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  • frigate with her 4.5 inch gun On June 6 Exeter downed a Learjet 35A (destroying its tail) that was b
  • Shulemson downed a German flying boat on his first sortie.
  • On 1 August 1918, he downed a German Fokker D.VII.
  • On 9 September, Kosmahl downed a Sopwith Camel fighter plane.
  • On 24 June 1918, he downed a Hansa-Brandenburg C.I from Flik 2d.
  • High winds downed a telephone pole in Warwick, and numerous tree
  • HLM also recalled that his father downed a generous tumbler of rye whiskey before every
  • On 26 September 1916, he downed a Fokker; this initial victory gained him anot
  • One of the tornadoes downed a tree onto a house, killing an elderly woman
  • On 11 March, he downed a Royal Aircraft Factory FE.2b south of Beugny
  • During this period, he downed a Spad and another balloon for his fifth and s
  • is first victory was on 31 March 1940, when he downed a French Morane Saulnier MS 406 fighter over t
  • eriority in speed, armament and numbers, P.11s downed a considerable number of German aircraft, incl
  • Especially notable was 26 September, when he downed a Spad XIII in the morning and a balloon and a
  • A. Wise (RIO) of the Midway's VF-161 Chargers downed a North Vietnamese MiG-17 with an AIM-9 Sidewi
  • ed from captured terrain following radars from downed A-6 Intruder and General Dynamics F-111 during
  • sent out to rescue the pilot of an F-4 Phantom downed about 20 miles northwest of Dong Hoi.
  • in which more than 250 Japanese aircraft were downed, Admiral Marc Mitscher ordered a 220-aircraft
  • nd 1963 and engaged in search operations for a downed Air Force Globemaster in January 1964.
  • of the yacht Satori, as well as the crew of a downed Air National Guard helicopter.
  • It has not been possible to trace all of 419's downed aircraft (for example Sergeant Robert Whitfiel
  • Healy helped rescue pilots from downed aircraft on 21 June, and arrived Eniwetok on 9
  • at day, Gordon rescued 15 survivors of several downed aircraft of the United States Army Air Forces,
  • rescue and the tactical recovery and rescue of downed aircraft and personnel.
  • aboratory, and as a search-and-rescue ship for downed aircraft and vessels in distress, and engaged
  • s had the most recent position information for downed aircraft, and were often the closest surface f
  • Returning via Mayport, Florida, to search for downed aircraft, she arrived Charleston 20 April and
  • has continued salvage operations, primarily on downed aircraft, and weapons evaluation tests; provid
  • t search and rescue operations in support of a downed aircraft.
  • to assist in search and rescue operations for downed aircraft.
  • to assist in search and rescue operations for downed aircraft.
  • munications, bug compounds and offices, rescue downed aircrew and prisoners of war, emplace point mi
  • munications, bug compounds and offices, rescue downed aircrew and prisoners of war, emplace point mi
  • modification kit" which is designed to provide downed aircrew personnel with increased fire power.
  • he journey was further delayed by a search for downed Allied airmen near the Straits of Malacca.
  • docanachi helped numerous people, many of them downed Allied airmen.
  • y inauspicious campaign, claiming 146 aircraft downed although losses of pilots were heavy with 83 B
  • ty in permitting subordinates to execute three downed American airmen captured in Palau.
  • ghorn's unit attempted to rescue the crew of a downed American helicopter.
  • he joined the Frazier (DD-607) in a search for downed American flyers.
  • r on 11 February 1945 - was her rescue of four downed American aviators.
  • Following the Battle of Midway in June 1942, downed American aircrew SBD Ensign Frank W. O'Flahert
  • On 30 January 1944, after picking up three downed American aviators, Hugh Burns was off Ujae Ato
  • tack the missile threat, Hanoi's SAM batteries downed an Air Force F-4C Phantom and its 2-man crew-
  • The 17th squadron dove to attack and Hamilton downed an enemy aircraft after firing 200 rounds.
