



  • excessively; make love diabolically; commit atrocious acts of sodomy; blaspheme scandalously; aven
  • The grammar is atrocious and loaded with bizarre Americanisms.
  • Visibility was atrocious, as is normal for the area.
  • st money in the much maligned tournament, as atrocious attendances were not enough to even pay play
  • 's estimation, Kross reduced the work to "an atrocious cacophony".
  • He made that atrocious camp into center for daily Holy Mass.
  • an artillery battery, the squadron suffered atrocious casualties (more than half of the men in C S
  • The overall bad weather and the atrocious condition of the grounds throughout the seas
  • vy rain before and during the match made for atrocious conditions on the day.
  • In atrocious conditions at Wembley, the score was 11-7 to
  • uple to safety after their yacht capsized in atrocious conditions in the Bay of Islands.
  • "...the foulest and most atrocious deed."
  • performances are ruthlessly extinguished by atrocious direction."
  • the year certain captives were reduced to an atrocious form of slavery.
  • that being said, I went ahead and fixed the atrocious grammar you used in that hypocritical
  • often quoted as saying abortion is "the most atrocious holocaust in the history of the United State
  • assassination, and all other crimes however atrocious, if conveyed in printed language, would be d
  • ough the conditions at Rab were particularly atrocious, it was far from unique.
  • courage and energy, but frequently displayed atrocious military judgement, leading to many heavy ca
  • How is it that such atrocious misinformation can be kept on a Wikipedia ar
  • omplained of, charged Mr. Gardiner, with the atrocious murder of his late excellent lady [Margaret
  • e fragmented clues behind the incident, more atrocious murders occur, driving the villagers into a
  • rth-west passage,' but are inserted with ‘an atrocious obstinacy proceeding from the hope of doing
  • certain actions that would normally be found atrocious or heinous.
  • ense was committed in an especially heinous, atrocious or cruel manner.
  • sh Final", this match was remembered for the atrocious pitch conditions caused by a torrential down
  • tone's A Complete Refutation of Maria Monk's Atrocious Plot concerning the Hotel Dieu Convent in Mo
  • The authors have been guilty of some atrocious puns.
  • President of FC Barcelona in 2003 after some atrocious results for the club's football team.
  • article does is provide a platform for this ( atrocious) service.
  • If you refuse, you shall undergo the most atrocious sufferings."
  • “It's absolutely atrocious that first rebels go in and rape villagers a
  • The weather was so atrocious that no vessels could be despatched until th
  • nnot grasp how human beings could do such an atrocious thing."
  • e crashed on the Dark Peak, generally due to atrocious weather conditions.
  • This match was played in atrocious weather conditions with the team captains ag
  • s, though he lost much work, for example, in atrocious weather in Serbia.
  • n Richmond and Geelong that was played under atrocious weather conditions on a slushy, wet Punt Roa