



  • tify, it is used another reaction, such as the Biuret, and an analysis is made by photometric spectr
  • ric acid and H2O, whereas its two products are biuret and CO2.
  • refer collectively to components such as urea, biuret, and ammonia, which are not proteins but can b
  • Intermediates and impurities include biuret, cyanuric acid, and potassium allophanate (KO2
  • Since biuret has the formula NH2-CO-NH-CO-NH2, that suggest
  • positive reaction to the peptide bonds in the biuret molecule.
  • The Biuret reaction can be used to assay the concentratio
  • ter also argued for peptide bonds based on the biuret reaction observed with all proteins but never
  • Copper(II) sulfate is also used in the Biuret reagent to test for proteins.
  • al method for measuring total protein uses the biuret reagent, but other chemical methods such as Kj
  • Lowry protein assay, Bradford protein assay or biuret reagent.
  • The characteristic color of a positive biuret test