



  • goal of research is to develop a male oral contraceptive, a male contraceptive that can be taken in
  • One group of British contraceptive advocates distributed condom literature in
  • Norgestrel was found to be a potent contraceptive and formed the basis for a range of contra
  • , it is used to increase circulation, as a contraceptive and a "hemostat", to treat numbness, rheum
  • automatic weapons, and advocated including contraceptive and safe sex information in sex education
  • of 1993 are the main Irish legislation on contraceptive and family planning services.
  • inal ring, monthly for combined injectable contraceptive, and every twelve weeks for the injection
  • an advantage for women who prefer an oral contraceptive, but find it difficult or impractical to a
  • gives it the potential to be an effective contraceptive, but could also lead to much cleaner sex.
  • d in the development of the first hormonal contraceptive, colloquially called "the pill".
  • Trials of the pill as a contraceptive could not be performed in Massachusetts be
  • Irritation from contraceptive creams and foams can also cause dryness, a
  • WHO's rights associated with an injectable contraceptive, Cyclofem, could be licensed to potential
  • n Epidemiological Review of the Injectable Contraceptive, Depo-Provera,
  • Beyaz is an oral contraceptive developed by Bayer.
  • The SILCS diaphragm is a silicone barrier contraceptive device which is inserted vaginally to cove
  • ation of Norplant, introduced in 1991 as a contraceptive device that could be inserted under the sk
  • Owning and using contraceptive devices and pills was always legal, but th
  • and made their return to Dublin laden with contraceptive devices into a statement on the illogicali
  • It functions identically to a normal contraceptive diaphragm, but avoids the need for many si
  • r, the court affirmed the conviction under contraceptive distribution laws.
  • velopment as a potential non-hormonal male contraceptive drug, which acts by blocking the productio
  • o be a promising candidate for a male oral contraceptive drug.
  • bility, raising concerns about those lots' contraceptive effectiveness.
  • ies derived from neem have shown they have contraceptive effects, however trials in humans to deter
  • days) after an unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure.
  • Similar forms of injectable contraceptive for is being studied for use in elk and gr
  • animals and hopefully will be an effective contraceptive for humans.
  • hould be considered when selecting an oral contraceptive for a woman taking atorvastatin.
  • m to distinguish the hormonal intrauterine contraceptive from copper-based intrauterine devices (IU
  • listing the gynaecological and contraceptive history of the victim;
  • This is the only contraceptive implant approved by the FDA and sold in th
  • It held the license for Norplant contraceptive implant, and now holds the license for Mir
  • Contraceptive implants, such as Implanon and Norplant/Ja
  • onths later, in 1961, it was approved as a contraceptive in the UK.
  • Dienogest is used primarily as a contraceptive in combination with ethinylestradiol.
  • lease of Enovid, the first commercial oral contraceptive, in 1960.
  • tration approves Depo Provera for use as a contraceptive in the United States.
  • stogen which has been used as a daily oral contraceptive in investigational clinical trials.
  • Its contraceptive ingredients are ethinylestradiol, an estro
  • received FDA approval for Lunelle Monthly Contraceptive Injection.
  • Sadie, however, had other ideas and had contraceptive injections behind his back.
  • ho are breastfeeding or have recently used contraceptive injections must wait before using CycleBea
  • A combined injectable contraceptive is a shot given once per month.
  • contributed to the development of the oral contraceptive made him one of the co-founders of the com
  • damage latex contraceptives and additional contraceptive measures are therefore necessary during lo
  • er health and happiness, he must adopt the contraceptive method.
  • Contraceptive methods and practices
  • antly more cost-effective than traditional contraceptive methods such as oral contraceptive pills a
  • egan his work at a time (1966) when modern contraceptive methods were virtually unknown in rural In
  • al means of fertility regulation or modern contraceptive methods but can result from the use of tra
  • In 1970, 13% of married women used modern contraceptive methods, which rose to 35% by 1997 and 48%
  • or to intercourse, but, in the case of the contraceptive Nuvaring, only for one to three hours to m
  • ew years Valette become the most sold oral contraceptive on the German market.
