



  • The name is somewhat alliterative and is inspired by Yosemite National Park.
  • dle name as part of his stage name, for its alliterative effect.
  • rsaries with relish, hurling unusual, often alliterative epithets-some of which were coined by White
  • The names have alliterative first name element combined with a lycophor
  • Hildebrandslied, a short piece of Germanic alliterative heroic verse which besides the Muspilli is
  • inscription is poetic; it can be read as an alliterative long-line.
  • f Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae, the Alliterative Morte Arthure, and in the 13th century Wels
  • the other depictions of Arthur's story, the Alliterative Morte Arthure is a relatively realistic ver
  • Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, and the Alliterative Morte Arthure, and a Roman Emperor defeated
  • The end rhyming is unlike the alliterative Old English poetry, which is the basis for
  • he Wessex royal house - their names fit the alliterative pattern common to royal houses of the time.
  • He also uses numerous alliterative phrases, typically featuring three prominen
  • Pierce the Ploughman's Crede" is a medieval alliterative poem of 855 lines, savagely lampooning the
  • mentioned by name in the anonymous medieval alliterative poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, it is
  • ybolism, the song is also influenced by the alliterative poetry of Gerald Manley Hopkins, the poetic
  • alliterative rendering of Psalm 51.
  • asperation, Maclean would regularly give an alliterative reply, such as "Don't get your knickers in
  • e much political or religious poetry of the Alliterative Revival (i.e., Piers Plowman, Mum and the S
  • ends to fool lines written in the irregular alliterative rhymed stanza, is a bird-allegory, of the t
  • ly in turgid, long-winded and unnecessarily alliterative speeches, which often obscure the points it
  • off Arthure, an Arthurian poem in a rhymed alliterative stanza similar to Swete Susan, which has se
  • rd is the lone exception (likely due to the alliterative value of using "Freeway" instead of "Expres
  • s his Nibelungen-Epos, written in Stabreim ( alliterative verse) - in it, he used the Old Norse saga
  • st is a praise of creation in nine lines of alliterative verse, and the second is the actual prayer,
  • and readers to understand the subtleties of alliterative verse, and to grasp the meaning behind the
  • the Twelve Apostles written in the standard alliterative verse.
  • m Old English into Modern English Prose and Alliterative Verse."
  • An example of the differing style of the alliterative version of the story is the treatment of Mo
  • replaces the word with the title, which is alliterative with the obscene word.
  • lson advanced that it represented the great alliterative work Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Hu
  • , is primarily a translation of the earlier alliterative work, although Malory alters the Alliterati