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  • PP Compiler, a compiler for Palm OS that runs directly on
  • rst convert the high level source code into a compiler acceptable format and then uses an existing c
  • The compiler accepts source code conforming to the Java la
  • contributor to the Standard ML of New Jersey compiler, along with David MacQueen, John H. Reppy, Ma
  • The H-800 compiler, also known as HLOC, ran exclusively on the H
  • Intel Fortran Compiler, also known as IFORT, is a Fortran compiler d
  • The ACOS compiler also had several key features.
  • M, a Java virtual machine and the AspectBench Compiler, an open research compiler for AspectJ.
  • Small Device C Compiler, an open source, partially retargetable C com
  • n Lisp (GCL) is the GNU Project's Common Lisp compiler, an evolutionary development of Kyoto Common
  • computer science, array access analysis is a compiler analysis used to decide the read and write ac
  • gn and the quality of the generated code, the compiler and book remain classics in the compiler fiel
  • conds using GCC 2.95.3, 545 using Microsoft C compiler, and 1145 seconds using tcc.
  • est ran to come up with a better name for the compiler and language, but by that time the name NEWP
  • onstructs without investing in writing a full compiler and editor for any new languages.
  • r from a p-code system to being a true native compiler and introduced more elements of the C languag
  • as the principal developer of the Chez Scheme compiler and run-time system.
  • E. Hendrix improved and extended the original compiler, and wrote The Small-C Handbook.
  • optionally optimized code for Glasgow Haskell Compiler and it's extensions.
  • ized version of Skyles Electric Works' Blitz! compiler, and a homebrew assembler.
  • In doing so it allows customization of compiler and target-application options to fit the sys
  • l design of Java and implemented its original compiler and virtual machine.
  • l Programming Environment (AMTPE) which was a compiler and debugger for the underlying Apple Media L
  • her parts of the Java stack (Virtual Machine, Compiler, and other tools required for any Java implem
  • This term is frequently used in the compiler and binary translation community.
  • nwall - November 1924) was an English editor, compiler and children's writer.
  • It is compatible with the GHC compiler and the Hugs interpreter.
  • The compiler and runtime system are written in Motorola 68
  • mprove the quality and reproducibility of the compiler and architecture research.
  • or SPARC code, Petit Larceny is a Scheme to C compiler and Common Larceny is a Microsoft .NET compat
  • Helium is a compiler and a dialect of the functional programming l
  • The RTM (formerly ZUG) language compiler and runtime framework are written in ZOPL.
  • er of the Kylix team, implementing the Delphi compiler and development environment on Linux, release
  • The GPL licensed compiler and LGPL licensed run-time libraries are writ
  • er in compiling small projects than Sun's own compiler, and provided more helpful warnings and error
  • nd automates the creation of moc (meta object compiler) and rcc (resource compiler) sources, which a
  • The compiler and help text are fully integrated and provid
  • s in the manuscript, as well as being scribe, compiler, and corrector, according to his own inscript
  • , version 2.4.0 is the current release of the compiler and version 1.30 of XSEd (The code editor).
  • More notably Edward L. Kimball was the compiler and editor of the widely cited work, The Teac
  • Genie uses the same compiler and libraries as Vala, the two can indeed be
  • Turbo Modula-2 was both a compiler and an Integrated Development Environment for
  • Yhc is based on the nhc98 Haskell compiler, and is intended eventually to be a more port
  • o continuously improve the performance of the compiler and resulting code, unless it would jeopardiz
  • o continuously improve the performance of the compiler and resulting code, unless it would jeopardis
  • nd 64 bits platform having an ISO C compliant compiler and supported by Oracle.
  • finding program, a graphics package, a simple compiler and an adventure game.
  • using gcc, a C compiler, and specifies a "clean" target to remove the
  • as "a JOSS-like interpreter and a WATFOR-Like compiler and has a syntax very much like PL/I.
  • m to provide i386 compatible behaviour of the compiler and software tools without the need for expli
  • y on the corresponding source package, on the compiler, and on other packages that the build require
  • Jr., the sons of Benjamin Franklin White, the compiler and editor of The Sacred Harp song book.
  • Using this compiler API, programmers can add features and entire
  • Today, the parser and the optimizing compiler are written in the language.
  • optimizations usually done by a retargetable compiler are only those applicable to any processor.
  • orm of Ada comments (i.e., ignored by the Ada compiler) are evaluated by an additional tool called t
  • Recent versions of the SPITBOL compiler are available.
  • Java, are automatically implemented by the C# compiler as either primitive (value) types or object (
  • arian notation provides no information to the compiler; as such, explicit types must be redundantly
  • o remove the requirement for a 64-bit capable compiler as many compilers for microcontrollers and DS
  • SoftVelocity, which still offers the Modula-2 compiler as part of its Clarion product line.
  • of the opening theme and three image albums - Compiler, Assembler and Interpreter - were released.
