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work in a gardenの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 22


a person who does the menial work in a garden 例文帳に追加

庭の下働きをする人 - EDR日英対訳辞書

someone employed to work in a garden 例文帳に追加

庭で働くために雇われた人 - 日本語WordNet

an act of doing the menial work in a garden 例文帳に追加

庭の下働きをすること - EDR日英対訳辞書

to work in a garden in order to make plants grow 例文帳に追加

庭の草木などの手入れをすること - EDR日英対訳辞書


He makes it a rule to do two hour's work in the garden. 例文帳に追加

彼は毎日庭で二時間仕事をすることになっている。 - Tanaka Corpus


He makes it a rule to work in the garden for two hours every day.例文帳に追加

彼は毎日庭で二時間仕事をすることになっている。 - Tatoeba例文

To provide a partition waterproof structure for a garden, in which waterproofness can be completed in a region, in which a garden body section is installed, reluctant overflow to the side adjacent land of the garden body section of excess water and soil is prevented and the construction work is simplified and which can be mounted simply on an existing floor board.例文帳に追加

ガーデン本体部の設置される領域内で防水を完結させることができて、余剰水や土壌がガーデン本体部の側方隣接地に不本意に溢れ出してしまうのを防げ、かつ、施工も簡易で、既設の床板に簡易に設置できるガーデン用区画防水構造の提供。 - 特許庁

To provide a machine for performing the control of harmful insects in a tea garden without using an agrochemical or a natural enemy and so as to perform the work of removing dew in the tea garden by utilizing the same machine.例文帳に追加

農薬や天敵を用いずに、茶園の害虫の防除を行う装置を提供すること、及びその装置を利用して、茶園の露取り作業が出来るようにすること。 - 特許庁

To provide a tea garden controlling flatcar capable of safely traveling on rails by pushing an obstacle away even in case of loading the obstacle on the rails, and performing the controlling work of the tea garden stably.例文帳に追加

茶うね間に配設されたレール上に障害物が載った場合でも、障害物を押し退けてレール上を安全に走行し、茶園の管理作業を安定して行なうことができ得る茶園管理台車を提供する。 - 特許庁


Among the temples in Kyoto, he participated in semi-official construction work such as Toshogu, located at Konchi-in of the Nanzen-ji Temple, which was a lodge for Suden Choro, a priest who was a close advisor of the shogun.He also worked on the Hall of Huki (rich and noble), located on the hojo (abbot's chamber side) of the Gokito-den (Hall for Prayer), the tea house and garden and the Hojo garden of the honbo (priests' main living quarters) of this temple. 例文帳に追加

また京都の寺では、将軍の側近者崇伝長老の住坊である南禅寺金地院内東照宮や御祈祷殿(方丈)側の富貴の間、茶室および庭園、同寺本坊の方丈庭園など、準公儀の作事に参画している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a tea garden-controlling carriage, capable of being used without a trouble even in the case of having a difference in height of a pair of rails, and capable of easily performing a work of transferring the tea garden-controlling carriage on the rails for one furrow to the rails for another furrow by one person.例文帳に追加

一対のレールが左右で高さが異なる場合でも、支障なく使用することができ、一つの畝用のレール上の茶園管理用台車を隣接する別の畝用のレールに移す作業を一人で容易に行なうことができる茶園管理用台車を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a powdery/granular material-spraying machine capable of spraying in both of advancing and retreating movements even if a shuttle-moving work without making a turn at the end of a ridge in a small partitioned tea garden, etc.例文帳に追加

小区画の茶園などで、畝の先端で旋回しない往復作業であっても、前進と後退の両方で散布ができる粉粒物散布機を提供する。 - 特許庁

Following the death of Empress Komyo, two directors were installed; after the transfer of the national capital to the city of Heian-kyo, the Seyaku-in was also moved to the neighborhood of Gojo-Muromachi in order to continue the work; consequently, a private medicinal plant garden was established in Otokuni-gun, Yamashiro Province. 例文帳に追加

光明皇后崩御の後は知院事2名が置かれ、平安京へ遷都後も、施薬院は五条室町近くに移されて続行し、山城国乙訓郡に施薬院用の薬園が設けられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Work to which he is believed to have contributed include: the tamaya (mausoleum) for Kasuga no Tsubone (during the Keicho era (1596 - 1615), relocation of the waiting room); the haiden (hall of worship) of the Himuro-jinja Shrine (Keicho era (1596 - 1615), relocation of Dairi Chitei (an arbor by a pond of the Imperial Palace)); Shinden of the Daikaku-ji Temple (became Chugu Shinden in the Genna era (1615 - 1617) upon the expansion of the dairi (Imperial Palace) first constructed in the Keicho era); Toshogu (Priest house), tea house and south garden (Tsuru-Kame garden (literally, crane-turtle garden)) of hojo (abbot's chamber) of Konchi-in; south garden of hojo of the honbo (priests main living quarters) of the Nanzen-ji Temple; Mittanseki (tea house) of Ryukoin of Daitoku-ji Temple; stone bridge in front of the front gate of Kohoan, a front garden and Bosenseki Roji of the same (building was lost to fire in the Kansei era (1789 - 1800) and restored in the original style); and the islands and stone-lined eastern shore of the south garden of Sento Gosho. 例文帳に追加