  • rce under attack by Japanese aircraft, Narbada downed an Oscar aircraft of the Imperial Japanese Arm
  • cting as a wingman to Nguyen Ngoc Do, who also downed an aircraft.
  • Trees were downed and some roof gutters damaged.
  • The Finns downed and captured several R-5s, but none were taken
  • While trees were downed and some structures damaged, no one was injure
  • In these floods many trees were downed and the carpets of some of the blocks lower fl
  • On 4 December he downed another Albatros D.II.
  • He downed another NiD 52 on 2 September.
  • After studying downed Araxian fighter technology, the humans develop
  • She rescued four downed Army aviators during this patrol, and returned
  • Tree branches and power lines were downed as over a foot of snow fell in a band across e
  • Jones-Drew muffed the ensuing kickoff and was downed at his own 5-yard line.
  • The ball was downed at the Virginia Tech 16-yard line, and the Hok
  • His fourth confirmed win on 13 July downed Austro-Hungarian ace Ferdinand Udvardy; althou
  • s in the Marianas, and on 3 July she rescued a downed aviator.
  • In April 1945, she rescued six downed aviators from a Navy flying boat and conducted
  • edal of Honor for his courageous rescue of two downed aviators while commander of a search and rescu
  • n patrol, Cecil J. Doyle several times rescued downed aviators.
  • ) during flight qualifications, rescuing three downed aviators.
  • rasin performed was rescuing the expedition of downed balloonist General Umberto Nobile close to the
  • e trained to locate certain objects, such as a downed bird, using the object's scent.
  • whistle signals to guide the dog to the unseen downed bird.
  • ccasion he was able to drive two wolves from a downed bison calf, and feast on the meat.
  • Cook Inlet rescued 27 survivors of downed bombers.
  • sistance for use as part of an escape line for downed British airmen and others needing to get out o
  • One Israeli plane was downed but the pilot was rescued.
  • the Autobot ship Van de Graaff, which had been downed by unknown forces, before the Decepticons coul
  • Live power lines downed by the tornado sparked fires that destroyed te
  • His Fokker D.VII was downed by a member of French squadron Spa67.
  • ure, few trees limbs and electrical wires were downed by the storm.
  • damaged in Barbados, and nearly 50 trees were downed by the high gusts.
  • On December 10, 1943, Bychkov was downed by enemy anti-aircraft artillery and captured
  • He was once again downed by the observer of a Royal Aircraft Factory FE
  • shed out and several thousand power lines were downed by the storm Damage to infrastructure amounted
  • t also claimed that 15 enemy aircraft had been downed by Egyptian fighters for the loss of three Egy
  • y on 27 March 2002 in Rotterdam, as Spain were downed by Holland, 1-0.
  • e Falkland Islands searching for the crew of a downed Canberra (B-110) bomber that had been shot dow
  • kable season by making 10 saves as Kansas City downed Chicago 1-0 and claimed their first title.
  • Miami downed Clemson 14-0 in the second Gator Bowl trip, an
  • , Williams landed behind enemy lines to rescue downed comrade Lieutenant Adrian Cole, having the day
  • of Fortaleza, she rescued five survivors of a downed Consolidated PBY-5 Catalina flying boat plus t
  • Before he could be downed, Curry lobbed the ball back to Offensive Linem
  • credited with two A-4s (out of four attackers) downed, despite them flying only 10-15 metres above t
  • All the issues boiled downed down to a single question: Having found that t
  • 27 January 1945 searching for American fliers downed during air strikes on the Ryukyu Islands.
  • He provided lifeguard duty for pilots who were downed either in coastal waters or over enemy-held te
  • r the storm, several fires were sparked due to downed electrical wires.
  • "Pursuit pilot beyond compare, he has downed eleven enemy planes.
  • he player obtains ludder by picking it up from downed enemies.
  • In his tenure there, he downed enemy fighter planes on 23 January, 7 April, a
  • Trees were downed everywhere, blocking roads and destroying area
  • on a search and rescue mission, looking for a downed F-16 pilot, during the Gulf War.