  • Before this he contributed to the SUBALGOL compiler at Stanford University and wrote the Algol 60
  • rst English-language business data processing compiler, B-0 (FLOW-MATIC), also completed in 1957.
  • e generator is a challenge in itself, and the compiler back ends available to researchers at that ti
  • h machine architecture would require just one compiler back end, and each programming language would
  • udes a 100-page book with notes on the set by compiler Bob Belden, a long essay on the band by Hal M
  • He is especially well-known because of his compiler books, the Modern Compiler Implementation in
  • ( Compiler) Browning Studies: Bibliography, Robinson (Bo
  • ith a comprehensive programming language with compiler, but many functions are also accessible throu
  • gnificant portion of the effort in shipping a compiler, but receives comparatively little coverage i
  • be used (which is supported by the GNU Pascal compiler), by declaring a variable of type TimeStamp,
  • and Linux, Fog Creek developed an ASP to PHP compiler called Thistle.
  • A SwordSearcher module compiler, called Forge, is available.
  • Hence, the compiler can determine at compile-time whether or not
  • Using this information, the compiler can construct a graph such that every vertex
  • The compiler can gain more information for the optimizer t
  • To determine whether a compiler can safely interchange loops, dependence anal
  • ith the add-on capability Cluster OpenMP, the compiler can also automatically generate Message Passi
  • The compiler can also be invoked programmatically.
  • A template compiler can be used to accelerate Hamlets.
  • The compiler can be operated from, and generate executable
  • support for all the features in the original compiler, can access multiple types of databases such
  • The GNAT Ada compiler can automate conformance checks for some GPL
  • Scottish Satirical Verse ( compiler) Carcanet, 1980
  • a tiny, fast programming language with a JIT compiler, closure support and an object model built ar
  • gner, when pressed for a name under which the compiler code would be managed.
  • programming language distributed with the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) to demonstrate the features
  • ater developed for integration within the GNU Compiler Collection (GSO 1992).
  • mingw32, is a native software port of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and GNU Binutils for use in
  • Unlike the GNU Compiler Collection's (GCC) intermediate language, EM
  • GPS uses compilers from the GNU Compiler Collection, taking its name from GNAT, the GN
  • ftware, including the original Emacs, the GNU Compiler Collection, the GNU Debugger, and many tools
  • of programs that can be compiled with the GNU Compiler Collection.
  • chine (most popular ways is to use JIT or AOT compiler compilation).
  • arley parsers in particular have been used in compiler compilers where their ability to parse using
  • tools into a single package, consisting of a compiler, compiling tools and many standard libraries,
  • chitecture was actually implemented then as a compiler, compiling VAX assembly language into Alpha i
  • Commercial compiler compliance validation suites are available fr
  • mpiling process which is completed by the JIT compiler component of the .NET Framework.
  • The goal of easily retargeting the compiler conflicts to some degree with the goal of pro
  • A compiler consists of three main parts: the frontend, t
  • k, compared to the anticipated huge many-year compiler construction - and a community of S-expressio
  • Some courses on compiler construction will include a simplified gramma
  • ANTLR is the successor to the Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set (PCCTS), first develope
  • c language called Tiny, which is also used in compiler construction courses.
  • dragon is green, and labelled "Complexity of Compiler Construction", while the knight wields a lanc
  • as presented on the 1982 SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction, and published in the symposium
  • Designed as a basis for practical compiler construction, this approach was used to write
  • e area of advanced programming techniques and compiler construction.
  • Aho, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman about compiler construction.
  • ELI, an integrated toolset for compiler construction.
  • ching computer science students principles of compiler construction.
  • MikroElektronika, 8051 compiler contains a comprehensive library functions fo
  • cript programs, or as a new language that the compiler converts into generic JavaScript.
  • The compiler converts the source code into byte code that
  • A compiler converts a high-level language into the hex c
  • A compiler converts a high level language into the inter
  • Specifically, it showed how a compiler could generate efficient code for architectur
  • Punie is a compiler created as a test case for the Parrot virtual
  • ilt-in threading, and the Sun HotSpot dynamic compiler creates a candidate platform for escape analy
  • specified as automated procedures that modify compiler data structures (e.g.
  • CLISP includes an interpreter, a bytecode compiler, debugger, socket interface, high-level forei
  • In CDL (the Compiler Description Language) and its successor CDL2,
  • ALGOL 68 and was the creator of the original Compiler Description Language.
  • Principles of Compiler Design is now rather dated, but when it came
  • C intermediate language is used in classes on compiler design as a simple target language.
  • Principles of Compiler Design, by Alfred Aho and Jeffrey D. Ullman,
  • s LL parsers, which play an important role in compiler design.
  • A. V. Aho and J. D. Ullman, Principles of Compiler Design.
  • ution to computer architecture and optimizing compiler design.
