



  • , and continued to be popular, especially in Calvinism, after the Protestant Reformation, but in su
  • however, Pistorius became dissatisfied with Calvinism also.
  • have developed within a religious movement ( Calvinism, Anabaptism, Adventism, Wesleyanism, etc.).
  • It is one of the five points of Calvinism and is often linked with predestination.
  • he converted to Calvinism and became an ardent supporter of the Polish
  • He particularly attacked Calvinism, and preached that Methodism was the only me
  • and stridently opposed harshly conservative Calvinism and Trinitarianism.
  • Her Calvinism and folk beliefs were an early source of nig
  • Its theology was a conservative Calvinism and also held the distinctives of the Covena
  • t rejects the predeterminism associated with Calvinism and states that every human has the opportun
  • efforts to check the spread of Lutheranism, Calvinism, and the views of the Mennonites; but always
  • instrumental in withstanding the progress of Calvinism, and among others he converted Henry Sponde,
  • eflect the doctrinal concerns of Continental Calvinism and are accepted as official statements of d
  • controversy, the Greek schism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, and of the pontificates of Leo I and Gregor
  • In short, Calvinism argues that regeneration must precede faith.
  • Many Calvinists regard Neo-orthodox Calvinism as not being a form of Calvinism at all, as,
  • clude several polemics against Lutherans and Calvinism as well as commentaries on Thomas Aquinas.
  • Calvinism became influential in Sancerre in 1540.
  • ding Calvinism....am I right in stating that Calvinism believes that God has predestined certain pe
  • is term is discussed under the subsection on Calvinism, below.
  • anism as opposed to the Anglican emphasis on Calvinism, but this is described later in the article.
  • ence of Prince Radziwill, Potii converted to Calvinism, but in 1574, scared about the extremes of t
  • y because they believe in the five points of Calvinism, but rather he suggests that adherence to th
  • His stern Calvinism contrasted with pomp of Frederick III's cour
  • New Calvinism delights in the Holy Spirit and is generally
  • l as an apparent proof of the superiority of Calvinism, entitled Vas Heidelbergense (Poem on the Gr
  • fies this period as the time when Ramism and Calvinism fell out of fashion there.
  • He opposed Calvinism for
  • As of 1572, Lutheranism and Calvinism had spread through a great part of Europe.
  • gh a staunch Lutheran opposed to the rise of Calvinism, he permitted the admission of Calvinist ref
  • rliament (1650) and as an ardent defender of Calvinism held disputations with popular Arminians of
  • While Calvinism holds firmly to a belief in the monergistic
  • Dutch Calvinism in Modern America (Eerdmans, 1984) ISBN 1592
  • edited with A Duke and Gillian Lewis) Calvinism in Europe, 1540-1620 (Manchester University
  • edited with A Duke and Gillian Lewis) Calvinism in Europe, 1540-1610: A Collection of Docume
  • ersity after writing his dissertation, Dutch Calvinism in Modern America.
  • His term in office was marked by the rise of Calvinism in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, to wh
  • The town of Milhau adopted Calvinism in 1534, and in 1573 and 1620 was the scene
  • e Charles his enemy by initiative of banning Calvinism in Sweden, which was decided by the synod.
  • llowed by a struggle between Lutheranism and Calvinism in which the latter was victorious.
  • The New Calvinism is a growing perspective within conservative
  • heir teaching of Covenant Theology, of which Calvinism is an important facet.
  • Cage Stage Calvinism is a humorous term used to warn Christian be
  • n Arminian theology, as against Whitefield's Calvinism; its Conference was also the legal successor
  • r name from their founding theologian (e.g., Calvinism, Lutheranism, Mennonite, or Zwinglianism).
  • amatizes the gradual weakening of the strict Calvinism of the Scottish immigrants in an increasingl
  • their points of departure from the stricter Calvinism of the Belgic Confession.
  • It may be formally defined as the Calvinism of the Westminster Assembly and the Synod of
  • Reacting against the pervasive Calvinism of the Great Awakening, the successors of th
  • atholic (with the exception of Geneva, where Calvinism originated) while Scandinavia remained Luthe
  • Calvinism) should be abolished.
  • Broadly speaking, Calvinism stresses the sovereignty or rule of God in a
  • trine is one of the so-called Five points of Calvinism that were defined at the Synod of Dort durin
  • shops who arose in opposition to the general Calvinism that prevailed in the Church of England in t
  • or a version of Evangelical Christianity or Calvinism that is deemed by the critic to be unenlight
  • ace, often referred to as the Five Points of Calvinism, the gathered believers church, believers' b
  • n summary is contained in the five points of Calvinism, though these points identify the Calvinist
  • congregation's religious views changed from Calvinism through Arianism to the appointment of their
  • Together with his wife he converted from Calvinism to Roman Catholicism, sponsoring a monastery
  • University of Padua, where he converted from Calvinism to Roman Catholicism.
  • Two years later she converted from Calvinism to Roman Catholicism of her husband, who was
  • his occasion, Frederick later converted from Calvinism to Catholicism.
  • dispute turned principally on the degree of Calvinism to be found in the Articles, &c. of the Chur
  • Jesuits and his first wife he converted from Calvinism to Catholicism.
  • However his views changed through Calvinism to Arianism and he moved on through a number
  • nown as a "Boy Preacher," and an opponent of Calvinism, Unitarianism and Universalism.
  • were redefined as equal before the law, and Calvinism was given legal recognition.
  • struggle between the two doctrines in which Calvinism was victorious.
  • when, due to the Dutch colonial occupation, Calvinism was the official religion.
  • Old Calvinism was fearful of the Holy Spirit and generally
  • nd, Finney rejected tenets of "Old Divinity" Calvinism which he felt were unbiblical and counter to
  • naissance, and the cautious product of Swiss Calvinism, which he had studied extensively for the mi
  • olicism and his fearless enunciation of that Calvinism which Oxford in common with all England then
  • e The Sword and Trowel entitle'The Merger of Calvinism with Worldliness'.