



  • Phobia/ Abaddon Incarnate Split 7" (Underground Movem
  • In medicine, thermophobia is a specific phobia, abnormal fear of heat and hot places.
  • Phobia against frogs often happens after seeing frogs
  • The sufferer may feel this phobia all the time, or only when something triggers
  • Magic Thinking: The Psychogenetic Analysis of Phobia and the Neurosis of Abandonment
  • d him I couldn't swim, he told me to forget my phobia and learn swimming pronto," said Dutta.
  • It includes fear of blood (hemophobia), injury phobia and fear of receiving an injection (trypanopho
  • of men and 48 percent of women suffer from the phobia, and an additional 9 percent feel stressed whe
  • by medical professionals; as well as specific phobia and anxiety disorders, tokophobia may be assoc
  • e a fear of wasps must be for it to count as a phobia anyway.
  • What sets injury phobia apart is that it is that when a person is expo
  • ety disorders such as panic disorder or social phobia, approximately half have alcohol or benzodiaze
  • a zombie in spite of her husband Bill's zombie phobia, as Bill has had bad experiences with zombies
  • The phobia, as an unreasonable and disproportionate fear,
  • avor as an often effective treatment for blood phobia associated with drops in blood pressure and fa
  • and should not be immediately identified as a phobia because children naturally go through many fea
  • nycto- meaning night, hylo- meaning wood, and -phobia being an irrational fear.
  • chiatric Institute says: "It's not an isolated phobia, but usually part of a larger constellation ..
  • Medication phobia can also lead to problems with medication comp
  • An example of the phobia can be found in Freud's psychoanalytic study o
  • Medication phobia can be triggered by unpleasant adverse reactio
  • Medication phobia can also present in parents who are concerned
  • Nyctophobia is a phobia characterized by a severe fear of the darkness
  • ing from cynophobia and additionally found dog phobia developing as late as age 20.
  • pam is also used as a premedication for dental phobia for its anxiolytic properties.
  • See the article at -phobia for the list of various phobias.
  • es or some kinds of therapy as the root of the phobia forms a sense of low self-esteem, perfectionis
  • The name of a phobia generally contains a Greek word for what the p
  • The phobia generally occurs in chronic migraine sufferers
  • Gerascophobia is a clinical phobia generally classified under specific phobias, f
  • Thalassophobia is a clinical phobia generally classified under specific phobias, f
  • Nyctophobia is a phobia generally related to children but, according t
  • The same article states that “the phobia has been known to be extremely disruptive to a
  • Specific Phobia has a prevelance rate of 5.1 to 12.5% accordin
  • ly members of a person diagnosed with Specific Phobia have an increased risk of developing the disor
  • udy found astraphobia the third most prevalent phobia in the US.
  • Fear of flying may be a distinct phobia in itself, or it may be an indirect combinatio
  • guilt and justice in which he writes about the phobia in length.
  • Another name for injury phobia is traumatophobia.
  • "[a] phobia is an example of a reaction formation.
  • The cause of social phobia is not definite.
  • Phobia is a thriller film released in 1980.
  • A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder which can cause
  • Well, phobia is defined as defined as a fear.THD3 (talk) 16
  • Blood phobia is often caused by direct or vicarious trauma
  • A phobia is an fear that people are usually brought upo
  • Sigmund Freud mentioned that an animal phobia is one of the most frequent psychoneurotic dis
  • h many people are nervous when on a ship, this phobia is not one of the most common.
  • It is, however, arguable that the word ' phobia' is misused and that in the majority of cases
  • Although it is a clinical phobia, it often accompanies other anxiety disorders.
  • Being a form of Social Phobia, it may be manifested in fears of blushing, me
  • ar of frogs and toads is both a known specific phobia, known simply as frog phobia or ranidaphobia (
  • stories include a "paranoid" who has a common phobia, like dental fear, that has uncontrollably spi
  • Phil Martinez - drums ( Phobia, Mange, Apocalypse)
  • Specific social phobia may be classified into performance fears and i
  • Zoophobia or animal phobia may have one of two closely related meanings:
  • ikos, meaning household, house, or family, and phobia, meaning "fear".
  • Jikoshisen-kyofu, the phobia of eye contact
  • Shubo-kyofu, the phobia of a deformed body, similar to Body dysmorphic
  • phobia, is an abnormal and persistent fear (or phobia) of work, finding work or functioning, ergopho
  • Phobia of childbirth and pregnancy, as with any phobi
  • His life-long phobia of fruit and vegetables was the topic of a 200
  • nd out that she enjoys sex and no longer has a phobia of men's penises.
  • nd evaluated, such an individual may develop a phobia of making mistakes or looking foolish in publi
  • disorder that would be classified as Specific Phobia of the animal type.
  • ere eaten by a mouse, giving him a series-long phobia of the creatures.
  • unreliable", imparting that he feels Mark as a phobia of authority.
  • rshal turned detective and bodyguard who has a phobia of the colour white, that needs to stop an ass
  • Kennedy was mildly eccentric; he had a phobia of libraries, and would not enter one unless a
  • ctions can have serious consequences, having a phobia of medications can also have serious detriment
  • It may also be due to social phobia or social anxiety disorder.
  • e this fear, while others may also have social phobia or social anxiety disorder.
  • a and demophobia are terms for types of social phobia or social anxiety disorder whose sufferers hav
  • me kinds of atychiphobia are related to social phobia or social anxiety disorder, in which case it i
  • ther phobias or anxiety disorders, like social phobia or social anxiety disorder-that it can be focu
  • It is possible for an individual to develop a phobia over virtually anything.
  • Frigophobia is a phobia pertaining to the fear of becoming too cold.
  • He is Arkady's apprentice; because of Arkady's phobia Sam is the one who does the leg work to solve
  • he fact that females scored higher on a social phobia scale and report higher scores on proclivity t
  • yctophobia (from Greek νυξ, "night" and φοβια, phobia), scotophobia, from σκότος - "darkness", or ly
  • ing the medication dosage can avoid medication phobia secondary to adverse effects from developing.
  • For the actual phobia, see Agoraphobia.
  • She later also suffered from the phobia she studied.
  • In this case, the child's phobia should be addressed, for it may become a serio
  • Clinical experience of the prognosis of social phobia shows that it can prolong for many years but t
  • I have struggled with this phobia since childhood.
  • Phobia: Some persons are simply phobic of the workpla
  • are common medications which alleviate social phobia successfully in the short term but it is not c
  • other disorders as they try to cope with their phobia, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or hypo
  • rers may offer various rationalizations of the phobia, such as the fear being trampled in a crowd, g
  • Those that do can live with the phobia throughout their adult lives.
  • irth, or inadequate pain relief, may cause the phobia to develop.
  • looks like a worm, may cause someone with this phobia to have extreme anxiety or even panic attacks.
  • ghtning cannot be considered a fully developed phobia unless it persists for more than six months.
  • Gephyrophobia also is a phobia wherein a person sitting in a car will feel fe
  • The original version is the "Breath" off Phobia, which is 3:38 long.
  • edical term and is almost entirely confined to phobia word lists.
  • 05, Sannie appeared on the Benassi Bros album ' Phobia' writing and singing on two songs, 'Feel Alive