



  • Entobia borings and the cyclostome bryozoan Voigtopora thurni
  • the city appropriated funds for surveys, test borings and structural plans.
  • notaxa include trace fossils such as burrows, borings and etchings, tracks and trackways, coprolite
  • The borings are filled with diagenetic dolomite (yellowis
  • Thus, burrows, trackways, trails and borings are all examples of biogenic structures, but
  • They were the second company to attempt borings at the site, after the Prestatyn Coal Company
  • Trypanites borings in an Upper Ordovician hardground from northe
  • ty contains oyster shells and abundant marine borings in the top of the Carboniferous Limestone.
  • encountered unexpected quicksand which trial borings into the hill had not revealed.
  • The surface also contains large number of borings made into it by bivalved molluscs living in t
  • eld and Lincolnshire Railway days, after test borings north-west of Grimsby had been made by marine
  • Trial borings proved successful, however the project was ab
  • Test borings were made several yards from the existing anc