  • t of Italy, he dived down and landed next to a downed fellow pilot, brought him aboard, and although
  • rian coast, he dived down and landed next to a downed fellow pilot, brought him aboard, and although
  • hen President of the U.S.) for the rescue of a downed fighter pilot during his time in Vietnam (see
  • ing a command decision and also caring for the downed firefighter.
  • fficer (WSO) aboard F-4 Phantom IIs, Feinstein downed five enemy aircraft, thereby becoming a flying
  • Davis downed five more aircraft before being killed in acti
  • everal hits on an enemy aircraft and rescued a downed flier from Sangamon (CVE-26).
  • In all the 4th downed four enemy aircraft in combat over Vietnam.
  • essive series of multiple victories, Jennewein downed four Russian aircraft on 18 January, five on 2
  • rainers use to help a dog to mark and remember downed game a good retriever is born with these “raw
  • aramount importance to a dog's ability to mark downed game.
  • After dropping an incendiary bomb on the downed German aircraft, Insall flew through heavy fir
  • anean, Falgout took prisoner from the sea four downed German aviators.
  • nearly destroyed during her naval service by a downed German bomber whose pilot attempted to guide h
  • , were aware of the system initially because a downed German bomber's Lorenz system was analysed and
  • Wethy accompanied his platoon to the site of a downed helicopter.
  • The Yeerks repair a downed Helmacron ship and use its sensors to track th
  • He was seriously wounded after having downed his 12th plane."
  • He downed his third enemy plane on 2 February 1918, duri
  • for an American unit to become an ace when he downed his fifth enemy aircraft over Lironville, Fran
  • en weaponry to eliminate the alien itself - is downed in a hail of bullets by the senator's security
  • He recently downed in our lines, an enemy two-seater, reporting t
  • On both occasions, Germany were downed in the quarterfinals, on penalty shootouts.
  • Waddell was notified that a pilot was possibly downed in their vicinity.
  • A USAF CH-3E downed in a rice paddy after having taken off with to
  • l to operate on patrol, lifeguard for aviators downed in carrier strikes, and convoy escort.
  • Clement also had his second career punt downed inside the twenty.
  • 62-yard kick, was one of three punts that were downed inside Tech's 20-yard line.
  • om his truck I administered medical aid to the downed Iraqi, but he was too far gone.
  • It went down by itself, no one downed it."
  • orea was failed to win the gold medal as China downed Korea 3-1.
  • ticipated in the search for the remains of the downed Korean Air Lines Flight 007 in 1983.
  • s, damage from the storm was minor, limited to downed light posts, some damaged roofs, and a brief p
  • mes in the region.Stong wind gusts over 60 mph downed many trees and powerlines in Northern New Engl
  • e wind field uprooted many thousands of trees, downed many power lines, damaged hundreds of houses,
  • y and 17 February 1945, carrier-based aircraft downed many enemy planes during fierce dogfights over
  • ny general support missions such as retrieving downed Marine H-34 and Huey helicopters from remote s
  • Rafael Nadal downed Novak Djokovic 6-2, 7-5 to win the Men's Singl
  • The man's brother and his friend ran to the downed occupant but both were shot by the snipers.
  • a chisel when he came to the aid of his fellow downed officers.
  • During the attack on Guam, Penguin downed one aircraft.
  • The ship claimed to have downed one Japanese plane and assisted in downing fou
  • Grady and Metcalf downed one of the kamikazes 16 April while at station
  • Ossetian forces claimed to have downed one Georgian Su-25 bomber early on August 8.
  • tacked, over their lines, two enemy scouts and downed one of them.
  • Argentine sources claimed that a Roland-2 downed one of these aircraft, however, British source
  • f-the-air after their transmission towers were downed; one station's tower landed on its studios.
  • during the attack on Pearl Harbor, Macdonough downed one of the Japanese attack planes before headi
  • y TKO (soccer kicks and knees to the head of a downed opponent).
  • , a Clothesline or a Jumping Back Kick; upon a downed opponent, a running Body Splash, or, from a tu
  • Most of the power lines in Tonga were either downed or damaged by the storm and numerous trees fel
  • After completing a search of a downed OV-10 reconnaissance aircraft on March 10, the
  • BOAC Flight 777 was downed over the Bay of Biscay.
