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  • These distances coincide with the position of Gherra or Gera
  • imilar proper motions, radial velocities and distances, confirming that they form a wide binary sta
  • he 2010 South American Games summed the four distances contested over March 20 and March 21, and se
  • The shorter distances correspond to Nb-Nb bonds, forming a polymer
  • Distances corresponding to 30 degrees difference in lo
  • za showed that every L1 metric with rational distances could be scaled by an integer and embedded i
  • ical mensurations, found out the quantities, distances, courses, and strange intricate miraculous m
  • Distances, determined by the time between sending and
  • he discrepancy between the observed pairwise distances Dij and the distances Tij over a phylogeneti
  • In graphs with no negative distances, Dijkstra's algorithm computes the shortest
  • gularity, called the "Big Rip", in which all distances diverge to infinite values.
  • Contrasting with the short distances down the lines were the 450-some foot distan
  • tate with inestimable speed for considerable distances downwards."
  • On short distances dry pitfall traps are then placed along the
  • To measure distances during their journeys into the western front
  • ride the backs of animals, traversing great distances during the silence of the deep night, obeyin
  • Deza, E.; Deza, M. (2006), Dictionary of Distances, Elsevier, ISBN 0444520872 .
  • erally slower on this course than comparable distances elsewhere.
  • al for people to travel to work from greater distances, encouraging both industrial buildings and h
  • It had to span one of the greatest distances ever spanned, reach heights that hadn't been
  • ature of matter which constitutes the Sun at distances far from the stellar core.
  • a Dutch speed skater who specializes in long distances: five and ten kilometers.
  • asurements, 36 thousand redshift-independent distances for over 9 thousand galaxies, 390 thousand d
  • s a teenager, he herded cattle and rode vast distances for the Pony Express in order to support the
  • hat plot her Turinabol doses and competition distances for 1968, 1969 and 1972.
  • He qualified for four distances for the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin.
  • extensive programmes investigating isolation distances for relevant crop species: SIGMEA and Co-Ext
  • surveying, one checks whether the angles and distances form a closed polygon, and by how much it is
  • multiples of the key length, so most of the distances found in step 1 are likely to be multiples o
  • o series of nuclear tests mounted at various distances from ground zero.
  • ned in the 1960s to circle London at various distances from the city centre.
  • often used as a central datum for measuring distances from Copenhagen.
  • of 1970s until far into 1990s, including all distances from 3000 metres until the marathon.
  • dar in question would be used to ensure that distances from shore match with what the chart indicat
  • of London in legislation and when measuring distances from London.
  • he areas to be covered were so vast, and the distances from the factories supplying shells, bullets
  • ers are playing the same signal at different distances from the listener, there is a comb filtering
  • ays that the electrons orbit only at certain distances from the nucleus, depending on their energy.
  • agellenic Clouds were approximately the same distances from the earth, so the relationship became k
  • These require long safety distances from the air turbulence wakes of preceding j
  • falloff and distortion are exemplary at all distances from maximum aperture on down.
  • tle and so the stars must be placed at great distances from the Earth (assuming heliocentrism to be
  • 28, when he ran all his best performances in distances from 400 m to a mile.
  • , [God] hath placed those systems at immense distances from one another"), and thus the uniform ext
  • the strength of electrical forces at varying distances from charges and induce the inverse square l
  • Then the sum of the signed distances from the circumcenter D to the sides of tria
  • WN5 will pass within 250,000 km (0.65 lunar distances) from the Earth on June 26, 2028.
  • will convert distances from metres to feet and inches; the bulk of
  • bound to each other as they are at different distances from the Earth.
  • cond on five occasions at various levels and distances from 1997 to 2003.
  • can be enormous and may be transported great distances from the volcanic vent.
  • Vincenzo Viviani, states that the sum of the distances from a point to the sides of an equilateral
  • Multiple masks, at varying distances from a detector, add flexibility to this too
  • etails of its size, shape, location (include distances from nearby towns etc); its church it is ded
  • The distances from Bucharest to other cities in Romania ar
  • ns behind large sheets of glass, at measured distances from the hypocenter, to test the effects of
  • lly related as they are at greatly different distances from the Earth.
  • eping steamships indefinitely at sea at long distances from home ports.
  • are insensitive to exoplanets located at the distances from their host star comparable to the semi-
  • Haro held Spanish national records in all distances from 1,500 meters to 20km.
  • nt, Crothers held the Canadian record in all distances from 400 metres to 1500 metres and was holde
  • eteen victories at various levels in various distances from 1992 to 2002.
  • Specifically, the sum of distances from a point to the side lines of an equiang
  • st of their orbit at Jupiter-like or greater distances from the Sun, main-belt comets follow near-c
  • cleave within or at short specific distances from recognition site; most require magnesiu
  • operation many months after launch at great distances from Earth and the first U.S. tests of maneu
  • s ten individual career victories at various distances from 1998 to 2002.
