



  • It can cause chromatid aberrations.
  • combinases catalyze invasion of the opposite chromatid by the single-stranded DNA from one end of t
  • imilar helicase roles, but has roles also in chromatid cohesion with cohesin and interactions of E2
  • Sister chromatid cohesion is essential for the correct distri
  • of the cohesin complexes involved in sister chromatid cohesion.
  • e homologous chromosome in meiosis or of one chromatid in mitosis.
  • In other words, a chromatid is "one-half of a replicated chromosome".
  • A chromatid is one of the two identical copies of DNA ma
  • ial role in cellular division by controlling chromatid segregation.
  • me makes staggered nicks in a pair of sister chromatid strands (in a tetrad organization of prophas
  • mosome forms a D-loop over the bottom sister chromatid, then the ends are annealed.