彼が奉行として参画したと思われる遺構は、建築としては妙心寺麟祥院の春日のつぼね霊屋(慶長年間、うち溜りを移建)、氷室神社拝殿(慶長年間、内裏池亭を移建)、大覚寺宸殿(慶長年間の内裏の元和期増造の際に中宮宸殿となる)、金地院東照宮、同茶室、同方丈南庭(鶴亀庭)、南禅寺本坊方丈南庭、大徳寺竜光院密庵席(みったんせき)、孤篷庵表門前の石橋、同前庭、同忘筌席露地(建築は寛政年間に焼失後、旧様式を踏襲して復元された)、仙洞御所南池庭のいで島およびその東護岸の石積み部分などである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a net for agricultural use, capable of being easily expanded and keeping its shape in covering work of agricultural works, in considering the aging of agricultural workers and increase of the lover of a home garden.例文帳に追加

農業就労者の高齢化や、家庭菜園の愛好家の増加から、農作業の被覆作業時に、簡易に展帳でき、形状保持しうる農業用ネットを提供すること。 - 特許庁

To provide an electrical appliance such as a coffee maker or an electric kettle which can be conveniently used in the same way as an AC power source type of electrical appliance even when used in an outdoor construction or garden work site where an AC power source is not available.例文帳に追加

AC電源が用意されていない屋外の建築作業現場や園芸作業現場等であってもAC電源タイプと同様便利に利用できるコーヒーメーカーや電気ケトル等の電気機器を提供する。 - 特許庁

It is a place compiled of Japanese culture such as feast cuisines, tableware, plates and utensils for Japanese cuisine, tea-ceremony room style of building, Japanese garden, work of art, furniture, geisha (Japanese professional female entertainer in kimono at drinking party), and Japanese music, where one can enjoy the orthodox traditional Japanese culture to the full. 例文帳に追加

日本の文化の集大成の場でもあり、会席料理・食器和食器・数寄屋造り・日本庭園・美術品・家具・芸妓・邦楽などの正統派の日本文化を堪能できる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to Gikeiki, Emperor Goshirakawa had 100 Buddhist priests chant sutras at the Shinsen-en Garden in Kyoto for prayer for rainfall because of a long spell of drought, but since the priests' prayer did not work, the Emperor invited 100 beautiful shirabyoshi dancers to pray for rainfall. 例文帳に追加

義経記によると、日照りが続いたので、後白河天皇は神泉苑の池で100人の僧に読経させたが効験がなかったので、100人の容顔美麗な白拍子に舞わせ雨を祈らせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a device easy for a relevant operator to understand the extent of the inclination of a traveling-type tea garden tending machine which the operator himself rides on, in view of the fact that the operator needs to learn the extent of the inclination of the traveling-type tea garden tending machine under steering and judge whether the work in question can be conducted safely.例文帳に追加

作業者は、自分の運転している走行型茶園管理機体がどの程度傾いているかを知り、その作業が可能か、安全に作業できるかを判断することが必要であり、作業者自身が乗っている走行型茶園管理機体がどのような傾きにあるかがわかりやすい装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a system capable of setting a garden enabling enjoying appreciation and plantation in the inside of an apartment house and a detached house, or a place similar to the inside without worrying about problems on cost and construction for a waterproofing work, humidity, odor, or the like.例文帳に追加

マンション、戸建住宅等の屋内、若しくは、それに類する場所において、防水工事、湿度、臭気等費用的、施工上の問題点を気にすることなく鑑賞を楽しみ、植栽を楽しめる、庭園を設置できるシステムを提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a fixing clip usable, in assembling supports for garden work or frame members of a vinyl house, for simply and securely fixing the poles and the frame members where they cross each other perpendicularly or at a desired angle, which ensures safe framework, and can be easily removed.例文帳に追加

園芸用支柱或いはビニ−ルハウス等の枠材を組み立てる時、支柱及び枠材が直交または任意の角度で交差する部分を簡単で確実に固定するものであり、安定した枠組みをすることができると共に取り外しも簡単にできる固定クリップを提供する。 - 特許庁


To provide a weed growth restraining method which can restrain growth of weed around trees for greening and trees in a fruit garden with less labor and easy and inexpensive construction work, and supply rainwater to the ground with water permeability, is free from the need of setting a special drainage channel, and can reduce the frequency of work of pulling out or removing weeds, and to provide a weed growth restraining material.例文帳に追加

少ない労力で緑化の植木、果樹園の木のまわりの雑草の成長を簡易で安価な工事で抑止でき、しかも透水性があって地面に雨水を補給でき、特別な排水路を設ける必要性がなく、雑草抜き取り・雑草刈取り作業の回数を少なくできる雑草の抑止方法及び雑草の成長抑止材を提供する。 - 特許庁


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