



  • The fruit is a sharply barbed achene.
  • consistently high standard; witty rather than barbed, and with a feel for caricature that gave the
  • altire proper between two roses of the second, barbed and seeded, and in base upon waves of the sea
  • ted gold, a torteau charged with a rose argent barbed and seeded also proper; and for a Crest: on a
  • [he] tackles the barbed argot of his lines with speed and force . . .
  • g down the enemy Feldwebel (sergeant) with his barbed arrows, becoming the only known British soldie
  • orn energy bolts and balls, a bow and arrow, a barbed boomerang, summoning flames from the middle ca
  • nted behind the ear, and between its antlers a barbed, broad arrowhead in blue.
  • The grass has barbed burrs 4-10 mm long.
  • bee's stinger in that it is smooth instead of barbed but that's about it.
  • This song was a barbed commentary written from the viewpoint of a you
  • nts, and indeed the Early Science series makes barbed comments about the failure of predecessors in
  • It turns out that barbed congruence coincides with the congruence induc
  • ds to the side of ATP-F-actin near the growing barbed end of the filament, causing nucleation of a n
  • Subunits are added to barbed ends and lost from rear-facing pointed ends.
  • Structurally, the barbed ends of the microfilaments (localized actin mo
  • Aegilops triuncialis ( Barbed goatgrass, Barb goat grass, Jointed goat grass
  • The stems have barbed hairs pointing downward and these hairs make t
  • it is an achene a few millimeters long, with a barbed pappus.
  • ed hair and Minaj wore a curly black wig and a barbed pink dress.
  • This time, there's a bankable chorus or barbed sentiment for every mirror-ball moment....demo
  • the shipwreck by means of a line fastened to a barbed shot which was fired from a mortar on the shor
  • has been dated back to the Bronze Age, after a barbed spearhead was discovered during an excavation
  • ving a clear picture of the weapons they used: barbed spears, pointed sticks, bows and arrows.
  • fter he triggers an axe to fall on her head, a barbed spike to fall from the chandelier, and a trap
  • pikes at the tip of the abdomen, and a pair of barbed spikes projecting forward from the head.
  • Its fur is coarse with barbed spines and a dense patch of spiky yellow brist
  • It has barbed stems and leaves and triangular leaves.
  • The tail bears one or two prominent barbed stinging spines, well behind the pelvic fins.
  • There is the warm sympathy and the barbed tongue for a kick-off.
  • acking vessel rammed its target, embedding the barbed torpedo in its hull, then backed off.
  • is known to carry a pair of combat daggers, a barbed whip, and a bandolier of tiny, thorn-shaped we
  • Barbed Wire - Fanatics
  • The museum includes a barbed wire history gallery which contains authentic
  • Cymbopogon refractus Barbed wire grass (native of Australia)
  • 1969: Black Cat Bones on the album Barbed Wire Sandwich
  • Stone barriers and barbed wire on the Mannerheim Line.
  • The Barbed Wire Act 1893 (56 & 57 Vict.
  • Barbed wire was one of the attacker's great problems.
  • Chain link metal cages topped with barbed wire
  • A few men reached the German barbed wire but got no further.
  • The Sea Shepherd II was fortified with barbed wire and a water cannon.
  • rst album was released in October 2006, named ' Barbed Wire Star'.
  • May 21, the satyagrahis tried to pull away the barbed wire protecting the salt pens.
  • The Devils Rope Barbed Wire Museum is a museum located in McLean, Tex
  • m was officially opened in 1991 and focuses on barbed wire and its history.
  • Both Bouquet of Barbed Wire and Another Bouquet are available on DVD.
  • ower structure is enclosed within a fence with barbed wire at the top.
  • onscripted to dig trenches and build stone and barbed wire barricades.
  • managed to keep the camp in good order without barbed wire and without guards.
  • Torco uses a stick with barbed wire to fend off Ace.
  • Conrad Schumann leaping over barbed wire into West Berlin on 15 August 1961
  • The signals station was protected by barbed wire and sentries and the pillbox was unoccupi
  • this point that access is blocked with gates, barbed wire and heavy security.
  • 881 I.L. Ellwood Manufacturing became Superior Barbed Wire Company under an expansion and reorganiza
  • ld his business in 1884 and started the Joliet Barbed Wire Company.
  • He also used sheep's wool picked from barbed wire fences, and leaves.
  • Some of the soldiers reached the barbed wire but were unable to go through.
  • Bouquet of Barbed Wire is a British television series based on a
  • chooses to save Addy, and Allen is hanged by a barbed wire noose when his platform retracts.
  • English editions of this French series- titled Barbed wire on the Prairie have been published by Dar
  • Barbed Wire Sandwich is a progressive heavy blues roc
  • en of Glidden's "The Winner" on display at the Barbed Wire History Museum in DeKalb, Illinois.
  • nent perches, and impales corpses on thorns or barbed wire as a "larder".
  • ss wagons were replaced by freight wagons with barbed wire covering the small windows.