  • ile on a search-and-rescue (SAR) mission for a downed P2V 19 January 1953, she closed to within 8,00
  • In December 1988 a bomb downed Pan Am Flight 103.
  • ring this deployment she rescued the crew of a downed patrol plane.
  • Twice near Midway, she rescued crews of downed patrol planes and she salvaged a PBM 8 August.
  • His first air victory, a downed Pfalz D.III, was recorded March 16, 1918, foll
  • The destroyer rescued a downed pilot on 18 March and saved another on 19 Marc
  • are cockpit in the single-seat Martinsyde, the downed pilot jumped on to McNamara's wing and held th
  • e's Torpedo Squadron Commander, they drank the downed pilot's sake and returned to the battle.
  • Rescue : A player must rescue a downed pilot, and he/she will be rewarded with credit
  • 7: Training on optimizing techniques to locate downed pilots and the use of escape routes.
  • ese boats were prevented form intercepting the downed pilots by fighter planes, First Lieutenant Gru
  • lly designed to support air bases and retrieve downed pilots.
  • and rescue, typically of (but not limited to) downed pilots.
  • and has been training for search and rescue of downed pilots.
  • Stembel rescued two men from a downed plane from Wasp (CV-18) on 18 March and splash
  • skills while using items left behind from the downed plane, in which reviewers have compared to the
  • she assisted in the search for one of the two downed planes, NC-3.
  • craft, that were used for rescuing pilots from downed planes.
  • e only curiosity among them was the last pilot downed plummeted to his death in one of the pioneerin
  • that morning and traveled 2.9 miles and caused downed power lines and partially destroyed a home.
  • o was, in some versions of the story, hit by a downed power line and in other versions, struck by li
  • her for about ten days before the fire , and a downed power line apparently ignited dry brush on May
  • Downed power pole and lines in Townsville
  • Strong winds also uprooted trees and downed power lines in several states.
  • 1 Engine: car fires, grass fires, downed power lines, water (flooding) emergencies
  • ate 80 near Aurora, Nebraska was closed due to downed power lines from a tornado.
  • cuted in the water when he tried to retrieve a downed power line.
  • cracks and crumbled walls were reported, while downed power lines sparked a small fire in Lorca.
  • rom Montreal Light, Heat and Power repairing a downed power line when he was accidentally electrocut
  • ounds and strong winds uprooted many trees and downed power lines across the path of the hurricane,
  • defeated Kenya, 3-0, while the Czech Republic downed Puerto Rico by that same score.
  • The film depicts the escape of a downed Royal Air Force pilot through German-occupied
  • g of 5 June was ordered out to rescue men of a downed seaplane.
  • Under his command, the ship downed seventeen enemy planes and thwarted the raid.
  • ers opened fire on the attacking Japanese, and downed several enemy planes.
  • The winds downed several trees and power lines which resulted i
  • The winds downed several trees and power lines, which left abou
  • The tornado downed several trees and damaged a couple of houses;
  • he doctor calls for other soldiers to take the downed soldier away.
  • The winds downed some tree limbs and led to some power outages.
  • A downed stray V2 rocket was also sold to the Allies in
  • tes along with overlapping news reports of the downed surrogates and how people are now "on their ow
  • Clemson downed The Citadel and Old Dominion, but lost to Notr
  • In a controversial match, the Sea-Eagles downed the Eastern Suburbs Roosters 19 to 14, thus sh
  • sweeping the Chicago Black Hawks, Calgary then downed the Philadelphia Flyers in seven games before
  • the World Baseball Classic as the Netherlands downed the Dominican Republic twice.
  • as the Stinger antiaircraft missile launchers downed the first Soviet gunships" and after a brief r
  • r Attack Carrier Wing 2, who on June 17, 1965, downed the first four MiGs credited to U.S. Forces in
  • Dr. Lewis explains that the storm must have downed the lines and that Mr. Murray would drive her
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