  • ut it is the most probable, judging from the distances given in his account of the landings in his
  • If desperate, they will fly short distances, gliding down the mountainside.
  • 2944 is relatively close by as interstellar distances go, only 5,900 light-years away in the const
  • In theory, at such short distances, gravity becomes comparable in strength to t
  • This expression is valid only over small distances h from the surface of the Earth.
  • Events at short distances happen in the four-dimensional AdS boundary
  • such goods around the world, often over long distances, has provided valuable insight into early so
  • ld records for amputees in the 200m and 800m distances, has won gold at the 2008 New York Triathlon
  • The two distances have different values in air of a given exti
  • chromosomes) are inherently unlinked, and cM distances have no meaning between them.
  • Regarding bandwidth and distances, HCS fibers are situated between POF and mul
  • Winning three out of four distances, he managed to leave Tomas Gustafson behind
  • n with Telford, but had issues with the long distances he was travelling to the club from his home.
  • Specializing in the longer distances, he won a gold medal in the 50 km event at t
  • Since a radar altimeter measures distances, height over the ground, and not an absolute
  • Beery eventually distances himself from the other thief and saves the w
  • He often distances himself from the others, refusing to let any
  • cher of mathematics, for some travelled long distances hoping to become his students.
  • reference to road to cart goods over certain distances if there was a rail option, livestock trains
  • hunts at night and may sometimes travel long distances in search of food.
  • ncluding dead animals, and will travel great distances in search for food.
  • si et al., 2006), but given the considerable distances in age and range involved, it is not complet
  • y planetary astronomers work in and remember distances in units of planetary radii.
  • s a particular case of the metric TSP, since distances in a plane obey the triangle inequality.
  • the best overall speedskater (short and long distances) in the sport's history.
  • [...] Well I don't know the distances in Denmark.
  • sam was also allowed to participate at those distances in Turin.
  • Way, and other galaxies out to cosmological distances in order to determine their composition, phy
  • There are short distances in cuttings and several bridges.
  • provide an important yardstick for measuring distances in the Universe, if it could be calibrated.
  • hich can transport ships through much larger distances in an instant.
  • Some alignments run for large distances, in straight or curving lines, and clearly r
  • them useful "standard candles" in measuring distances in the universe.
  • t World Cup finish was 31st twice at various distances in 1995.
  • Branch Blue Earth River, also flow for short distances in northern Iowa.
  • ge flocks in fruiting trees, and travel some distances in order to forage.
  • a widespread influence, many travelling long distances in order to attend his ministry.
  • Sidko has nineteen wins at various levels in distances in up to 10 km since 2002.
  • You could do without the distances in the route description, these are provided
  • The most common distances in the United States are 50 feet (15.24 m),
  • the same order of magnitude as internuclear distances in molecules.
  • Guru Nanak traveled vast distances in four major journeys with his Muslim Minst
  • nearest lattice atom A neighbours (at equal distances) in a FCC lattice is in a tetrahedral symmet
  • The Gusher also offers 5K and half marathon distances in addition to the full marathon.
  • eter is an instrument for measuring vertical distances in cases where a scale cannot be placed very
  • He walks long distances in the night and many mishaps happen during
  • erdrive, which cannot traverse intergalactic distances in a reasonable time frame but can move acro
  • with masses in kg, distances in meters, and μ in Nm−2.
  • ate tectonics-the locations have moved large distances in the intervening 214 million years.
  • cule, or additionally also on intermolecular distances in the solid state leading to NMR crystallog
  • Match distances in sets are quoted in brackets at the top of
  • H II regions can be seen out to considerable distances in the universe, and the study of extragalac
  • for distances in miles, I've changed from metres to kilome
  • Brian Smouha ran for Great Britain at sprint distances in the early 1960s, and his paternal grandfa
  • to accelerate or elide spatial and temporal distances, including technologies of communication (te
  • uled for August 2010 and has three different distances including an Olympic Triathlon, Duathlon, an
  • Materials imported from great distances indicate vigorous trade.
  • onal, rutile-like structure with short Nb-Nb distances indicating Nb-Nb bonding.
  • Populations also extend for considerable distances inland in regions with enough moisture to su
  • Due to the stopping distances involved in flagging down a steam train, pas
  • mitted in the Rotherhithe bore, however, the distances involved for pedestrians increased significa
  • ng settlements continued because of the huge distances involved, difficult travel, and the lack of
  • icient time for attendees to travel the long distances involved, mostly by car or train.
  • ntinue that experience, while overcoming the distances involved.
  • e time to respond - ten minutes - due to the distances involved.
  • The most common way of spreading short distances is through root to root contact within the s
  • The unit of measure for distances is millimeter, although units are never expl
  • Its ability to fly long distances is believed to have been restricted by its s
  • over a mural circle (which can measure polar distances) is that it allows measuring right ascension
  • Her 1989 monograph on Banach-Mazur distances is also highly cited.