  • Barbed wire and other obstructions were removed from
  • m were imprisoned in camp surrounded by silver barbed wire and pressed into state service.
  • Barbed wire fencing and machine gun emplacements were
  • Additional barrier and barbed wire is located on the sides to prevent climbi
  • ng circumference was protected by two belts of barbed wire (the inner belt being 8 feet (2.4 m) tall
  • ary Chain and is featured on the CD version of Barbed Wire Kisses.
  • being killed in a gruesome accident involving barbed wire around a university museum exhibit.
  • additional miles of the double chain link and barbed wire fences with light and infrared camera pol
  • nge the base in darkness, they cut through the barbed wire surrounding the base to begin their assau
  • reet Fight, in which CM Punk was put through a barbed wire board.
  • Then, the camera shows him smiling behind the barbed wire of a Lager, leaving everyone dubious abou
  • released a collection of gospel songs entitled Barbed Wire Halo which includes readings by Billy Joe
  • As a youth, Fiori would sneak through a barbed wire fence to a nine-hole course near his Down
  • anks, which helped to cut through the numerous barbed wire defences employed by the Germans.
  • oner (1967) and as Cassie Manson in Bouquet Of Barbed Wire and its sequel Another Bouquet (1976-7).
  • f closely-spaced cactus plants, sometimes with barbed wire or wood interwoven with the cacti.
  • ("come over"), Schumann jumped the barbed wire and was driven away at high speeds by a w
  • acing Paul Kossoff), which recorded one album, Barbed Wire Sandwich.
  • The ranchers soon began running barbed wire around their own land and the public land
  • nd are often planted as living fenceposts with barbed wire strung between them.
  • ickly to a dangerous area, passing chicanes of barbed wire and boobytraps, Saeed was your man.
  • elled grappling hook used during WWI to remove barbed wire fences) and her mother an acclaimed Swedi
  • en unable to destroy defensive structures like barbed wire and bunkers.
  • fighting from uphill positions barricaded with barbed wire which were able to easily resist the Ital
  • Above the queue, a body is seen tangled in barbed wire (referencing the first Saw), before the q
  • tre high earthen walls topped with electrified barbed wire and a moat with drawbridge surrounded the
  • He began his work with barbed wire and fence wire when he saw rolls of wire
  • eteran who opened H. B. Scutt & Co., the first barbed wire manufacturer in Joliet, in 1874.
  • d fans trying to escape pressed up against the barbed wire fence separating them from the playing fi
  • ere was an embankment there four feet high and barbed wire in the meadow about ten feet back from th
  • mall bunkers within it and is criss-crossed by barbed wire fences once past the main perimeter.
  • tess (aka Female Vampire), Jack the Ripper and Barbed Wire Dolls.
  • came across a deer that had gotten trapped in barbed wire and had died.
  • s the centre of the bridge that is topped with barbed wire to prevent people from walking across it.
  • y mixed in with other mines or emplaced behind barbed wire and could be command detonated or trigger
  • Riva, her character Terese electrocuted on the barbed wire of the concentration camp from which she
  • hired him as a salesman for the Washburn-Moen barbed wire company, and a dramatic demonstration wit
  • the defensive entanglements of land mines and barbed wire protecting his positions at El Alamein in
  • den folding table, a black baseball bat, and a barbed wire bat, the latter not being characteristic
  • sia, Sergeant Pearse cut his way through enemy barbed wire under very heavy machine-gun and rifle fi
  • The barbed wire at the borders to East Germany and Austri
  • f was secured by a guarded strip with a single barbed wire fence.
  • Yard at Philadelphia's League Island behind a barbed wire fence, the detainees designated February
  • to live in special camps that were fenced with barbed wire and under guard, and were particularly ex
  • hazardous since it must cross open savanna or barbed wire in order to reach new nearby forest fragm
  • eds [...] partitioned with an endless fence of barbed wire to create a makeshift prison."
  • Land Ship' that could cross enemy trenches and barbed wire whilst protecting its occupants from bull
  • exits being cleared through the minefields and barbed wire by flail tanks.
  • in 1992 as: "The site has been fenced in with barbed wire and is buried under rubble, making access
  • blockade formed by a series of blockhouses and barbed wire defences, along the Mohmand border on the
  • ted, hilly area of Fort Benning, complete with barbed wire trenches, punji sticks, sandbagged bunker
  • the same; the island is put under martial law, barbed wire and other protective barriers are set up
  • 9, finding it much changed with minefields and barbed wire defending against the expected German inv
  • es, for example trenches that are fortified by barbed wire fencing and machine guns.
  • involved first navigating through the British barbed wire defences.
  • ts, successfully flattened an eight metre wide barbed wire obstacle, overcame a funnel with a diamet
  • troops to retire to about 300 meters from the barbed wire and dig in.