  • Ormeloxifene is approved as an oral contraceptive only in India.
  • S) - also known as an IUC, or intrauterine contraceptive or hormonal IUDs
  • ase that a woman wishes to begin using the contraceptive patch following a first trimester abortion
  • This form of progestin is used in the contraceptive patch, Ortho Evra.
  • Kentsin (H-Thr-Pro-Arg-Lys-OH) is a contraceptive peptide first isolated from female hamster
  • The combined oral contraceptive pill contains oestrogen and a progestogen,
  • nited Kingdom) was the first combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP).
  • ct on the market to contain dienogest as a contraceptive pill Valette in 1995 made by Jenapharm.
  • le, an innovative use of the combined oral contraceptive pill in Judaism is employed by young bride
  • he 1960s introduction of the combined oral contraceptive pill and the intrauterine device.
  • n for the development of the combined oral contraceptive pill by Pincus and Min Chueh Chang, an imp
  • The combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP), often referred to as the birt
  • aland approved use and distribution of the contraceptive pill (1961).
  • ethinylestradiol (combined oral contraceptive pill) (released into the environment as a
  • r to the introduction of the combined oral contraceptive pill, condoms were the most popular birth
  • ted to lead the clinical trials of the new contraceptive pill.
  • one acetate) is a monophasic combined oral contraceptive pill.
  • ed to the development of the combined oral contraceptive pill.
  • administered as a number of combined oral contraceptive pills (COCPs).
  • Levonorgestrel is used in emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs), both in a combined Yuzpe reg
  • Most combined oral contraceptive pills (COCPs, or simply OCs) on the market
  • ills, or with an estrogen in combined oral contraceptive pills, a contraceptive patch, and a contra
  • Oral contraceptive pills, reduce the clearance of nitrazepam
  • al hearings on the safety of combined oral contraceptive pills, which were famously called "The Nel
  • nd triphasic formulations of combined oral contraceptive pills, with available monophasic doses ran
  • llow access to dedicated-purpose emergency contraceptive pills.
  • oducts, including condoms, blood bags, and contraceptive pills.
  • nse to a DHSS circular issuing guidance on contraceptive prescribing.
  • One of HLL's contraceptive products is ormeloxifene, branded as Sahel
  • It is also frequently placed on contraceptive products, such as condoms, diaphragms, spe
  • Celsius) would provide contraceptive protection for 6 months.
  • Multiple male hormonal contraceptive protocols have been developed.
  • th other herbs and fluids for abortive and contraceptive purposes.
  • lth (PATH) and SILCS, Inc. USAID-supported Contraceptive Research and Development Program (CONRAD)
  • tive, and Applications of Biotechnology to Contraceptive Research and Development, a member of the
  • Women who use contraceptive sponges have an increased risk of yeast in
  • r family doctor, was often required before contraceptive supplies were provided.
  • Contraceptive Technology states that low-dose COCPs have
  • Contraceptive Technology, 19th revised edition (2007)
  • s became part of the first successful oral contraceptive, the combined oral contraceptive pill (COC
  • unless the young person receives contraceptive treatment, their physical or mental health
  • Contraceptive usage has been rising gradually in India.
  • They were first approved for contraceptive use in the United States in 1960, and are
  • te birth control, leading to a downturn in contraceptive use and from there to an increase in the r
  • 90-minute interview, of her month-by-month contraceptive use during the preceding 4 to 5 years
  • on the risk related to diet, tobacco, oral contraceptive use and occupational or environmental expo
  • g fertility related information, including contraceptive use, in a developing country and in demons
  • Male contraceptive use: "also in the works is a contraceptive
  • ding or penetration, and it is a potential contraceptive vaccine immunogen for humans.
  • tes, does are shot with darts containing a contraceptive vaccine, rendering them temporarily infert
  • is the trade name for a combined hormonal contraceptive vaginal ring manufactured by Merck (former
  • yclo-Provera, is a once-a-month injectable contraceptive which contains 25 mg of medroxyprogesteron