  • Thus, as water moves over great distances, it retains a larger component of its kineti
  • l publicized several statements, in which it distances itself explicitly from fascism.
  • beginnings of a singular literary style that distances itself from the popular themes of Spanish li
  • It distances just 20 kilometres away from Istanbul.
  • Not only are the distances large, but at such depths the formations hol
  • ound skater but focussed mainly on the short distances later in his career.
  • Even now he can't walk long distances, let alone run.
  • uildings which were separated by substantial distances limiting major damage to the facility as a w
  • Distances longer than 1011 metres
  • t (1,83m) tall - he was very fast over short distances, making him a great 'poacher' of goals and h
  • ending the terrestrial sphere and overcoming distances, man is about to dispel the mystery envelopi
  • There are four distances; marathon, half-marathon, 10 and 3 km.
  • d space available on small fields, isolation distances may be inapplicable for co-existence.
  • en only decline because the railways spanned distances much faster, but far less economically.
  • e mobile than the ions, provided we consider distances much larger than the ionic separation.
  • th the goal of minimizing the maximum of the distances multiplied by the corresponding flows.
  • li broke 23 times the Italian Record in many distances, namely 100m butterfly and relays.
  • Fables and Distances: New and Selected Essays (Graywolf Press, 19
  • gham International at Birmingham Airport, at distances of 1.5 and 3 miles respectively.
  • omet was still 2 AU away from the Sun (where distances of 1.5 AU are more usual), and that there wa
  • one of the most distant open clusters, with distances of 8,000 to 9,500 light years from the earth
  • to earth over the relatively short vertical distances of our everyday experience, but is very much
  • ome within 5 Gm (3 million mi, 13 Earth-Moon distances) of the Earth on 30 March 2147; an Amor aste
  • fibres is much lower, glass fibers can cover distances of more than 10 km.
  • of the land embraced within the courses and distances of said deed is covered by water, and that p
  • This book is organized as a list of distances of many types, each with a brief description
  • ish formation would be used to take up large distances of an open front, which rarely occurred at t
  • owers emit enough water vapor to be seen for distances of over 50 miles.
  • more like the modern triple jump; otherwise, distances of known jumps (which are often as far as 50
  • ment a target of 1 micrometre precision over distances of 1 m is expected to be easily achieved.
  • Choose between route distances of 25K (15.5 miles), 50K (31 miles) and a mo
  • ,800 aJ), can penetrate the air at least for distances of a few meters, the Earth's atmosphere is t
  • two properties or excavation within certain distances of a neighbour's structure and to a lower de
  • coming the first person to break through the distances of 18 meters, 60 feet and 19 meters.
  • tralis, and Coalsack cloud complexes (all at distances of ~120-200 parsecs), and several less popul
  • ckstroke, and front crawl) and especially in distances of 50, 100, and 200 meters.
  • s alone, attempting speed records at various distances of one mile and less.
  • e purpose of determining altitudes or zenith distances of celestial bodies
  • than 100 MBit/s, HCS fibers are suitable for distances of up to 2 km, e.g. in local networks in bui
  • The Half-Thoughts, The Distances of Pain (1947)
  • latitude "by observing differences of zenith distances of stars culminating within a short time of
  • at surrounds the Earth to typical equatorial distances of several Earth radii.
  • The molecule is pyramidal with As-C distances of 1.942-1.956
  • NASA Near Earth Object Catalog includes the distances of asteroids and comets measured in Lunar Di
  • ning many Welsh Championship titles over the distances of 1500m, 3000m 5k, 10k and cross country an
  • dge-sharing octahedra with alternating Nb-Nb distances of lengths 302.9 and 379.4 pm.
  • one the feeling of gazing into the infinite distances of space.
  • attributed to Aristarchus, On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and Moon, is based on a geocentri
  • Members of this genus can jump distances of greater than one meter.
  • neighboring molecules by intermolecular H-F distances of 155 pm.
  • two distinct slabs in the Galaxy located at distances of 880 and 1390 pc, consistent with known Ga
  • er 100 meters, it is most accurately used at distances of 20 meters or less.
  • es and explode, propelling their innards for distances of up to one metre.
  • ith high orbital inclinations and perihelion distances of less than about 2 astronomical units, the
  • ams that loop around the parent galaxy up to distances of approximately 50 kpc.
  • Castalia's orbit took it within eleven lunar distances of Earth, allowing it to be observed with ra
  • Distances of the nearest stars from 20,000 years ago u
  • ometric parallax can be used to estimate the distances of stars over 10 kpc away, at the expense of
  • lens system consisting of three galaxies at distances of respectively three, six, and eleven billi
  • s nearby have targeting stones to define the distances of the arrows.
  • oyed, with a slanted firing line, to provide distances of up to 300 yards (270 m) for artillery and
  • theropolis as a central point from which the distances of other towns were measured.
  • ge testing of tank and artillery shells over distances of up to 27 km.
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