



  • is an evergreen plant species in the family Bromeliaceae and the genus Aechmea.
  • Bromeliaceae Andreanae.
  • ia caduciflora is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ia condorensis is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • omelia fulgens is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • Puya retrorsa is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ania teuscheri is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • alcantareoides is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • landsia cernua is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • Puya pygmaea is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • uzmania kentii is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • sea strobeliae is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ia corniculata is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ia stevensonii is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • hmea roeseliae is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • aea euryelytra is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • riesea boeghii is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • aequatorialis is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • aequatorialis is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ania fusispica is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • rnia lutescens is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • igia sodiroana is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • airnia pavonii is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • Guzmania izkoi is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ea geminiflora is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • Vriesea drewii is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • small, terrestrial species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • Puya coquimbensis is a species in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • Billbergia pyramidalis is a species in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ndsia dyeriana is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • uya pichinchae is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ania alborosea is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • sea andreettae is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • nia rubrolutea is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ya glomerifera is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • Puya compacta is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • riesea lutheri is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ia hollinensis is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ania puyoensis is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ia inexpectata is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • uzmania osyana is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ia devansayana is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • tcairnia fusca is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • zmania septata is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • rnia prolifera is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • sia indigofera is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • uzmania fuquae is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • erstenbergiana is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • a reflexiflora is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • rnia andreetae is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • Puya roseana is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • aculeatosepala is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • hmea napoensis is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • nia alexanderi is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • a atrocastanea is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • aea tandapiana is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • a penduliscapa is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • irnia dodsonii is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • rauhia paupera is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • zmania foetida is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • rell-ingramiae is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • xanthobractea is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ndsia emergens is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • nia jaramilloi is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • udospectabilis is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • a ecuadorensis is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • airnia sodiroi is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • mania lepidota is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • auhia haltonii is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • nia brevifolia is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • Aechmea lugoi is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • esea arpocalyx is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • zmania striata is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • a cosangaensis is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ania harlingii is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • manzanaresiana is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • nia poortmanii is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • Puya exigua is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • seudotetrantha is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ndsia brenneri is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • aea tripinnata is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • dsia cucullata is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • sea limonensis is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ya eryngioides is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • ea inconspicua is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • nia violascens is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • epinia fulgens is a species of plant in the Bromeliaceae family.
  • any plant groups, including Amaryllidaceae, Bromeliaceae, Iridaceae, Liliaceae, and ferns.
  • s a monotypic genus of the botanical family Bromeliaceae, subfamily Pitcairnioideae.
  • anistrum is a genus of the botanical family Bromeliaceae, subfamily Bromelioideae.
  • s a monotypic genus of the botanical family Bromeliaceae, subfamily Bromelioideae.
  • stropsis is a genus of the botanical family Bromeliaceae, subfamily Bromelioideae.
  • Aechmea is a genus of the botanical family Bromeliaceae, subfamily Bromelioideae.
  • ostachys is a genus of the botanical family Bromeliaceae, subfamily Bromelioideae.
  • endorfia is a genus of the botanical family Bromeliaceae, subfamily Pitcairnioideae.
  • drolepis is a genus of the botanical family Bromeliaceae, subfamily Bromelioideae.
  • eococcus is a genus of the botanical family Bromeliaceae, subfamily Bromelioideae.
  • Puyas are terrestrial bromeliads ( Bromeliaceae) that put on a spectacular floral display i
  • amily is placed in the Poales, close to the Bromeliaceae, whose morphology this genus shares.