



  • s") are firmly attached both to the plantar aponeurosis above and the sole's skin below.
  • It consists of the muscles, aponeurosis, and skin.
  • is formed by the external abdominal oblique aponeurosis and is continuous with the fascia lata of t
  • aneus, from the central part of the plantar aponeurosis, and from the intermuscular septa between i
  • The galea aponeurotica (epicranial aponeurosis, aponeurosis epicranialis) is a tough layer
  • by loose cellular tissue, which allows the aponeurosis, carrying with it the integument to move th
  • n, the larger, arises by a thick, tendinous aponeurosis from the zygomatic process of the maxilla,
  • Aponeurosis is also formed from DRCT.
  • The Gluteal aponeurosis is a fibrous membrane, from the fascia lata
  • It is a continuation of the aponeurosis of the abdominal internal oblique muscle.
  • In the aponeurosis of the Obliquus externus, immediately above
  • ernus, becomes cutaneous by perforating the aponeurosis of the obliquus externus about 2.5 cm.
  • into the anterior surface of the insertion aponeurosis of the adductor minimus.
  • of the innominate fascia that overlies the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle
  • The aponeurosis of the Obliquus externus abdominis is a thi
  • In the middle line, it interlaces with the aponeurosis of the opposite muscle, forming the linea a
  • term that refers to the flattened tendons ( aponeurosis) of extensor muscles that run into the back
  • , in front, with the Peronaeus tertius, the aponeurosis of the leg, and the integument; behind, wit
  • loosely connected by areolar tissue to the aponeurosis of the Obliquus externus abdominis, but in
  • into the galea aponeurotica, or epicranial aponeurosis, the occipital belly communicates with the
  • From the aponeurosis, the frontal belly is inserted in the fasci
  • m the transverse carpal ligament and palmar aponeurosis; the fleshy fibers are inserted into the sk
  • External levator aponeurosis tuck
  • points fleshy fibers succeed, and end in an aponeurosis which is inserted into the sides and under
  • upward and medially, expanding into a thin aponeurosis which is continuous on the bridge of the no
  • That portion of the aponeurosis which extends between the anterior superior
  • r side by the margins of the opening in the aponeurosis, which are called the crura of the ring; an
  • ately above the central part of the plantar aponeurosis, with which it is firmly united.