  • GNU Prolog (also called gprolog) is a compiler developed by Daniel Diaz with an interactive
  • Autodesk even had to work with the compiler developer (Lattice) to fix certain limitation
  • Library interface for compiler developers
  • Typically, compiler developers keep these issues in mind, and inc
  • He was the manager of compiler development at Elxsi from 1980.
  • ul sanity test to make sure that a language's compiler, development environment, and run-time enviro
  • etwork emulation, network routing algorithms, compiler directed frameworks and parallel simulation a
  • The ZeBu compiler does automation chip division, where one SoC
  • ly on a certain platform or with a particular compiler, due, for example, to the use of non-standard
  • Frank Zappa - producer, compiler, editor, composer, performer, conductor, line
  • William Wulf, The Design of an Optimizing Compiler, Elsevier Science Ltd, 1980.
  • The compiler emits interpreter code.
  • preter, and an engine built on DirectX 7. The compiler emitted Bytecode that is appended to an inter
  • ce code written in MetaL is based on XML, the compiler engine can be used to generate the same progr
  • ng to access a nonexistent field will cause a compiler error.
  • 1951 and 1952 for the UNIVAC I, was the first compiler ever developed for an electronic computer.
  • ETC-code variants of the KRoC compiler exist for Intel x86 on Linux, x86 on Windows
  • A SnoStorm3 compiler existed at University College London (UCL) fr
  • ed syntax and a special focus on language and compiler extensibility.
  • Compiler extensions, configured in VM source code usin
  • the macro system is a carefully tuned API for compiler extensions.
  • With this version, there is no excuse for a compiler failing to generate code that looks up the lo
  • For compiler feature, see Compile time function execution.
  • The form compiler FFC handles the symbolic manipulation of vari
  • When the compromised compiler finds such code, it compiles it as normal, bu
  • ZBasic was a compiler first released by Simutek (Tucson, AZ) in 198
  • l typically end up writing the front end of a compiler for a simplistic teaching language, such as M
  • Cornell also developed a compiler for the language that was based on its earlie
  • aul and Ruediger Wiehle to write a full ALGOL compiler for the IBM 7090 computer.
  • d three other undergraduates developed a fast compiler for the Fortran programming language known as
  • search projects included the architecture and compiler for the CMU Warp machine, a systolic array of
  • mming language, a BASIC dialect and shareware compiler for DOS systems.
  • After an incremental compiler for Prolog had been added to an implementatio
  • within a program (instead of being done by a compiler for implicit type conversion).
  • ram has recently been run under the Whetstone compiler, for the first time since the last KDF9 was s
  • FpgaC is a compiler for a subset of the C programming language, w
  • ertion support, and a register transfer level compiler for mapping an ASIC or System-on-a-chip (SOC)
  • n 1939 he took over the position of crossword compiler for The Observer on the death of Powys Mather
  • n is an open source, whole-program optimizing compiler for the Standard ML programming language.
  • of the method signature and is ignored by the compiler for checking method uniqueness.
  • A compiler for ALGOL 68S was available for the PDP-11, w
  • s a research-quality implementation of Scheme compiler for the SPARC (available since 1999).
  • CompCert is a formally verified optimizing compiler for a subset of the C programming language wh
  • The game came with the Megamax C compiler for both platforms as a demonstration of comp
  • EN (Native Image Generator), which is the JIT compiler for the Microsoft .NET Framework .
  • the Mark I Calculator and developed the first compiler for a computer programming language.
  • CompCert project that develops an optimizing compiler for C (programming language), formally verifi
  • other contributions he implemented the first compiler for the (non-pure) functional programming lan
  • data-flow language which in turn inspired the compiler for the SISAL programming language.
  • le "Design and implementation of a diagnostic compiler for PL/I" published in the Communications of
  • GNU's GCJ (The GNU Compiler for Java)
  • BLISS-11 - a cross compiler for the PDP-11
  • Clipper was originally created in 1985 as a compiler for dBASE III, a very popular database langua
  • It includes a compiler for synchronous programs, a symbolic model ch
  • He is the chief statistician and records compiler for Wisden Cricketers' Almanack and contribut
  • A compiler for a relatively simple language written by o
  • It describes the BLISS compiler for the PDP-11, written at Carnegie Mellon Un
  • Sperry Rand released a commercial compiler for its UNIVAC.
  • In 1966 it was superseded by CUPL, a batch compiler for teaching which ran on the IBM System/360.
  • (1976) an expression compiler for a stack machine
  • er string support, called Ropes, and a native compiler for Sun SPARC workstations.
  • choice of C compiler for post translation compilation
  • uages typically do appear to specify "how", a compiler for a purely functional programming language
  • However, Will Shortz, a crossword compiler for the New York Times, discovered that Garns
  • Work was done on a design for a MAD compiler for Multics, but it was never implemented.
  • GNAT is a free-software compiler for the Ada programming language which forms
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