  • ively well entrenched and protected by rows of barbed wire while the attackers had to advance throug
  • cover all drains along the line and to replace barbed wire with ordinary wire in order to minimise t
  • n infantry used this to approach the Bulgarian barbed wire on the right flank and achieve limited ga
  • ing-fox injuries are caused by entanglement in barbed wire fences or loose, improperly erected fruit
  • at allows Sefton and Dunbar to cut through the barbed wire and make their escape.
  • military successes included slipping under the barbed wire and attacking the key airfield at the lar
  • don), 1987's Call It What You Want, and 1988's Barbed Wire Blues.
  • types of security-fencing which can be used - barbed wire (which is the weakest), wooden-fencing (t
  • tories supplying shells, bullets, concrete and barbed wire so great, trench warfare in the West Euro
  • The use of a Bangalore Torpedo to clear a barbed wire barrier is depicted in the D-Day beach in
  • ere has not improved, the armed roadblocks and barbed wire barricades have not been removed.
  • Working with barbed wire was a nasty job under any circumstances,
  • lay through a deep stream lined with a belt of barbed wire and that it was imperative to hold up the
  • muel previously, Bruno digs a hole beneath the barbed wire the following morning, changes into priso
  • and integrated with conventional landmines and barbed wire in defense works.
  • It provided that where barbed wire was placed adjoining a highway in such a
  • from the general population by walls, electric barbed wire and private security guards and where inh
  • "Bouquet of Barbed Wire" - 6:58
  • sed for keeping freedom-seeking people "behind barbed wire".
  • Alambrado (English: Barbed Wire) is an 1991 Argentine and Italian film wr
  • Stacheldraht (German for barbed wire) is a piece of software written by Random
  • The camera moves back to reveal barbed wire, barricades, and soldiers in Soviet Army
  • he narrow beaches and islands with land mines, barbed wire, and pillboxes.
  • arge drought in 1882, people began cutting the barbed wire, leading to violence between the ranchers
  • e bank and rolled over; he was hurled into the barbed wire, which beheaded him.
  • The venue has its booths separated by barbed wire, which themselves are the color red, as i
  • ere factory and is dedicated to the history of barbed wire, fencing tools, and ranching heritage.
  • rt Satan travels to Heaven (now protected with barbed wire, CCTV and Rottweilers).
  • was fortified by a four-ply line of pillboxes, barbed wire, and a new dug 3-meter wide moat.
  • s, a series of trenches, concrete bunkers, and barbed wire, totaling five lines of defense.
  • mbination of entrenchments, machine gun nests, barbed wire, and artillery repeatedly inflicted sever
  • swallows what is called tramp iron: baling and barbed wire, staples, nails, and other metallic objec
  • taken from a dead German snagged on a piece of barbed wire, causing it to fire.
  • over his head, jumped onto a board covered in barbed wire, and done various other extreme stunts, c
  • uction of the Atlantic Wall with the laying of barbed wire, concrete bunkers, anti-tank obstacles.
  • replacements, with the shore being covered in Barbed Wire, and the island being made ready in Augus
  • onvention and argued that there was not enough barbed wire-as a result this plan was not implemented
  • The deck was surrounded by 10-foot-high barbed wire.
  • The entire camp was enclosed by barbed wire.
  • Boaters beware of numerous fence posts and barbed wire.
  • There some prisoners were tied with barbed wire.
  • ve seen 'em, I've seen 'em, hanging on the old barbed wire.
  • st collection of published material concerning barbed wire.
  • s well defended with guard towers, bunkers and barbed wire.
  • ced concrete surrounded by a deep dry moat and barbed wire.
  • nstallation and surrounded by high fences with barbed wire.
  • ps, they made their way to within yards of the barbed wire.
  • tive-condition barracks that were separated by barbed wire.
  • material to fence off and protect their land: barbed wire.
  • oot-high (2.4 m) chain-link fences topped with barbed wire.
  • and was heavily fortified with watchtowers and barbed wire.
  • re invariably linked through the innovation of barbed wire.
  • h-explosive shells, across the belts of German barbed wire.
  • chassis which had been designed to crush down barbed wire.
  • P. Warner, an agent who sold Joseph Glidden's barbed wire.
  • enches and bunkers protected by land mines and barbed wire.
  • apartment and ties the artist to a chair with barbed wire.
  • dience by making incursions over the walls and barbed wire.
  • ch was covered by machine guns and strewn with barbed wire.
  • 1st Division Polish First Army tied up with a barbed wire.
  • by metal explosion" is followed by "Caught in barbed wire/Fireball/Bullet shock".
  • Tiger in the Barbed Wire: An American in Vietnam, 1952-1991.
  • the dramas Upstairs, Downstairs and Bouquet of Barbed Wire; Unlike earlier offerings however these w
  • Barricades and barbed wires were used to seal the roads and by-lanes
  • tragedy of many innocent civilians behind the barbed wires, which remains as unspoken truth.
  • ses to be cooped up within limited confines of barbed wires, watchtowers, and all the atmosphere of
  • workers are somewhat aggressive; the sting is barbed, yet another feature convergent with honey bee