and the respective sections are caused to sequentially appear by opening the front cover or the mount 1a or performing the pop-up operation.例文帳に追加

仕掛絵本には物語の絵や図柄の欄、及び物語の文章欄を複数箇所設けることができ、それぞれが表紙や台紙1aを開いたり、ポップアップ動作をさせることにより順次現れてくる。 - 特許庁

It is said that Kenshin heard of Shingen's death while eating, he dropped his chopsticks and cried out saying, 'I lost the closest rival, and such a hero will never appear again in this world (according to "Nihon Gaishi" (historical book on Japan).' 例文帳に追加

信玄の死を伝え聞いた食事中の謙信は、「吾れ好敵手を失へり、世に復たこれほどの英雄男子あらんや(『日本外史』より)」と箸を落として号泣したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide an improved book jacket on the second surface of which printing is provided in the direction of reverse reading (lateral inversion or a mirror image) so that the jacket may appear in the direction enabling reading thereof from the first surface (or external surface) thereof and which is constituted of a transparent or substantially transparent plastic or cellophane material, and also a manufacturing method of this improved book jacket.例文帳に追加

カバーがブックカバーの第1面(または外面)から判読可能な方向に現れるようにするべく、その第2面上に逆読み(側方反転または鏡像)方向にて印刷を施した、透明または実質的に透明なプラスチックあるいはセロハン材料で構造した、改善されたブックカバーと、このような改善されたブックカバーの製造方法の両方を提供する。 - 特許庁


There's not much written about Onryo during the ancient period, but the book; Gukansho ("Jottings of a Fool," completed by the Tendai monk Jien in the Kamakura period) says that this onryo /// and that onryo appear to take revenge. 例文帳に追加

この古代の怨霊について論述したものはあまり多くはないが、『愚管抄』に「アラタニコノ怨霊モ何(いかに)モタダ道理ヲウル方ノコタウル事ニテ侍ナリ」とあり、また怨霊が現れるのは「意趣ヲムスビテ仇ニトリ」という形式を踏むとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, it includes writers such as Sotoyama, Saami, Junijiro, Kanze Motomasa and Ochi Kanze who do not appear in other sakushazuke and it can be thought that details regarding these individuals is based on credible ancient texts, so although it is important to remain skeptical, this book will become a valuable resource if its content can be corroborated. 例文帳に追加

しかし外山・佐阿弥・十二次郎・観世元雅越智観世など他の作者付には見られない作者が挙げられ、これらの人物については信用のおける古書を参照しているとも考えることも出来、信頼には検討を要するとは言え、傍証が得られれば重要な資料となり得る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to this High Court judgment, although due criticism of, comments on, and introduction of activities for public entertainment performed by a personality should be respected in light of the freedom of expression, the act of selling, under the pretext of the freedom of expression, a publication for commercial purposes that includes a photograph (an image etc.) of or comments on such personality without his/her consent thereto should be beyond the scope of his/her due activities involving the matters pertaining to the freedom of expression. The judgment further argues that the object matter of the expression (a magazine with photos) should be much less valued than that (a published book) in the King Crimson Case and concluded that such magazine is not worthy of being protected on the ground of the freedom of expression. It would appear that this judgment has led to a slightly different approach that does not necessarily place emphasis on the protection of the freedom of expression. 例文帳に追加

同高裁判決は、芸能活動への正当な批判や批評、紹介については、表現の自由として尊重されなければならないとする一方、表現の自由の名のもとに、当該芸能人に無断で商業的な利用目的でその芸能人の写真(肖像等)や記述を掲載した出版物を販売することは、正当な表現活動の範囲を逸脱するものと述べており、対象とされた表現行為(写真掲載雑誌)の価値をキングクリムゾン高裁判決(出版書籍)に比べ著しく低く、表現の自由の保護に値しないとしており、この判断が(表現の自由の保護に比重を大きく置かない)上記判示につながったものと考えられる。 - 経済産業省


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